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Everything posted by PolyNewbie

  1. When Willis speaks out about the New World Order it is more significant when one of us does because he is laying more on the line. They may actually kill him.
  2. Bruce Willis was a neocon and supported neocon policies. He has now come out to make the statement. From Vanity Fairs June Issue "I'll get killed for saying this, but I'm pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form. The entire government of the United States was co-opted," adds the Die Hard star. " These people put a lot on the line to come out and make these statements. They my be no more knowledgeable than any of us but its still not the same as one of us showing how ridiculous the official version of 9/11 is.
  3. Ron Paul / Debate Wins in every category - suppressed by mainstream pressitute media.
  4. If I were you Riverwind, I would stop replying to my posts - *especially* when you feel the urge to educate me. The textbooks are not wrong. They just don't tell the whole truth.
  5. This is an example of simple thinking and posting as if you are some kind of authority when clearly you are not. This is normally the case with Riverwind as has been shown repeatedly. I don't tolerate this kind of thing and when you post something you should understand what you are talking about or else get called on it. Lets start with the $2100.00 The bank lends out 1990.00 and that gets deposited in the bank as another asset. The banks assets then become 2100 + 1990, of which 90 % of the additional $1990 can be lent out. The net owed to the banks becomes $2100 + $1990 + $1791 + $1611 + $1450....+ = $21,000. This is the mechanism for which banks create money and how a $ 2100.00 deposit becomes $21,000.00. Almost $19,000.00 has been created from thin air. Of course the lent money may be deposited in another bank by (for example) a car dealership, but that all works both ways. This bank gets deposits when someone borrows from another bank to buy a swimming pool. The swimming pool dealer may put his money in this bank. All the money that isn't in cash is held in a bank somewhere.
  6. Lots of things are actually impossible. A building collapsing down through itself is only one of them. The building should have collapsed down through the air, not the building - unless the second law of thermodynamics is wrong. Some other examples are: Kennedy being shot from that distance with that many shots fired in such a short time from Oswalds rifle, the damage that was done to the OK Murrah building from the truck bomb and the FBI not having any involvement in the wtc'93 "terrorist" attack. Its impossible for anyone on the group to show me a single scientific statement made by Riverwind wrt this table example that is actually correct. Its impossible for the USA to ever have enough total money in circulation to pay off its own debt. Its impossible for the government to know how much money is actually in circulation because the Fed won't tell them. Its unlikely that the detention centers being built around the country will not be filled with prisoners. Its unlikely that North America has ever been the victim of a Moslem terrorist attack. If nothing is impossible then no one can ever be wrong and we live in a nice warm fuzzy world but we don't live in a nice warm fuzzy world. Lots of things are wrong and lots of things that the governments claim are actually impossible.
  7. No, it doesn't. Lots of economists like it. Its you that misrepresents just about everything with your know it all attitude and know nothing reality. You have misrepresented banking in the above statement.
  8. Thats probably true but the books I have read and the courses I have taken probably does in terms on monetary issues and economics.
  9. I'm just going by their actions and philosophy, not whether the Protocols were a hoax or not. The Protocols - a Neocon Manifesto (I'm going to research this more and write an essay -point by point I think. There are a few people who will publish my essays.)
  10. Who is giving anyone free money ? Who suggested this ? Do you just make everything up as you go along ? Are you some kind of cointelpro operative that is using stupidity as some form of psychological warfare ?
  11. You could watch the video links I have posted. Money As Debt is a 47 minute cartoon. Nothing could be easier. An 8 year old could understand it. Its a brilliant piece of work, the favorite amoung monetary reformers all over the world. You have listened to me rant about the banks for 6 months. You have told me that I am all wrong in how I handle everything - advice that I didn't even ask for - you state you know nothing about money and you still haven't watched this video. Why don't you give it 5 minutes and if you don't like it the just stop watching it.
  12. Proven incompetents ? You really need to start reading books and stop watching so miuch television. Is there anything you have ever seen on TV that you do not believe?. Iraq is going perfectly according to plan. I have explained to you that the plan for Iraq is to break it up into three parts and have the Standard Oil and Federal Reserve cartels get in plus privatize all of their infrastructure. This plan is well known and I have linked a book written by Brzezinsky and explained that it is part of PNAC which is also available online. What is wrong with you ?
  13. Its likely that the neocons have infiltrated the liberals to create divisions to destroy the party from the inside - same essential thing that they are doing to the country. Harper is a neocon and they are essentially a party of psycopaths that take the Protocols of Zion to heart. Nothing is beneath these people and there is virtually nothing that they cannot get away with as Bush Inc. has illustrated. Its too bad that people are so dumbed down that they cannot see something is wrong when Harper is disliked so much and there is such a huge gap in the donations. But people still think Osama attacked us from a cave in Afghanistan because he hates our freedom so one can never underestimate the intelligence of Joe Sixpack.
  14. The thing is that Harper wants to put soldiers on the street. But so do the liberals, NDP & Greens. The only non globalist parties are too small to be counted. Canadian Action Party has the best platform but little chance of getting common Canadians to understand it because they are too dumbed down by mainstream media. The Council Of Canadians is helping with great stuff on the NAU, but who is going to read that if Jack Bauer or wrestling is on TV ?
  15. You could help out by showing me a single correct scientific staement by Riverwind. This would greatly increase his credibility and may work toward me believeing him.
  16. How many were produced last year ? I think model T's are still around too.
  17. Do you have a model T Ford lying around too ? Have you ever been paid in anything else but a Fed ?
  18. Do you even know what "communist" means ? STOP WATCHING TV !!!!!! GO READ A BOOK !!! You have absolutely no idea about what you are talking about !!! There is only one kind of bank note - a federal reserve bank note. This is not a "private sector" it is a monopoly of the private sector otherwise known as a "cartel". Don't mistake a "cartel" for a free market.
  19. I have linked where he has said the collapses appear to violate the second law. Other links I have posted say the same thing. No, otherwise known as "non public domain"
  20. Every single thing that you have said about the table collapse has been shown to be wrong. Everything that you have said about science has been shown to be 100 % wrong. I don't know what you are trying to pull here. You won't tell us what kind of engineer you are, why not ? You say you are an engineer. Anyone can verfiy for themselves that your table example is wrong using a variety of methods. I explained why it was wrong and the example worked in favour of my arguement when you first posted it. You can keep saying 2 + 2 = 5 but there have been enough people rip your table example besides me to cause a complete loss of credibility on your part. Ignore that if you wish. A Phd in physics plus several other science people have said that a symmetrical collapse violates the second law of thermodynamics. That should be proof enough for anyone. You stating facts wrt diffraction as a high school grad sounds foolish. I have a working understanding of diffraction and know how it works. I know how difficult it can be to model and I know how systems behave in this regard. I do not believe you when you say the laws of diffraction prevent something from being possible. I think Judy Wood (Phd in engineering) would have considered this. I don't think you will be able to show her to be wrong with your background. I don't agree or dissagree with it. I just do not know and I am unwilling to take your word for it. I don't think your word on matters like this is worth anything. There could be a way top store and deliver energy that they discovered 20 years prior to 9/11 that we are unaware of. Trying to explain a black military op in the context of what we know about science doesn't seem realistic because they have secret science. Yes. I think they may have a nuclear power source the size of a pop can that could demolish those buildings with the energy available. How that energy would get converted to the wave beam I have no idea.
  21. Its not an angry denial. They really haven't figured it out yet and are listing possible hypothesis. Most of these will of course be wrong but not likely for the reasons you suggest. Its the nature of an investigation or scientific discovery that you will usually be wrong. I'm not a 9/11 investigator so I don't hypothesise. How about you list the verifiable factual reasons why we should believe the official version ? We could compare it to my list of verifiable facts and add up a score. The wind load does become a vertical compressive or tensile load on the outside columns - same thing as gravity as far as force is concerned. The outside perimeter was built to 20 times gravity.
  22. The banks no longer report the money supply (M3) to the government. They now do not even tell government how much money they create. Who ? Link ?
  23. I have read 1984. There are similarities that are close to what is happening today: (1) Fake wars (2) Servielance (3) Double think (4) Torture (5) Poor populations (this is becomming more true)
  24. There are seven great reasons not to believe the official version: (1) The people that are saying it are known liars (2) The people that are saying it are known thives (well over one trillion so far since 9/11 directly admitted stolen) (3) They have said they want to undermine the United States and destroy it in their own writings (Rockefellers authorized biography states it) (4) The people saying it are war criminals - that is a fact (5) It sounds rediculous (6) The people they said did 9/11 have absolutely nothing to gain by it. (7) Its physically impossible.
  25. Thats what the TV set tells you but if you read you learn that Iraq has gone perfectly according to plan. The Federal Reserve and the Standard Oil cartel are in and the country is being broken up into pieces through sectarian violence largely initiated and encouraged by the Americans. This was the goal. Who cares if American soldiers get chewed up in the process - certainly not Henry Kissinger. You should really throw that TV out the window and get yourself a book.
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