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Democrats Celebrating Child Sexual Abuse

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1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

I don't get the liberals obsession with normalizing deviancy, if that were someones child in a titty bar people would and should not condone it. I don't get why being a drag queen makes it better.

Problem with progressives is they always think they need to progress, it started with gay acceptance and now they are condoning children going to drag shows and biological boys being allowed in female restrooms swinging their still attached dong around and dominating women in women's sports.

We know what the next step is normalizing pedophilia, we have already begun to see the beginning where they are renaming them as Minor Attracted Persons.

Too bad you don't get to set the standards for what children are exposed to in lieu of their PARENTS.

No one should force a stick up a child's butt like the one up yours. LMAO

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

I know you're stupid but surely you're not so stupid as to equate something distasteful with child sexual abuse.

How is this even a serious question?

You are in a thread about a child being at Draq Queen event with some dude/woman with breasts exposed and a g-string full of money like a stripper. 

And you want to nitpick on the use of sexual abuse to describe this while trying to downplay it to a mere "distasteful" description. 


18 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Too bad you don't get to set the standards for what children are exposed to in lieu of their PARENTS.

No one should force a stick up a child's butt like the one up yours. LMAO

Yes, in fact we do. We say children can't go into bars. We say children can't go into strip clubs. We say porn shops can't be built right next to schools...

There are plenty of laws/codes around what children can be exposed to. 

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44 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

While my kids would never be in that place... you make it taboo (and therefore interesting) by prohibiting. My kids have seen a drag queen 6 or so times. When asked about it.. they would probably yawn and say, "yeah so?". 

We are not talking about teenagers finding it taboo to go to some lewd Drag Queen strip show... that was a small child. 

And we are also not talking about some run-of-the-mill Draq event here either; these are grown-ass men getting their jollies off of performing in front of small children with their breasts exposed, in g-strings, like strippers. 

Disgusting and wrong. 


1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

What does any of it have to do with Democrats?

It isn't Republicans/Conservatives pushing and defending this garbage. 

Are you really going to play dumb here on it not being Democrats?

Look at this thread. Even in this microcosm of life, you see posters on the left defending or obfuscating to defend this and those on the right condemning it. 

Tell us... where are you at on this spectrum?

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1 hour ago, User said:

We are not talking about teenagers finding it taboo to go to some lewd Drag Queen strip show... that was a small child. 

And we are also not talking about some run-of-the-mill Draq event here either; these are grown-ass men getting their jollies off of performing in front of small children with their breasts exposed, in g-strings, like strippers. 

Disgusting and wrong. 


It isn't Republicans/Conservatives pushing and defending this garbage. 

Are you really going to play dumb here on it not being Democrats?

Look at this thread. Even in this microcosm of life, you see posters on the left defending or obfuscating to defend this and those on the right condemning it. 

Tell us... where are you at on this spectrum?

So you have evidence that they are card-carrying members of the Democratic Party or something?

The word “liberal” is not the same thing as Democrat  

For all you know these ppl are among the millions of Americans who don’t even bother to vote because they are too lazy or too radical or too self-involved. 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

So you have evidence that they are card-carrying members of the Democratic Party or something?

The word “liberal” is not the same thing as Democrat  

For all you know these ppl are among the millions of Americans who don’t even bother to vote because they are too lazy or too radical or too self-involved. 

The venn diagram for liberal and Democrat is awfully close to a circle...

No, not for all I know. As I already pointed out here from my own experience on this forum (and in many other discussions with people, including Democrats) I know better. 

You can look to who sponsors these events, promotes them, goes to them, defends them... 

Honestly, this is just a sad game of obfuscation on your part. I noticed you ignored my question too... 

You have more concern over obfuscating about Democrats supporting this stuff than you do for actually condemning it yourself or not... 

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21 minutes ago, User said:

The venn diagram for liberal and Democrat is awfully close to a circle...

No, not for all I know. As I already pointed out here from my own experience on this forum (and in many other discussions with people, including Democrats) I know better. 

You can look to who sponsors these events, promotes them, goes to them, defends them... 

Honestly, this is just a sad game of obfuscation on your part. I noticed you ignored my question too... 

You have more concern over obfuscating about Democrats supporting this stuff than you do for actually condemning it yourself or not... 

So Democrats sponsored this event , promoted it went to it, defended it?

The venn diagram isn’t as close as you think. Many different types of people support Democrats for many different reasons. There is far more diversity in the Democratic Party than there is in the Cult of Trump. 

Many left-wing people wouldn’t touch an establishment party like the Democrats with a ten-foot pole

Many people can be drag queens, LGBTQ without being political at all. Or may even be conservative. Look at gay Republican drag Queen George Santos for example. 

As for where I stand LGBTQ isn’t my issue and I don’t understand drag queens and wouldn’t take my kids to a drag show let alone one with alleged nudity(although the nudity seems to be an exaggerated claim here). I wouldn’t call it “child sexual abuse” to do so however and as a point of fact neither does the law. For all I know the alleged drag queen in the OP is that kids parent. Conservatives have been big on promoting the idea that children are the exclusive property of their parents to be raised as the parent pleases, and have said so on a number of topics like spanking, corporal punishment, vaccinations and especially sexual education. Some parents, MAGAs among them, let their kids be exposed to explicit movies and music and other displays of vulgarity. It’s probably more abusive to take your kids to a Klan rally than a drag show but while that has been happening for centuries that doesn’t seem to be something that keeps MAGAs awake at night. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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14 hours ago, herbie said:

Child sees breasts as for nursing.

I know people who breastfed their kids way past 5 years of age. This is disturbing, and you're stunting your child's development.

Past a certain age, they should be private parts just like a penis or a vagina.

14 hours ago, herbie said:

MAGA sees breasts as sexual organs. 

They are both. 

You think men go to strip clubs to see natural food providing breasts? No they go to see strippers show their t**s and much more.

This isn't even a MAGA thing. There is a reason why it would be unwise for a woman to parade naked alone late night. Its not MAGA.

Thats just being lazy, in being divisive.

Porn wouldn't be top searched items if it weren't the case.

Quite confident many of those men clicking the porn links are also Democrat. Just a hunch.

14 hours ago, herbie said:

Child sees clothing as something to keep warm.

Sorry, but if your top barely covers 10% of your breasts, I am not sure what kind of warmth that you're working with.

If I wore a thong in public, people would stare. Many would laugh. Some would call the police?

Why is that? People worried about me being too warm? Seriously?

No, because I am wearing a thong in public. Nobody wants to see that. Not even my wife. 

I see it as no different as a woman topless in public. 

Sure many men would love the view, but it is highly inappropriate for children. 

Many stores won't serve you if you aren't wearing shoes or a shirt.

I don't need to know your areolas look like pepperoni on a pizza, or they your nipples are the size as a small marshmallow.

Especially not, if buying cigarettes from you. There are laws for a reason.

Just because some parents are okay with it, doesn't make it appropriate. 

You may be okay with your 12 year old going to school in white leggings with no underwear, but doesn't make it appropriate.

Heck my wife has a nice body, so she may feel like she wanted to wear a sheer blouse with no bra.

In her own time, she does as she pleases. Out with me, there is no way I am being seen with her, as I do respect her so to me, you don't respect your woman having her out like that.

You won't get respect dressed like that. That's strictly seeking attention.

I dated a woman who dressed like that  and would complain at the inappropriate comments she always got, or how aggressive men were.

To me, that's like someone masturbating in public and ranting about how they keep getting arrested for exploring their sexuality.

Explore all you wish. Do it privately. 

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11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

So Democrats sponsored this event , promoted it went to it, defended it?


When Republicans push legislation to curb inappropriate behavior in front of kids like this, Democrats oppose it.

You are just obfuscating the obvious. 


"Democrats opposed the bills...."

Democrats opposed the Tennesse Adult Entertainment Act as well... 

11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

As for where I stand LGBTQ isn’t my issue

I am talking about sexualized Draq Queen shows like this one... yet again, you obfuscate. 

11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

although the nudity seems to be an exaggerated claim here

There is literally a link with video...

11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I wouldn’t call it “child sexual abuse” to do so however and as a point of fact neither does the law. For all I know the alleged drag queen in the OP is that kids parent.

You just keep obfuscating and making excuses. As if it is somehow better that a parent drags their child to the event like this they are performing in like this? Give me a break. 

11 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Conservatives have been big on promoting the idea that children are the exclusive property of their parents to be raised as the parent pleases

No, this is an absurd argument from absolutes, basically a strawman... 

Instead of of clearly condemning what you see here, you are trying to change the subject to what about Klan rallies!

No one here is supporting taking children to a Klan rally and unlike you, I can clearly condemn such a thing. See how easy that is?


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15 hours ago, User said:

How is this even a serious question?

You are in a thread about a child being at Draq Queen event with some dude/woman with breasts exposed and a g-string full of money like a stripper. 

And you want to nitpick on the use of sexual abuse to describe this while trying to downplay it to a mere "distasteful" description. 

It's a yes or no question, chuckles.

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Just now, Black Dog said:

Why would I respond when you can't answer the question. Why are you dodging, chuckles?

Did you stop beating your wife?

Its a yes or no question, just answer it yes or no. 

That is the dishonesty you are engaged in right now. 

2 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Why would I respond when you can't answer the question. Why are you dodging, chuckles?

I looked back... it was not even a question, let alone a yes/no one. It was a statement:

"I know you're stupid but surely you're not so stupid as to equate something distasteful with child sexual abuse."

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Just now, User said:

Did you stop beating your wife?

Its a yes or no question, just answer it yes or no. 

That is the dishonesty you are engaged in right now. 

The only person being dishonest here is you in that you're lying to yourself about how smart you actually are.

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27 minutes ago, User said:

Why can't you just answer it yes or no?

I think your problem is you actually do think a kid being taken to some lewd Drag Queen strip show is tantamount to sexual abuse, but you also know deep down how retarded that sounds and so are embarrassed to admit it. Another alternative is you know they aren't the same thing at all but can't say so because you'll lose credibility as a MAGA dipshit. IDK which it is and idc.

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I think your problem is you actually do think a kid being taken to some lewd Drag Queen strip show is tantamount to sexual abuse, but you also know deep down how retarded that sounds and so are embarrassed to admit it. Another alternative is you know they aren't the same thing at all but can't say so because you'll lose credibility as a MAGA dipshit. IDK which it is and idc.

You still dodging the simple yes/no question? Come on. It is so simple to just answer it yes or no. 


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10 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I think your problem is you actually do think a kid being taken to some lewd Drag Queen strip show is tantamount to sexual abuse, but you also know deep down how retarded that sounds and so are embarrassed to admit it. Another alternative is you know they aren't the same thing at all but can't say so because you'll lose credibility as a MAGA dipshit. IDK which it is and idc.

Do you still drive a minivan?

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Your dodging my question by accusing me of dodging some other question, truly you have no self awareness.

Except... I did not dodge your question. It was more of a statement, and I answered it. 

You then came back demanding that I answer it as a yes/no question, that you never framed as a yes/no question to begin with. 

I asked you a loaded yes/no question to point out the dishonesty you were engaged in... and still are, in demanding I answer it as a yes/no. 


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1 minute ago, User said:

Except... I did not dodge your question. It was more of a statement, and I answered it. 

You dodged it by sputtering about "nitpicking"



You then came back demanding that I answer it as a yes/no question, that you never framed as a yes/no question to begin with. 

I asked you a loaded yes/no question to point out the dishonesty you were engaged in... and still are, in demanding I answer it as a yes/no. 


"You didn't ask it as a yes or no question" ok sorry I overestimated your intelligence and ability to discern context clues. I promise I will read this book to learn how to netter communicate with you.


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10 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You dodged it by sputtering about "nitpicking"

How was that dodging the question? 

10 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

"You didn't ask it as a yes or no question" ok sorry I overestimated your intelligence and ability to discern context clues. I promise I will read this book to learn how to netter communicate with you.

Don't worry, this is not an issue of intelligence. It is an issue of integrity, which you are lacking. 

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