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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. When did the KJV first make its appearance? Tell me why I should pay attention for that version over others? I know why but I want to see your answer. BTW what word does the KJV use in 2T Thessalonians 2:15 and 3:6? While your at it what does James 2:24 say in your KJV?
  2. You're a very angry person. You should talk to someone about that
  3. First you want to switch words and use ordinances so you can claim he's taking about his "teachings". This a perversion of scripture
  4. So you have no idea. Why didn't you just say that? It's just a mindless talking point. Good job.
  5. Yes he has lied so long and so often it's hard to tell what's what with him. A persons IQ has be below 60 to vote for biden. The guy passed away years ago but according to his daughter he felt very bad about what happened. Its tough enough to have to live with that without the husband falsely accusing of being drunk on top of it.
  6. You should change your name to angry crack ho barbie. Or maybe whiny crack ho barbie. Tough choice.
  7. Someone is butt hurt I have plenty to answer for this the least of it. I have little patience for people too insolent to listen
  8. I didn't call you a rabid heretic. Pay attention. You're name is crack ho barbie. Barbie is made plastic isn't it?
  9. At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/driver-in-biden-crash-wanted-name-cleared/ It says later in the article that a spokesman for Biden said the then senator accepted that alcohol wasnt involved. Biden shot off his mouth to accuse the guy but didn't have the guts or integrity to apologize. Biden is an evil piece of crap.
  10. You won't get what you want, you know it and you're whining that the SCOTUS ignores the constitution because they are "corrupt". Waaaaaaaa
  11. The thing is he was demented even when he was younger. He accused the truck driver who accidentally killed his first wife of being drunk even though there was never any evidence of that. The piece of garbage has never apologized.
  12. You're whining because you didn't get what you want. Waaaaaa
  13. Name calling...the domain of the intellectually deprived.
  14. AGAIN I mentioned "people" YOU added race. Everything is about race to a racist. I'll ask again, am I white?
  15. Again I said people YOU mentioned race. Thats racist. What bothers me? Am I white?
  16. Your first sentence is incomplete and nonsensical. I said "people" entering the country illegally but YOU sad "non-white". Interesting. I guess everything is about race to a racist.
  17. How is the govt telling people who they can love and what clothes to wear? Sadly lots of people in America have surrendered liberty for safety. The plandemic was a perfect example of that.
  18. Should we assume that everyone illegally entering the country is doing so for honorable reasons? No one should ever be worried about people illegally entering the country?
  19. Jesus was brown but as far as we know he never illegally entered another country.
  20. There is no bottom to human stupidity. The thing is that at some point in the past we would let people experience the natural consequences of their stupidity. If their stupidity killed them that was unfortunate but wasn't necessarily bad because their stupidity wouldn't spread to a new generation. If they happened to survive their stupidity and learned from it that was good for everyone. What we do these days is constantly protect people from their own stupidity and it's been to our continuing deterioration.
  21. So the kooky ideas of protestants just keep coming. Many of the 20-30,000 non catholic Christian denominations believe in OSAS but it something we should believe? Well Philippians 2:12 tells us "Therefore my beloved just as you have always been obedient when I am present you must be so all the more now when I am absent as you work out our salvation with fear and trembling." Why then would anyone who believes (faith alone is what they claim) and salvation is assured once you believe, need to be told to be work out their salvation with fear and trembling?
  22. You alter what people say. Not only are plastic crack ho youre a duplicitous plastic crack ho. Ken must get his moneys worth out of you
  23. I thought you said you werent qualified to deal with a radical papist like me? I have no trouble dealing with rabid heretics such as yourself. Two questions for you 1) When tradition is being mentioned in the 3 passages I provided what are the traditions that are being referred to? 2) Where in the Bible does it tells us what books should be in the Bible?
  24. I'm always impressed with how you people confuse what's "tangible" with what you like as if they are the same thing.
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