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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2022 in Posts

  1. People lost their children and were then harassed by a$$holes who believed this POS. Why must everything be about your extreme political partisanship.
    2 points
  2. Sometimes I'm reminded there may still be hope for humanity. Alex Jones, one of the world's most shameless hacks and ridiculous conspiracy theorist, is ordered to pay $4M to the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim. Mr. Jones, as many as you may know, spent years telling the world that this was a hoax and the parents were paid actors and other such brainless nonsense. https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/jury-alex-jones-defamation-case-begin-deliberations-punitive-damages-2022-08-05/ The mere idea that this sort of conspiracy would even be possible is baffling to me, considering the thousands of people who'd have needed to be involved to make up a "hoax" like this and keep it a secret, but Alex Jones never cared. All that mattered to him was that he could yell at the camera, and rile up the fools who watched him by telling them exactly what they wanted to hear. Whoopsy. Free speech only goes so far. When you're deliberately lying to people in order to make a buck, and when those lies are so egregiously shameless and harmful, and when the idiots who listened to you to harass and threaten people because they believe your made-up bullshit, the Law says you can be liable. Even a Texas jury agrees.
    1 point
  3. It's not a witch trial when your heroes have to pay for using lies for clickbait.
    1 point
  4. You really are out in left field aren't you. The parents of a kid who was killed in a massacre bought a civil suit against the person who defamed them by speaking lies. The lies were believed by a certain really stupid demographic, who then threatened and harassed the parents. This isn't left/right, this is tragedy speaking out against an opportunistic, lying POS.
    1 point
  5. He had a fair trial; jury and everything. Is every judgement you, personally, don't like some kind of political statement. Why do you support a lying jackass anyway?
    1 point
  6. This seems like a really stupid lawsuit. Alex Jones is an idiot but it shouldn't be illegal to be a mouthy idiot.
    1 point
  7. This isn't about whether he apologizes or not, whether he is really sorry or not. It isn't about his feelings. No one gives a shit about what this pig feels. It is about the damage he did to others.
    1 point
  8. telling the people what they want to hear to win votes is obvious pandering
    1 point
  9. Its obviously not your wheelhouse either.. There must be malice involved in the statement. Simply being wrong about something doesn't mean it's defamation... And yes an apology would strike against malice intent. And no I'm not an Alex Jones fan. In my opinion the guy needs to be checked for mental health issues. What i am for is not having lunatics acting as judges on the bench trying to score some political points. What I find with your ilk is you allow raw hatred of conservatives to cloud your judgement... because he disagrees with you politically it makes him a bad person therefore should be trampled harshly by the legal system.. people like you are a disgrace to the process. We seen it with your so called virtuous opinions on innocent people being held in jail without a trial... too much cnn.
    1 point
  10. Yes, I asked why Griner was getting the news and public and government attention but not the ex marine also being held, nothing about right or wrong Not asking you to defend anything, just saying why one millionaire basketball player and not the ex marine. The easy answer is celebrity wins out
    1 point
  11. Stand my ground...yes. Go looking for a fight...no.
    1 point
  12. Republicans were set to take the House and Senate before this decision which has thrown the Dems a lifeline. The vote in Kansas is a clear warning to politicians in other states that they prohibit abortion at their peril. Women are simply not going to stand for it, including many Republicans and those who wish to restrict the procedure. It has to be available under some circumstances and we know how rarely rape is reported to start with. Those weirdo, originalist judges that have been foisted on the country can’t wish away modernity.
    1 point
  13. 1) Do those who choose not to listen to your 'truth' do so because of you or your presentation? 2) Is your 'truth' really true? You've answered your own question with your last sentence. Presentation may be everything . . .
    1 point
  14. Texas Court Rules 9 Year Old Must Bring Alien To Term If she was impregnated by an alien, that is God's Will and a preborn baby is a life, says Supreme Court Judge Luther P. Butticks
    1 point
  15. And you're saying Biden is the cause of inflation? Do tell us how. We're ignorant Libbies who know The Orange Asshole would be well on his way to turning the USA into a World Class Shithole if he really won the election. THe alternative to Biden has ZERO to offer.
    1 point
  16. That is one possible outcome, a highly unlikely one at that. It would be prudent for the West not to rely on such wishful thinking. I’ve already suggested you read the pathology literature to correct your impressions on Chinese lack of innovation. Actually, look at any scientific or technological field, or try the history of China and the numerous products invented there. Yes, China steals technology. So does Israel BTW. But they are both prodigious innovators as well. Have you worked with science grads from the PRC? They are as good as Chinese from the diaspora these days, ie very good indeed. And driven.
    1 point
  17. You extremist types hate to take responsibility for your actions, don't you. His lies had a direct influence on these assholes, kinda like handing a gun to a guy who says he wants to kill someone.
    1 point
  18. Taiwan’s allies are rightly trying to avoid conforming too readily to unreasonable Chinese demands. Tantrums are the default position of the CCP. We could only avoid them by agreeing to everything those spoilt children want.
    1 point
  19. Nobody knows what is going to happen but it is surely prudent to plan for what one can reasonably foresee as a possibility, especially when that possibility could affect our way of life? China is already a serious threat to stability in the Far East. Imagine a country with a similarly xenophobic and totalitarian government with 50% more global GDP share in 2052, a very conservative estimate. We’re talking about a civilization that was one of the wealthiest in the world for thousands of years, back when many of our ancestors were running around with paint on their faces in Europe, that has 1.4 billion people. A country that has declared its contempt for liberal democracy, with the talent of Japan and a population the size of India, should not be dismissed so lightly. Yes, China has many bubbles that will pop and a hideous governmental system that keeps its people down. But it also has more of the world’s best businessmen than any other country, who succeed despite that system. The story is the same in technology and science. Take a look at, say, any pathology journal and look at the names of the authors and, increasingly, where they live. Over the long-term, it is unreasonable to imagine (for unstated reasons) that its rise won’t continue. And that rise is an existential problem for freedom in the world - more North Korea than South Korea, unfortunately. Xi and Co. are well aware their citizens are becoming better informed and will be more difficult to control despite extraordinary surveillance. The surest way for the Marxists to maintain power in Beijing is continue their aggression abroad and disrupt freedom globally. Two obvious problems right now - the real estate bubble and Covid. I hope Xi comes in for a lot more flak on his zero Covid policy which he has used as a screen to ramp up oppression even more. China is facing a difficult year.
    1 point
  20. So much hoopla in the US about this person. Why? Because she is a basketball player? Or gay? Or married? There are lots of Americans (and Canadians) in foreign jails for breaking their laws. Real important thing to remember and compare with is try getting into the US with cannabis oils. You will also be arrested for smuggling.
    1 point
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