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  1. Every one of us is here because of men, I can understand your enthusiasm for the value women bring to society. However, focusing on the idea that one sex is superior is dangerous. Yes men and women can be vastly different.Yet, through a combination of those differences, that we as a collective, have been able to create ideas, complex social systems, economies and extend human life.
    3 points
  2. Women invented beer. - Even in history it is not know that one individual has invented beer, the nearest historical evidence is the collective of Göbekli Tepe And COBOL- COBOL was invented by a multitude of individuals and university assistance, FLOW-MATIC was invented by Grace Hopper and Remington Rand. A group of people working together. And windshield wipers- Mary Anderson hired a designer to invent the windshield wiper and it was manufactured using a local company. Again a group of people working together. And stem cell isolation.- There is no one individual recognized for stem cell isolation, but a collective of individuals who worked together through a university. A collective group of people working towards achieving a goal. And wireless technology.- Extremely broad statement, to what in particular are you referring to in this statement? Such as radio, light, magnetic,electric fields or the use of sound type of wireless technology? And dishwashers,- Invented by Josephine Cochrane together with mechanic George Butters, again another group of two people working together to achieve a goal. Refrigerators- Jacob Perkins, invented the first working vapor-compression refrigeration system along with colleges. The first refrigerator to see widespread use was produced by General Electric, a collective of employees working towards a goal. Ice cream makers.- Yes this is probably the only example given that could be considered an individual Nancy M. (Donaldson) Johnson to invent the ice cream maker, who happens to be a woman. It is extremely rare that any one individual with no outside influence or assistance invents a new technology valued to society. Instead the most common method of inventing something, is a group of like minded people collaborating together to achieve a collective goal. This idea of focusing whether a man invented Y or a woman invented X is damaging to our current successful structure. It is a collaboration of people from the past and the present that has brought about the technology and ideologies of today. What separates us from being just another pile of monkeys grazing in the forest, is the idea that we as a species work together as a collective to achieve global functioning economies and societies.
    3 points
  3. No, my suggestions is to stay calm and patient, and attempt to negotiate with Mr. Trump. Do not go on the attack. Trudeau should have figured out a way to get into that meeting, rather than storm off. He has no experience, thus no idea how to negotiate. And why would he... like a high school boy got to be the PM.
    2 points
  4. Jake Tapper on CNN just referred to Justin as Pierre Trudeau. Cant' get rid of that ghost.
    2 points
  5. Canada is only hurting itself by imposing tariffs in retaliation to the USA. These tariffs appear to be more of a facade than anything else, reactionary Liberal smoke. Trudeau et al simply don't get it: Donald Trump loves retaliatory tariffs- they only help fuel his primary mission, to bring manufacturing back to America.
    2 points
  6. You can be pretty sure that there will never be a Happy International Men's Day being celebrated around the world. Let's be serious and honest here. Where would women be today if men were not around to have been able to build homes for them or give women all the modern appliances and conveniences that they have today? There would be no planes, trains or automobiles for them to drive or be driven in. If we are going to celebrate women's day and their contributions well it has to work both ways. Otherwise what is all this gender equality stuff all about? This is just plain sexist. Anyway, I do like most of the women out there. There is plenty of eye candy to look at in my travels that I can stare at every day. Another thing that I hate and bothers me the most is that we are suppose to celebrate all other races and their contributions and history to the world but white people cannot be allowed to have the same done for them and have a day named in their honor. This is certainly racist for sure.
    2 points
  7. Because in most of those countries, women are denied an education.
    1 point
  8. It's the go to play...desperation comparison. Hitler and Nazis have new life because of such nonsense. Trudeau imposed tariffs of 240% on U.S. made gypsum board, but he was not compared to "Hitler".
    1 point
  9. To be honest, I fail to see how invoking Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Erdogan and Duterte advances your opinion on this issue.
    1 point
  10. Ouch is right. I know where I stand or have to sit. Sometimes I just feel like such a wimp in my house. Help me. LOL.
    1 point
  11. Indeed a woman may have thought and come up with an idea of creating something better for the good of all but no doubt it was the man that designed and invented and built that product. Women today are learning technology from men not vice-versa and are now starting to get good at it. We are lucky that men invented the computer or we would not be having this discussion here at all. Men have always provided and built homes for women. Do you think that women would have been smart enough to come up with and create the building materials needed to build a home or tall 30 or 40 floor structures that women and men live in today? Who invented electricity and piping for a home? Most of the things we have and use today in our homes were invented and designed and built by men. Some women may have thought up an idea but I am pretty dam sure that it was the man that designed and built it. Really. Again go back to what I said. I do not support any attitude that oppresses women nor have I ever called them useless, can't fend for themselves and they need men to survive. Women can do all of those just fine and there are plenty of examples out there for all to see. Again where have I ever supported the oppression of women and have actually said this? You really have to get away from this taxme hates women stuff. It's like some here who keep accusing me of hating Jews just because I ask questions about Judaism. If you or anyone else here can point out as to where I have said that I hate women or Jews I wish the hell they would point it out to me or forever shut up. Why do women and Jews get so touchy over being questioned or challenged about themselves is beyond me. Really. First of all we do not discuss women and men issues and their differences. She values the fact that I do not force her to wear a hijab or burka and that there are no restrictions put on her as to what she can say or do or when she can and cannot leave the house. I value her freedom to do as she pleases as I do mine. And I also know as to who is the boss in the house. I will give you a hint? It's not me. So, I enjoy going to bed with a woman and at times get what all men want from a woman. A good night kiss. LOL. Ok darling. LOL.
    1 point
  12. Let them laugh. U.S. job growth surges, unemployment rate falls to 3.8 percent https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy/us-job-growth-seen-picking-up-wage-growth-likely-moderate-idUSKCN1IW1NX
    1 point
  13. This is a false narrative....8 million American jobs would not just disappear because of Canada. Remember this....and remember it well:
    1 point
  14. I agree 100%...Trump's dark inauguration speech (authored by Bannon ?) spoke of seeing dead manufacturing plants and factories like "tombstones" across the United States because of "free trade". Last year, Freeland said herself that the USA no longer accepts the post WW2 burden and mantle for western stability...paying the lion's share in blood and treasure. The U.S. is not responsible for Canada's economy....long before Trump came along. This Trump action is a promised and welcomed reset of what has transpired with international trade agreements over the past 50 years, and I hope it leads to a better balance after all the screaming and shouting. Bernie Sanders supporters wanted the same kind of shake up, and the EU is fracturing along the same lines. Nothing lasts forever, and a "reset button" is long overdue.
    1 point
  15. Looks like the Liberals were not paying attention when Trumps was elected POTUS. One of his main platform planks was "making America great again". He railed against the decline of US manufacturing and how other nations were taking advantage of trade deals that weaken that sector. His message was loud and clear. A country like Canada cannot possibly expect to bring the US to its knees on trade just with tough words or retaliation. I'm not a diplomat or a negotiator and I don't know what would work. Obviously the Liberals don't know either.
    1 point
  16. Uh-oh. Trump mentioned Canada's agriculture. I think we can assume what will come next.
    1 point
  17. The general consensus is that women invented beer as they were the ones who usually did such things in those early societies. Women played a large part in all of the above inventions. I really don't care if you think women are useless pieces of non-contributing society members. I WILL remind you, though, Taxme - your attitude towards women is EXACTLY the same attitude many Muslims have towards women and the reason for hijabs and burkas, which you said you were against. Yet somehow you are not against the attitudes that lead to such oppression of women. And I'm not your "honey".
    1 point
  18. Show me the names of the women that invented all those things you mentioned above? What proof do you have to show me here? I really would like to know more about this. Seriously. Beer? What a laugh. Most women hate beer. LOL. Did they invent rum also? Just asking. Go ahead, make your day, honey.
    1 point
  19. Canada was warned many times not to go down the FTA/NAFTA road....Liberals railed against it for political points back home. Now Trudeau and the Liberals love NAFTA and refuse to accept a sunset clause. Bottom Line: Canada's economy needs the USA far more than the U.S. economy needs Canada.
    1 point
  20. Agreed....Trudeau and Freeland whined about this decision as if "friendship" matters...this is business...and every U.S. president before Trump has pursued American interests, not besty friendship with Canada. Hell, President Obama made Canada pay for all of the new Detroit River bridge !
    1 point
  21. By the way folks.....when it comes to business.....you know the old adage: business is business. So, don't use this so-called "friendship" as a rebuttal. What more when we know what kind of "friend" to Trump Trudeau had shown himself to be. Why, surely you don't imagine all those drive-by snippets to make himself look better (at the expense of Trump), wouldn't have any repercussions, do you??
    1 point
  22. Yes, I'm aware of that - inventions are usually collaborative efforts. Taxme feels that women have contributed absolutely nothing to society and that if it weren't for men, women would be living in makeshift lean-to's in squalor, barely able to feed themselves. My post was to counter his post and to show that women also contribute greatly to society.
    1 point
  23. Asking a Christian what Jesus would do doesn't label Christians it simply and quite effectively tests and challenges the principles they preach.
    1 point
  24. U.S. stock market is way up today after tariffs announcement (doing way better than Canada's TSX under Trudeau), and U.S. unemployment ticked even lower to historical lows, also far better than in Canada. Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do, and despite dozens of begging trips to the USA by Trudeau. Freeland, and other minions...he imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum anyway. Canadian media is going nuts...fun to watch/read. They don't mention that Canada has protectionist dairy industry, imposing a 240% tariff on U.S. imports.
    1 point
  25. Effing right-wingers have been peddling this socialists are traitors shit for years, its like talking about the weather but never doing anything about it. Either put up or shut-up, borrow a page from Pinochet's handbook or something.
    1 point
  26. I have pretty much zero respect for Trudeau myself. That doesn't make me blind to the lack of character, honesty, integrity and intelligence of that idiot to the south.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. No, it's really not just a matter of syntax. Tell some laid off coal miner in America's rustbelt that he has "white privilege" and see how far you get trying to convince him about your point of view. This is why liberals in America are still puzzled over the 2016 election, they just don't get that throwing around words like "white privilege" instantly repels about half the population. On that we disagree. The term is a blatant attempt to invoke guilt and shame, it is its only real purpose, and the people who use it thrive on divisive identity politics and racial tension. Anyone who isn't already 100% brainwashed into social justice ideology will be instantly repelled by being told they have "white privilege" rather than empathizing. If there's someone out there who is genuinely trying to get someone to "empathize" with the difficulties minorities sometimes face by yelling at white people that they have "white privilege", they must be really puzzled by their lack of success in convincing anyone.
    1 point
  29. 1) Well, the analogy fails in that the people in question are no more my 'friends' than yours but ok... 2) Me ? It's not me who gets those rights, it's them. Take it up with the law. I just want to explain to people that "I was here first" is a bullshit argument....
    1 point
  30. It was America's intervention which won the second world war against Nazis and the cold war against commies. As what the world would have been if nazis had won, it would have been a dictatorship like Middle East but of military shape rather than religious. No freedom, secret police arresting randomly, torturing to death, executions, wars very much like Iran is today. Nazis in power for less than half Europe for just a few years and they killed 50 million including 6 million defenseless Jews now what the number would have been if they had taken over the whole world for a few decades? Billions?
    1 point
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