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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2021 in Posts

  1. Why Won't Canadian Politicians Denounce Anti-White Racism? Anti-Racism is a dog whistle for anti-White racism. Yet Canadian politicians are not denouncing this form of racism. In fact, they embrace it. Where are the Conservatives to stop this liberal, communist attack on democracy? Fact Check There is no systemic racism in Canada. There are race-hustling grafters selling this nonsense for their own personal gain. The media, celebs, politicians, teachers are all on this train of hatred and divisiveness. In Canada, any person receiving differential treatment based on a Code ground can seek redress from the human rights tribunal, free of charge. This applies to service, such as police and education, housing, and employment. Where is the systemic racism? In a system that has built in mechanisms to prevent racism? That does not make sense. Canada in 2021 is the best society that humans have ever created. Free housing and healthcare for all. Ask your anti racism advocate who claim there is white privilege (whte people do not earn their success) instructor to name any country with stronger human rights legislation and freedom. Ask them why 60% of racialized people are doing better than white people. Ask them why on average there is only a 7% difference between whites and third generation non whites? Ask them why more Blacks are going to college than Whites. Ask them why more " other " are going to university than Whites? Ask them to explain why "equity" and not merit should be society's objective? This pursuit of everyone having the same outcome despite skill, intelligence and effort is communism. If the law in Canada prevents discrimination then how is there systemic racism? Name a single case of an unarmed person being killed by Toronto Police since 2012. If they suggest Regis Paquet, she had a knife fight with her brother so her mom called the police, the police arrived and Regis ran outside and jumped off a balcony. Data on Race-Based Earnings: 3rd Generation vs White Workers In comparison, to white workers' income, all racialized people in their third generation or more, are at 0.93 cents to the dollar. This difference of seven cents or 7% is statistically insignificant is NOT indicative of any systemic factors impacting people's ability, based on race, to succeed in employment. On any spectrum, there will be a higher and lower end. White workers are on the lower end of average income. There are many groups who outperform Whites in earnings. This proves that there is no "White privilege" or "systemic racism" in favour of Whites. The following five groups are even with, above, or about equal to White earning power: South Asian (25% of racialized population) are at 0.96 cents Chinese (21%) are at 1.03 Arab (7%) are at 1.00 even Korean (2.5%) are at 1.53 Japanese (1.2%) are at 1.24 Approximately, 60% of non-Whites (third generation or longer) are even or above White earning power. This data is especially telling because these groups actually experienced legitimate systemic racism. Japanese Canadians who are at #2 were subjected to internment in the 1940's. 90% of Japanese Canadians were interned and they now earn more dollar than Whites. How can this be a system of oppression? How are they marginalized in 2021? Chinese Canadians were subjected to the head tax and the exclusion act which are examples of legitimate systemic racism. Now, they earn 1.03 to a White dollar. Arab Canadians are even with the White dollar despite claims of "Islamaphobia". Not all Arabs are Muslim but presumably all Arabs are marginalized due to "islamaphobia" yet they are on par with White earning power. When groups who claim to be oppressed and marginalized are doing better than the group with "privilege" , there is no logic to support this claim. It becomes absurd nonsense. 60% of racialized people do better/same as Whites. There is no systemic racism. Why do politicians continue to claim there is and throw millions at people based on their race? Based on being non-white. No reasonable person can claim "systemic racism" is real when the group alleged to have all the power and structure working to ensure their success is in the middle of the pack statistically and there is no significant difference between the average White and the average non-White. At some point, someone needs to call out the Emperor as wearing no clothes. The farce needs to stop. The data from Table 8 is clear, https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National Office/2019/12/Canada's Colour Coded Income Inequality.pdf The above completes disproves any systemic racism or White privilege in employment. Employment Rates There are many racialized groups with a higher employment rate than Whites. This counters the “White privilege” narrative: Black 63.8 to 63% Filipino 71.6 to 63% Latin American 66.3 to 63% Visible Minority 65.4 to 63% Multiple Visible Minority 65.9 to 63% *(similar) South East Asian 62.2 to 63% Source : “Ontario‟s Growing Gap. The Role of Race”-2005 data. https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/reports/docs/The Role of Race Ontario Growing Gap.pdf Subject: Education The next point race hustlers will make will be that education is a structure designed for the purpose of making Whites succeed. However, like in employment, people succeed based on their effort, skills, intelligence, family support, and individual will. There is no systemic racism in education. This York report found "other" to have the most success and statistical advantages, not Whites. You may hear people claim education is "systemically racist". One might ask if teachers and administrators in Canada are not the biggest advocates for perpetuating the lie of "systemic racism" which makes the suggest that schools are "systemically racist" confusing, at best. However, the data on its own disproves "White privilege" in Canadian schools. The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) report provides evidence of "other" being the most successful in the TDSB. They define "other" as non-White and non-Black. TDSB: 4.1.b Graduation rates: 87% (Other) to 84% (White) Figure 6 shows the outcomes for students at the end of the 5-year period. Within this cohort, 84% of White students had graduated from high school at the end of 5 years, compared to 87% of other racialized students. Other are graduating at a higher rate than White students. This is not evidence of systemic racism rather the contrary. https://edu.yorku.ca/files/2017/04/Towards-Race-Equity-in-Education-April-2017.pdf 4.1.c Post-secondary confirmation (university): 60% to 47% Figure 8 compares the post-secondary plans of Black and White high school students in the same cohort. As the graph shows, almost half (47%) of the White students in this cohort applied to and were accepted by an Ontario university. A larger proportion of other racialized students (60%) in this cohort applied to and were accepted by an Ontario university. Post-secondary confirmation (university): College: A greater proportion of Black students applied to and were accepted by an Ontario college than their White and other racialized counterparts (21% versus 14%). Of note is the high rate at which Black students did not apply to a post-secondary institution. Black students did not apply to attend post-secondary education at almost the same rate as White students went on to university in Ontario (43% versus 47%). https://edu.yorku.ca/files/2017/04/Towards-Race-Equity-in-Education-April-2017.pdf If Other have a higher university entrance rate and Black have a higher college entry rate than Whites, where is the evidence that the "system" is acting in any way as a force to give unfair and preferential treatment to White students? 4.1.e Suspensions: 85% to 82% Suspension rates are an important indicator of school success, as they reflect lost instructional time, which reduces students' opportunities to learn. Further, suspension can undermine the attachment of students to their school, particularly if they feel they have been unfairly treated. Figure 11 shows the cumulative suspensions received by Black, other racialized, and White students during their time in high school. White students, as per York's study, were suspended at a higher rate of 85% compared to 82% of " other " students. White students are also expelled at a higher rate than many groups as well. This is not evidence of preferable treatment. https://doczz.net/doc/7981010/towards-race-equity-in-education---york-university-facult... Schools Teach Equity and Anti-White Racism Despite the lack of statistical advantages for Whites, school systems will target White students and make absurd and offensive claims that they are oppressors. "Talking Race with your Children": TDSB Document The TDSB teaches that White students have unearned privilege and unfair advantages despite the above evidence to the contrary. Their "education" teaches: privilege• Unearned freedoms, rights, benefits, access, and/or opportunities thatprovide unfair advantages for members of the Dominant Group(s) insociety. Because privileges are granted by mere affiliation with theDominant Group(s), some people are not always aware of theprivileges they have. Examples include: cisgender privilege, straightprivilege, male privilege, settler privilege, White privilegePower• access to privileges such as information/knowledge, connections,experience and expertise, resources and decision-making that enhancea person’s chances of getting what they need to live a comfortable,safe, productive and profitable life. (OHRC) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Portals/ward8/docs/Shelley%20Laskin/Talking%20Race%20with%20Your%20Child(ren).pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwja78Pj94HzAhU6SvEDHZ0aAF4QFnoECCQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw2ge1Ok5s0K78TJyDT46MbU)) Equity is also a priority in Canadian schools. Their objective is to see White students be at the bottom of every measurement. As per their philosophy, in any situation in which white students have a statistical advantage, they claim "systemic racism". As many groups outperform Whites, as long as any group is below whites, they want "equity". Funding goes to areas in which there are less Whites. There is an inverse relationship between funding and white population. This is anti-white racism. Ontario: Differential access to quality education In examining if the educational system in Ontario is inherently biased/racist/discriminatory on a systemic level, the funding requires examination. There is a common myth that Canada funds schools based on neighborhood taxes and that wealthier neighborhoods have an advantage in funding as a result. This is not true in Canada. How funding is structured In Ontario, elementary and secondary school is free and available to all people. The Ministry of Education provides the majority of operating funding to Ontario’s 72 district school boards through the annual GSN, also known as “the funding formula.” The GSN is a collection of grants described in detail in an annual regulation under the Education Act. There are two major components of the GSN: The Foundation Grants cover the basic costs of an educational experience that is common to all students, which is allocated based on student enrolment and the number of schools. The per student allocation is equal across all races. In this grant, all races/colours are equal. The Special Purpose Grants address the unique needs of students, schools and school boards related to location, student and school needs, and a board’s demographic profile. The ministry recognizes that conditions vary widely across Ontario and the funding formula cannot take every situation into account. There is no evidence to support any practise of students receiving more money for being White or for predominantly White schools receiving more money based on race. In fact, there is evidence that the opposite is true and non-Whites are categorized as “marginalized” and receive increased funding. In July of 2020, the provincial government committed to providing $3.5 million to support the Black and Indigenous grad coach programs, which provide wrap-around supports for students who are at risk of not graduating. * ( 4 ) White students are not eligible for this program and there are no programs to support White people exclusively. Teaching All public schools require teachers to be accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers. There are no rules, laws, policies to place “better teachers” in schools based on the race of students anywhere in Ontario. Toronto District School Board (TDSB) The largest school board in Ontario is the TDSB. They prioritize Black and Indigenous students. They have a special anti-Black racism mandate. Ontario: Colleges and Universities In addition to Charter protection and the Ontario Human Rights Code, all colleges and universities in Ontario have inclusion and diversity/anti-racism policies/departments to address allegations of unfair practice/programs/policies. Policing: OHRC Report The race hustler will typically also claim that police are "racist" and there is "systemic racism" in policing yet the data finds that "other" are the least charged by Police. This demonstrates that Police are interested in arresting those who do the crimes, not people based on race. Anyone sincerely interested in examining this claim should look at what demographic is responsible for the most serious crimes: violent crimes, shooting, murders, gun violence. The evidence will again prove that there is nothing systemic about the police investigating the groups disproportionately involved in the most serious offences. The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released a report that disproves any inherent, structural advantages to people based on their race in Toronto policing. The report looked at set of nine criminal charges. Interestingly, the data was divided into three groups: White, Black and “other racial minority” despite the data actually being prepared by the Toronto Police to reflect six racial groups: White, Black, Asian, Aboriginal, Brown, Unknown. The three group data format showed that for all 9 set of charges, Whites were more represented than “other racial minority”. If the system is designed to favour Whites over non-Whites, this comparison against “other racialized minority” does not support that theory. As per the report, Whites constitute 48% of the population and represent 45.5% of all criminal charges. This would be objectively seen as neutral: neither advantageous nor disadvantageous. The “other racial minority” group represents 42.8% of the population and 22.2% of total charges. This shows that racialized people are significantly less likely than Whites to be charged criminally. Furthermore, the data indicates that the system of Toronto Policing demonstrates zero evidence of systemic racism against “other racialized minorities” and neutral to Whites as opposed to any “privilege”. Summary The next time you hear someone claiming Canada is racist, we have systemic racism, White privilege, ask for the facts. Why would groups outperform Whites and be better treated in schools and by Police if the system is designed for them? Whites would not be behind "Other" if there was a system in place to keep "other" down and Whites above. They will mention George Floyd and other events unrelated to Canada. They will attempt to add slavery to the crimes of Canada yet Canada became a nation in 1867 when slavery had long been abolished. The last point is that any person receiving differential treatment based on a Code ground can seek redress from the human rights tribunal, free of charge. This applies to service, such as police and education, housing, and employment. Where is the systemic racism? In a system that has built in mechanisms to prevent racism? That does not make sense. Canada in 2021 is the best society that humans have ever created. Free housing and healthcare for all. Ask your anti racism instructor to name any country with stronger human rights legislation and freedom. Ask them why 60% of racialized people are doing better than white people. Ask them why more Blacks are going to college than Whites. Ask them why more " other " are going to university than Whites? If the law prevents discrimination then how is there systemic racism? Name a single case of an unarmed person being killed by Toronto Police since 2012. If they suggest Regis Paquet, she had a knife fight with her brother so her mom called the police, the police arrived and Regis ran outside and jumped off a balcony. Canada is the greatest society in the history of humanity. All races are welcome and equal. I hope the politicians will start enforcing this message of Canadian pride. Who cares about color/race? Only anti racists.
    2 points
  2. the existence of real protesters is not proof that there are no agent provocateurs I don't think you even know what an agent provocateur is or how they operate
    2 points
  3. This is me too. It's the lying. Why are they doing it? Fear. Look even here, there are people advocating denying healthcare to unvaxxed, sending them to camps, denying them basic freedoms, plunking them in refrigerated cooler when they get sick "because that's where dead bodies go" even though there's a 99% chance of most surviving, without being elderly and having comorbidities. It's scary how fast this has turned and the fear that created that is making normally sensible, rational people throw their fellow citizens under the bus.
    2 points
  4. Incredible that Trudeau, a so-called ideological ally of the US Democrat Party, isn’t taken seriously by the Biden administration. We should’ve known that this was coming when Canada didn’t ban Huawei from 5G networks. Trudeau, a self-proclaimed admirer of China, doesn’t have the diplomatic relationship that he thought he had with China to get the two Michaels released from Chinese detention. The US exercised its extradition treaty with Canada to get at a Huawei executive, driving a wedge between Canada and China. Harper was wise to be hawkish on China, making it clear where Canada’s loyalties lie. Trudeau has lost credibility with both the US and China. If O’Toole wins, he would be wise to take a firm, scathing stance against China, boost Canadian military strength and independence, and diversify trade from the US. Canada is too reliant on US trade and military power. China is a manipulative totalitarian superpower that cannot be trusted. We need to either shift our offshore production from China to other cheap jurisdictions or pay more to manufacture more items ourselves with our higher labour costs. The latter option is the more painful one in the short-term, but it has the best long term impacts for Canadian employment and independence.
    2 points
  5. There are many individuals and teams left to understand the problems, but the risk is too high to enter such a spotlight. The fundamental problem is spread and unrealistic expectations.
    1 point
  6. Liberal O'Tool is one of the biggest liberal conservatives hack going. Just like liberal Jason Kenney who claims to be a conservative but really is just another liberal hack. The only real and true conservative party that is left in Canada today is Maxine Bernier and the PPC party. All those other Canadian political party's are all just a bunch of leftist lieberal pro globalist communists. They hate Canada and Canadians. They are only in it for the money. They have all been bought off just like our Canadian media has been bought off. They must never be trusted anymore. Argus is a prime example of liberal conservative nothingness. Just my opinion of course. ?
    1 point
  7. Fake Conservatives vastly outnumber Real Conservatives in Canada these Fake Conservatives parrot left wing activists and support politicians who propose left wing policies all while they also pretend anyone to the right of them is a racist right wing extremist Argus is a good example of that Real Conservatives in Canada are a fringe minority
    1 point
  8. His fact checking sites list of latest fact checks are all of conservative media. Zero liberal media fact checks. It’s funny when our residential “real” “conservative” parrots left wing activists, and supports politicians that propose left wing policies. tHat’S rEaL cONsErvAtIsM! Don’t you know! ?
    1 point
  9. Are you serious? Check out his picture - he wears a Texas turban!
    1 point
  10. 1. Given that Prime Minister Ardern is clearly the best and brightest Government leader currently in power, if this deal doesn't interest her, why should it interest Canada. During the SNC affair, I begged my New Zealand friends to switch Prime Ministers but they wouldn't bite. 2. There are no friendly allies, only allies. 3. The United States has not been a reliable ally for several years. Since 2016, they have reneged on several vital treaties and in particular, has been increasingly hostile towards Canada. Ms. Meng Wanzhou is being detained at the US request because she is alleged to have violated American sanctions against Iran...not Chinese sanctions, not Canadian sanctions, but American sanctions. Her dealings had nothing to do with the US. So three Canadians have to pay for US Government arrogance. 4. There is no war with China. If there ever is, it will be a nuclear war and there are no survivors in a nuclear war. 5. We are so fortunate that the US is our neighbour because while they have invaded us three times, they have not threatened us in recent years, because they are the only country that logistically could invade.
    1 point
  11. Is this your way of admitting you were wrong ? The whole PPC benefits Trudeau - as do people like you who broadcast the new image of "conservative" to the unsuspected: a paranoid, conspiracy-believing person who wants to withdraw us from the world economy and eliminate government altogether. Good luck with it.
    1 point
  12. can't say I didn't tell you not to get your hopes up that was always going to result in disappointment at least you are finally bracing yourself for the inevitable I made peace with this outcome long ago and naturally y'all shot the messenger because of that I expected that outcome as well but I warned you anyway you're welcome
    1 point
  13. People are laughing at you every time you come up with your weird conspiracy theories on Federal elections or vaccine protests and mandates.
    1 point
  14. Sad when Canada can no longer be trusted by our allies. He has ruined this country for good.
    1 point
  15. which is exactly why these protests were staged to push more naive Canadians into Trudeau's camp and away from the opposition just when the opposition was rising in the polls he would still win without them but it made for a nice safety net, nonetheless
    1 point
  16. Where have you been for the last few years? You haven't seen the multiple times China has suddenly cracked down on a variety of our exports because we said or did something which irritated them? You haven't seen anything about their ongoing trade war against Australia, a country they signed a free trade pact with, because Australia dared to call for an inquiry into the origins of Covid? https://outline.com/NAvVRM
    1 point
  17. When MSM says anything that's contrary to their political narrative I post it because leftists can't deny what they see on WashPo and NYT. If that study came from Fox leftists would dismiss it our of hand. It's a cherry-picked stat. Are there a bunch of people who were deemed "too unfit to risk vaccinating"? I dunno. Do people count as unvaccinated in those stats if they're vaccinated with 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna? Or if they were vaccinated with the same meds twice, but at double the prescribed interval time? I know that Moderna would't want to count those. It sounds like I'm being paranoid, but we keep seeing "really convincing" stats from the gov't which show 2 categories: 1) "dbl-vaxxed" vs 2) "unknown vaxx status". WTF does "unknown vaxx status" even mean? IMO it's a total bullshit stat. So say the people who told us that 'the vaxxes would get us to herd immunity', then changed their tune to 'vaxxed ppl can carry C19 but they won't get sick', then 'they'll get sick but they won't die', then they finished at 'only the elderly ones die'. How many lies do they get to tell and still expect me to listen to their next great reason for vaxxing? Yes. I'm old enough that I could have gotten vaccinated fairly early on (53), but I didn't consider myself to be as 'at risk' as a lot of people, and I know that a lot of people were scared shitless so I decided to wait a bit. Then the bullshit stats started rolling in, and the pressure for everyone to "VAXX, VAXX, VAXX!!!!!" got idiotic. We've been told since the beginning that we don't get natural immunity from surviving covid, now that's known to be bullshit as well. Some say that people who had covid have several as much immunity as dbl-vaxxed. Leftists were also against therapeutics, Florida started gobbling them up, now suddenly Biden wants to take control of that supply chain, while again, pimping vaccines as the only real champion in the fight: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/16/desantis-blasts-plan-cut-monoclonal-antibody-meds-florida/8368325002/ DeSantis was universally proclaimed to be an idiot for going that route, now they're saying that the Dems need to control access to it. I bet that means that no one who is wealthy enough to go to the Met Gala ever needs to worry. One more thing, people actually were dying from the vaccines but we're supposed to believe that's not the case. Seems like every case where people may have been killed by the vaccines is still "under investigation". Why are covid deaths instantly filed as C19 deaths but vaxx deaths never seem to get official status? There are cases where C19 deaths were overstated by the tens of thousands. Apparently that's no big deal, but we can't even say that 1 person was killed by the vaxx????? I don't know who to trust but I don't trust vaxx-advocates at all. I have an appointment to see my family Dr next week to talk about covid. If I can't get tested to see if I already had covid, and I have natural immunity, then I will get vaccinated once the Medicago vaxx gets final approval. It's a traditional vaccine tha gives immunity by limited exposure. It may seem like I'm ranting, please don't take it personally, But I know that I'm getting lied to constantly and I'm not happy about it. Our MSM is pure shit.
    1 point
  18. I am confused about your post sharing and approach to information. One second you are dismissing anything that is from "mainstream media", the next second you are posting from them. The reality is that majority of the people in the ICU + who are dying are overwhelmingly those who are unvaccinated. When you get vaccinated, you improve the chances of having reduced symptoms if you get COVID. and you reduce the chances of overwhelming the healthcare system. These facts cannot be disputed. Ask Jason Kenney. Are you unvaccinated WestCanMan?
    1 point
  19. 1. Ok, well let's see then. I'm no expert on international military coalition forming (?) but I would rather have been surprised if Canada was in there. 2. It's weird with you. You start by saying we're out of this South China Sea coalition because Trudeau isn't anti-China enough. I say "I doubt it". Then you come back and say "Are you seriously saying Harper isn't more pro-US than Trudeau" ? It's like ping-pong. Yes, of course I think Harper is more anti-China. Even more now than when he was in office, but even lukewarm-China-Harper was lukewarm. 3. You can't equate "China is a top trading partner" with being pro-China - everybody trades with them.
    1 point
  20. That pact was for countries in the north Atlantic to deter Russian aggression. This pact is for the primary Anglosphere countries to deter Chinese aggression. Clearly Canada has no interest in deterring Chinese aggression. It prefers to grovel and feels of it does this long enough perhaps it will get a pat on the head and be rewarded with a nice bone. Plus China is working, using its influence to keep Trudeau in power. It likes having a weakling in charge here. Most Chinese language media in Canada are controlled by China and they're all working to get Trudeau elected.
    1 point
  21. The wages of sin are death, and all have sinned, so all have been sentenced to death. It is often true though that one sentenced to death can appeal to the head of state, a governor, president or king for a pardon. In God's kingdom this would be God. Jesus gave his life to gain the privilege of becoming the advocate for those who follow His way. He has been granted a pardon for all who obey His commands. 1 john 2:1-6 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. Jesus commands of course are to care for the needy, and do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
    1 point
  22. There should be a whole debate on health care alone, and how to fix it. I guarantee you Canadians are a lot more interested in that than reconciliation or climate change.
    1 point
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