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  2. It's as I described in my first post. It does drive up the costs for goods from the foreign nations but there is no guarantee--or even probability--of that making domestic goods more competitive. Because there aren't infinite options or choices in a marketplace, markets aren't linear. Rather, they are stepped or driven by tipping points. If making a widget in the US costs $10 and importing a widget from China costs $5 then there is a $5 gap before the US version becomes competitive. If the government levies a $2 tariff on Chinese imports the goods become more expensive, hurting consumers, but they still have a $3 advantage over US goods. So US manufacturers aren't really any more likely to eat the startup costs and enter the market at a $3 price disadvantage. And it gets even less likely when we consider that it's a global marketplace. Chinese widget $5 Vietnamese widget $7 US widget $10 So if the government imposes a $2 tariff on Chinese goods, likely nothing happens. If it's a $3 tariff, importers are just switching to the Vietnamese manufacturers. Importers and retailers are disrupted (hurt) and consumers are hurt, and there is no benefit to US manufacturing. That's a pretty basic version. There are other considerations, like how the tariffs collected are reinvested (or not) in US manufacturing and other interests like strategic or military interests. So to recap, that's why broad tariffs are generally frowned upon. They have historically caused more pain than benefit. To be effective tariffs need to be strategically focused and scaled.
  3. I went back to look at how this thread started, and your post was the most relevant and first... that went unanswered. Imagine that. Like the claims of genocide, those who claim war crimes are never quite able to support their assertions and explain themselves.
  4. You have literally nothing Gaetan. No facts, no insights, no worthwhile commentary at all. You can't participate in any thoughtful, sincere dialogue, you just spew bigotry and stupidity like a diarrhea firehose.
  5. It has to be this way. Yes, they know. You can trust them. You have to.
  6. The problem with many people is that they don't realize that it actually started on October 7th 2023. On that day hamas and Gaza made a decision to start a war. Prior to that they were not at war. It actually did not. Regardless of what happened before, no matter what occurred to get them to that point, no matter what you might think of the history, on October 6th 2023 there was no war and on October 7th there was prior to the attack they had many choices as to how they would like to move forward. They could have chosen peace. They did not. Nothing the Israelis are doing is even remotely close to anything that the germans did. Israel was attacked and is defending itself Well thank god we have you to tell us what is correct seeing as you are apparently the only sane human being on the planet according to you. The current war is happening because gaza chose violence. It's that simple. Everything else is excusing terrorist behavior. You are literally apologizing for people who slaughtered women and children by intent without warning and raped and mutilated them. That would make you the bad person, not Israel.
  7. Basically this is what you always say when you know you're wrong and can't make an intelligent argument. Of course, what i said was 100% true. Which is why you couldn't argue against it. It's like listening to you roll over and whine - ok ok, you know you're wrong, we get it. Right now a full-blown war with Iran is not terribly difficult. They have a small amount of very old gear and Russia is in no position to resupply them as they can barely keep themselves resupplied for their war. The nearest threat of war is more than enough to force the Iranians to reel in some of their surrogates. We are already seeing this with the radicals in Yemen backing off and stopping their attacks on shipping. Iran does not want a war. It is the last thing they want. And before full-blown war were to happen they could lose a ton of their infrastructure in strikes that they simply have no capacity to respond to. the serious threat of war alone is enough and if public opinion supports Israel and is against Iran then they know that becomes a very real possible thing Have you seen the interviews? They have no idea what their institutions are doing that they want them to stop. They aren't trying to realistically pressure their institutions to do anything meaningful. That's just an excuse for why they are on the campus, many of whom are even students. The majority aren't by many accounts. What they are doing is what the protesters have been attempting to do since day one. Create civil unrest in the hopes that canadian public opinion will either turn against Israel or that people will be so afraid of further disruption that they will suggest to the Canadian government that we should stay out of it. It's kind of sad you needed this explain to you.
  8. Both israel and hamas and it's masters ahve shown they do care about international opinion. That is abundently clear. When it turns against them it causes a lot of problems for them, so it matters. They both take many actions to make sure that international opinion is on their side or at least not against them. This is simple fact. Arguing they don't is just dumb. And i love how when they're pro-palestinian protesters its' not 'virtue signalling' but is when it's pro israeli As always your hypocrisy is off the charts Calling for our government to do the right thing and pressure hamas and it's parent organizations to surrender or release the prisoners is not virtue signaling. Gay people waving a Palestinian flag demanding that the Jews be slaughtered from the river to the sea in support of a group who would happily throw them from a tall building for their sexual orientation is virtue signaling.
  9. legit one of the dumbest things you've ever said and that's an extremely competitive category. The problem with this is when you're dealing with a state that is already an international pariah there's not very many levers you can work to influence them. Sanctions? The U.S. has had Iran under sanctions for almost 50 years. Military action? You think anyone wants to start a full blown regional war over a few dozen kibbutzim? The protesters aren't trying to pressure the government, they're pressuring their institutions. Again, you obviously have no idea what these protests are about.
  10. So you still can't actually answer the simple question "how many should we have and why". Kid - i'm pretty hard conservative. But as a true conservative i believe in thinking rather than just regurgitating talking points. if you're going to argue that the number of mp's is too high you'll have to explain what the correct number is and why - not just "we shud lower cause austrailia." If you can't do that then you're just talking out of your ass, in which case it sounds like it's YOU who's qualified to work for the gov't Now - do you have an answer or are you just a bag of wind?
  11. The problem with many people is they think this all started on October 7th, 2023. It actually started in the late 40s and if you go further back, the late 10s. And what Israel is doing is worse than what the Nazis did. In fact Amnesty International calls for Israel to put an end to apartheid. Strange how people forget about the definition of apartheid. You'll never find a fair criminal tribunal when it is run by those that commit crimes. Hell, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would have been good candidates.
  12. You're basing your belief that a "high volume" of protesters don't know what they're protesting based on a small cherrypicked sample of ones you've seen interviewed? You don't see the problem here? In other words, you want more empty virtue signalling. Israel has shown it does not care about international pressure. The only thing that would actually make them stop is if the US turned off the tap, but that won't happen. Israel has shown it does not care about international laws. The efficacy of the protests wasn't the question.
  13. The less correct you are, the less coherent you are.
  14. Guess you don't know all the so-called Palestinian territory actually belongs to Israel.. It is kind of like the natives in B.C. who claim all of B.C. (and more) as their territory. They claim it but it doesn't really belong to them. It is crown land and much is private land. FNs have been given ownership or control over certain specified areas but they don't own the vast territories they claim as their territory. It is the same in Israel. The land belong to Israel. It doesn't matter what the U.N. says. Israel does not recognize the U.N. which is basically an antisemitic organization. All you have to do is look at all the endless anti-Israel motions the U.N. passed over the decades to know that. If Israel listened to the U.N. they would not even exist.
  15. Dude - you're entirely in the wrong here. @I am Groot Is correct. Justin has radically increased the size of the federal employees both in number and employees per capita and expanded many programs and added new ones within the various ministries. Look for yourself: Population of the federal public service - Canada.ca And online accessibility is not up at all. If anything overall it's down due to some major failures like the arrivecan app which wound up very negatively impacting productivity. Here's just a handful of some of the new initiatives and programs. Programs and initiatives (canada.ca) And there is a difference between DEPARTMENT or PROGRAM efficiency and individual worker efficiency. They are not the same. If you have a poorly organized or run department your employees can be very productive and still achieve nothing over all. Basically going nowhere fast. An example going back to arrivecan would be the individual efforts of security assisting people going up, while delays also went up due to the effect of the arrivecan app requiring them to provide customer support. The stats and data that the gov't has collected so far strongly indicates that individual remote worker productivity is up. Even if overall efficency of the various orgs is down. And we both know you're not talking to 'hundreds' of people about this.
  16. Today
  17. Your mistake is thinking that Netanyahu is Putin in this story. He's not. He's Zelenskyy. His county was invaded by a hostile force and his people killed. and now he's fighting back. The international judges didn't bring charges against zelenskyy and they didn't bring charges against netanyahu. They will bring charges against putin and the hamas leaders if they get their hands on them.
  18. Trump is wildly popular compared to Biden. People are energized and happy to meet Trump, but no one wants to be around Joe. In theory, all black people would hate trump and love Biden, but in reality there are some black people who love trump, and Biden's biggest supporters in the black community have to plug their noses to vote for him. No one loves Joe. He's a shell of a man.
  19. You underestimate his ability to keep lying and saying stupid things. Just imagine Joe Biden, but with more energy. His official opinion has still never changed from "The vaccines are safe, and if you take them then you don't have to worry about getting covid or passing it on to anyone. Kids needed the vaccine to protect them from covid, and no one was forced to take it." Facts mean nothing to that guy and he's completely shameless. You can catch him lying 50 times today and he'll tell all the same lies again tomorrow.
  20. You have certainly made it that way. I was just fine shredding your crappy takes on Isreal and Hamas in this thread. You took us down this road.
  21. Don't want to dwell on it, but look, is a coincidence that not a single province in the country has proportional representation, the de-facto standard of democratic governance for about a century? Can it be only a coincidence? What if every time its attempted someone would step out from the shades, sure you want to do that, think of all the extremists and here's some nice federal grant just in case? But in some ways you're right of course; paternalistic government is a two-way street if citizens have become the pueblo, want and expect it. At some point it's hard or maybe impossible to separate the cause from the outcome, chicken from the egg. Look at Mexico and zillion other places.
  22. That's only part of the story. The FBI actually went across the country, raiding people's homes, to retrieve it. Just think about the fact that the federal "police" force in the US went Rambo just to get a little girl's diary. If the FBI retrieved Trump's kid's diary, we all know that they would have lied about what was in it, and even fabricated a few pages, just to start another smear campaign against him.
  23. "Government funded" scientists... how about having private fundings from Gates, Bezos and all the guys you love to hate people ? If you hate objectivity, then science is understandably the #1 enemy.
  24. There's no "if". Israel was completely out of Gaza since the beginning of 2007. All the Gazans did that whole time was stockpile rockets and bombs and plot terrorist attacks. You're new to this, so you think that this is a one-off and that maybe things will be different a few years from now, but it's not. It's a continuation of the exact same thing for 75 years. These people are serious enough about genocide against Israel that they opt to leave children in the line of fire to be used as propaganda pieces after they die. Buddy, why are there 75 yr old refugee camps? Is that really a thing? Shouldn't those people be living normal lives by now? This is dragging on because the Iranians and others want it to drag on. It's dragging on because the Khartoum resolution simply says "Let's make this drag on." No peace, no negotiations, no recognition of Israel as a state. Go look it up ffs. It will take you ten seconds. 1) The Palestinians lost that territory in a series of wars to eradicate Israel and kill as many Jews as possible. It's lost. It's not Palestine's territory anymore. 2) The 1948 map was indefensible. The country was only a few miles wide, from east to west, making it easy to divide the country in two during a war, and making it impossible for Israeli troops to support each other.
  25. Especially Wal-Mart. I avoid that store, when it comes down to produce. Sobey's are hit or miss, but you're paying a premium for likelier to be fresh food. I worked with a farmer who had their own animals and produce. Their eggs were so delicious. Their eggs. My wife has farm land being managed in the Philippines. Eating a fresh banana or apple grown without toxic pesticides just isn't the same when its processed to be sold.
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