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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. In 50+ years, the 'new woke' folks will be looking back at the 'right now' folks of to-day, and slamming, condemning, dis-avowing everything done to-day. Get your 'victim resume' up to date . . . . learn how to cry on cue, be the 'self-righteous whiner' that others see . . . . . .BE THE VICTIM. The Government owes/owns you.
  2. The Great Plains were much larger than what they are now. Couple reasons for this: Many and large grass fires every year. This killed off encroaching brush. Bunch grass has a huge root system. This enables it to re-gen after prolonged droughts and the ever present grass fires. Buffalo eat and shit. Those splayed hooves broke the 'weather crust' on the plains, making for a better nutrient retention (buffalo shit) . . . . this was a superb eco system before the plow.
  3. Tear down a statue of John A. . . . . . accept him on the money they didn't work for. Just another wtf moment.
  4. Pierre Poilievre is a joy to watch, but he's not PM material. He's in the right spot at the right time . . . right now. Well spoken and obviously intelligent, not intimidated or in awe of anything Liberal, and he delights in grilling the Liberal pork fat and the Liberal tapeworms on his barbeque . . . . He smiles as the stink rises from the grille.
  5. Apologize? Are you kidding? Trudeau owes an apology to the Canadian citizens. How about a few tears for Canada Justin? Big crocodile tears . . . . cameras rolling, it's a go!
  6. Hey! What could be 'more communist' than a Leafs hockey game? How about a tearful apology to Italian folks . . . . we've just got the 'guy?' to shed those tears . . . while the cameras are rolling. You folks putting together your 'victim portfolio' for future reference? Tears will be shed. Guaranteed !
  7. You might enjoy being a 'Contrary Leaf' fan . . . . I'm a 'Contrary Canuck' fan . . . nothing is better than an eight game losing streak, except a nine or ten game losing streak. I revel in their losses and excuses. Brightens my day knowing they have a half century of 'chronic underachievement'. Vancouver sports-talk radio stations typically feature a pair of hosts, with a combined IQ nudging double numbers, that chatter away for hours about hypothetical trades, could'a-would'a-should'a, what they had for breakfast, etc. . . . Puts a smile on your face! Try it!
  8. Canadians are politically lazy. Perfect atmosphere for any Justin Trudeau.
  9. Great punch line to a sad joke . . .
  10. My skin is the colour of this text. Victim? Don't ever refer to me as a victim. The 'woke' can go fuck themselves.
  11. Trudeau is a fool leading the most appalling Federal Govt. in the history of Canada . . . that's a given. The weird socks, costumes, tears, lies, conflicts of interest, etc. keep the attention on this fool. The real concerns for any thinking voter are the 'sand-bagging' of the energy industry, the investor lack of confidence in Canada, the Federal agenda of splitting the country along racial, economic, and regional lines, and the huge debt. Worry yourself silly about Canada's contribution to 'global-warming' and climate change, and what Conservatives think of 'your fool' and his socks. This country is heading into the dumper . . . . lead by a fool and his minions. You must be proud. New book: 'The Evisceration Of Canada' . . . . . . Justin Trudeau.
  12. Anyone heard of the State of Michigan/Gretchen Whitmer or the company called Enbridge ? Asking for a friend . . .
  13. Canada a Communist state? We're getting there by degree/decree. Have you ever seen a government of any stripe 'back-off' once a small majority of brain-dead citizens have accepted any of their policies that don't require any thought ? Communist? Not yet, but the ratchet is clicking away . . . . . . . Brain-dead voters . . . . . bobble-head PM. Embarrassing.
  14. What better credentials to run a country into the ground? Canadians are so politically lazy and stupid. Nice hair! Yeah!
  15. The CBC is Canada's expensive joke. Preoccupied with the 5% of the population FN issues combined with the Liberal bias makes it unlistenable to any thinking person. 'Canada's radio station' . . . ? What a joke.
  16. ron Young . . . . you're the perfect example of a Justin Trudeau voter/supporter. You must be proud of yourself. Congratulations on a job well done. Canada thanks you.
  17. Is Gerald Butts the Trudeau puppet master? Is this 'Great Re-set' the vision of others? Justin Trudeau comes across as a dolt . . . maybe he isn't though?
  18. ^ ^ Yeah, CBC knows the truth. You should find another 'source' for your 'truths' . . . .
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