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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2019 in all areas

  1. 1) you sure about that? The problem with gay men is their tendency towards promiscuity which in a typical hetero-sexual relation is curbed. This is the traditional role for women, they help young men become men. https://www.pride.com/sex/2018/5/15/13-things-i-learned-while-attending-my-first-gay-orgy#media-gallery-media-0 2) uh supreme court of the us says otherwise... https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html 3) agreed
    2 points
  2. The Muslims I know are well-integrated. A better topic might be 'what do we do about Canada'? We need to re-platform our public discussion so that we address legit concerns and marginalize and shut down trolls.
    1 point
  3. Omar went to Afghanistan to conduct Jihad. He specifically asked not to be left at home with the women. These folks shot first and killed the translators dead in the first volley. The Americans then opened fire.
    1 point
  4. The better question is what do we do about religion.
    1 point
  5. You've inadvertently, I think, put your thumb on one of the problem points with Muslims. Time and time again we've seen rage from Muslims because of what they perceive as the way 'the west' has attacked this or that Muslim group in a country far away they've never been to and know nothing about. Those ignorant vermin who butchered the two Scandinavian girls in Morocco were uneducated rabble; street vendors and carpenters. Their claim "This is for Syria, here are the heads of your God. This is in revenge for our brothers in Hajin'" is similar to what other such Muslims have done in that they had almost certainly never even seen Syria or Hajin, but felt this sense of tight brotherhood with other Muslims against all outsiders, and a sense of outrage those outsiders (in this case simply westerners) had killed some. And that anger was simply for anyone of the same religion as those who had attacked "Islam". It didn't even matter these girls were from countries that weren't involved. They were Christians, and thus the enemy. This is not the way Christians think of things. Nobody here is liable to hunt down and kill Muslims because of the mistreatment of Christians in Muslim countries. But it IS the way a significant number of Muslims appear to see things.
    1 point
  6. Yup. All those zombies were programmed to believe everything they see on CNN, and since they were told "THERE'S A 90% CHANCE THAT HILLARY WILL WIN THE ELECTION!!!!" they can't wrap their heads around the fact that it didn't happen. All those useful idiots just hopped right up on the Russian collusion bandwagon on day 1 and they're still there over 2 years later. b_c, you should sell some Mueller blankies down there. That would be a hoot.
    1 point
  7. Good, because it should not happen anyway. Obviously Canada would benefit far more from such an arrangement based on existing (2:1) cross border flow compared to Americans going north. There are reasons why the border exists, and those reasons have not changed.
    1 point
  8. It's becoming increasingly clear that this is a fantasy. Individual nation states, including in the West, must protect the interests of their own citizens. This is the only way democracy can be sustained. This doesn't preclude international cooperation but to be fair such cooperation must be accompanied by reciprocity: i.e. 'We'll do it provided you do it as well.' The problem with the current climate change agenda is that any progress made by cooperating states, mainly in the developed world, is being more than offset by rising emissions in the developing world. The current climate change strategy, then, is doomed and for the West is economically absurd. We are being told or made to sacrifice without adequate regard to the deleterious economic impacts we're absorbing, and these impacts are often most seriously felt by the least empowered. Thus, we witness reactions like the "yellow vest" movement in France, which could easily spread elsewhere. I believe that climate change is a valid concern. I don't, however, subscribe to globalist orthodoxy concerning the response to it. I think technology will have to drive the response as global "rules" that are observed by only some won't do the job.
    1 point
  9. The real problem is knowing to what degree. And there's no real way of calculating that, at least at this point in time.
    1 point
  10. The Climate Change scam is only a piece of the puzzle - albeit a major piece. It's all part of the elitist undertaking for that one-world government (AKA Globalism).....one that used to be laughed at as a conspiracy dreamed up by the "looney Right" - but now is coming into rather clear focus. The UN has morphed (been manipulated) into the major impetus for the Globalist agenda. The advent of Trump has thrown a monkey wrench into their plans - as evidenced by the shrill cries of Armageddon (AKA extreme weather). But.......in speeding up their plans, they've rather exposed themselves with their "Migrant Compact" - geared to open-borders and the destruction of nationalist pride and values. It's pernicious. must be exposed, and with the knowledge of their agenda, must be taken from the shadows, presented to the people - and let democracy take it's course. That's the problem with elitism and unelected bodies like the UN - they REALLY think that they know better than The People - that they can't TRUST The People to "understand" what's best for them. Not a conspiracy theory. It's out there.
    1 point
  11. Humans are responsible for pollution and other problems which we are gradually eliminating, but generally they are not responsible for earth's changing climate, nor can they do anything to stop it. We can clean up pollution as we are but earth has cycled and come in and out of ice ages before humans had any impact at all. Instead of hysterics and policies damaging to our economy and standard of living, we should be building and preparing the future.
    1 point
  12. "Conservatives" being criticized for not speaking out against homosexuality? Such rubbish.
    1 point
  13. I've been led to believe that in countries such as Iran and Turkey the difference between big cities and the countryside is huge. In Tehran and Istanbul you can hardly see any difference compared to any Western-European city. In the countryside of both countries it is very strict adherence to muslim-values.
    1 point
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