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  1. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-ottawa-renews-equalization-formula-to-remain-in-current-form-to-2024/ Not surprising, Jason Kenney, leader of the United Party of Alberta, is livid. Can't blame him seeing Quebec blocked the energy east project, inflicting economic pain in Alberta. What's amazing is that Quebec, a supposed have-not province, has had balanced budgets for the last number of years and offers a whack of social programs to its citizens. No wonder, since the have provinces are subsidizing those goodies. Did the Liberals losing the recent by-election in Quebec factor in Trudeau's decision to ensure that Quebec continue to reap those billions in equalization. Trudeau knows his name is mud in the West so he must look to Quebec for reelection in 2019. Quebec is laughing all the way to the bank. No wonder federalism is taking a hold in La Belle Province. They know they've got a good thing going.
    1 point
  2. Lets be honest here, we've been stealing canadians too, leading to massive a brain drain. We will see how the new negotiation play out.
    1 point
  3. The odds of being accepted as a refugee increase significantly if you bear a child on Canadian soil. I mean, as you know all you have to do is give birth in a plane over Canadian airspace and the kid is automatically a citizen.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. The jobs of yesterday - well-paid general labour jobs - are gone forever. The US is superior at tech, marketing and consulting which is why main Street on the east and west coast do very well while flyover land is preoccupied with meth and screaming about Mexicans.
    1 point
  6. It's my understanding that the number of Mexican citizens entering the U.S. as illegal migrants has dropped over the past several years. As such, perhaps Mexico's participation in NAFTA has had beneficial impacts that Trump seems unwilling to recognize. Also, I believe that the NAFTA labor mobility provision applies mainly to educated professionals, who are the least likely to migrate illegally to the U.S. in any case. The best defense against mass illegal migration along America's southern border is a prosperous and stable Mexico.
    1 point
  7. Sheer nonsense... they're all just saying that to make Trump feel good. Not lying, it's flattery...
    1 point
  8. In the early days of the Canadian Taxpayer's Federation it was thought that taking a good look at Quebec under transfer payment terms would be good for business. Reality was (then) that they did not really receive out of proportion at all. It got fairly complicated, but once it was examined as to how much federal SPENDING landed in PQ, the truth finally revealed itself. The handouts were (and I imagine still are) staggering. Before and since, working in several countries, I learned that pretty much the primary directive for every government department is to steer as much potential business to Quebec as possible. This means literally plucking opportunities identified and developed by the ROC and sticking them without bid into la Belle Province. I was so bothered by that, at one point I took the Minister of Everything (McKnight at the time) aside and started to tell him what I had seen in many countries. He simply informed me in a manner-of-fact way "what do you think we HAVE all of those people for? It is to pander to Quebec" (paraphrasing). That was the day I realized that partisan politics is not the solution to our problems, it is the cause.
    1 point
  9. Turns out that Americans are not very concerned about Trump and Russia, or Russia at all. Immigration is a concern, but the alt-left won't tell you that. Let the Canadians and other NATO deadbeats worry about Russians....Americans have better things to do. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/07/20/gallup-poll-russian-meddling-near-the-bottom-of-american-concerns-immigration-at-the-top https://news.gallup.com/poll/1675/most-important-problem.aspx
    1 point
  10. I am now more convinced than ever that the U.S. should walk away from NAFTA and pursue unilateral trade deals. NAFTA sucked when it started, and now it is woefully outdated for worker immigration, IP protection, non-tariff barriers, dumping, counterfeiting, etc. American jobs can be repatriated with the right incentives and protections....capital is already coming home because of Trump policies. Trudeau can campaign all he wants about how he stood up to Trump "the bully", all while he is still begging American markets for export trade and capital investment in Canada. Trudeau has visited the USA sixteen (16) times as prime minister, and the Canadian foreign minister (Chrystia Freeland) and her minions a lot more...because they know what matters more. Trump doesn't need to go begging in Canada.
    1 point
  11. No, my ancestors were captured and sold in the Americas as slaves...they weren't running from anything. They paid their dues...you didn't. All you needed was a sob story and a plane ticket.
    1 point
  12. Now you want to cut off just 20% of yourself. Can I call it improvement? Maybe you'll tell us why you are going to do that? What these 20% of GDP were acused of?
    1 point
  13. I'm sure you'd like that sort of stuff but i suggest finding those material else where on the internet. This is a serious forum for super serious discussion...
    1 point
  14. Ok. You would like to sacrifice 25% of US GDP. It doesn't make a difference. I still send you to a madhouse.
    1 point
  15. This one. To a madhouse. Right now, I said!!!
    1 point
  16. Shit. I thought it was a country for refugees since its inception. And you opened my eyes. Ok. I will buy you a ticket to Sunflower that will depart back to England. lol
    1 point
  17. Love this Shielding children from biology & bastardising the English language. Moronic nincompoopery. Julie and Nate Sharpe are raising their 3-year-old twins using the pronoun they, them and their to shield them from gender stereotypes. This is a new parenting technique called, "theybies." https://www.nbcnews.com/video/raising-theybies-letting-kids-choose-their-gender-1281053251894?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma
    1 point
  18. I tried to talk to him in the beginning, pointing out the many flaws of logic in his idiotic beliefs. But it was like talking to a wall. He will believe what he wants to believe, accept any evidence which supports it, however unreliable the source, and reject anything that contradicts it as 'fake news'. When he came out with outright holocaust denial I decided it was a waste of time and put him in my ignore file. I'm not missing anything by not reading his brainless conspiracy shit. In the same way, I've been trying to converse our newest American imperialist, having relegated the other to my ignore file. But he seems to be becoming more and more unbalanced and turning into the same kind of rah-rah America Trumptard parady as the other asshole. He makes statements, I refute them, with sources. He doesn't try to deny that, but then just moves on to more of that flag waving (we're bigger than you!) the tiny penis set engage in when their own shitty lives give them nothing to be personally proud of. I haven't put him in my ignore list yet but he's very close.
    1 point
  19. Trudeau will not be intimidated! Many Canadians had a good belly laugh when Trudy said this.
    1 point
  20. It is little surprise that the U.S. and Mexico are moving forward on a trade deal without Canada and Trudeau's "feminist agenda":
    1 point
  21. The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers. No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing. Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees): You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going.
    1 point
  22. About 35% of Canadians pay no federal income tax at all; about 30% of Canadians receive a GST refund. About 30% of the electorate don't listen to a politician who promises to cut taxes since the promise (honest or not) is irrelevant. These voters don't pay any tax. As they say, such people are choosing how to spend "other people's money".
    1 point
  23. Will he save you some dollars or will you pay more? I know that your knowledge about insurance industry is f///n VAST lol If he younger than you and has good health, then you will pay more if he "opts" out. Can he? lol
    0 points
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