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Everything posted by Nexii

  1. The Jews were also said to have typhus. Much of the rationale given for creating Jewish ghettos was medical quarantining.
  2. Yes, we do still have that in Canada for now. A lot of the rhetoric in the USA about this sort of thing is a lot more... harsh, to put it mildly. I suppose Canadian-style populism will not become what USA-style populism is. Probably as we are more secular. Also, I think that if the CPC or PPC break through they will have more urban representation which would temper the pushback. May we live in interesting times
  3. PPC was pretty against minors transitioning as recent as a year ago. https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/a_ppc_government_will_fight_radical_gender_ideology Can't say I back that part. To push against medical choice when they say your choice for vaccines is quite an incongruency. How many minors end up being gay or lesbian 'instead' of trans (which they're also ignorant about, orientation is not the same as expression)? Probably very few, the truth is it's much more accepted to be gay or lesbian than trans. Anyways the other problem is more or less what they are getting at. Too much of the woke crowd in research circles, it wouldn't be PC to find out answers to questions like that. So the right goes with belief as their guide instead of any actual science backing the issue. This won't be resolved or understood for a very long time due to the lack of objective-based research. I could say more but yes, overall liberties are a much bigger worry right now. Donate to the CCF and CCLA if you haven't already.
  4. Under FPTP the only hope is for the PPC and CPC to merge. And to shed all the far-right religion-based social issue garbage that has held them back. To come to the center on these issues is necessary. I did find it really notable that the PPC dropped the identity politics off their site where it came to transgender issues. CPC hardly mentions anything in their official policy re: LGBT. And no, the left doesn't always get it correct where it comes to minority rights. It's absurd that transgender females can compete against born females in elite/professional sport. I say this as someone who is. Pushing way too far on these issues actually brings more hate and misunderstanding on us. I could say a lot more on this, though it'd take writing a book to properly explain how the left now gets minorities as wrong as the right does but in a different way. In the end however the outcome isn't good. Research is stifled because they believe they 'get it' out of sheer narcissistic altruism. Medical assistance is very arbitrary, it's an all-or-nothing approach. Granted these little side issues mean little compared to most people. But to me it indicates how our institutions have gone so wrong. Why nothing gets done to help other minorities like First Nations. Perhaps the point I was trying to get around to was that I fear the backlash. The populist right will win out in the end, and I'd rather not get lumped in with that crazy woke crowd.
  5. One of my left-leaning American friends commented the same. That if it goes to civil war in the USA 'his side' will lose and it won't even be close. All the gun owners, police, military, etc lean to the right. Though I would say the situation in the USA is somewhat different. There is a fascist tinge to their right-wing that isn't present in Canada, at least not yet.
  6. They don't bully big business because big business would ignore them and take them to court. So instead they pick on the little guy.
  7. It has gotten into creepypasta territory for sure. Many articles on MSM about how the Canadian flag doesn't belong to all Canadians, or even trying to dismantle the very concepts of freedom, patriotism, nationalism, etc. And this is coming from someone who has been on the left.
  8. It has been continuing. Big protests in Toronto, Calgary, Quebec city over the weekend. Of course the MSM largely ignores it
  9. Rebel reminds me of those late-era Harper ads tailored to people with 80 IQ. Al-Jazeera was always pretty decent for world events, but they haven't given the protests any decent coverage. I have the feeling we're too distant from their usual reach. True North is very good but you can tell they are a small operation, they only put out about one story a day.
  10. Yea Palki is awesome. Love her accent and she's savage but in a hilarious way. She's my favorite broadcaster
  11. The problem is Trudeau is an altruistic narcissist. He's incapable of apologizing for anything which is all everyone wants. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. It's funny Canadians are so anti-Trump when they are such a similar personality type. Trump is just more overt.
  12. I feel bad for the horses - using them this way is really dangerous to the horse too. I'd go so far as to call it animal cruelty (well, endangerment). I'm not sure why the police really need horses in today's day and age.
  13. Another reason why FPTP is bad. When these groups have zero representation in a democracy, it leads to civil unrest like we are seeing. That goes for both left (Greens) and right (PPC).
  14. As you see on here, it happens because many people believe in following law, order, and authority no matter what. Equating it to what is 'good' or 'right'. Laws aren't always good. "The first wave of legislation, from 1933 to 1934, focused largely on limiting the participation of Jews in German public life."
  15. Latest Mainstreet poll (Feb 16-17): CPC 39% Lib 31% NDP 15% PPC 6% BQ 6% Green 2% Big time bleeding of support from NDP to CPC
  16. I'd add that the Libs and NDP did not run on this sort of extreme mandate platform as well. Would have changed my vote
  17. NDP is tanking hard in the polls, see Nanos's most recent. They've betrayed the working class. I completely get why they are in such decline as I have supported them in the past (no longer). This means they'll cling onto power even harder by supporting the Liberals. They're broke and can't afford another election on top of low polling numbers.
  18. I'm fine with 'conversion therapy' for adults actually. Even though it's pointless snake oil, you can't change your sexual orientation by willpower or brainwashing. It's minors who don't have a say to refuse where I'm against it.
  19. It's hard to say. I do think the courts will push back on all of this. They've been in a sort of slumber due to COVID but we are coming out of it. I think the biggest flaw with most western democracies is that they don't hold elections often enough. 4-5 years is way too much time to be in power. The Roman Republic had it right, a new leader every year. Ideally we would ban political parties too.
  20. Because 99% of the time the ex-employee and employer agree to a severance payout. I'm sure CBC gave him a lot of money given the circumstances.
  21. But that's not the question that should be asked. The question should be should they have the right to protest. I'm sure if you phrased it as such, the results would be much different. Many people support their right to protest but not their cause or methods.
  22. Should the right make anonymous political donations be a Charter right? I see the issue as being very close to having a secret ballot when voting. I'd have to give the pros and cons some more thought.
  23. Yea I think it has been the CPC's inability to just clearly state their policy that did them in. At least Harper was upfront, and that gave him a lot of appeal. It's why he won so many elections. Since Harper it's been weak leaders who can't say what the party stands for which is never going to win.
  24. I didn't mean pride in the positive sense. I meant it in the negative righteous sense. The left thinks they understand trans issues and such, but they don't really. It's complex to explain but there is an overall sense of hubris. Whereas the right is ruled by fear. The fear that a young teen might make the wrong decision, although on the balance of things the greater and more likely fear should be that of suicide.
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