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Everything posted by dialamah

  1. Funny how it's not cruel when these conspiracy theorists dismiss all the the old/unhealthy people who died of Covid as unimportant, eh? Nobody has yet answered my question why the globalists/WEF/Trudeau/etc have been so inefficient in their plan to kill billions. Why is the vaccine so poor at it's supposed job of killing people? Why aren't we dropping dead by millions already?
  2. Just building on what you posted.
  3. Could it be related to men having multiple wives, while women could only have one husband?
  4. She didn't outlaw Christmas, she said people should keep their celebrations to family. If you saw this as "outlawing" Christmas, maybe you need a dictionary for Christmas this year. And yeah, many people ignored it, myself included.
  5. Another instance where right-wingers don't want to condemn for what their own do, but would rather blame somebody else.
  6. I'll buy you a beer and disapprove of what you did is "nudge nudge wink wink" behavior. Free beer = do it again.
  7. That was my first thought when I saw that. I support LGBQ+ community, but that money is needed elsewhere.
  8. Stakeholder capitalism is a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders. Among the key stakeholders are customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and local communities. Under this system, a company's purpose is to create long-term value and not to maximize profits and enhance shareholder value at the cost of other stakeholder groups. https://www.investopedia.com/stakeholder-capitalism-4774323
  9. I don't see anyone wearing masks in those places any more. Where are you?
  10. That's not government telling Walmart employees to wear masks, it's their employer. If you can't discern the difference between employers and the government, how do you expect to be taken seriously?
  11. There are 38 pages in total; about half have been redacted. Presenting it as three pages, all redacted, is dishonest.
  12. There's no more control over us now than there was before Covid. If tight control is what was wanted, why aren't we still living with lockdowns etc. And again, if the goal is to snuff out billions of us, why not make a virus, or a vaccine, powerful enough to actually get the job done? Why are these power-hungry people willing to wait years for their plan to come together when it could happen within months?
  13. Pretty sure fear and crisis persuaded people into bomb shelters when an air raid sirens went off in the second world war. But if you don't believe Covid was a crisis, then you'll only ever see the measures taken as some kind of manipulation. From the other side, I feel as free as I ever did. The mask mandates/lockdowns/social distancing measures have been lifted - as I always expected, even when some on here were predicting a plot to move this country into totalitarianism with permanent lockdowns and "passports". That didn't happen, and now the same people have upped the ante to some plan to kill billions. Which kind of begs the question - why not let Covid kill a bunch of people, then intro the vaccine to finish the job. If the vaccine is to kill people, why wait? Surely it would be more effective to kill billions quickly - think of the fear that would generate, and the leverage for control of any survivors. If there is some plot afoot to kill billions and take over, it's pretty poorly done.
  14. That's kinda what I got out of it - AI could replace humans in many aspects. A lot of people are afraid of this, but I've seen the opposite argument - that AI will free humans to do things that AI can't and never will be able to do - like engage in creative pursuits. In any case, it's still not support for the claim that the vaccine is designed to kill billions.
  15. If they don't like it, it's a plot, requiring dozens or hundreds or thousands to be in on it.
  16. Ok. You can't do it and are huffing and.puffing in the hope I'll be fooled. Whether he is my "friend" or not is irrelevant. I took the time to look up several pages of source information because you said he'd support your contention that the Covid vaccine would kill billions. If you can't back up what you say and just hide behind Goddess, I guess you are just as ignorable as she is.
  17. Seriously, either provide something that supports your claim, or just admit that you cannot provide a credible rebuttal.
  18. Guess I shut you up with my research.
  19. Well I'm at work, see, and while it's kinda slow, I do have to take care of some stuff. I did find more stuff on him though. I read his article "Lessons From a Year of Covid". It made interesting comparisons between today's pandemic and historical ones. He talks about the cost of lockdowns vs. the benefits, buy also points out the efficacy of those lockdowns in slowing the spread. interestingly, his final paragraph in that essay talks about establishing a "powerful global system to monitor and prevent pandemics." Kinda odd, that; it seemed to go against his comments about surveillance and the power of governments earlier in the article. Also looked at an interview with Harari on dw.com, which mentioned that his company donated a million bucks to WHO. This interview ties the possibility of totalitarianism as a result of Covid policies together. This is also where I found the first reference to "under the skin" surveillance - but this was in 2020, before there was a vaccine - so I don't know if he was thinking about a vaccine or about surveillance related to Covid itself. In a third article I found on a CBS site, Havari talked about AI hacking humans "unless it is globally regulated". That's a second instance of Havari mentioning a global authority, in two different contexts. Plus he supports WHO. Anyway, it's been interesting reading, but I don't see how it supports your contention that the vaccine is designed to kill off billions
  20. I looked up Haarari and found nothing on his website book summaries or in his Wikipedia page about politicians/elites/WEF looking to kill off billions of people with a vaccine. He seemed quite readable and reasonable, as a matter of fact. At least from the little bit of his writings I had access to. Do you not have a cite supporting your claims?
  21. Perhaps I'd trust a cite you provided. But if you can't, you can't.
  22. LMAO. Usually power hungry dictators want more people to control, not less. Not to mention, more developed nations have a higher uptake of the vaccine; why would this supposed cabal want to decimate the richest countries. And how did all the countries in the world manage to agree on this plan with no dissenters? In particular, why did Trump go along, that bastion of perfection, go along with it? Previously, the claim here was that Trudeau/Provincial governments would never lift mask mandates/lockdowns because "power and control". We see how that turned out. Now the same people have moved on to "mass worldwide killing" for power and control. The conspiracies only get more ridiculous as time goes on.
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