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Everything posted by Nexii

  1. A lot can happen during a campaign. I wouldn't say anything is for sure. Who would have seen the PCs getting 2 seats under Kim Campbell or the NDP getting 103 with Layton? Or the Bloc coming back to life?
  2. That's already the case though. Can't get an abortion past 24 weeks without serious fetal deformations or health risk to the mother. Less in some provinces.
  3. Trudeau has become a divisive demagogue too though. He doesn't believe in most of what he preaches, it's overt from his demeanor and tone. Going to be really tough for any challengers to beat Poilievre it looks like. He's already got a quarter of all MPs endorsing him. Upsets have happened before though so never know. I suppose the CPC could do worse. Pierre is better than O'Toole or Scheer from what I've seen. He does a bit of the dumbing down populist thing, but honestly it's not worse than Trudeau's ivory tower preachiness.
  4. Between the Convoy protests and Ukraine war I think we might see something of a democratic revival. Western nations are rallying as we see where authoritarianism can lead. Ironic in a way that it's being led by countries that are viewed as less democratic than us. I suppose they know all too painfully by history
  5. There's no way Russia can win this. The Taliban were not nearly as armed and the USA couldn't hold Afghanistan. And Russia is no USA where it comes to military power. When even multimillionaire athletes who have it made are going back to Ukraine to fight, you know that the average Ukrainian is fighting back hard. This will likely be the end of the Russian regime as we know it. It may take awhile but the sanctions will crush an already fragile and corrupt economy. China will continue to trade with Russia but they won't be getting sweetheart deals that's for sure. China will be getting the better end of that.
  6. The left gets it wrong with "your sex is whatever you believe it to be". And the right with "your sex can't be changed". It's kind of a microcosm of how polarization leads to neither side being right. Much like the EA debacle, or COVID itself, the legitimate concerns of Canadians are used as a political football. I believe it's going to be very tough for the left next election. There is a tendency the longer a government is in power to become more authoritarian. Like Harper after being PM for 10 years, Trudeau will be coming to the same point. If the CPC loses the next election by picking the wrong leader, they have only themselves to blame. Absolutely and it's insane the CPC didn't realize this after Scheer. O'Toole did the exact same thing! I don't believe the CPC has learned the lesson even now.
  7. In short, yes. The CAQ is conservative and confusing gender and sex even more since a recent court ruling. I have little reason to believe that the CPC or PPC wouldn't muck things up even more. That being said, it's already messed up where it comes to birth certs and IDs. It'll be awhile before we realize that birth certificate, medical ID = sex and driver's licence and passport = gender. Context of which is more relevant isn't something 99% of people have to think about
  8. Pierre isn't perfect but I think he'll beat Trudeau if he gets the leadership. At least he seems straightforward on issues. Trudeau can't answer a basic question directly.
  9. Yea only fusion is going to make a difference and it's awhile out. IMO we should put all our chips into fusion research instead of subsidizing green technologies. Even China is putting a lot of money into experimental fusion lately.
  10. There isn't enough uranium on earth to power everything with nuclear. 4% of the worlds energy is nuclear and global reserves are estimated at 130 years, meaning we'd run out in like 5 years going all nuclear.
  11. Difficult but not impossible. I could see the Bloc forming a coalition with the CPC in a minority situation. Quebec has come back more to the center under CAQ. The Bloc also voted down the Emergency Act.
  12. It's the CPC's election to lose. Even without a leader they have held even or ahead of the Liberals in the polls. As long as they get a leader that can be clear where they stand on social issues (like Harper) they will win. If they don't, they'll lose yet again. That's really what it comes down to. Scheer and O'Toole were weak. Economic issues might take the forefront by the time the election comes around though. Which would probably benefit the right. They have the narrative advantage here.
  13. I'm all for green economy but the so-called green policies being implemented make no sense. The world isn't polluting less when we import our oil from Russia instead of making it ourselves. Similarly, taxing carbon doesn't do anything to reduce carbon emissions. It's not like we will heat our homes less in winter because the cost is higher. It's just a money grab. Subsidizing hydro and solar makes a bit more sense. We could be taxing foreign coal and oil to pay for those subsidies.
  14. Maybe the Conservatives and PPC should consider why they aren't any more appealing to most Canadians. Interesting that an Ipsos poll around last election time showed 46% of Canadians don't really like any political party. I wouldn't be surprised if that number was much higher now. The right's best ideas are to regress 20 years on social issues, or even more years in the case of the USA. There's a better way forward than the woke left or regressive right, but it isn't represented by a political party right now.
  15. Probably not. I think he just made a big miscalculation. The West had cared little about Ukraine for 8 years.
  16. Who watches the news on cable these days? RT.com if you want to read their content
  17. The cost of vaccines wasn't even close to what lockdowns cost us. Something like 10b vs 400b. For the cost vaccines were worth it IMO That being said the amount of vaccines that we over-procured is highly suspect. I don't doubt there is a lot of corruption behind the scenes.
  18. The NDP used to be but something changed I supported Trudeau till around 2017 when his true colors started to show I'll stand by my points that the Republicans don't really get social issues correct either. The proposal to go back to how things were 10-20 years ago isn't really an ideal path forward. Granted the right-wing backlash won't be as extreme in Canada but I do see it happening. Things like denying trans kids meds or outing LGBT kids to their parents to be disowned are as cruel as woke cancel culture. They play on ignorance just as much.
  19. I mean, we already have about 1.4 million Ukrainian Canadians in Canada. Most in Ukraine will stay and fight. The Ukrainian government barred males age 18-60 from leaving. I don't think Putin will win a decisive victory. Despite having the numbers and equipment advantage, their drafted army doesn't want to crush their neighbours and friends. It'd be like the USA invading Canada
  20. If there's a silver lining, I'd say it's that people are slowly tuning out of biased media. CNN's ratings have tanked and Fox News has become the #1 news network in the USA. The same is happening in Canada with CBC's revenue in decline. I see 95% people commenting on National Post articles lean right, and even on CBC about 65% of the comments lean right. Even my parents' generation is not very pro-CBC and they grew up on it. The thing is the vast majority of people in Canada are kind of towards the center like myself. If you get too far off the rails, then it becomes impossible to stomach that sort of media even if you're looking for another take.
  21. Well at least Canada is in a position where we are more or less energy independent and not beholden to autocratic regimes. And same goes for being food independent. It's manufacturing where we need to step up, or at least ensure we depend more on western allies and less on China. We saw how that worked out with buying vaccines from China. It put us months behind the rest of the world. I think over the next 20-30 years, the economic battles are going to be fought over cheap labor in developing countries. China is already winning the battle in Africa, although the west has Latin America. India and Indonesia will have a big role to play, which way they go will shape the world.
  22. CBC probably will be defunded when the right wins the next election. It might have made sense in the pre-Internet era to have national media but I think it's come time to sunset it. Watching the protest streamers was a really new experience to me and showed how you don't need big media necessarily to cover events. I think back to how biased CBC was against the PPC the federal election debates. It struck me as very anti-democratic given that we all pay for the CBC, their role should have been to be neutral. And I should note I wasn't really in love with the PPC at the time.
  23. Yea sad the moral relativists. "Well at least we're better than Russia" "Well at least we're better than China" As if those countries should be a measuring stick for us
  24. South Korea, Singapore, Israel, Taiwan, Estonia, Lithuania too Though all these countries have hostile neighbours. We don't consider Russia a 'neighbour' though maybe we should now
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