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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. It was a mistake and plays into the "active judges" argument of the Conservatives. Members of the Supreme Court give their opinions through their decisions and written explanations of their decisions as presented by representatives of both sides. Some might argue that when they are not wearing their judicial hats that they have a right to state an opinion. I disagree. No matter the hat, the brain it protects stays the same. Justice is supposed to be blind. Politics is certainly the opposite.
  2. The National Anthem is a solemn musical tribute to the nation. That is why it is expected that people stand to recognize its reflection of the pride of the nation. It is not a commercialized tune which can be changed at will or to satisfy an agenda. This was an insult to Canadians and bone head move on the part of the individual.
  3. Looks like soon your spouse may be able to send you to the store for milk: http://en.people.cn/n3/2016/0612/c90000-9070731.html
  4. Tony Clement just declared running for leadership. It was treated as a joke on the CBC and I suggest it will be treated the same by Conservatives.
  5. Is not pointing, staring and laughing a way of exercising your rights?
  6. I think they may or may not. I think it is telling that no political party is prepared to have a referendum or plebiscite on the issue. I guess the point I was trying to make was that in our constitution, a referendum is not binding. Majority public opinion does not "force" a government to do anything. The government which ignores the results of a referendum does so at its peril. History tells us that it is not a good idea to have a referendum if you are not sure of the results. Ask Jacques Parizeau.
  7. You do what you can until you can convince those who you chose to represent you to pass legislation that you feel is required. For an example, it is generally accepted that if the question of capital punishment came to a referendum then it would pass. Our representatives understand this but do not act on it. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/02/08/majority_of_canadians_support_return_of_death_penalty_poll_finds.html
  8. I believe that for competitions, any athlete will accept and benefit from the pain he/she goes through in an effort to win. Pain is you body's way of telling you that it recommends that you do not do this and that you are approaching the point at which real damage can be done. If you are prepared to withstand that pain to achieve a goal then you work through that pain to keep pushing your pain threshold. World Class athletes have to function while in pain. I remember the words on a plaque over the door of the weight room in Hart House on the campus of the University of Toronto: "You Train In Pain or You Train In Vain" When I attended there, someone had written under the plaque, in black marker, "And the smart ones go for a beer!"
  9. Looks like our sanctions, criticism and deployment of troops to Latvia are scaring the hell out of him.
  10. Democracy is the process by which elected members make decisions on behalf of their electorate. A referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. There is nothing to bind the representatives to vote to create law based on the results of a referendum.
  11. I know this question was not posted to me directly but it got me thinking. I support the right for any woman (or man) to go naked in public if they want. I also support the right of members of the public to stare or point and laugh (depending on the body) at that naked individual.
  12. Either the maps referenced in the OP which show the Israelis taking of Palestinian land are correct or they are not correct. Nothing I have seen here or elsewhere indicates that they are not correct.
  13. Woodrow Wilson was asked how long it takes him to prepare a speech. He replied: “It depends. If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.” I suggest that a corollary might be that the number of words required to present a case on a bulletin board are inversely proportional to the knowledge of the poster. That appears to be the case on this board.
  14. It is now expected that there will be 10 million self driving cars on the road by 2020. http://www.businessinsider.com/report-10-million-self-driving-cars-will-be-on-the-road-by-2020-2015-5-6 What is the advantage of a self-driving car? Is it safer to drive in that it makes fewer mistakes or ... There is an interesting moral and ethical question about the programming of these cars: When an accident is imminent should it prioritize the health of the driver or minimize the carnage or whatever. http://hothardware.com/news/self-driving-cars-will-likely-have-to-deal-with-the-harsh-reality-of-who-lives-and-who-dies
  15. I assume that one of the parties will run on either ignoring the results of the referendum or the promise of another referendum. That could be interesting.
  16. I have applied. Got two messages: Message one - received your application. Thank you for applying. Message two - Thank you for applying. We cannot process your application as per Amended Constitution Act 1965: 1. Section 29 of the Constitution Act, 1867 is repealed and the following substituted therefor: 29. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a Senator shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, hold his place in the Senate for life. (2) A Senator who is summoned to the Senate after the coming into force of this subsection shall, subject to this Act, hold his place in the Senate until he attains the age of seventy-five years. Short title and citation of Part I. 2. This Part may be cited as the Constitution Act, 1965.[1] Nice way of saying - Nice Try - Too Old!
  17. Looks like the Zionist right wing government of Netanyahu has no intention of ever negotiating the ownership of the Left Bank: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/israel-approves-millions-west-bank-settlements-160710200400126.html Looks like the Palestinians will have to continue to protest by any means available to them.
  18. I was watching some analysts trying to explain Canada's role in the Baltic States. The general consensus was that if Russia did invade then they would be initially successful but lose in the long run. What they basically stated was that our troops would be the "cannon fodder" or the "suicide troops". Since this would be the first line of defense, the Russians would annihilate those troops in the initial attack before being beaten back as the conflict progressed. This is not the first time Canadians would be used as "cannon fodder" by another nation.
  19. Some people lost more than others because of Brexit: Count tennis champion Serena Williams among those who have lost money in wake of last month’s Brexit vote. Williams beat Angelique Kerber 7-5, 6-3 in Saturday’s Wimbledon final, her 22nd major title, tied with Steffi Graf for most in the Open Era. The winner’s prize is worth $2.59 million when converted to U.S. dollars, about $380,000 less than it was worth a few days before the tournament, on the eve of the U.K.’s vote to leave the European Union.
  20. Perhaps you might use the criteria of limits given by most media outlets for letters to the editor. Most publications limit any submission to 400 words or less. In most cases, they also retain the ability to do minor editing before publishing.
  21. Looks like the last time Obama came to Canada he gave JT a nudge that has seen fruition for the USA: http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/canada-steps-up-with-a-new-nato-committment/ Canada has made 2 new commitments: About 500 troops into Latvia. I believe this is a mistake. It is clearly not needed and serves only to send some kind of lame message of NATO solidarity. Neither Latvia, nor any of the Baltic States (or Poland) are in any danger of invasion. Some pundits use Crimea as an example but Crimea had a population where most of the population identified more with Moscow than they did with Kiev. Hear anybody from Crimea complaining about Russian “domination” these days”? Additional and continuing sending of money into Afghanistan (about 100 million a year). America is complaining that it is pouring $1 billion a year into Afghanistan and the other nations should help contribute. The USA broke it so it should fix it. Why should Canada pay for aggressive and faulty American foreign policy? Besides, what does NATO have to do with Afghanistan? Which member of the alliance was attacked and thereby forcing the others to come to their aid? This is a move of JT that I disagree with. At least he is getting Canadians out of the way of fire being aimed at the USA. The sooner we develop a foreign policy which allows the USA to pay the consequences of its actions the sooner Canada we can direct our funds to our benefit.
  22. Parents are forced by law to provide an education for their children and most parents use public (or private) education to satisfy that obligation. Most administrators understand that there is a minority of parents who are uncomfortable with the new sex part of the curriculum. As a compromise, they schedule the sex education part at the end of the school day so that the objecting parent may remove their child early from school so that they are not forced to sit through that part of the instruction. I believe that in the end, the parent has the right decide what his/her child is taught as to religious,moral and ethical issues.
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