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Everything posted by Nexii

  1. The problem is if you don't have a path to citizenship then you end up with lots of illegals that don't pay taxes yet use social services disproportionately. This was a real problem in Texas as I understood it. Granted, giving them all citizenship is like waving the white flag and saying your whole immigration process is a failure. Maybe it is?
  2. Yea I noticed this. Saying he deserved it isn't exactly making me feel they're innocent What is Canadian law regarding inciting international terrorism? We're pretty harsh on international sex tourism, I don't see why commiting crimes abroad is really all that different than on Canadian soil
  3. Probably a long shot federally. Though I would say that at a provincial level, the centrist PC party is extremely popular here right now. Analogous to the CAQ, also extremely popular and centrist.
  4. Yea I think many aren't that aware that teens even have rights by law on issues of medical care, visitation rights, etc. Or maybe more worrying don't believe that minors can have such capacity, kind of a return to pre 1900s times. A lot of things said here really remind me of some over-sheltering parents in my family. Children can be completely ruined and warped by that sort of upbringing
  5. Is this actually the curriculum or just a right-wing dogwhistle? I'd like to see some proof of it, though given they're allowing drag queens in some schools it wouldn't surprise me. Saying gender is a choice is about as offensive as saying sexuality is a choice. Well, at least that used to be offensive to more moderate progressives. I get the sentiment. And I'd add that a lot of the woke pro-LGBT crowd probably aren't even truely LGBT themselves. I mean if they were they wouldn't have the takes on issues that they do.
  6. The right is no better. Problem is, there's no center anymore with the Liberal party going farther left. They might as well just merge with the NDP because there's no difference right now. There should be no problem with teaching that LGBT people exist. The same way that teaching that schools should teach about various religions and their beliefs. It's only when you get into promoting/proselytizing that it's overstepping secularism.
  7. Hockey was never for the lower class even in the good times. Hockey equipment is expensive even bought second hand. And travel as mentioned. I suppose you are seeing more kids play cheaper sports like soccer and basketball these days. I think some of the problem is our sports model is based too much around competition rather than encouraging participation. Only a select few become elite. So not many kids stick with it into adulthood. Higher participation would probably bring down costs quite a bit, economies of scale and all
  8. I very much doubt this guy did this out of right-wing ideology. Almost guaranteed he was looking to score a huge settlement. It's only the media trying to put a political spin on it for clicks. It probably speaks more to the fact that unions make it impossible to fire people that ought to be. Needs to be more of a feedback loop - curious what students and their parents thought of this teacher. I have so many questions like how did he teach a shop class with Z cup breasts, that in itself seems almost impossible
  9. I'd argue that a lot of social clubs and religions did it to themselves, becoming less inclusive as society became more inclusive. Plus COVID of course being the death of even more such organizations. But the effects of this are not good for our society, I do agree. Many young men are the most isolated. The problem is all those social clubs and community events cost money. The lower class just can't afford it when housing and food are barely affordable. So the government would have to heavily subsidize recreational facilities and community centers. Which might seem expensive, but compared to incarceration or the cost of paying mental health professionals, may not be that bad on the net.
  10. Yea this is nonsense that the NDP started. The free market determines prices. Sounds like more bureaucracy which will ultimately just drive up prices on everything even more. Imagine, a department of Food Affordability.
  11. Judges are definitely much more partisan in the US. That's because many of them are elected unlike in Canada.
  12. Both CPC and Liberals are responsible for the TFW program growing wildly out of control It's like low interest rates for too long, getting out of it now is going to be painful Though I agree, they need to taper it down. Maybe not all at once but gradually down to zero
  13. The hormones don't work the same way. They override your body's hormones but don't magically make you generate estrogen for life instead of testosterone or vice versa. For example if I stopped the T-blockers for even a week I'd grow facial hair etc. Most sexual function comes back. 100% recoverable, definitely not. But they aren't comparable to surgery which is not reversible. The issue especially in Europe was that they were rushing teens through without due diligence. It cannot be treated like a social issue where you just buy hormones over the counter. I do think there needs to be a set of better standards in Canada, because it's very wishy-washy right now. By going through the system I can say it's far too subjective whether they let you start or not, the questions asked are very antiquated. Very little of it was based around level of dysphoria or sexual discomfort. They don't even really cut to the essence of how strong you feel about transitioning. Much of the questions are silly things like whether you would do female jobs/roles, have female interests/hobbies, or be more motherly. Which is really dated, no one's going to transition so they can be an airline stewardess or nurse. And even worse questions like whether your sexual orientation would change. It's almost like it's taboo to even say the main motivation is that you'd just rather have a female body to match your mind. They've gone way too far down the gender side of the duality of biology vs gender, in other words. I think the right-wing does have some points about biology mattering too, but many take that way too far and say that's all that matters. So no, I don't agree with just giving up and banning it. The vast majority still benefit, and de-transition rates seem to be very low (~1%) when everything is done right. And of those, almost none have strong regret.
  14. Fair point, I mean that's what the courts are for. Ya I've said in other threads/posts that I don't agree with any surgeries before 18
  15. People who have gone through transition from a young age. What's the detransition rate and common reasons for it? We don't know.
  16. I think Trudeau will be ousted. It's not just the party numbers but that upwards of 75% polled think he needs to step down.
  17. I feel a lot of it comes from hubris in this field. Thinking they've cured the incurable. While psychiatry has come a long way its got a long ways to go still.
  18. Feeling empathy for someone isn't mutually exclusive from doing what's best for them
  19. Yea, not criminally responsible doesn't mean not dangerous. Sounds like more of an issue with how mental institutions are run than crime. Anyone who's killed should not be let out unescorted ever, IMO
  20. I didn't say they should get everything for free, just that Starlink is a less costly option. Of course the apartheid system should be blown up and ended but no party has the will to call it what it is. Perhaps because Canadians can't even see it for what it is.
  21. Of course there's not enough money. That's why apartheid failed in South Africa, it costed too much. It wasn't so much social as economic. I would have thought Starlink would cover most rural areas by now at less cost? Running fiber up in the North has to cost a fortune.
  22. The gender pronoun thing in schools on its own, probably not. But the whole host of proposed trans resolutions like segregated areas, no medical care for teens, and so on could weigh on the CPC quite a bit. Maybe not abortion or same sex marriage levels of revulsion, but it could definitely get there. It's a shame that parties don't set their own term limits on leaders. 10 years or something, it's very hard to win after that long in office anyways.
  23. Same old Reform as in the 90s. Only it's more shocking today because they're now 50 years behind the times instead of only 20
  24. PP is already getting wishy washy about social issues. He can't be like Scheer and O'Toole and dodge taking a stance because that won't go over. If there's anything people fear it's the unknown. The convention was a disaster for the Cons. Their sole trans candidate dropped out of the party over it and is all over the media already. Going down the social issue path will be their ruin. While the western evangelicals will pat themselves on the back, it will hurt their chances in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic regions. The Reform were never popular out here for a reason
  25. I miss the old Canada, when we had a fiscally right but socially left party. All the current options are awful
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