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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. Fauci’s funded research included locking the heads of dogs in mesh cages so that sand flies could eat them alive.   What a shit stain.  So are his supporters.

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      That's true but when you check into the monkey torture one it does look like they got that one right.

      So 1 out of 4. Congratulations, I guess.

      Candace got 1 wrong. That's disappointing. It's easy to see how she made a mistake though. Apparently, Fauci's chapter of NIH is not the only department torturing animals. 

      The guy in charge of the NIH house of horrors is Frances Collins. He announced this month he's stepping down. Too many scandals all at once, I guess.

    3. Infidel Dog
    4. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      BTW, this is off-point a bit but did you hear George Soros is getting together with other left wing billionaires to finance another leftist "fact checking"  service.

      I like this bit from a right wing article about it:

      "A monopoly echo chamber of information is exactly what the Left relentlessly pursues. That’s why the Leftmedia juggernaut is protected by a Praetorian Guard called “fact-checkers” whose primary job is to kneecap the competition, disputing conservative opinions using technicalities, outright falsehoods, or, when all else fails, applying the old “missing context” canard. Left-wing social media platforms publishers then suppress that conservative speech because their well-paid “fact-checkers” have labeled it “misinformation.” Other Big Tech companies squelch conservative competition in search results (Google) or by removing content (Google-owned YouTube) for the same reason."


      I'm sure CH will want to "fact check" that. :lol:

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