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Everything posted by PolyNewbie

  1. By themselves ! A nationalized system can do that when it benefits the people at almost no cost ! There are no fat gloabalists raking in the profits. Things run better that way and they run to benefit the people who rightfully own the resources. In Alberta they get 1% of the value of the oil - the fat globalists get the rest thats why we pay so much for gas. Americans pay lots for oil because its all Rockefeller Stadard Oil - the breakup into smaller companies was just smoke and mirrors. Privatised oil would work if it could be controlled with competition laws but it didn't work that way. Rockefeller just shot unionists and did horrible things to his competitors so he could own it all.
  2. Stable economic subsytems are needed for economic stability. Otherwise the economy cannot be managed - you get a series of bandaid solutions that never work because the future can never be predicted.
  3. With private prisons you get the owners voting for politicians who will make stiffer sentences and laws. Its an instability. The system only stabilizes when the public takes responsibility for the people it locks up on its own behalf for its protection. Otherwise you can get prisons taking over in effect, gradually taking more of the economy just like the banks. Prisons, banks, hospitals, schools, roads, water and electricty should never be privatised. Everything else should (unless I missed one critical to society) Privatization usually equals monopoly = unanswerable power. Privatization has nothing to do with "free market"
  4. I don't see monetary reform on his platform or shutting down the federal reserve. If that isn't on his platform then he is the same as all the rest and the IMF will continue to own the USA and dictate its foreign policy. A flat consumption tax is a tax against the poor since they will pay it on almost 100 % of their income. Its the ellimination of tax for the rich because they will pay it on only a small percentage of their income. I smell GLOBALIST ELITIST country breaker and a man dedictaed to usher in the Technotronic era where everyone is chipped, enslaved, with cameras everywhere and no laws for the elite (multi- billionaire) classes. Vote Ron Paul or vote for enslavement.
  5. I know for a fact that they don't work for nothing and that they paid pennies a gallon - much less than us. I don't know of any slavery used to get this oil out of the ground and I don't think it was used. The Americans bombed everything but the oil. Saddam set the wells on fire because he knew thats why the Americans were there. They bombed the other ifrastructure throughout the 90's. The USA (banks)doesn't want a country owning its own banks and public infrastructure. The IMF is to own it all though lending their fake money to corporations who then buy it at deep discounts. The American army is nothing more than a strong arm for the IMF. Most Americans and Canadians want the wars to be over - why do you think they are still on ? They don't represnt us. War is for money (Platos Republic) You would understand exactly what I am talking about if you watched The Money Masters video, Money As Debt video or read any of the 50 or so books on the topic, ten or so I have read and recommended on this forum. There is nothing secret about this. Its just not on TV.
  6. The infrastructure was badly run down because the Americans bombed the hell out of it. Why is it our business to save their infrastructure ? What was the result ? - no water, electricty in may areas. Don't let reality get in the way of your understanding of economics. ...what slave labour ?
  7. I was really curious to see if these folks would actually argue to put 6 years olds in solitary confinement and in handcuffs. It should be an illustration to the rest of us who see though the corporations and the presstitutes. We will never convince the neocon sycophant fascist that totures, war for empire and handcuffing little kids is bad. When Haliburton starts hiring the privatised police forves to pick up the cute kids off the street and send them to kiddie brothels there will be people on here arguing in favour of it - if we still have the internet and not internet 2 - which will require a license to add content to and high taxes to be paid.
  8. my main concern in the private bankers taking over the world. You can learn about it here: Money As Debt 47 minute cartoon This is the key to all of our problems. Monetary reform should be the cause of all humanity and the detention centers are built in case we wake up to that one simple fact. Banking does not work the way people think it works. Credit Unions work the way people think banks work. Banks work very differently and our governments borrow money from private banks to create vast amounts of wealth for a few private people who in turn use the money to control the politicians. The whole mechanism is very simple yet unkown to accountants and economists because banks control how they are educated. When a politician trys to change how things are done they get assasinated. Jackson has "I Killed The Banks" on his tombstone. He had an unsuccessful assassination attempt. Every other presidential assassination can be traced to their policies on money and banking. Things are going to go from bad to really really bad. Our leaders can be as machiavellian as any in the past. The Spainish Inquistion will look like a tea party compared to what they have planned.
  9. We know you can because the Iraquis were before the Americans invaded.
  10. Since when am I required to take orders from you ? Are you another all knowing all seeing type of poster like some others on this thread ? Should your word be accepted as gospel ? If you want respect you have to earn it or threaten people who can't defend themselves to get it. Lets see if you can add something to this thread besides attacking me all the time.
  11. I don't recall that ever happening, except in the case of Riverwinds scientific explanations which have been shown to be ridiculous in a way that even the most unscientific person can see quite clearly - all twice except for his force illustration which has only been corrected once on this thread and once on the other. You keep saying this but that doesn't make it true. Rehearsals for such attacks were conducted at the Pentagon 6 months prior. A info booklet put out by the Pentagon has the towers in crosshairs, ...the Lone Gunman episode ... what do you mean no one could have fathomed ?...I think you are using the words of one of the WMD twins - which are always lies. No one is argueing about jetliners crashing into the buildings that I know of on this thread. Right. Its motive. PNAC clearly illustrates motive. (PNAC = Plan for the New Ameican Centrury). Motive is necessary for a crime to take place. where ? one example ?
  12. Here are multiple mainstream media (BBC, etc) links to the UN sex trade including transporation of kiddie prostitutes on UN ships. link
  13. Air Craft Controllers on 911 (free MP3 / guns & butter)
  14. Its always been the same stuff they offer as proof and I debunk it. The same mantra gets posted with no support and I show how it isn't possible. All you have done is get after me in these threads. If you have something positive to add then add it, but if all you want to do is criticise me then I'm not so sure your criticisms are well founded and I don't want to work with someone when all they do is criticise. The quotes from various structural engineers are new. Its interesting how they first say "you have no structural engineers supporting you" then when I do they say the quotes are out of context ot that the people I am quoting are incompetent.
  15. So the people of Iraq should pay dollars a gallon to Enron instead of pennies a gallon to their government for their oil to prevent theft. I see.
  16. The buildings were converted to dust as they collapsed - the dust is ditributed evenly around the pin point of the building. Right. Huh ? What ...that ...doesn't make sense.
  17. They were picked up by CPS (Child Protection Services) then CPS lost them. No. Boys Will Be Boys - UN Sex Slaves / BBC
  18. Thats mainstream news - the fact that everything in Iraq is being privatized. Check out The Open Conspiracy by HG Wells. You can download the text for that at this time. The links keep getting broken.
  19. 95 % of us will soon be the downtrodden if people like you do not wake up. "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values." -Zbigniew Brzezinski Are kiddie brothels and accepted part of "traditional values" ? This New World Order is growing up around you kimmy. Even if you live in a ten million dollar house and daddy is a lawyer that will not be enough. Look into Katrina - see how the self proclaimed elites were treated.
  20. Wait until the Haliburtons start taking the cute kiddies off the street to be used in foreign brothels - they will do it right out in the open and guys like Segnosoaur will argue in favour of it. 3000 kids went missing in FL and were found in foreign brothels and dead. Gonzales has been implicated in allowing the jeuvenile halls to be used as brothels. The UN wars always have the sex trade going along with them, see "Boys Will Be Boys" a story by the BBC. Anything goes for god, queen and empire I guess. Lots of people from the FBI are comming out about that. Ted Gunderson isn't the only one.
  21. BS. The problem is that Saddam Hussein had nationalized everything and prevented the multinationals & IMF from comming in and taking over his country. The New World Order requires that the IMF take over every countries banks and that its normally public services be privatized. Its why Harper wants to privatize everything. Canada could save itself from going broke and having a spiralling national debt, so could the USA - the governemnts could lend themselves the money at low interest and pull the economy back up by its bootstraps very easily - its even in the legislation already - but the world bankers won't let that happen because they want to wreck the countries - all countries. Our governments could create the money and lend it to the country at 0.5 % interest that way the balance could be paid off by taxpayers but we are rapidly reaching the stage where taxes won't even cover the interest on the debt owed to the Rockefekllers, Rothschilds and other international banker/ private individuals. The country pulled itself up after ww2 this way. This way the world can be governed by private central bankers and whoever they choose. This is what David Rockefeller calls the New World Order - a world governed not by self determined governments but by world bankers. Its what Brzezinski calles the "technotronic era" "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values." -Zbigniew Brzezinski B. Max you should really watch Money As Debt - its free on google and its a 47 minute cartoon. You cannot possibly understand what is going on without understanding banks and their power. Really, this is all right out in the open - there is nothing hidden about this conspiracy. You just have to open your eyes and watch some documentaries to learn a few things that the corporate sponsored presstitutes will never tell you. You know that the media was amalgomated in the 90's - right ? Its all owned by a few corps - the same corps that profit from all the wars - you must know this right ?
  22. What about our slow descent into martial law ?
  23. I would, its not the government I am afraid of. Its these neocon fascist sycophants that scare me. I don't want them knowing where I live. I know that Big Brother knows who I am and I am probably on a no fly list. Luckily I don't travel much.
  24. No bid contracts and giant monopolies isn't real "capitalism".
  25. PNAC is real - A 911 like event was needed to get everyone wanting war for PNAC - thats real The defence stand down was real - congressional testimony. The evidence coverup & destruction was real Three buildings really did collapse straight down into their own footprint in a very expedient and orderly fashion and physicists, engineers, ex senators, ex congressmen, military people - colonels, generals, etc have come out to say various things about 911 such as the official version is scientifically impossible. The non existence of an investigation done by qualified people is real. The FAA & fire marshall were not allowed near the evidence or the investigation. They had a white house propogandist lead the team that wrote the "Comission Report" instead of an investigator. The evidence for Worldcom, Enron frauds etc and the missing 2.3 trillion dollars has been destroyed - thats real. Now its 3.4 trillion stolen - they refuse to answer for it - more than enough for 500 fully equiped nuclear powered aircraft carriers. The poisoned emergency workers are real - poisoned from Asbestos that Bush & Co said wasn't a danger after the collapses The wars are real and Bush & Corp are making billions. You and yours will be taxed for them until you die. Your kids will pay for it. Their kids will pay for it - but Bush & Corp get their profits now - thats real. Some of you may even get to die for it all. This site is real. All those people really are comming out about 911. Bush and corp define "insurgent" as someone that resists their own foreign occupation and invasion - that is "double think" right out of Orwells 1984 - thats real. *********** You think that USA was attacked by Usama bin Laden on 9/11 by his cohorts using plastic box cutter knives to take over cockpits occupied by some military fighter pilots because he hates our freedom - thats real 8-) I think you have my posts confused with those confessions and the fake bin Laden confession. I think your posts prove that CIA mind control really does exist. If this wasn't so serious you folks would have me so badly cracked up I would not be able to breath due to laughing so hard. This is funnier than Riverwinds posts regarding scientific fact. Which confession about 911 do you guys believe about 911 bin Laden or the latest confession from Gitmo ?
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