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Big Guy

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Everything posted by Big Guy

  1. I fully agree. Some of my more serious posts I also send to various publications under my own name. When I submit something as a letter to the editor, even to our local paper under my real name, then I can guarantee that about 10,000 people will read it - and get responses either by phone or opposing letters to the editor. This medium is an anonymous game where many posters are allowed to vent distasteful attitudes - either because they really believe that nonsense or because to want to get a rise or reaction from other members here. "People take this forum way too seriously." - Cybercoma July 5, 2016
  2. You claim to know how people feel. Do you have some strange and wonderful gift that gives you the ability to separate what you think that people feel, what people say and what their true feelings are. If you do, please share it with the rest of the world. I would also appreciate you then translating what posters are saying on this site to what they really feel. Please!
  3. Is that "Disappearing Palestine" map ad accurate? If not, then where is it a mistake?
  4. Please do not include the Baltic states with the Crimea. I fully understand and agree with the Russian involvement in the Crimea. That part of the Ukraine had voted about 90% for the pro-Russian candidate for president. He won but those in Kiev rebelled and threw him out, not voted him out but threw him out. How is that for democracy? They did not want what those folks in the Crimea wanted. The folks in Crimea appealed to the Kremlin with whom they had closer financial, philosophical and language ties. The rest is history. How many folks in the Crimea are crying for "liberation" from Russia? The Baltic States are a completely different package. The majority of the folks there do not want assimilation with Russia and I believe that Putin has no interest in them - except if the West decides to base nuclear missiles there. Then, there might be problems. Those 1,000 Canadian soldiers we send to the Baltic states will have a good time taking advantage of the beaches and good will of the people there. NATO will be happy rattling swords that are not needed but only a political band aid to cover their (our) bungling in Europe. Putin is only the "BOGGY MAN" and threat that the Americans want us to believe. The results of the next NATO summit will be interesting.
  5. I assume that you are referring to the areas populated mostly by immigrants. How then would you "save" Britain - send "them" all back?
  6. Is Greg's project for grad school somewhere on the web? I would be interested in reading it.
  7. None of the physicians in our area will prescribe the THC in Marijuana to their patients. They will refer you to doctors in the big cities, some of who will prescibe by mail. It is a long and expensive process with limits on the length and quantity of the prescription. After 40 years of smoking and only recent breaking the habit, I have no wish to inhale anything. I have no problems with people using recreational marijuana and would prefer they use that drug rather than alcohol. We also have an alcoholism problem in our community which seems to run in generations in families. I would just like to see marijuana purity guaranteed by the health community.
  8. I would and will pay more for marijuana which is controlled by government than from illegal dealers. In my area, we still have a major problem with illegal drugs. The same folks who are selling marijuana are also selling Morphine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone and Codeine. Not sure I would trust them with what I intend to put into my body. BTW - My interest and need is in pain control and using the THC in marijuana for relief without the side effects of other pain medication.
  9. It may be cheaper from a dealer but why would you trust that what an illegal "dealer" sells you and then ingest it?
  10. The Chinese have come up with an interesting solution to utilizing the space above traffic: Elevated Bus Looks like fun.
  11. Agreed, Big Guy deals in reality and not in the murky waters of supposition and self serving assumptions.
  12. Being a white supremacist or white racist is not against the law. Freedom of speech protects all speech - be it interesting, controversial or distasteful. People have the right to express racist views and should be labelled as racists for those views. Personally, I have little interest in racist views and have certainly no intention of getting involved in any discussion with someone holding those views.
  13. The rest of the world has a lot to learn from the Israelis. It is now official policy to react with gunfire to protesters throwing rocks: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/israel-lethal-force-stone-throwers-report-160704134708993.html The Americans may use this initiative during the Republican and Democratic conventions. It does save a lot of time in actually dealing with the inequities causing the protest. Shame on Israel. Shame on Canada for not protesting. OOPS - I guess if Canada was protesting it would be subject to lethal force.
  14. Is bcsapper and scribblet the same person? Or perhaps scribbet is unable to respond for him/her self?
  15. Thank you for the response. I was employed in the people business for about 45 years and encountered only a few times when people were able to express exactly how they feel. But you are apparently either better qualified or more experienced than I so I will defer to your expertise.
  16. Perhaps you could. What keeps you from doing that?
  17. In about 4 weeks Toronto will host the Caribana festival and parade. I am looking forward to seeing about 20 white LGBT protesters marching into the road, sitting down and refusing the parade to continue until they get the organizers to sign off on concessions to the LGBT community. Would that not be a fair tactic.
  18. I am one of those who really does not care what you believe. If you were paying attention, I submit a new post every time the Israeli government does something new to the Palestinians. It is not my fault that they seem to come up with yet another incident of beating on the Palestinians every couple of days. As to you attitude, fortunately the majority of my Jewish friends are not Zionists and generally agree with my attitude towards how they are treating the Palestinians and are stealing their land. I suggest that your views represents only a small minority of educated Jews and would caution other readers to consider that fact. But you constant analysis of my posts indicates that at least one person is reading my posts and encouraging me to continue. Thank you!
  19. On a more serious note, I suggest the mods be careful. If you are able to share what did not cause a suspension then you might be asked to share what did cause particular suspension with the rest of the posters.
  20. My God !!! You mean that everything that I read on this board is not necessarily the truth? Say it ain't so. Here I have been taking the advice of self described millionaires, posters who were born in different countries and people who claim to be the official spokesman for their religion and/or their race. Next thing you will claim will be the tooth fairy is a fake!
  21. First Johnson and now Farage have bailed out of politics. First it was "Follow me taking the our Nation out of the EU". So they throw a wrench into the British motor then decide to bail to let others worry about it and/or try to fix it. They sure played the Brexit side for a bunch of dopes. They led the "Leave" side lemmings to the edge of the precipice and when they started to fall, these two leaders took off in the other direction. Hey JT - see what happens when you have referendums.
  22. Wow, How do you gauge and/or become privy to how people feel?
  23. The topic of this thread is the decision by the Liberal government of consulting with the electorate on what direction Canada should take in the future regarding our military. I have already made my official submission. The process appears to have merit because of the diverse views within the Canadian public.
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