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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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    London, Ontario

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  1. FBI pleads guilty to doctoring documents used to justify surveillance on Carter Page.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Shady


      Opening an investigation is one thing.  Lying to a judge in order to obtain a FISA warrant, and then repeatedly lying in order to renew that warrant several times is completely corrupt.  It’s sad that you abandon principles so easily simply because you don’t like the people involved.  It’s really pathetic.

    3. BubberMiley


      Why won't you answer my question about whether you think the Barr DOJ is corrupt against Trump for saying there was no evidence of bias and that they acted correctly? Is it because I have won again?

    4. Shady


      Because there clearly was bias.  It came out in the declassified documents and texts.  You’re cherry picking again.  Why can’t you admit the corruption of the FBI and their abuse of power, and the infringement of an American citizens constitutional rights?  Ol’ police state Bubber strikes again!  

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