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I Watched Russian TV So You Don’t Have To

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I Watched Russian TV So You Don’t Have To


In Russia’s version of the war, Russians are liberators, Ukrainians are Nazis, and the West is full of mendacious hypocrites. To turn on Russian TV news is to enter a parallel universe, one where even the word war is forbidden. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government has now blocked or restricted any other sources of coverage, so this is the only version of the world most Russians see.

To get a sense of what Russians are told about the war, I fired up Russian state TV for a few hours a day over the past week from my laptop. Though the state-run news channels do include purportedly on-the-ground news reports, much of the action is on talk shows, which are “where the more extreme or nationalistic narratives are pushed,” Sarah Oates, a political-communication expert at the University of Maryland, told me.

Hosts and panelists stick closely to the same Kremlin talking points, lending the broadcasts an endless, looping quality, even by cable-TV standards. One panel of white guys who love Putin dissolves into another, and another. “Every third word is Ukraina, America, NATO,” says Bakhti Nishanov, a senior policy advisor at the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. “Even if you were just not paying attention … it’s in your subconscious.”

On Russian TV sets, people, walls, and floors are decked out in the “Z” marking that Russian troops paint on their tanks. I saw it used to mean za pobedu (for “victory”) and za mir (for “peace”), even though that’s not how you write the letter Z in Russian. Throughout, I heard references to parts of Ukraine being “cleaned out” and “brought to order,” and that Ukrainians “will only understand the truth about their country once it’s liberated.” The penalty for dissent is great, and the talk-show guests are in constant agreement. They nevertheless frequently end up yelling, spitting twisty consonants at one another until the host introduces a new way in which the government line is correct.

Perhaps the saddest fact is that Russians—now cut off economically, geographically, and culturally from the rest of the world—may not know what they’re in for. Watching their own channels, they are left with the rosy view that victory is near, and that they will be the victors. In the words of one talk-show pundit I saw on Russian television last week, “This will all pass. Without Russia, Europe is not Europe, and the world is not the world.” 

Trump has said Putin's invasion was "smart." AKA, backs the new Iron Curtain brought to the world by Putin. 🤮

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34 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

So...about the same as our msm. Got it.

No, you don't "got it." You never let FACTS intrude through your cognitive dissonance

FOS LIES is MSM thanks to the MAGA CULT viewers.

No state control over any of them, unlike in Russia where all the independent news sources were forced to flee the country.

Do you ever watch 60 Minutes? They did a feature on this subject last season.

Dissidents speak out from Lithuania after fleeing Putin's Russia

Why do you  keep pretending you understand what's going on here in the US?

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21 hours ago, robosmith said:

I Watched Russian TV So You Don’t Have To

Trump has said Putin's invasion was "smart." AKA, backs the new Iron Curtain brought to the world by Putin. 🤮

1. Cite.

2. I already know that you don't have a cite, so I'll just note that you were lying in advance.

3. CNN and MSNBC have been describing Biden as smart for the past 4 years, even as recently as ten seconds before the debate. A lot can change in 90 minutes, hey? 🤣

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I'm kind of liking this whole new thing that the dems have going.  Basically it's "The misquote of the day" for trump :) Every day they take something he said and completely misquote it to sound like someething else and then look at everyone like a puppy waiting for a treat to see if anyone bought it :) 

trump didn't say that Putin was smart for invading Ukraine, or anything like that. When speaking about the circumstances he pointed out that Putin is smart. As in he's not an !diot.  And that is quite true, you can hate Putin but he's not a dummy.

Lots of bad people are smart. Recognizing that doesn't mean you support their actions but that's exactly what the democrats want you to believe


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3 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

Flailing is the word that describes this election. Dems are flailing as they run a senile old man.

The thing is, the democrat media has been pushing the hell out of the idea that he is perfectly competent and that anyone who says he's old is a lying sack of crap. To the point of swearing on TV and such, pounding their fists and demanding that he's competent and they're turning the frogs gay. 

Now they have been exposed for the liars they are. Everybody can see that they were absolutely full of crap.

It's pretty hard to come back from that kind of credibility hit. Even if you do find another candidate to put forward nobody's going to believe you if you say he's great. And people will seriously question whether or not what you're saying is true about trump

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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1. Cite.

2. I already know that you don't have a cite, so I'll just note that you were lying in advance.

3. CNN and MSNBC have been describing Biden as smart for the past 4 years, even as recently as ten seconds before the debate. A lot can change in 90 minutes, hey? 🤣

Proven ^ IGNORANT AGAIN. Even Murdoch's most respected rag says so. LMAO


Trump calls Putin 'genius' and 'savvy' for Ukraine invasion

Feb 23, 2022  Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising ...

Trump Calls Putin's Invasion of Ukraine Smart, Blames ...

Feb 24, 2022  Former President Donald Trump called Russian President Vladimir Putin smart and criticized the U.S. response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine ...


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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

Proven ^ IGNORANT AGAIN. Even Murdoch's most respected rag says so. LMAO

The lie by you was this: AKA, backs the new Iron Curtain brought to the world by Putin.

That is not what he said and the full context of saying Putin was smart was followed up by him saying Putin never would have done it while he was President, not that he somehow supported his doing it like you are lying about. 

You are beyond dishonest on this forum. It is just gross how much you will lie and distort things on here. 

Why? You are not fooling anyone on here, you are only hurting yourself and any care you have for your own integrity. 

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

Proven ^ IGNORANT AGAIN. Even Murdoch's most respected rag says so. LMAO


Trump calls Putin 'genius' and 'savvy' for Ukraine invasion

Feb 23, 2022  Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday described Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy,” praising ...

Trump Calls Putin's Invasion of Ukraine Smart, Blames ...

Feb 24, 2022  Former President Donald Trump called Russian President Vladimir Putin smart and criticized the U.S. response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine ...


Your own sites prove you are a liar. Your claim was that trump said that putin invading Ukraine was genius. However the actual quote provided doesn't say that at all. He said Putin was a genius for how he went about it. That is a completely different thing.

For example I could easily say that Hitler's use of espionage to lure the Russians into a false sense of security to make it easier to invade was pure genius. But that starting an invasion of Russia was completely stupid.

As usual, you have to lie. Apparently you can't find anything legitimate to complain about when it comes to trump so you are reduced to coming up with lies and twisting things he said in order to Pretend There's Something Bad.

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