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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Why would there be much about him? He was an interpreter, not a significant historical figure. Should we also have reams of information about Champlains cook?
    2 points
  2. Anybody else getting a wee bit tired of being told we are not a country and have no identity and culture?
    2 points
  3. Here's what is happening, and I hope expands: black guy meets white girl and fall in love, yellow man meets black girl and fall in love, white man meets black girl and fall in love, get the picture? And eventually we end up with these babies with a color of, oh lets call it neutral, and then we can get beyond all this xenophobic bullshit and actually do something intelligent.
    1 point
  4. I'd settle for an asteroid falling on Ottawa.
    1 point
  5. I agree that there is an element of court jester in this, but at the level we're seeing it's pernicious. When I was a kid the US government had public service messages on TV telling people not to spread rumours. Now they use them to get elected.
    1 point
  6. A straight out lie from Trudeau. Trudeau appointed a new Senator saying it was "recommended by Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments". However, this Senate Board is non-existent as shown by the Gov’t website which shows only the Federal chair filled. All 28 other federal & provincial panelist seats are vacant! So who picked the Senator – Gerry Butts ?
    1 point
  7. That's NOT why Iran was invaded in 1941.
    1 point
  8. Really you need to educate yourself before making grossly false statements. It was a conference in Tehran attended by Stalin, Churchil and US President and the Shah was the host. The Shah had pictures with US president too as per my attachment in my earlier post in the same conference. Btw, the conference was held 2 years after invasion. They invaded because they needed Iran as a bridge to supply the allied Soviets in the war against Germany not to put anyone on the crown. In fact they overthrow his father Reza Shah the great from power by this stupid invasion.
    1 point
  9. Justin Trudeau is desperate to save NAFTA....losing NAFTA would cement his party's fate for the 2019 election. To Trump, NAFTA is just a political chew toy.
    1 point
  10. For someone who likes to say "Yo Fired!" Trump's a giant pussy. He fired Tillerson on Twitter. The lady who's replacing the guy that's replacing Tillerson at the CIA is known for a torture scandal. Good times!
    1 point
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