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  1. The UK does have "all hallows eve" .... http://www.history.com/minisites/halloween...Page?pageId=713 History of Halloween - Ancient Origins and Guy Fawkes was a religious zealot...... http://www.bonefire.org/guy/index.php Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night Does going for a Timmy count as modern culture?
  2. Nature made America beautiful not Americans. Where adult Americans have had unrestricted use of the country it usually turned out pretty messy, look up pollution in America.......
  3. It's becoming more and more difficult not mentioning health and safety............
  4. So your point is that you don't like where the money came from and you don't think the person who wrote it was smart enough. What points do you have that disprove his arguements or are you just showing your own bias. How about this little bit.... quote:"Since the late 1960s, much of the North Atlantic Ocean has become less salty, in part due to increases in fresh water runoff induced by global warming, scientists say." LiveScience June 29, 2005 "The surface waters of the North Atlantic are getting saltier, suggests a new study of records spanning over 50 years. They found that during this time, the layer of water that makes up the top 400 metres has gradually become saltier. The seawater is probably becoming saltier due to global warming." New Scientist August 23, 2007 What a difference two years makes ................ :lol:
  5. Even submitting at the point of a gun counts and if you try to recant you will be sentenced to death....... :blink:
  6. Found my place and I live in the UK now. 16 out of 100.........
  7. As an ex prison guard I can let you into a secret, If you have been burgled once they will come back.... 1-- They already know how to get in your house, and they will tell other burglers how 2-- They know you have new stuff as they stole your old stuff. The Labour government in Britain is run by the Scottish not the English......
  8. So selling underwear with the Saudi flag on would be a non-floater then?????
  9. And this is used to prove what..............
  10. Hate to bring the boss home for dinner then...........
  11. Why not have an "enhanced" Olympics where you can take what you want.
  12. If you do Google for dangers of cell phones in cars you will get 1,980,000 listings. Seems they may be a bit dangerous then..........
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