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Everything posted by PolyNewbie

  1. There may be many people who do not give this any thought and therefore consider it a "good thing". The economics I learned in school did not teach me this. It has taken some effort using honest sources. I will explain below why it is a bad thing: Currency used to be a metaphysical thing from which to manage labour. If a country need more roads they simply print off more currency to build the roads then tax it back from the people to prevent inflation (only charge enough interest to cover admin costs). Taxation is a method to prevent government expenditures from causing inflation - to a point - excessive taxation can also be the source of inflation. In a new global economy the dollar is now a commodity and its distribution will be centrally controlled. If the same community wishes to build roads the currency must be earned from the central bank before it can be spent on roads (in the form of borrowing and agreeing to pay interest). If your economy is poor and you can't earn the money to build your own roads then your economy sinks to ruin if roads are needed for it to function. If your little global village makes rubber boots and you piss off the world power they just set up another community to make all the rubber boots needed instead and you go broke and starve as your infrastructure falls apart. This way sections of the world can be isolated and converted to nature reserves if this is what is desired - and it is what is desired. Prince Philip has said he wants to kill off 80 % of the worlds population. Its not a new idea. You will have no say in whether or not it actually happens - it will be up to the central world bankers and how they manage your economy. The global effect of this is to pit various communities against each other in economic competetion to obtain more currency because there can never be enough currency in circulation to pay back the loans. It is always in short supply and therefore communities will always be desparate to obtain more of it for the purpose of survival and serving their elites. People will be slowly relegated to slave labour as communitioes borrow more and more money and it therefore becomes in shorter and shorter supply. The banks create the money to lend but not the interest required to pay it back. Think about this: Saying that you do not have enough money to build roads is like saying you do not have enough kilometers to build them.
  2. LaRouchepub This guy has to be the victim of the most incredible smear campain ever executed. Bush Sr lead the pack. He is saying what a lot of other people are saying. This idea of a singkle world currency brings us to a single world government and the new world order. It is what Brzezinsky calles the Technotronic Era, where the "elites" do as they please and we live under a world dictatorship. Orwell is only a pen name for the author of "1984". This author was a socialist and close to the elite planning all of this. "1984" is today - when they use wars to divide and control people and doublethink is everywhere.
  3. No. You wanted proff that you are a fool. I provided it with those quotes on scientific matters. They prove it. No. I showed the experts in intelligence believe this was an inside job and I have linked interviews with them in the past. Some of them even state this on this Patriots for 911 truth website. I don't go around making statements about intelligence matters because I am not an intelligence expert and it would make me look and sound like a fool if I did. You point things out, I use references. You are in fact a fool and this has been proven. So I don't care what you "point out". I do not know if the planes were hijacked. I do not care if the planes were hijacked because I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not respond with personal attacks. I respond with proof that you are an arrogant fool and therefore when you go around "pointing things out" and making "statements" it really doesn't mean anything at all.
  4. First of all I was commenting with regard to your uninformed opinion on intelligence matters and your expectation that people take you seriously, not because of your links but because of your self declared superiourity in reasoning. The many other reasons are: Riverwind Scientific Quotes (again) "The laws of Thermodynamics only apply to closed systems." "Themodynamics has nothing to do with building collapses." "Consider a table with four legs that is supporting a 1000kg mass. Assume the following: 1) The gravitation constant is 10 (i.e. 1000kg requires a 10000N force to keep it stable) 2) Each leg can support 4000N - if the force exceeds this it will collapse. 3) Each leg is attached to the ground and the table top is rigid. In a normal situation each leg will have a 2500N force acting on it - well within its capabilities with room to spare. Assume a catastrophic event occurs that exposes the legs to fire that gradually weakens two of the legs. Assume the fire does not act on each leg equally. Eventually, one leg weakens to the point where it cannot support the 2500N force and collapses. At this point the weight will shift instantaneously to the other 3 legs because the structure is rigid and attached to the ground. This means that each leg will now have 3333N of force acting on it. Still within the tolerances of the undamaged legs which means the structure should remain standing." "Heat is nothing more than energy. When something burns it releases energy. The amount of heat generated by something burning depends on the substance being burned, however, once the heat is created it has to go somewhere. If this heat is trapped for some reason then this energy can accumulate in a location and theoretically cause the temperature to rise higher than the temperature of the flame." "Quantum mechanics is the theoretical underpinning for all matter"
  5. There are lots of ex CIA heads and FBI heads on the list of 911Patriots here. Do you expect anyone to take our opinion on intelligence matters more seriously than the people with military and intelligence backgrounds on this list ? And I have already pointed out that you are a fool, for the above reasons as well as many others. There is a secret government as Kennedy pointed out and he was likely assasinated by them if deathbed confessions and piles of evidence mean anything wrt the Kennedy assasination. People that speak out seem to lose their jobs. It takes courage to speak out but nothing to remain silent. You haven't yet figured out the the US has been under the rule of a corrupt government for years. The missing trillions of dollars should be enough for that. It doesn't matter if the planes were hijacked or not. The nature of the building collapses proves that explosives had to be pre planted in the buildings before they collapsed.
  6. Where ? They have stated it but not argued it. Intelligence experts say operations like this run on a principle of compartmentalisation where most people involved are unaware. Besides presstitutes who has stated this ? When the experts contradict common sense and the experts are members of groups that have an alternative agenda then common sense should win out. I am not a "bundle of contradictions" you just say crap with no justification, knowledge or understanding all the time in hopes people will believe it. You have been completely discredited in your "scientific" arguements and your "logical" thinking so ease it up.
  7. I'm interested in the psychology of all this. I have never studied psychology formally but am learning about the nature of evil and how things like this come to be. Riverwind explained it a few posts ago. So its out in the open now but I think there is more to it.
  8. There are some things you cannot do, as demonstrated by Kennedy. Lots of people have come forward about 9/11, air traffic controllers in particular. Non one has intelligently argued that this operation would require more than a handful of people. Intelligence experts have said that would be all that would be required.
  9. These doctors would say you are crazy. I think you are an egomaniac. I think its about time you told us what qualifications you have that can be used to determine what is good science and bad science. You have claimed that you are an engineer and that you understand structural engineering, but every single statement you have ever made on this topic has been shown to be wrong through a straightforward application of common sense that does not require the qualifications of a structural engineer. So, what kind of engineer are you and why should people continue listening to you explain how science works to them ?
  10. No, it wasn't. Milosevic was a nationalist and would not go along with the plans for a central banker controlled international fascist government - same as Hussein. Thats why they went to war with him. As far as the news reports on what happend in Serbia, consider that over 650,000 people have died in Iraq yet the news keeps saying 35,000. The mainstream reports on Serbia are about as close to reality as mainstream normally gets. No, its right on thye money. We are the strong arm of the IMF & World Bank. We have wars because the people that print the money want wars. You should watch this cartoon to see how the world really works: Money As Debt. Its 47 minutes long.
  11. As far as point (2) is concerned, consider that the director of the plot to assasinate Kennedy confessed on his deathbed to his son. Link Attorneys in Texas refuse to investigate or prosecute cases where juvenile halls are used as brothels and the prisoners are used as prostitutes provided no one gets hurt. I have posted links to this that show the PDF form scanned letters written by Texas establishment lawyers. 3000 kids have disspeared from the custody of Child Protection Services in Florida. They have been found in graves and in foreign brothels. Alex Jones has often said this directly falsifiable statement of which he could be sued if it is not correct. He is still on the air so it is correct or CPS services wants that kind of reputation amoung millions of listeners of Jones. The Iraq war was illegal. The WMD's were never there. Haiti is experiencing a direct IMF takeover with its most popular ever president kidnapped in the middle of the night by IMF forces (Canadian & American). This is impossible, not improbable.
  12. I see. So the government said it happened that way so we must try and find physical reasoning for it happening that way even if it seems impossible - instead of applying known reasoning and examining evidence to see if thats possible. This is a dangerous way of thinking.
  13. I'd like to know one of the errors in the "comedy of errors" in the 9/11 truth movement. I guess the writer of this piece thinks its silly to suggest governments would lie.
  14. I am not confusing anything. You are an incompetent liar and you are here to waste everyones time to nurse your own ego. You are deluding yourself and everyone that participates in this and other threads when you start portraying yourself as an engineer when you are not. You have stated that you are an engineer and have implied that people should take your word based on that and your arrogance. No, exactly what kind of engineer are you ?
  15. When the Americans or Brits announce that they are going to invade a country it should be UN regulation that everyone just line up against a wall with their hands in the air or hand over all of their assets to the banks, Standard Oil, Monsanto & whoever else put the politicians in power to start the war. This way we would have a much more peaceful planet. "Bank robbery" has sort of a dual meaning.
  16. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire
  17. If I was an American I would consider it a responsibility to get my carrying permit but an option to back it up with hardware. I probably would have a gun in the house but I don't think I would want to carry one around. It was argued on one of the rense interviews that even if you don't want a gun you should get the carry permit just to help preserve the constitution and make it that much more difficult for the nihilists to take guns away.
  18. On the amount of time you have spent on these threads you could have picked up a grade thirteen text on physics, self studied the section on mechanics and maybe learned something so that you would actually know what you are talking about. Right now you are not fooling anyone. If I could I would bill you for my time having to read your nonsense. The center support would buckle - the solution for buckling falls comes from the PDE solution of a vertical column that is loaded. You would know this for sure if you were really an engineer. The support would bend. I'm hoping you have something intelligent to say this time.
  19. I didn't say anything that has already been proven to be true. Every single thing can be backed up - including the "stupid people" remark. I can prove that.
  20. Societies that have gun ownership have lower crime. Individuals that have guns are less likely to commit crime statistically. Guns are to protect a population from a tyrannical government in principle. Citizens with guns stop a huge number of crimes. Rense.com has two excellent guests talking about gun control each for one hour this week. The US government has built detention centers all over the country. The next step is to confisgate the guns. Thats how it works. Just ask Hitler, Mao or Stalin or any other dictator that wants to turn a tyrannical government against the population. You will know when the purges of elected and leading establishment begins.
  21. BTW: 9/11 was an inside job. So was Oklahoma and the guy that ran the whole Kennedy assasination confessed it on tape on his death bed to his son. His son released the tape. I wonder why your favorite TV news hasn't told you about that. And, its stupid people like you that have allowed this to happen. We needed stupid people to go along with George Bush and his pathocracy. Without stupid people like you none of this would be happening.
  22. One day Stignasty you are going to really wake up and see what is happening. The world as you see it simply no longer exists. You now live in 1930 ish Germany. In another few years all your favorite politicians will be purged (shot dead). There will be starvation everywhere, maybe a nuke or two gone off in the States. And if you are still around you might remember some of our conversations. All you really need to do for now is open up your eyes and stop dismissing or ignoring what is right in front of you. All your beliefs are based on propoganda. The system that you love kidnaps women and children and sells them as sex slaves. They are the worlds drug dealers. The juvenille halls in Texas are legalized brothels because the State attorneies refuse to investigate if no kids get hurt. The state of Florida has sold off 3000 kids into slavery or whatever. These kids were picked up by CPS and now they are gone. Your freedom loving government tortures people and thinks its OK to put the pliars to kids genitals for turture in front of their parents. Your news is all controlled. The war on terror is fake just like in '1984'. Your politicians are robbing you blind & killing the food crops that you depend on. Your economy is going to collapse like a big ballon ( 1 - 2 years according to globalists who will put it off for a while) and your whole world is going to get flushed right down the toilet. This is what always happens. It happens because most of the population is asleep and they can get away with it. Your average CEO or helf million dollar a year weasel sees you as an insect - a "useless eater". Or just go back to sleep. Watch TV. The governemnt loves you. None of this stuff could possibly happen here because they wouldn't do this to us.
  23. But thats why they do it. I don't for a second believe that the Canadian government isn't profiting from marijuanna sales in this country. The drug houses that get busted just are not the ones with the connections to the establishment. If they are protecting heroine over in Afghanistan they are making money from it. If they are making money from that then they are making money from internal production and trading within Canada. They pay for the cops & jails with tax dollars control the trade and have more people directly dependent on government + turn a profit in the end.
  24. Hmmmm. Is there a doctor in the house ?
  25. Actually, Riverwind has never been correct about a single one of his voluntary scientific statements, despite all of his insults and arrogance. He has been 100 % wrong in every single scientific statement he has made on this thread and other threads wrt 9/11.
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