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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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    London, Ontario

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  1. If you're homeless, Democrats want doctors to be able to write prescriptions for a home, the way they do for medication.  /facepalm

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Whether you are most to blame or not, I'm glad to have pointed out to you once again how you are easily misled. Now you can join in the campaign for better resources to deal with homelessness, as such initiatives are in everyone's interest.

    3. Shady


      You’re conflating a doctor writing a prescription with more resources for homelessness.  Even you know better.  Regardless, California’s homelessness problems have more to do with the massive amounts of illegal immigrants they attract each year.  A doctor writing a prescription can’t fix that.  Either can a prescription for a college education or a good paying job.  Your absurdity knows no bounds. 

    4. BubberMiley


      Doctors can't divvy out resources unless the resources have been provided. Good point. The key factor is for the resources to be there. That was the whole point. Duh.

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