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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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    London, Ontario

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  1. Article 2 of the Democrats impeachment has been made moot by the Supreme Court.  The validity of subpoenas, and claims of executive privilege are determined by the judicial branch of government, not the legislative branch.  Hence, no obstruction of congress until ruled so by a court.  Nice try Dems! :lol:

    1. Shady
    2. betsy




      lol.  One of the major reasons I'd like to see another Trump victory in the coming election.....is to satisfy my curiousity as to how dems will be exploding when that happens!   Lol.  Based on the looney anti-Trump's reactions.....collective suicides isn't far-fetched, I imagine. 

      There might be a line up at every bridge! :lol:

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