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Everything posted by Aristides

  1. When politicians talk about "paying their fair share" they mean someone other than their intended audience.
  2. This argument applies just as much to Australia, most of the country is sparsely populated with the bulk of the population in the south eastern part of the country. I don't think there is any doubt we are top heavy when it comes to government. We have more senators than the US with over eight times our population.
  3. For sure that isn't an intelligent response. So you think a president should able to do what ever they want, including giving billions worth of arms to foreign countries without approval from Congress? You sure sound like MAGA to me. Politics is the art of the possible.
  4. The MAGA crowd wants to abandon Ukraine altogether, spare me your phoney concern for Ukraine.
  5. Putin denied he was going to invade. Giving Ukraine weapons beforehand would have just been used as a provocation to invade. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/12/russia-kremlin-ukraine-nato-threats-521031 Trump negotiated the deal with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51692546 Your 20/20 revisionist hindsight is impressive.
  6. So you are arguing that politics doesn’t affect political decisions? The usual actors are accusing Biden of being a war monger just because he supports Ukraine’s fight for its own sovereignty. It wasn’t Biden who held up the aid bill to provide Ukraine with more support. Why do you think Biden could have stopped the invasion?
  7. The usual actors and Russia boosters here are already blaming Biden for starting the war by supposedly trying to get Ukraine into NATO.
  8. The point is, the planet can't support 8 billion people living a western standard of living and you can't stop people from trying to achieve it. I'm not complaining, just recognizing reality. You think people like Gates are the enemy because they are trying to figure out ways we can improve the lot of everyone without destroying our home. You are fools because the future will get you whether you like it or not.
  9. They all aspire to and why not? What makes us so special and entitled to consume five times the earths resources?
  10. No you don't. You are just an angry obnoxious person on the internet. I have no idea if it is intentional but that is how you come across.
  11. The effect they have on climate change is debatable but they are a factor. The fact we are consuming the earth's renewable resources much faster than the planet can replace them isn't. The planet just wasn't designed to support 8 billion people enjoying our standard of living.
  12. All you have to contribute is personal insults and calling people liars. You don't believe in anything you don't want to, that's your concept of science.
  13. One thing MAGA's do excel at, personal insults. Guess they find them a substitute for substance.
  14. Snowflake "Yes I’ve heard this word. I think sociopaths use it in an attempt to discredit the notion of empathy." John Cleese
  15. MAGA is lead by the biggest whiner and b*tcher of them all. The ultimate victim.
  16. Why would you comment on something you have never read? That's willful ignorance. You want to be ignorant so you don't have to deal with it.
  17. Ignorance is wonderful, ain't it. Solves all your problems with absolutely no effort.
  18. The beef thing is just a small part of the Gates interview. But you wouldn't know that unless you read it.
  19. Again, they provide not evidence to the contrary, they don't provide sources, they just disagree. If the Arctic isn't warming, why is the sea ice disappearing and why are Arctic glaciers melting at an unprecedented rate? https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/?intent=121 https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ https://www.livescience.com/greenland-glacier-melt-model
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