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Everything posted by Aristides

  1. NZ is a wonderful country. Beautiful geography, nice cities and people, the police still don’t carry firearms, civilized. If I wasn’t already a Canuck I would like to be a Kiwi. Being so isolated is both a blessing and a curse, like sharing the worlds longest land border with the US.
  2. A strong conventional NATO will make that less likely because it will deter Russia from attacking with conventional forces and make it less likely that NATO would have to use them. Being weak in any area does not make you more secure. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/wayne-eyre-bill-blair-armed-forces-recruitment-1.7177911 We might end up with a bunch of new equipment and no one to operate it.
  3. Trump isn't being charged with having sex with a porn star or paying her off. He is charged with falsifying business records.
  4. The government loves to use net debt to GDP but are you aware that number uses CPP and Quebec pension plan assets which amount to over 650 billion to bring that number down. It's a bullshit number unless you are prepared to give up your pensions.
  5. That describes the likes of Pinochet, Galtieri and many other South and Central American dictators. They were not communists, they were very right wing and often overthrew socialist governments to gain power.
  6. If you are weak in conventional forces, your only option if attacked becomes nuclear weapons and mutual destruction. Why would an aggressor resort to nukes and mutual destruction if they can achieve their goals with conventional forces? You have it backwards. They didn't have the ability to wipe out their species in the course of an afternoon.
  7. This country cannot be bilingual in a practical manner but efforts are made to at least promote French above other languages. In spite of the fact that British Columbians would find several Asian languages and possibly Spanish more practical in the real world, the provincial public school system has many French immersion schools and there are waiting lists to get into them. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/administration/legislation-policy/public-schools/language-education-policy
  8. There may be a lot of Russians who yearn for the old days but Russia isn't remotely communist. Communism is the state owning everything, today's Russia concentrates wealth among its oligarchs with a dictator oligarch holding the power, the opposite of communism. Very few of the world's autocracies are communist.
  9. Russia is not communist, it’s basically a kleptocracy run by gangsters whose politics are money and power. It’s actually the opposite of communism. Putin’s desire is to rebuild the old Russian Empire, not restore communism.
  10. Canada's total government debt is well over 100% GDP. Using net debt is a con because it is debt remaining after government sells all its liquid assets. Why is the Caisse buying US paper if it is a Ponzi scheme?
  11. Because it encourages people to invest in actual business that create wealth instead of just interest bearing accounts that do not..
  12. It would be bad for Quebec's interests as well. You aren't going to get a better deal than you have now. Do you honestly think the RoC or the US would otherwise give a crap about Quebec's culture or lift a finger to support it?
  13. Russia won't go to war with a strong NATO. A weak NATO is a reason Putin felt he could throw the dice in Ukraine and get away with it. Wars are a lot more expensive than keeping a strong peacetime military and without peace, all your new social programs (funded on debt) won't be possible.
  14. https://www.investopedia.com/updates/donald-trump-companies/ Seems like this is normal Trump.
  15. In BC you would also have the pleasure of watching addicts shooting up and smoking crack while their dealers come and go.
  16. I'm a British Columbian born and bred but a Canadian first. I would hate to see Canada break up and think it would be bad for everyone and a tragedy but I'm starting to wonder if that is what has to happen.
  17. Who's stopping you? You keep having referendums. The ROC is getting tired of listening to it. Shit or get off the pot. We wouldn't put up with this crap from any other province.
  18. I'm asking that question myself. Quebec's threats have just become tiresome. I wasn't always this way but it seems to never end.
  19. I've become kind of ambivalent about Quebec. How can a country go on having endless referendums? Quebec has had a pretty good deal going, they get far more in federal spending than they send to Ottawa in taxes (as do several other provinces) and they basically ignore Ottawa whenever they feel like it. Daniel Smith gets crucified for pushing back the same way Quebec has been for years and getting away with it.
  20. https://armscontrolcenter.org/fact-sheet-u-s-nuclear-weapons-in-europe/ NATO is not a country, it is barely a political entity. It is a group of independent countries that have committed themselves to defend each other if one of them is attacked from the outside. THAT'S ALL. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/official_texts_17120.htm Article 1. The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. No there isn't because Russia invaded its neighbour and is trying to take half its territory if not the whole thing. Nothing to do with left or right, everything to do with right an wrong. Putin is using the same game plan as Hitler did to annex Austria and Czechoslovakia and attack Poland and you id*iots lap it up. Cicero
  21. So what happens if you are stuck in a room with one of these people and staff refuse to enter? Or should addicts get private rooms?
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