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Everything posted by cougar

  1. They promote multiculturalism , so the Chinese agents are nicely balanced with agents from India, the Philippines and all other countries imaginable.?
  2. It will be definitely quite interesting. No more money, as it will be useless. No more jobs, as there is no need to work if you do not get paid or you have nothing to buy with the money you made. Just mad people running up and down the streets like chickens with their heads cut off.
  3. And this to me is a problem bigger than the pandemic itself ! The wrongs this country and government committed against its citizens - putting them against one another, discriminating against them, limiting their freedoms, freezing up their bank accounts, arresting them, putting them out on the street, starving them by refusing them EI benefits! We have to go after them, so this type of thing never happens again!
  4. Not too sure about that, as well as any other online info I am getting regarding the pandemic. In my own family, 50% of the unvaccinated are over 50 years old. Also, one of the young adults has a condition, which would leave only 25% of our family "population" to be young and healthy. We all passed COVID no problem. But I will tell you what I did, and for a different reason; I got myself a $1 mil life insurance policy, because of how messed up our health system is. So when they screw me over because of their incompetence and long wait times, someone will have to fork out $1 mil to my estate. That's my way of saying FY to the system, Trudeau and whoever else is involved.
  5. You were talking about "savings accounts" (presumably in USD or CAD), now you are telling me "crypto accounts". Which one is it?
  6. I see no connection between some crypto funds stolen from a platform and my credit card or savings account. Why would you be posting this type of nonsense? To get everyone excited?
  7. It is possible they do not want to do it as it may prove that vaccination or no vaccination, the final result is the same. Who wants to admit that all the money spent on vaccine development and measures to stop the virus were all for nothing?
  8. I thought you wanted to compare the death rate of vaccinated with that of the unvaccinated as the thread title tells us. So you need to get the death rate of the vaccinated as a percentage of all vaccinated and then compare it to the death rate of the unvaccinated as a percentage of all unvaccinated. But even then you will be off, because the vaccinated include the vast majority of people at risk, who thought getting vaccinated is a good thing. The unvaccinated are for the most part those who considered themselves healthy enough to take a chance, plus those who thought the vaccine will be harmful to them.
  9. I wish I could say you are right, but my common sense tells me otherwise. So the questions for you is, how many booster shots does Trudeau need to add him to your statistical data??
  10. Depends on whether you are pro-vax or anti-vax. He did commit crimes but if you are pro-vax, you would not be the best person to raise the issue. It makes you look bad.
  11. He wants to lay hands on your guns before he freezes your bank account, raises interest rates to a point you are homeless and triples the prices of food and gas so you are starved to death and unable to escape. He is doing it all with you in mind.?
  12. All that matters is I can tell the difference between real human beings and the Orcs of Mordor.
  13. You go on Google maps and check before posting you f-u-c-k-i-n-g crap here. Check the coastal communities and Vancouver Island, check the area around Prince George and West of it. FYI we do not log the Yukon as it has tiny trees if any. Whatever we could get our hands on has been wiped out / destroyed. We have shown to be no different than plague to the this Earth.
  14. When I am in the bush I wipe my ass with leaves, moss or in wintertime , with snow. You think I give a rat's ass about your tissue paper, you "civilized" idiot?
  15. I 've told you many times to get rid of your annoying red font and keep away from forestry related discussion, so your naked butt is not exposed for all to see.
  16. To you???? On this board????? I only suggest you steer clear of all forestry and environment related discussions. Do yourself a favor so you are not in the position of the King in his new clothes all the time.
  17. I live where I want to live, close to the wilderness. The uneducated likes of you are the problem.
  18. Do you have eyes on you? Then look at the pictures below taken today, ESPECIALLY FOR YOU, and your ilk. Where do you see those old trees "renewed" ???? Some 20-40 years ago the old forest was logged, but mostly destroyed with much of the timber left to rot. The new growth, which is some 20 - 30 year old trees are now logged. If the area is replanted, the third growth will be smaller trees, and I doubt someone will give them even 20-30 years before those are destroyed. So , I do not care how old you are, how many years you have in the logging industry, where you came from and when. One thing I know for sure is, you have learned absolutely nothing in those years.
  19. So the Canadian government is a tumor destroying the environment. I 've said it before and I will say it again. I want to pack all those m-o-r-o-n-s - politicians, CEO's, businessmen and what not and ship them all to China, or even shoot them out into outer space to look for greener pastures and business opportunities.
  20. Stop this crap! You should know as well as I do that it is not! Sick and tired of giving you all the facts over and over and then have you post your next stupid comment under the next thread!
  21. Definitely we have not had the right kind. Capitalism cannot last - it is based on greed and exploitation and unlimited resources and an unlimited pool of people/customers. Capitalism has turned people into monkeys chasing their tails. Need I say more?
  22. Yes, so it does not really change definitely overall. You can live in the moment, which may be different from the one before or the one after, but eventually you will experience the same moment again.
  23. Nice song Dougie, reminding me of my youth, but pure utopia. Nothing ever changed.
  24. He should be in jail together with his sons, financial advisers and everyone else around him playing a role in his scams.
  25. Sorry, I don't care about Iran. They can do whatever they have to do and have been doing for thousands of years. You, with your 100 years as a country experience probably don't even have the right to look outside your border and condemn anyone. Look at Canada's internal issues. But on another note, I do not even give a rat's ass about all those issues they talk about in the news any more - war in Ukraine, Russia, inflation and standard of life, Covid, Trudeau and Poli-whatever, hurricane in the east. Don't care. I am living my own life. Tomorrow I will go fishing or mushroom picking and I give no rat's ass about anything else.
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