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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Mike, tell us again that you're a Conservative . . . . folks just don't believe you anymore.
  2. The prancing dipshit has your and Michael's vote . . . . . why bother/worry about a Conservative leadership race?
  3. Canada isn't fixable . . . . not anymore. The prancing dipshit has alienated any thinking person. What's left?
  4. Have had three Moderna shots . . . . no reaction whatsoever. Not going to get shot four or the multiple shots this government has planned for this fading epidemic. Done! Fin!
  5. Does anyone think that any other Liberal PM would have acted as Justin Trudeau did during the Truckers Convoy? Trudeau hiding out for 2 1/2 weeks . . . . sniping all the racist/misogynist insults. Emergency Act. Can you visualize 'The little guy from Shawinigan' acting as Trudeau has?
  6. You call that boxing ? You ever tape up ?
  7. Thread title . . . 'Is Putin losing his mind?' Hoping he loses it in a physical sense . . . . soon.
  8. But, Mike claims to be a Conservative . . . . . thinking most that have read his posts are thinking he's a bullsh!tter.
  9. Inappropriate question . . . but, nonetheless: Given the bloodshed, casualties, and death inflicted on the population of Ukraine . . . if you had the crosshairs on Vladimir Putin's head . . . . would you?
  10. Some of us can wear a feather and moccasins also a stetson and riding boots. Both fit and both are comfortable.
  11. There were more than a few Nazi flags 'liberated' towards the end of WWII . . . are they Nazi supporters?
  12. Was the Nazi flag representing the flag bearer, or was it a display condemning Trudeau and his Nazi like behavior during this peaceful protest.
  13. Festrunk brothers . . . Yortuk & Georg
  14. Lots of middle European origin folks across the Canadian prairies. Tough, resilient, and resourceful . . . welcome immigrants.
  15. "Elect a clown . . . expect a circus" Truth is . . . Trudeau is a lower IQ bobble-head. Hitler and Putin are something else.
  16. Don't bother yourself . . . . . or us either. Let's just keep purchasing foreign oil and sit on our reserves.
  17. Our navy is in dry-dock . . . on the boat trailer. That out sourced Chinese built Evinrude needs a sparkplug (back-ordered).
  18. The headdress is plains Indian. Feathers are Golden eagle tail feathers from an immature bird. And here we have mister dress-up once again being the fool. The joke's on him. A turkey pretending to be an eagle . . . . how insulting and embarrassing.
  19. Stay right here . . . . it's your country. That dipshit won't be there forever.
  20. It doesn't matter what I think of Pierre Poilievre's experience/work outside of him being MP. In the context of the outlandish Jack9000 claim . . . . PP hasn't been tried yet. Comprehend? Just curious . . . . is the question mark (?) your only punctuation . . . . ?
  21. Well . . . . . . alright then.
  22. Any basis for your outlandish statement Jack9000? Your boy Skippy has numerous mistakes, lies, indiscretions . . . but, guessing you like his hair and socks. Pierre Poilievre hasn't been tried yet. Comprehend?
  23. Very subtle indeed . . . . touche'
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