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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2021 in Posts

  1. The cops think so; they've specifically said that he targeted them because they were Muslim. "There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act and that the family was targeted because of their Muslim faith," said Waight. Maybe they'll change it later, who knows. But until they do, you have no basis for saying 'there's no evidence'. Stop lying.
    2 points
  2. Sorry - I pretty clearly complimented posters on this thread for criticizing Islam without dehumanizing them. If you can't figure out how to do that, read the thread again and keep up.
    2 points
  3. You’re so wrong. Canada was absolutely founded on enlightenment values, many of them derived from Britain which banned slavery in the Empire in 1832, long before it was banned in the U.S. Read about the Underground Railroad. MacDonald was not a white supremacist. He was a Scott who was representing the overwhelming majority of his population who were of European ancestry. Many Indigenous would very much have appeared “uncivilized” in relation to mainstream society. Your comments are irresponsible and untrue. Learn about Joseph Brant and Tecumseh. Read about the countless progressive changes to laws and policies that unfolded in the British parliament and later the Canadian parliament. You really don’t know how Indigenous were treated or why publicly funded education was considered progressive and still is today. Provide evidence for “horrendous and appalling” system-wide treatment in residential schools. This is why people are clinging to extreme sides. No reasonable discussion based on facts.
    2 points
  4. Your right, after doing some research i have no source to back my claims, infact many sources say the opposite. what i said is a complete myth. My bad. Good catch on your part.
    2 points
  5. Well like my pappy said, “there’s creation, and there’s procreation.”
    2 points
  6. Go find the quote or shut the fuck up. I've said no such thing.
    1 point
  7. You have actually. You quote some Koranic scripture/hadith requiring them to kill some category of people, then you say "That's what a Muslim does. If they don't do it, they aren't following the commands of Allah, and aren't Muslim". Don't lie, you POS.
    1 point
  8. Not when you're in a life or death struggle with a country they support and a dictator they deeply admire.
    1 point
  9. That's exaggerated. Only a few hundred Italians who were hard core fascists were interred. The great majority of Italians were not.
    1 point
  10. So you're saying we should ban Islam since it routinely teaches violent beliefs towards minorities?
    1 point
  11. Yes. Extremists like MH would throw a blanket down over all discussion which criticizes or insults a given group, probably applying pretty harsh laws to silence all dissent. Much of the Left stopped supporting freedom of speech years ago where that speech goes against their social beliefs. And as their beliefs have become more extreme their anger at dissent has strengthened, as well.
    1 point
  12. Right. So nothing so far.
    1 point
  13. I have a question for you guys Michael and Dialamah about confronting Argus and DoP, and others, about spreading hate. My question is this what responsibility does our own government have in this situation, lets not forget the media bombarding everyone's TV nightly with terrorist attacks from across the globe, coverage of dead Canadian soldiers being escorted home, and their coverage of ramp ceremonies of crying soldiers loading up on to a Herc a close comrade in arms in a flag draped coffin... This went on for years, every night there was something on TV, and none of it was portraying Islam in a good light, and when one good story did come up it was sandwiched between bad stories.... While in Afghanistan we would have dog and pony shows for our government MP and other officials, patting us on the back for bringing peace to the region, while off the record asking how many we were killing, what was our losses ,what areas had we pacified, keep up the good work...They wanted to know are they getting their monies worth... Knowing full well why we were here " to close with and destroy as many of those terrorist bastards as possible", and collateral damage was negated with a check for a few thousand dollars... You can't do that job and not have serious dislike for the enemy.. That enemy came from almost every middle eastern country on the planet... and at home they are continuously being updated on Afghanistan, other middle eastern countries one can not just turn it off, it does have an effect on most people... This hate is all around us in various forms, and it is coming at us in all directions.... and it is in majority of people, much like racism and other bad behaviors it is not going to change over night.
    1 point
  14. Where’s the evidence?
    1 point
  15. There’s still no evidence that race or religion had anything to do with it. How about you wait for actual election evidence before erecting your straw man.
    1 point
  16. He gets it; that disgusting religion - maybe somebody decided to do something about it. How is that any different than a Muslim, upon hearing about a terror attack saying "Yeah, it was wrong - but I get why they did it"? Would you accept that, or would you take it as proof positive that Muslims approve of terrorism. Keep in mind that you are one of those, who, whenever an Islamic terrorist blows stuff up, jump all over the rest of the Muslims for not saying/doing enough to prove they think terrorism is wrong. You ignore the many Muslims appearing in news stories condemning violence, the ones grieving with everyone else, offering comfort and aid, the religious leaders also condemning that violence - none of that is enough. But when the situation is reversed - when it's a White guy deliberately running over Muslims, explicit condemnation isn't required. One can even say "well, yah ... I can see why they did that", and that's ok with you. Anyway, I'm sure BC condemns this killing even though he didn't explicitly condemn; I'm sure he also 'gets' why the kid did it. But still, the kid wouldn't have had those reasons without people like Argus and DoP harping on how evil Muslims are. Note, I didn't say Argus and DoP specifically caused this - just the people who believe and talk like they do, in person and online.
    1 point
  17. It appears even Trudeau is shocked and appalled; you'd think he has more knowledge of his heritage than me, the guy who came from somewhere else 20 years ago. From what I see, here in this forum, there are quite a few who for nationalistic reasons, or because of shame, refuse to accept the possibility of wrongdoings in the past. They would look for the best possible excuses, oh, Kamloops was a god forsaken place of a hundred people marking graves with wooden crosses. How do you get 200 dead children in a village with a total population of 100? What percentage of all kids who went to school died? Over what period of time? They would try to tell you it was probably a couple of kids a year who died.....OK, then it happened over a period of 100 years (200 kids), but hey, the Spanish flu did not last 100 years....... Oh boy, oh boy .....
    1 point
  18. I don't think they understand the difference. For them, assuming that a woman with an hijab is either a) being forced/abused or b) if not, they are fanatic and cannot possibly be trusted not to suddenly turn into a murderous terrorist, seems to be the same as 'criticizing the religion'. They ignore, or dismiss as not actually Muslim, those who who really believe that Islam should not be forced, that tolerance is required, that murder/terrorism are wrong. Or they assume they're lying to fool 'us'. Nobody that I've talked to doubts that Muslims are more conservative than Westerners, but for the most part they're not a lot different than conservative Christians. Some take it too far, whether Christian or Muslim - which doesn't excuse either of them. We have laws in Canada, which both Muslims and Christians must follow. And both religions advise their followers to obey their country's laws - so neither Christians nor Muslims can claim their "religion" trumps the law of the land. It's certainly a valid criticism of Islamic countries whose laws are very repressive for women/gays/non-believers which they claim is based on "Islam". Muslim haters seem to think that means every Muslim in that country supports such oppression - and that is so far from the truth. To me, assuming all Muslims from X country must support the worst of their country's or fellow-Muslim's behavior is just wrong; there's many Muslims who want to get out of those countries and absolutely reject those oppressive laws and societal attitudes - but because the Muslim haters assume the worst is the "norm", they'd block those people from escape. Maybe the idea that there's a plurality of belief within a group is just too complex for these people.
    1 point
  19. 1. A problem on "both sides" ? I don't see why someone could reasonably take that tack on attacking innocent people on either side. 2. Which attacks specifically do you mean ? 3. Hating Muslims because there are Muslim terrorists doesn't make sense - it is like hating white people because of an attack by a white person on a Muslim. 4. You are actually defending a terrorist attack by saying Islamists do terror too. You are defending terror in general, which is playing into the terrorists' strategy. Your knee-jerk reaction to defend the deaths of innocents because "both sides" have issues is essentially retarded thinking. I don't think we can see eye to eye on this, because you are, ground-level, an emotional thinker. I would rather condemn terrorism in all its forms on principle and not check the skin of the attacker first. Have a good day anyway.
    1 point
  20. Nice to agree from time to time.
    1 point
  21. None of these people are conservative in any way, shape or form. They are simply part of the shift in the Tory party back to being the Progressive Conservatives - Liberals in all but name, without ideas, vision or principles. I Expect someone to replace Maxine Bernier and then perhaps the PPC can find a charismatic leader with better judgement. Or a new Reform Party will arise, and drain the so-called Conservatives of almost all their support as they did to the PCs last time. O'Toole will be the next Joe Clark.
    1 point
  22. I think you're not drilling down deep enough. Keep thinking about it. The "delta" variant was formerly known as the Indian variant. You might recall what was going on there just a couple of months ago. The article from April is prelude to substantiate my claim that the delta variant is breaking out in Indian communities in Toronto and Peel, and also among other visible minorities. The articles show there is more vaccine hesitancy in these communities. Sorry, "delta variant", and "area codes", to help whitewash the wording for you. Whitewash, heheheh. So based on our current plans if a fourth wave breaks out in Toronto and Peel, the rest of the province may remain in shutdown. That is how the current plan works. Now that things are opening up in a few days the more infectious "delta" variant will spread throughout the province. And the way we are set up with the computerized virus polling booths, we will know about it instantly, and react in knee-jerk fashion accordingly. It means kids in remote small towns where they have never seen a single case will finish their school year at home because of people in Brampton.
    1 point
  23. The treatment of indigenous children in these so-called schools was horrendous and appalling. I don't know why so many people find this surprising. The awful treatment of indigenous people has been known for a long time. Our first prime minister was arguably a white supremacist who went on and on about the aryan race, similar to the nazis. He directed the country to engage in countless episodes of violence against indigenous peoples. Yet we celebrate him by putting him on our money and erecting statues. Other people on our money include Laurier, who didn't want women or indigenous people to vote, and Mackenzie King, who turned away Jewish people prior to the holocaust and got his "PhD" on the subject of advocating against immigration from East Asia. Our national anthem was written by a guy that performed in minstrel shows wearing blackface. Canada is a country founded upon the rejection of enlightenment values. This is why we are not part of the U.S. English Canada was founded by people that wanted to preserve the backwardness of the institution of the monarchy. French Canada was founded by religious fundamentalists who rejected joining the U.S. because values like freedom of speech or separation of religion and state would go against their desire for Quebec to be a Catholic semi-theocracy (which it was until the quiet revolution of the 1960s). British North America continued to have slavery decades after it was abolished in the Northern U.S. Our anthem and our charter emphasize that this country recognizes the supremacy of "god", which is precisely the justification used to oppress the indigenous people in these schools along with their parents. From the perspective of some (but not all) of the advocates of these religious school systems, they were serving "god" and "saving" these indigenous children from their "savagery" by brainwashing them into their religion (if they didn't die in these schools). Religion and "god" has been used and continues to be used to justify terrible aristocracies around the world.
    1 point
  24. I don’t think that not providing education was better, and as mentioned previously, there simply weren’t enough local schools to keep everyone at home. I agree that Indigenous were looked down on for their way of life, but how was that life and how was it perceived by most people? Probably as quite harsh. It was probably a way of life that few Indigenous would choose today. The reality is that when Talaga and Palmateer and other champions of Indigenous cultures speak, they are using tools that are the product of Canadian education systems. There must be something of great value and empowerment about these systems. Anyone who abuses people is being a bad person, but I do not think that was the majority of educators in residential schools. Corporal punishment was commonplace in all schools as standard discipline. The separation from families is sad and shouldn’t have been mandatory. It starts to look like all the problems among Indigenous are being blamed by some on residential schools or “colonialism”. Residential schools were on balance not a good idea and some very tragic things happened in them. We need to find out causes of death and try to understand what was typical, not exceptional, in these places. We need to learn from our mistakes and be specific about accountability. We have to help people heal and turn the page, but we must be fair and accurate. I’m not sure that’s possible given how politicized previous inquiries have been.
    1 point
  25. In any history book, you'll find the most religions finger prints all over a lot of conflicts. Back when religion played a much larger role. below is just wars fought for religious reasons, history also records other deaths attributed to religion, burning witches', heretics, there are a shit load of reasons that people where put to death by the order of some religious figures. Religious war - Wikipedia
    1 point
  26. Sadly we live with a religious system that does a poor job of living up to gods words, a religion that is rich beyond words and yet can not help the poor or the needy, has priceless artifacts from around the world that it shares with a select few, not to mention the sexual assaults, other abuses, and to top it off the church and it's guidance has killed more people than any other institution or group, or nations on the globe... I think these are some of the reasons that people have left the churchs.
    1 point
  27. The irrational mind does not need a why. It just is and does. For example, a man has needs. He needs a woman. Its like love, kinda.
    1 point
  28. By doing a little searching through Google or some other search engine, you can find articles about what went on in residential schools and you can get a fairly good idea. Also read survivors accounts. Put the pieces together and you will understand it quite well. There is a lot of misinformation being put out by people who have agendas. Some of these people do not want to hear the whole story, but only the bad stuff. Usually the bad stuff overshadows everything else in the public's mind. But overall, the residential schools were a bad thing because of the bad stuff that happened. However, during the years of the schools, few people had an understanding about how this would turn out and didn't really understand the whole picture. It's easy to say this and that in hindsight, but the people that ran them probably thought they were doing the right thing as did the politicians in those years. The perverts and abusers in the system however didn't care about the consequences of their actions as criminals don't care about the consequences of their actions. How many of those kind existed in the schools is not really understood. That's why it would be nice if all documents were released and made public so everyone could understand this issue better. The problem is confidentiality to protect the innocent will be claimed and is likely why we will never know everything.
    1 point
  29. Because everything they do is political. The media has gotten the weak-minded into a frenzy over this and that happens to be their main base of support. Now they're all running around weeping and wringing their hands in anguish over events which happened before they were born, wallowing in assumed shame and guilt. So what do you expect the government to say? Grow up and move on? Not their style.
    1 point
  30. All we see today, is the detritus of Islam.
    1 point
  31. Algebra, astronomy, the knowledge was preserved but in the west. Evidence is very plain to see. The shithole third-world countries Islam has remained in, while the west continued to advance. The enlightenment of Islam is gone now, for centuries. Civilizations decline and end. It happens
    1 point
  32. Oh, give us a break. You have spent your entire time on this web site defending Islam. It's without question the number one topic you engage in and always to defend Islam. And that 'ignorance and hate' you speak of is how you describe any and all criticism of Islam and any and all doubts about bringing tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants to Canada every year. According to Pew polling, virtually every country in middle east would vote to impose Sharia law if given the choice. And yet you insist that most Muslims aren't at all fanatical about such things and that there's no need to screen such people before they come here.
    1 point
  33. This problem should be solved with soon to come internet technology. Low altitude satellites from many companies like SpaceX, Amazon and a few others will provide global internet. SpaceX currently has 1500 Satellites with their goal to have 42,000 total. They intend to have a bandwidth one gigabit per second. With this scale and expected global volume they will undercut the Rogers and Bell's of the world. You may want to buy a wreath for them
    1 point
  34. So dialamah is annoyed that some people might buy the "Dearbornistan" photo? Is his anger because some clever photographer is making money off a photo that he does not like or is he worried because the photo exposes the great rotten hole at the heart of Liberal immigration policy? After all- Pakistan when through a MONTH of rioting- with multiple dead because their Justice Minister forgot to properly thank Allah in a pseech!
    1 point
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