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Trudeau's immigration minister Marc Miller announces that he is quintupling the number of refugees Canada is taking from Gaza from 1,000 to 5,000.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

But sure, decisions do have consequences alright, like the ones Canada participated in making that contributed to the violent invasive manner by which Israel came into being.

Get in your time machine and fix it then, in the mean time, everyone else will struggle along with the situation as it exists on the ground.

If the machine is still broken and you can't fix those past sins then get over it and learn to deal with the reality of here and now because that's all ya got.... there ain't nothing else to be done.

Speaking of

3 hours ago, eyeball said:

the type of people who'd introduce such a ridiculous non sequitur as this into a discussion about the conflict in the ME.

Here's a quote for ya:

The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.

Hamas started it, no one else, it was Hamas.... and they were pretty damn proud of it all too, remember that?

So, if you're fond of "squirming around a ridiculous non sequitur" then just blame everyone but the people who actually did start it.

Do you still seriously believe that because commuting Palestinian labourers didn't know about the attack that it stands as proof Iran did it?

Sounds like the very definition of non sequitur to me.

Please... if you have evidence that suggests Hamas wasn't involved in this bring it forward. 

Edited by Venandi
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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

Probably because mentioning it never changes anything.  If the ME wasn't such an ongoing distraction other places would get the attention they deserve.

As for the Sudan I have little doubt super-duper power machinations and games are as much behind the conflict there as they are just about everywhere else around this stupid planet.  Something you people ignore when you're not defending or apologizing for according to some partisan reason or another - usually because you think you're thwarting commies or lefties or socialism, a tired out old shtick you've used for decades and decades.

You're ignoring, cowardly I might add, the fact that Hamas is far more a proxy of Iran's than a representative of Palestinians. As for children over there, the minute they have a little peach fuzz on their little brown faces you act like they're fully grown savages that deserve what Iran deserves.

Mostly its because you fu cking people say I support rape, torture and murder. Go fu ck yourselves.

The biggest thing that stands out when comparing all these conflicts around the globe is the overarching competing interests of the big powers that are often fuelling them. That and the scathing completely unwarranted hatred you people always have for people like me.

And yet here we are you supporting terrorist state, but screw the rest of the globe , i get it , it's so exhausting to support on conflict let alone all of them. 

Well if i had a choice,i like my choices rather than the one you made,  i would never in a million years support the palestinian people or their terrorist ways...

Cowardly...not exactly the word i would use but if it makes you sleep better then sure call me what ever you want, what i do know is when i was in the fighting terrorist i looked left and right and no one fitting your description was to be seen...Your forgetting Hamas was voted in by the people of palestine, with the majority of palestinians content with how things are being run....They may be funded by Iran and other middle eastern countries but it is Hamas that decides what it does or does not do....they and they alone are responsible for their actions... As for Iran I'm sure there will be a day when they are forced to eat a bag of D*cks , hopefully for a NATO coalition...

Your ignoring that in my culture a man is not a man until they are 18 years of age...Hamas will recruit as young as 11, with being 15 is military age...By the time they reach the battle field they are full of hate, and would gladly kill you then drag your dead body through the streets, phone mom bragging how many jews they have killed....And i don't think of them as savages...just terrorists...

I have never said you supported rape, torture and murder...but you do support those that do...I don't hate you eyeball, i may dislike what you support but i don't hate you....i do however hate terrorist

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1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Get in your time machine and fix it then,

I highly doubt people then would be anymore willing to do so as you and in any case they're dead so it's up to us I'm afraid.


1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Do you still seriously believe that because commuting Palestinian labourers didn't know about the attack that it stands as proof Iran did it?

No, it stands as evidence that ordinary Palestinians didn't. The brutality, timing and coordination suggest Hamas' real and illegitimate political masters in Iran did. Iran in turn is just another proxy/puppet of Russia and China.

Other opinions support the contention these are who orchestrated the attacks of Oct 7.

1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Please... if you have evidence that suggests Hamas wasn't involved in this bring it forward. 

Nikki Haley Blames China, Iran And Russia For October 7 Hamas Attacks



On the eve of what was projected to be a seismic Israel-Saudi Arabia peace deal brokered by the United States, thousands of Hamas terrorists burst out of Gaza and engaged in a vicious rampage of rape, torture and murder against Jews in southern Israel, creating a regional crisis so severe that conventional wisdom now holds that any deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia is impossible.

Because Hamas lacks the logistical or material capacity to execute such a sophisticated operation on its own, it’s obvious the terrorist organization had the support of a nation-state with a significant military and intelligence capacity. Iran’s long sponsorship of Hamas is well known, and the Oct. 7 attack demonstrates how thoroughly Tehran has trained, equipped and directed Hamas’s activities.


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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I have never said you supported rape, torture and murder...but you do support those that do...

Like I said, go fu ck yourself.

18 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Your forgetting Hamas was voted in by the people of palestine, with the majority of palestinians content with how things are being run...

You're acting as if Palestinians were given a choice in some sort of democratic referendum sanctioning what happened just before the Oct 7 attacks. 

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Like I said, go fu ck yourself.

You're acting as if Palestinians were given a choice in some sort of democratic referendum sanctioning what happened just before the Oct 7 attacks. 

I guess all that dancing in the streets we seen all over the media, that was all fake, that was palestinians celebrating those 1200 israelis deaths....People that do not support the Oct 7 attacks don't dance in the streets...

Now that Hamas is been beaten to a pulp...is there any sign today of palestinian standing up to take back control..."no" they are content with their current political situation....even when Hamas is almost extinct....Don't pretend you know what they want, they have been telling you and all the people like you what they want for decades now....The total destruction of Israel. That's is what you support...the destruction of an entire state...

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, eyeball said:


18 hours ago, Venandi said:

Please... if you have evidence that suggests Hamas wasn't involved in this bring it forward. 

On the eve of what was projected to be a seismic Israel-Saudi Arabia peace deal brokered by the United States, thousands of Hamas terrorists burst out of Gaza...


 Emphasis added.

He asked you for evidence that they weren't involved. You literally posted evidence that Hamas was involved.

While I'm sure they were backed by bad actors such as Iran at the end of the day it was still Hamas

Edited by CdnFox
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50 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Because Hamas lacks the logistical or material capacity to execute such a sophisticated operation on its own, it’s obvious the terrorist organization had the support of a nation-state with a significant military and intelligence capacity.

That support is old news and it doesn't change who did what.

They started with foreign made rockets routed through Sudan and smuggled via Egypt. Then they moved on to domestic production supplemented with smuggled components. There's a whole history here, it's open source and you can read all about it... no time travel required. 

But who pulled the trigger and who did the do? Who went room to room and house to house systematically killing and raping as they went? That's who I hold to account and from what I saw of the videos there was a distinct shortage of ethnic Chinese folks in attendance.

Louisville slugger might have made the bat but they didn't steal your wallet, give you the concussion or defund the police. Are the people who voted for defunding responsible for your concussion or was it the bat wielding felon who was out on bail for two previous batting infractions? He might not have been able to do that without liberals repeatedly setting him free, but even the staunches of conservatives knows who it was that swung the bat.

50 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I highly doubt people then would be anymore willing to do so as you and in any case they're dead so it's up to us I'm afraid.

Good, we can move past the history lessons then, IMO it's long past time to grab reality by the throat ... those dinosaur eggs were never going to hatch anyway.



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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

But sure, decisions do have consequences alright, like the ones Canada participated in making that contributed to the violent invasive manner by which Israel came into being.

You mean immigrating and buying property?

Or were you referring to the utter temerity those Jews had in defending themselves when all the surrounding Arab states attacked them?

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24 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

You mean immigrating and buying property?

Or were you referring to the utter temerity those Jews had in defending themselves when all the surrounding Arab states attacked them?

No I was referring to Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach, who were attacking Arabs and anyone else who got in their way long before Arab states retaliated.

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16 hours ago, Venandi said:

Good, we can move past the history lessons then, IMO it's long past time to grab reality by the throat ...

That's my opinion too but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. There's way to much historical justification for the present realities invested by both sides in the region and conflict to set history aside. It's just human nature.

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58 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's my opinion too but I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. There's way to much historical justification for the present realities invested by both sides in the region and conflict to set history aside. It's just human nature.

But it's not your opinion. You've spent hours here explaining that the oct7 attack was justified because of the past and asking "if your land was taken (a century ago) what would you do, wouldn't you fight back"? 

one of the very FIRST things i said to you on this subject was the past is not important, we're here today and today they have to make choices about how they want to move forward and they're choosing violence instead of peace - and YOU went on at great length about the history. 

The reason for the violence right now is not iran, it's not Canada, it's not 1948, it's not the Jews and it's not a small gaggle of drunk leprechauns or whatever the hell else you're going to come up with.

It is the Palestinians who are alive today and free to make their own choices that have chosen a path of violence

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

No I was referring to Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach, who were attacking Arabs and anyone else who got in their way long before Arab states retaliated.

Most of those groups were aware that the Jews of Europe were systematically murdering all Jews, and were fighting for their very existence. Additionally, Arabs had been rioting and murdering Jews periodically, since the Balfour Declaration was implemented in 1917. 


Strange that you conveniently omit this fact. 

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20 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I guess all that dancing in the streets we seen all over the media, that was all fake, that was palestinians celebrating those 1200 israelis deaths....People that do not support the Oct 7 attacks don't dance in the streets...


This is, by far and away, the main reason I do not want Palestinians in my country. They have a history of celebrating attacks on Israel and America. On September 11, Palestinians were dancing on the street, singling, giving out candy and food. It was like a national holiday when the planes hit the Twin Towers in Palestine.

It was not even 2 hours since the massacre of October 7, and on dozens of bridges over freeways in Toronto, Palestinians were waving flags, and dancing in the streets, as Hamas raped and murdered women and children.  As someone said earlier, Canada should not only refuse entry to all Palestinians, but look for the troublemakers demonstrating on University campuses, and deport them all.

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2 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

Most of those groups were aware that the Jews of Europe were systematically murdering all Jews, and were fighting for their very existence. Additionally, Arabs had been rioting and murdering Jews periodically, since the Balfour Declaration was implemented in 1917. 


Strange that you conveniently omit this fact. 

Last I was told we were leaving history out of it. You didn't get the memo? 

In any case Balfour's declaration happened just a few years after the British Empire had declared war on the Ottoman empire and enlisted Jewish Palestinians to help fight it so is it any wonder Arabs didn't react well?

What was your point about omitting things again?

Anyway, whatever you're trying to say about European Jews, I think they should have been given a big piece of Germany for a European homeland myself.

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26 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Last I was told we were leaving history out of it. You didn't get the memo? 

You just brought this up. 

26 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Anyway, whatever you're trying to say about European Jews, I think they should have been given a big piece of Germany for a European homeland myself.

The Jews had no desire to live in Europe, especially what was formerly Germany.  They were promised Palestine by the British, who gave Palestine on the East side of the Jordan River to the Arabs.  The British only rescinded their offer in 1939, as it was obvious that war was inevitable, and they did not want the Arab states aligned with Germany.


Speaking of Jews and Arabs, are you aware that once Israel declared Independence, 900,000 Jews in Arab lands were expelled, most under duress? There are virtually no Jews left in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, and other Arab lands.  If Arabs can expel Jews from their lands, why cannot Jews do the same to the Palestinians?



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56 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Last I was told we were leaving history out of it. You didn't get the memo? 

In any case Balfour's declaration happened just a few years after the British Empire had declared war on the Ottoman empire and enlisted Jewish Palestinians to help fight it so is it any wonder Arabs didn't react well?

What was your point about omitting things again?

Anyway, whatever you're trying to say about European Jews, I think they should have been given a big piece of Germany for a European homeland myself.

Last time i checked there was also Arabs enlisted to fight in both wars on both sides...you seen the movie Lawrence of arabia...all arabs ...

That would be a great leftist decision...lets give them a chunk of germany, the same people that exterminated 6 million jews...Becasue that makes sense.....thats where the wanted to live right next to some of the concentration camps you know just for the reminder that everyone still hates them....lets forget jews that have lived in the Palestine area for thousands of years...lets forget the this is where Jews have the most history...

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Last time i checked there was also Arabs enlisted to fight in both wars on both sides...you seen the movie Lawrence of arabia...all arabs ...

I suppose. Maybe the animosity derives from the expulsion of 700000 Palestinians from Jewish lands later on. If it's not one thing it's always another over there.

1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

Speaking of Jews and Arabs, are you aware that once Israel declared Independence, 900,000 Jews in Arab lands were expelled, most under duress?

That's sort of stretching it because the period of Jewish exodus that started in 1948 was still happening in 1980 following the Iranian Revolution. So not exactly the day after like you're implying. In any case it must have seemed fair given how Jews started expelling Arabs from what was to become Israel in 1947.

Like I said, is always something.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:


That's sort of stretching it because the period of Jewish exodus that started in 1948 was still happening in 1980 following the Iranian Revolution. So not exactly the day after like you're implying. In any case it must have seemed fair given how Jews started expelling Arabs from what was to become Israel in 1947.

Like I said, is always something.

Right, right,  the jews made them do that to the jews. 

IT's not "always something" with you. It's always "Someone else". 

You support the people who committed the october 7 attacks because THEY didn't do it - the iranians did, plus the jews FORCED them to. 

You defend the explusion of jews as being 'fair' because the jews made it fair for them to do so somehow.  It's not the Palestinians fault they voted in hamas and still support hamas although you didn't mention who's fault it actually is now that i think about it. Harper?

There is one group who's responsible for what's happening to the gazans now and that's the gazans.  You constantly point the finger everywhere except where it belongs and then expect people to take the argument seriously. 

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

I suppose. Maybe the animosity derives from the expulsion of 700000 Palestinians from Jewish lands later on. If it's not one thing it's always another over there.

That's sort of stretching it because the period of Jewish exodus that started in 1948 was still happening in 1980 following the Iranian Revolution. So not exactly the day after like you're implying. In any case it must have seemed fair given how Jews started expelling Arabs from what was to become Israel in 1947.

Like I said, is always something.

You mean those palestinians that decided to take part in pushing the jews into the sea with their Arab counterparts and had their lands sized in conflict those palestinians...got it...well you know what happens when you f*ck with the bull, you get both horns, it's time to stop whining about it and start living with it...

The point still remains the same, most Arab countries decided to kick out their jewish populations...not for a tit for tat, becasue they just did not want them in their lands...

Just for the record, becasue it seems your making it up as you go, League of nations and the UN decided to give both palestinian and Jews their own states...it was not just Arabs that had to move but jews that owned lands in palestinian territory as well ...( I Know we don't talk about that part) but it is part of written record... Those arabs had a choice to make move or live in peace with the jews...


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41 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

You mean those palestinians that decided to take part in pushing the jews into the sea

No I meant the Palestinians that were killed and dispossessed of their homes by Jewish terrorists.


44 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Those arabs had a choice to make move or live in peace with the jews...

No, like the Jews Palestinians choices were made for them by people that had no business making them. People like us.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

No I meant the Palestinians that were killed and dispossessed

Killed AND dispossessed.  wow. That's pretty bad. Just getting killed would be bad enough...

I see we're back to blaming history for peoples' choices and actions today again. 

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On 6/12/2024 at 12:52 PM, eyeball said:

No I was referring to Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach, who were attacking Arabs and anyone else who got in their way long before Arab states retaliated.

That would be a good point if the Arabs weren't doing the exact same thing back at the Jews at the same time.

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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

That would be a good point if the Arabs weren't doing the exact same thing back at the Jews at the same time.

At the exact same as the Jewish terrorists or later in the day?

Who fired the very first shot?

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

No I meant the Palestinians that were killed and dispossessed of their homes by Jewish terrorists.


No, like the Jews Palestinians choices were made for them by people that had no business making them. People like us.

The consequences of going to war with israel...why is that so hard to understand...

So your unhappy with some of the UN choices..... join the club the end of the line is about 1000 miles that way...


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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

At the exact same as the Jewish terrorists or later in the day?

Who fired the very first shot?

How far back you wanna go? The Arabs started getting antsy about Jews coming in back around WW1, and there were anti-Jewish riots that sometimes killed dozens or more. The early Jewish militias were formed in response to that sort of thing. Then you had a lot of back and forth violence all the way through the British mandate, so they eventually just washed their hands of the whole thing and turned it over to the UN.

So I guess it was xenophobic anti-immigrants in Palestine who started it!

Edited by I am Groot
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