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Sheehan Supports U.S. Deserters in Canada


June 18, 2006


FORT ERIE, Ontario - A group of American military deserters publicly embraced their new lives in Canada on Saturday with the support of "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan, who said she wished the son she lost in Iraq was among them.

"I begged him not to go to Iraq," the anti-war activist said through tears at a rally in support of the former soldiers, who wore black T-shirts emblazoned with "AWOL." "And I wish he was standing up here with these people because he didn't want to go."

Sheehan was making her second visit to Canada in support of sanctuary for those fleeing the U.S. military. The Canadian government has so far denied political asylum to U.S. soldiers who have sought it but appeals are pending.

"They're trying to deport me," said Darrell Anderson of Lexington, Ky., who arrived in Canada by way of Niagara Falls in January 2005. He spent seven months in Iraq with the Army's 1st Armored Division and received a purple heart following a roadside bomb attack before deciding during a leave he would not go back.

"When I was in Iraq, we were killing innocent people for oil. It was obvious they didn't want us there," said Anderson, 24, who is petitioning to remain in Canada.

The gathering at a park in the town of Fort Erie, across the border from Buffalo, N.Y., was organized by peace groups on both sides of the border.

About 20 former U.S. soldiers, referred to as war resisters, have applied for refugee status in Canada. Organizers estimated there may be as many as 200 soldiers in the country who have not yet sought formal protection.

"They say we're traitors, we're deserters," said former Marine Chris Magaoay, 20, of the Hawaiian island of Maui. "No, I'm a Marine and I stand up for what I believe in, and I believe the Constitution of the United States of America is being pushed aside as a scrap piece of paper."

The soldiers thanked Canadians for their hospitality and were cheered by about 100 in an audience that included Iraq veterans opposed to the war and Vietnam-era resisters who sought refuge in Canada decades earlier.


Cindy Sheehan needs to stay out of Canada with her Anti-War BS! First she comes to Canada telling Canadians and the Government how to honor it's fallen now she comes back to support Deserters who have come to hide in Canada while turning their backs to obligations in the United States. Canada doesn't need them or Cindy Sheehan. I felt sorry for her at first as most people would but now she's become nothing more then a Joke..

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I felt sorry for her at first as most people would but now she's become nothing more then a Joke..
I have to agree. I am no supporter of the US or their actions, but Sheehan is a boob. Her son willingly went to Iraq, yet she claims 'he didn't want to go'. As for the deserters, they have the right to be 'conscientious objectors', however that is up to the US gov't to decide if they meet the criteria.

Would the Special Olympics Committee disqualify kids born with flippers from the swimming events?

I felt sorry for her at first as most people would but now she's become nothing more then a Joke..
I have to agree. I am no supporter of the US or their actions, but Sheehan is a boob. Her son willingly went to Iraq, yet she claims 'he didn't want to go'. As for the deserters, they have the right to be 'conscientious objectors', however that is up to the US gov't to decide if they meet the criteria.

Right - a boob is someone who calls a woman a name after losing her son for American lies.

Legally, sure - it is up to the US government to decide the fates of these men. But there is a conflict - these men disagree with the US position on this war.

If Harper ever wanted to send me to a fictional war based on economics I would do the same thing.


Sheehan's stand on this should surprise no one. At least no one who's paid the slightest attention to her activities in the recent past.

She seems to have become the rallying point for the anti-war movement of late, which is really to bad for them as she is certainly not an accomplished speaker and has repeatedly displayed an inability to deal with a hostile media.

Rather than a knight on a crusade, she comes off more like a Quixotic figure tilting at windmills.

I need another coffee


Her son probably assumed that his country wouldn't go to war under false pretenses.

"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
Her son willingly went to Iraq and re-enlisted and I agree, she's a dupe, and look who's supporting her - George Soros and his left wing propaganda machine.


Hmmmm, a lefty PR firm VS Fox News.

I wonder which does more damage. Not to mention the several "think tanks" right wingers have at their disposal - and didn't the Bush administration hire a PR firm in 2000 to push out false info about Iraq?

If you are going to cite something like this you should at least appear to try and be balanced.


It would be nice if political discussions could move forward without all these tertiary characters that pop up.

Ms. Sheehan has every right to mourn and to be upset, and her son had a right to disagree with the war, but he had already signed his life away by enlisting.

America has a volunteer army. I'm glad that the peace movement was successful in stopping the draft, but can we really expect a military to function by allowing soldiers to de-conscript ? I don't think so.

I'm a pacifist, so I wouldn't enlist. What kind of pacifist enlists anyway ?

I'm sorry the lad is dead, but we can redesign the way all of society works around sad stories. The military machine will be dismantled eventually, just not this way.


I lost sympathy for Cindy Sheehan when she started saying the Terrorists in Iraq were Freedom Fighters, Israel should get out of Palestine and you'll stop the Terrorism, President Bush was the World's biggest Terrorist and he killed her son. The list goes on of the Moonbat stunts and statements this woman has done..

As for these Deserters their Criminals, they took an oath they have an obligation. Canada doesn't need anymore Criminals seeking refuge, 12 years of that happening under the Liberals were enough..

As for these Deserters their Criminals, they took an oath they have an obligation.
Come on! Making the connection:

deserter = criminal

is not very wise. It only applies if the deserter leaves OUR side to got to the enemy side.

The recent defection of a senior Taliban leader


is a "criminal" to the Taliban. However, we would call him a born-again hero for the freedom of Afghanistan or something hokey like that.

He would also be a valuable source of military intelligence for OUR side.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>


Her son willingly went to Iraq and re-enlisted and I agree, she's a dupe, and look who's supporting her - George Soros and his left wing propaganda machine.


Hmmmm, a lefty PR firm VS Fox News.

I wonder which does more damage. Not to mention the several "think tanks" right wingers have at their disposal - and didn't the Bush administration hire a PR firm in 2000 to push out false info about Iraq?


Yes, the information about PR firms deliberately planting false stories for the Bush Administration is factual. In fact, the year 2000 was not the first year when U.S. citizens were subjected to false information campaigns concocted by PR groups. If you do a Google search on "Rendon Group," you'll find reams of information about the obviously successful disinformation campaigns which this company created for the Bush Administration. By the way, none of this information is hidden, nor is it merely available on "loony conspiracy" websites.

If you ever watch the section of CNN's Situation Room, where Blitzer interviews a Democrat like Paul Begala and a Republican spokesperson named Torrie Clarke....Ms. Clarke was a member of the staff at Hill and Knowlton during the period of time when Saddam went into Kuwait. Hill and Knowlton, by the way, have offices here in Ottawa and they lobby our government on behalf of big business. Anyway, Ms. Clarke and the Hill and Knowlton staff were behind the appearance of a very attractive young Kuwaiti woman before a Senate hearing into the circumstances in Kuwait when the Iraqi army invaded. She recounted a horrific story of Iraqi soldiers invading a hospital where she said she worked. She described the Iraqi soldiers as tearing newborn babies out of their incubators and throwing the infants to the ground, leaving them there to die.

Her presentation was very emotional and when she was through, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It turned out when investgated, that the story was utterly false, that this young woman had not been in Kuwait during the invasion. She was safely ensconced at home in her Daddy's residence in Washington. Her father, by the way, was the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S, or the U.N. As they say, "Quelle surprise!"

Also, Torrie Clark was a PR person for the Pentagon in the first year of the current war against Iraq. However, she made such a mess of the Jessica Lynch story that she was fired for her part in that fiasco.

If you are going to cite something like this you should at least appear to try and be balanced.

I lost sympathy for Cindy Sheehan when she started saying the Terrorists in Iraq were Freedom Fighters,

But they ARE freedom fighters.

If Russia had invaded North America during the cold war any one of us citizens would have been "freedom fighters".

Iraq has been invaded by a foreign power therefore those who fight against the foreign power are "freedom fighters" not "terrorists". A terrorist is someone who terrorizes people, not invading armies.

Israel should get out of Palestine and you'll stop the Terrorism,

Ta Da! If ever second household on your block was bulldozed would you be pissed off? If a group of teenagers throws rocks do they deserve to be blown to bits by artillery?

President Bush was the World's biggest Terrorist and he killed her son. The list goes on of the Moonbat stunts and statements this woman has done..

As for these Deserters their Criminals, they took an oath they have an obligation. Canada doesn't need anymore Criminals seeking refuge, 12 years of that happening under the Liberals were enough..

I don't believe we should protect deserters. They signed up after all to be a part of the American war machine, whatever that may entail. The draft, on the other hand, forces people into war (not volunteers) and I would accept any draft dodger with open arms.

...jealous much?

Booga Booga! Hee Hee Hee

I lost sympathy for Cindy Sheehan when she started saying the Terrorists in Iraq were Freedom Fighters, Israel should get out of Palestine and you'll stop the Terrorism, President Bush was the World's biggest Terrorist and he killed her son. The list goes on of the Moonbat stunts and statements this woman has done..

I pretty much feel the same. She lost a lot of my sympathy and a lot of credibility when she started veering off into loony-land. I was almost expecting her to start making appearances with Hugo Chavez.

However, I will credit her with at least focusing attention on the war and starting a long-overdue debate on the wisdom of the war. It's easy to question the wisdom behind the Iraq invasion now that Bush is unpopular, but Sheehan stood up when people were still behind him and the war effort. That takes some cojones.


Chavez is the only leader with any integrity left.

Oliver: Now why did you get two tickets to Chicago when you know that I wanted to spend my honeymoon in Saskatchewan?

Stanley: Well, the man said there was no such place as sus - -Swee - Sas...

But they ARE freedom fighters.

If Russia had invaded North America during the cold war any one of us citizens would have been "freedom fighters".

Iraq has been invaded by a foreign power therefore those who fight against the foreign power are "freedom fighters" not "terrorists". A terrorist is someone who terrorizes people, not invading armies.

First of all these "freedom fighters" are mostly Islamofacists from other countries, not Iraqis. Second do you not consider blowing up Mosques and lines of local police recruits terrorizing people. How about repeatedly attacking Shiites for the purpose of starting a civil war. Ya, real genuine freedom fighters, all they want is peace in Iraq :rolleyes:

"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."

-Karl Rove

Her son probably assumed that his country wouldn't go to war under false pretenses.

That's what you get for trusting the U.S. government, this wasn't the first time they got involved in a useless war.

Ta Da! If ever second household on your block was bulldozed would you be pissed off? If a group of teenagers throws rocks do they deserve to be blown to bits by artillery?

Palestinians do a little more than throw rocks.

I don't believe we should protect deserters. They signed up after all to be a part of the American war machine, whatever that may entail. The draft, on the other hand, forces people into war (not volunteers) and I would accept any draft dodger with open arms.

I agree.

Almost three thousand people died needlessly and tragically at the World Trade Center on September 11; ten thousand Africans die needlessly and tragically every single day-and have died every single day since September 11-of AIDS, TB, and malaria. We need to keep September 11 in perspective, especially because the ten thousand daily deaths are preventable.

- Jeffrey Sachs (from his book "The End of Poverty")

Chavez is the only leader with any integrity left.


Past all the political prisoners, funding and training of terrorists and condemnation from Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, he might be about 200th on my list.

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")



So, if the Iraqi fighters only shot at American soldiers, would they then be freedom fighters? After all, it really comes down to one side VS the other.

I am not asking the question to be a smart ass...I really do not know what the answer is. I mean, there is a new Iraqi government - but if you saw the footage, the Iraqi leader looked almost as if he wanted to give the impression that he didn't like Bush as he really didn't look him in the eye or nod his head like a real ally would.


I lost sympathy for Cindy Sheehan when she started saying the Terrorists in Iraq were Freedom Fighters,

But they ARE freedom fighters.

If Russia had invaded North America during the cold war any one of us citizens would have been "freedom fighters".

Iraq has been invaded by a foreign power therefore those who fight against the foreign power are "freedom fighters" not "terrorists". A terrorist is someone who terrorizes people, not invading armies.

Israel should get out of Palestine and you'll stop the Terrorism,

Ta Da! If ever second household on your block was bulldozed would you be pissed off? If a group of teenagers throws rocks do they deserve to be blown to bits by artillery?

President Bush was the World's biggest Terrorist and he killed her son. The list goes on of the Moonbat stunts and statements this woman has done..

As for these Deserters their Criminals, they took an oath they have an obligation. Canada doesn't need anymore Criminals seeking refuge, 12 years of that happening under the Liberals were enough..

I don't believe we should protect deserters. They signed up after all to be a part of the American war machine, whatever that may entail. The draft, on the other hand, forces people into war (not volunteers) and I would accept any draft dodger with open arms.

+++++ Post of the year!

I don't believe we should protect deserters. They signed up after all to be a part of the American war machine, whatever that may entail.
A military deserter in a VOLUNTEER ARMY poses a difficult dillema where the motives or morality of a war is in question.

For people who think that the war is justified, the deserter is in the wrong.

For people who think that the war is not justified, the deserter is doing good but he is still violating his contract (a type of fraud).

With respect to international affairs (specifically, relations between Canada and the U.S.A.), the deserter poses an unfair problem. Anything that the government does can be misconstrued and interpreted as taking sides. If the deserter is sent back, it looks like the government is siding with the American administration. If the deserter is allowed to stay in Canada, it looks like the government is taking a stand against the American administration.

I think that the correct stand for the American deserter is unfortunately to suck it up and be sent back. I.E., he signed a contract to join the army, if he quits he knows the consequences. If he deserts, he knows that he goes to jail. Thus, he should spend time in an American jail and get his dishonorable discharge.

By going to Canada (or any other country as a refugee) he is displacing his personal responsibility upon the Canadian government. That is not fair.

This is really splitting hairs and taking things to the extreme:

I would actually take the personal responsibility of the deserter a step further. By signing up for the volunteer army initially, he actually fueled the war. If NOBODY signed up for the American military. The American administration would not so easily wage war. Even if he deserts, his initial signing up makes him slightly (only slightly, like a drop in the bucket) responsible.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>

First of all these "freedom fighters" are mostly Islamofacists from other countries, not Iraqis. Second do you not consider blowing up Mosques and lines of local police recruits terrorizing people. How about repeatedly attacking Shiites for the purpose of starting a civil war. Ya, real genuine freedom fighters, all they want is peace in Iraq :rolleyes:

I don't think you should be getting your news from the GOP homepage. Only a small part of the overall insurgency is related to terrorist organizations. Not to say that the various factions aren't employing terror tactics -- they do, including the blowing up of mosques and killing innocent people to terrorize entire neighborhoods, etc. -- but these are not the same Islamofascists your talk radio brethren bleat about all day long. There are different factions at work in Iraq and it only makes you look naive when you lump all of them in under the "Islamofascist" label. I've seen some intelligence estimates that put the al Qaeda-in-Iraq headcount at just around 1000. The vast majority of the insurgency is made up of the two main warring factions: Baathist Sunnis and Shia Militias.

I pretty much feel the same. She lost a lot of my sympathy and a lot of credibility when she started veering off into loony-land. I was almost expecting her to start making appearances with Hugo Chavez.

However, I will credit her with at least focusing attention on the war and starting a long-overdue debate on the wisdom of the war. It's easy to question the wisdom behind the Iraq invasion now that Bush is unpopular, but Sheehan stood up when people were still behind him and the war effort. That takes some cojones.

You're right she started a debate on the War which was needed the problem is the Democrats were cowards to have one so it fell to the Far Left of the Democratic party led by Gore, Murtha and Pelosi who rants are almost irrelevant as Cindy Sheehan's..

If the Democrats had the balls to start a serious debate and back Cindy Sheehan she might have been taken more serious and wouldn't have fallen in with the Moonbat crew of Air America, Code Pinko, Michael Moore, Moveon.org..


I think it's great that we are now harbouring deserters as it opens up so many new career options. I think I will join our military, get in shape, collect paycheques, learn a trade, maybe have them pay for another degree and then when I am about to be shipped off to Afghanistan I’ll quit. What a brilliant idea. Why isn’t everyone doing this? I can easily find moral grounds for not going to any war or peacekeeping mission. If I really worked at it I could probably find some ethical reason why I shouldn’t help clean up after hurricanes and ice storms too.

I don’t agree with the war in Iraq but I am vehemently against deserters and supporting deserters. If they were draft dodgers I would let them stay in my home, but they signed up. These people were aware of both the risks and the rewards. They happily accepted the rewards and then they shirked their responsibility and ran away.

I don’t agree with the war in Iraq but I am vehemently against deserters and supporting deserters.
How much responsibility (or condemnation) do you place on the soldiers (non-deserters) in Iraq relative to the responsibility borne by the American administration?

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>

You're right she started a debate on the War which was needed the problem is the Democrats were cowards to have one so it fell to the Far Left of the Democratic party led by Gore, Murtha and Pelosi who rants are almost irrelevant as Cindy Sheehan's...

It's overly simplistic to label anyone who opposes the Bush doctrine of staying the course as being Far Left. Murtha is a decorated war veteran and one of the most reliable and knowledgable members of Congress in terms of military matters and is one of the most trusted and respected members of Congress by the Pentagon. The problem for the Far Right is that when someone with such credentials questions the GOP party line, they cannot debate on the merits, so the GOP and its supporters resort to namecalling and labeling. Murtha must be labeled a kook or as "Far Left" because dissent by someone like Murtha (or Brent Scrowcroft or James Baker from the Bush I administration) is devastating to the NeoCons who now run the war machine. It shows them for what they are -- spoiled rich kids who do not understand military matters, never served a day in military uniforms, and playing a real-world version of the boardgame "Risk", all of it motivated by electoral politics. Murtha can hardly be put in the same category as Cindy Sheehan.

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