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Everything posted by paxamericana

  1. Yesss, we are resolving world issues with the canadians once again.
  2. I'm not well studied on this topic but shouldn't the people in quebec studying english in the primary school and be at least fluent? Or are they being too french about it again?
  3. LOLS that's what the US has been doing since the marshal plan. That's why we're immune to such things.
  4. Actually this is exactly what I suspect Trump will do. First raise tariff then suddenly drop them out of good will allowing people to save face and then coming to an agreement.
  5. That is so canadian of you to say this. You guys are so sensitive to other's opinion. But if i'm honest, if we cared about what everyone else think of us a lot of things would not get done. This is the fundamental difference between Canadians and Americans. And that is why we are the most revolutionary force of democracy. The world belong to the brave and those who take risks.
  6.  I don't deny this, but as i have mentioned before, there is a duality to Americans, no one side is in power too long to do irreversible damage (god i hope this is the case). The pendulum will keep swinging.
  7. We didn't want it to come to this, we don't want to embarrass anyone or create any hard feelings, we even feel bad about it, we gave everyone an extended deadline but everyone seems to want to drag their feet. Your PM should have agreed to the trade deals being propose well before trump came to office. But enough of what could have have been. Fact of the matter is this, we need those trade deals to be finalize as soon as possible. When a more efficient economy is establish people will see the long term benefit it brings and realize that the hard choice was the right choice. Those who criticize america and what it stands for will continue to do so, but remember our people have more in common than differences. So despite your initial objection to the medicine being taken its still has to be done.
  8. Hmmm, those standardize test scores sure make everyone else look soo good, especially because their population is soo much larger than the US ! Japan is the only truely great competitor, what they lack in numbers they make up for in work ethics. The truth is this, more technical data and research is done in america than anywhere else, the true measure of a successful education system. So keep priding your self on what ever metric you think makes your academics superior to ours.
  9. You guys and the rest of europe have been drinking that anti trump haterade too long. I agree galvanizing you guys was a bad idea because it puts everyone in a bad spot. But trump likes to get things done. He doesn't have two terms to get a trade deal going. He is doing everything at break neck speed because he doesn't think he will get two term. This is the real reason he has upset the status quo so early on, he has nothing to loose in his mind. But a lot of us neo con actually support this and the chances for him to get re elected will be high. He has gain more follower not loose them despite what poll number or liberal media opinion exhume. Beside these trade negotiation will take years to sort out unless pressure is applied. The us economy is the envy of the world. It will hurt everyone else alot more than it will hurt us. If tariffs remain in place then american enginuity will prevail, we will find a way to reduce production cost as more producer will come to market. It will speed up the modernization of our production capability. To summarize, we have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Eventually the world economy will revert to automation of manufactured good and the need for import will reduce. So get on board canada its for your own good.
  10. What ever you want canucks, big bro understands.Eventually free trade will be establish between our countries, its only a matter of time. The sooner we get this chapter behind us the better. Besides you guys are our neighbors, its only natural we maintain our unity.
  11. Failed in your eyes maybe but the reality is this, both democrats and republicans are changing. The parties are evolving. Democrat have a much more progressive voice in government while republican have become more libertarian.
  12. While trump is far from a perfect leader I will say some of the people who work for him is. I am a pro philosopher king/leader. We have a few people like that running the show behind the scene. This is the real reason you see so many of us neo con support his administration.
  13. In all seriousness though, his nation security team headed by sec jim mattis has been one of the best I've seen from any administration.
  14. You have NO idea. I just love chanting mindless demagogue phrases while glued to fox news, the only source for real news.
  15. Has it occured to you half baked intellectual that maybe the delay of implementing sanctions is part of a negotiating tactic with russia over some issue?
  16. Well make sure you keep counting. Don't miss a single one now, the fate of western democracy depends on it.
  17. I find no evidence of what you mentioned. Must be fake news you were reading. But here is real news. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/us/politics/trump-sanctions-russia-putin-oligarchs.html
  18. Those aren't news, those are make believe facts that you need to acknowledge and get over your selves with.
  19. I wonder if putin ordered all those sanctions on him self and his buddies. Or did he ordered us to shoot our cruise missiles in syria at his allies.
  20. Ugh yeah , the sepparation of church and state is terrible here in the US. We respect everyone's religious beliefs but that shouldn't be a pre condition to run for office or legal stance. Alot of us neo-con hate session but cant find a good replacement.
  21. Trump didn't start those war he came into office dealing with these already establish issue. Attack his character all you like. Our liberal news media does it all the time. If lying as a politician is a crime then i guess we should prosecute every politician eh?
  22. That's because Obama decided to pull out all the troop. It takes decades not years to stabilize and rebuild a war torn country. They made so much progress and thanks to obama we didn't get that chance. But no need to worry the new sheriff is in town, we have redeployed troops to stabilize some of those areas now. Oh while we are on this subject you can all thank america for stabilizing all the other areas of conflict from southeast asia , south america, the middle east , africa and ukraine. You are all welcome.
  23. did some one say American neo-con??? Present! You all should check out our new defense strategy Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis wrote. We need to pull out of the Iranian deal to defund their destabilizing activities. We fully support the Iranian people who want a true and fair democracy but we refuse to allow the radical part to destabilize the region. A strong Iran is in everyone's best interest but things can not carry on as they are now. Change is coming we just need the Iranians to pick someone more palatable with the west and western values.
  24. That is the price to pay for war. No one says it was going to be pretty or that collateral damage is not part of it. We didn't ask to start the war in Afghanistan by the way, some angry people decided they prefer radicalization of a beautiful religion for their perverted cause. We decided to do something about it and am proud of it. Btw we got Osama so I wouldn't say we lost. Besides look at the new democracy we have establish in our wake. Sure it's not pretty now but in several year it might turn out like japan and south korea. Okay Iraq was a mistake from the beginning but that doesn't matter, we removed another dictator in the world and they are now able to hold democratic elections. The worse mistake was pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely and allowing the extremist factions funded by Iran to take root. But no worries the new sheriff is in town and we have since redeployed troops to stabilize those areas. A insurgency war doesn't take a few years it takes decades root out the bad actor, to train and rebuild a country. I don't see anyone bothering to do that ever... seems like America is the only one who care enough to do that. We play the hand we are dealt with, but know this, we will maintain the world order established since WWII, what ever the price. Sure We never had a sound strategy for those theaters and that is why you can fairly criticize that we "lost" but look we got a new strategy plan now it's publicly available so you can read it. PTSD is attributed to the sense of isolationism our men and women who return from theater feel. Believe me I know, I have many buddies returning from service, I had to talk to one guy for four hours all the way until 4 am so he wouldn't blow his own brains out. I asked him would he rejoin the service again if they didn't medically discharge him he said no doubt about it. Because he knows he is part of something greater . It's a sacred bond of brother hood we civilians will never know. To fight and die for one another, be part of something greater than your self, to defend freedom and prepare to lay down your life should it come to it. Currently we are working on many veterans benefits program and I see them bearing fruits every where I go. I have never seen so many wounded veterans on a college campus studying to rebuild their future and are now established in well paid careers than I have seen in previous generations. So go ahead criticize away if you only want to see the negativity America has done. You are a classic case of what the KGB call a demoralize target or half baked intellectual, because you stand for nothing and criticize everything .Keep drinking that political subversion the Russians the rest of our adversary have been feeding you. I'm sure they can win wars and make peace much better than us! Cough* Ukraine, Georgia, Spratly Islands, Tibet, Yemen, Lebanon cough* Do your self a favor and watch this video, it was made by a soviet defector who defected to Canada... maybe you'll get some new perspective.
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