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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. Now you're just babbling. Leftists are brain damaged
  2. or maybe they just keeping hitting their heads with stupid hammers Its amazing how far you people are willing to go to defend a low life like brandon. its disturbing
  3. So you don't know. Any politician who kisses babies in the new woke America is a freak. Oh wait... If I was a child at least I wouldn't be a low intelligence adult leftist.
  4. He showered with his own daughter. Freaks vote for biden
  5. The guy feels up women and children but I'm the pervert. This is why I have no respect for leftists. Am I a canuck? Another shining example of what passes for leftist "intellect".
  6. I bet they call him grandpa woody. He's a sick ba$tard
  7. Why in the name of all things holy would a grown a$$ man want to kiss random children on the lips or hug them or smell their hair? Are you that much of a Biden sycophant?
  8. Yes you do. That's true but you dont abide by your own words Do you think you're a sinner. You're guilty of the sin of presumption.
  9. The best part is you will also reach the "maximum utility/satisfaction" in hell too. What I do love how impressed you are with yourself though.
  10. Too bad the bible says faith alone isn't enough. I suspect you want people to be saved and thats a wonderful thing but you dont heed scripture.
  11. You are intellectually challenged on a level I didnt imagine was possible. "Looking at the approval ratings of the past seven presidents at the same point in their first term in office, Biden’s current 39% is the lowest. Barack Obama (43%) and Donald Trump (45%) had slightly higher ratings heading into the year they sought reelection, while all of the others were above 50%." https://news.gallup.com/poll/547763/biden-ends-2023-job-approval.aspx
  12. People like her sacrifice their integrity on the alter of hatred for trump. Sad and pathetic
  13. You clearly are an expert in unhinged rants, I'll give you that.
  14. The church established by Jesus was built on the rock of someone who betrayed him. Here's what's wrong with you, you have this confused idea that infallible is then same as perfect. You seem entirely incapable of holding two ideas in your mind at the same time. You call scripture the infallible word of God and it is but it was given to us through imperfect men. What you call the Bible is a compilation of writings given to us by imperfect men. Jesus tells me everything I need to know. You should of try it some time. Jesus said whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Is he right or do you and Luther know better? Let me ask you a question, how many different churches have you been a member of? Jesus says
  15. "Russian aquatic collusion". It's always about the Russians with leftists. Remember when Obama bin laden mocked Romney, during a debate when romney warned about Russia, and said, the 80s called and they want their foreign policy back?
  16. If trump walked on water the dimwitted leftists would screech that trump can't swim.
  17. You need to lay off the trump porn buddy. It's turning what's left of your mind to mush.
  18. How.much of this work is the inspired infallible word of God? That's how much of it I'll believe.
  19. So nothing from scripture? Like most of what you believe. Not impressed
  20. LMBO there "quite likely" were individuals......? You need a citation for this son. But is that the silliness they teach you? Yes heretics have always been nipping at the heels of the church Jesus established and with authority the church addressed those heresies so people wouldn't be led astray. Sadly the looney little monk made everyone think they could be their own pope.
  21. I know how to read and I read that a person is justified by what they do and not by faith alone. This is the problem with you people. AGAIN you think only in an either/or way but the bible is clear it's both/and but you people always seems to think you know more than Jesus and 1500 years of teaching.
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