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Johnny Utah

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    Occupation:Crushing the Liberal Spirit<br /><br />Interests:Ann Coulter, Condi Rice, GOP Babes, Israel, Michelle Malkin, Politics, President Bush, President Reagan, Steven Harper, The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.<br /><br />Favorite Books:<br />High Crimes and Misdemeanors, The Case Against Bill Clinton, Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), The World According to Ann Coulter, Godless:The Church of Liberalism, Rumsfelds War.

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  1. Harper's efforts do help Canada on the World stage..
  2. Rudy doesn't stand a chance as his stance on some issues go against the grain..
  3. Justin Trudeu also supports the Canadian Military's Mission in Afghanistan.. The Trudeu's are like the Kennedy's in Canada they just haven't killed anyone such as uncle Ted's drunk driving adventure..
  4. Here's Videos you will never see of Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan.. Canadian Soldiers in Action Video Link As you can see it's real as it gets, yet we don't see this courage on the CBC.. Hattip:Trooper599 CKA..
  5. The Lebanese people are sick and tired of the shit Hezbollah stirs, true their no fans of Israel but at the same time they know Israel isn't the only repsonsible ones. The images you see on TV Lebanese people cheering on Hezbollah does not represent every Lebanese no matter how much the MSM tries to paint them that way.. Here's a Lebanese Forum, it's an interesting read: Lebanese Forum Link
  6. ALF and ELF are Terrorist groups, their no different than Al Qaeda. True they haven't killed 3,000 people but they still commit acts of Terrorism. When it comes to Terrorism you can't split hairs..
  7. Cindy Sheehan started her Anti-War Crusade saying it's all about the Troops, how she cares for them and wants them home Bullshit! She doesn't care about the Troops when she calls them Rapists and War Criminals because all she cares about is her 15 mins of fame. It sounds like she's using talking points from her new best friend Hugo Chavez.. Cindy Sheehan is a complete flake she's crazy, her son's death isn't even an issue anymore as she has lost touch with reality. I felt sorry for her at first for losing her son in Iraq but now I lost all sympathy for Cindy Sheehan when she started saying the Terrorists in Iraq were Freedom Fighters, Israel should get out of Palestine and you'll stop the Terrorism, President Bush was the World's biggest Terrorist and he killed her son..
  8. It's the same kind of Terrorism as Al Qaeda, the IRA, ALF and ELF etc. Regardless of who commits it you can't split hairs.
  9. Cindy Sheehan's newest stunt isn't a hunger strike it's the way young women are living in Hollywood.. As for who's financing her, it could be many Lefty Moonbats such as Moveon.org, Codepinko, Michael Moore and the rest of the Hollywood Halfwits..
  10. Kim Jong Il picked July 4th 2006 the 230th year of the United States Independence and the same day the Space Shuttle Discovery lifted off to fire North Korea's Missiles to get the World's attention as it was being focused on Iran and it's Nuclear issues. Well now North Korea has the World's attention and there will be consenquences. The failure of the Taepodong-2 Missile only means North Korea hasn't perfected it yet while launching of the other Missiles was just more sabre-rattling..
  11. I don't need a movie by Al Gore to know about Global Warming. While he travels the World crying about Global Warming he uses private jets and tour buses that contribute to the problem, what a Hypocrite! South Park's "Man Bear Pig" starting Al Gore. You know Al Gore is a Real Loser when South Park creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone mock him and his fear mongering on Global Warming.. South Park's "Man Bear Pig" Link
  12. If they catch these punks who have done this jail is to good for them, they should be shipped off to Afghanistan to shine the boots of every Canadian Soldier serving there..
  13. Great news, regardless of your take on the war. I, for one, am hugely interested to see how this plays out. If this plays out right all sides will benefit..
  14. With Liberals whatever Harper does he's Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't..
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