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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Yes it's plain to see why Israel shouldn't have been created. 

So... we should not have worked to create Israel because it would make the Jew hating Arabs uber mad?

What next, it is plain to see why Jews were wrong to exist in Germany and it is really all their fault Hitler rounded them up to kill them?

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1 hour ago, User said:

I did prove what I said, then you pretended like you could not understand the source. 

No stall tactic at all, just not interested in dumb games like yours. 

Here are some more pretty pictures for you to pretend like you can't figure out:





this is not raw data. Failed. You producing a secondary result not the raw/primary data. I know that you do not know the difference. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

this is not raw data. Failed. You producing a secondary result not the raw/primary data. I know that you do not know the difference. 

I know the difference between someone being honest and someone just jerking me around. 

I gave you the data to back up my claim. 

You are more than welcome to contact COGAT and ask them for their raw numbers. 

What you are doing is ignoring them posting that they counted X amount of aid, because you want to see their excel spreadsheets. That is fine, if you want to do that... but it doesn't discount anything or negate the data they are providing. Or the obvious truth to it as they show pictures and evidence almost daily. 


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4 hours ago, User said:

There are multiple entry points of aid into Gaza every day, all day, day after day. 

You cite a protest that Israeli forces break up as they have in the past as evidence of what?

Are you stupid? There are two main crossings into Gaza for aid: Rafah and Kerem Shalom. both are cloised and have been for days.


Well, of course they do, when they can't prove out the allegation yet. Where are all these starving people? Oh, can't find them. Meanwhile, more and more aid is pouring into Gaza day after day... 

LOL a guy who takes IDF propaganda at face value has no business critiquing other sources here.

4 hours ago, User said:

None of us will be around to look forward to any of that. 

What we can look forward to now is the destruction of Hamas and Israel occupation that will lead to the start to an eventual reversal of a generation of brainwashing Hamas put on their people and children. 

You support this of course? Right? 

Or do you want Hamas to live on so they can keep attacking Israel and brainwashing their kids to hate Jews?

Baby brain at work here.

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14 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Are you stupid? There are two main crossings into Gaza for aid: Rafah and Kerem Shalom. both are cloised and have been for days.

They've also air-dropped supplies onto the beaches before. They figure that the randomness of doing it that way prevents Hamas from taking everything for themselves, and leaving children to starve to death.


LOL a guy who takes IDF propaganda at face value has no business critiquing other sources here.

A low-IQ terrorist supporter is trying to call other people out for being credulous lol. Now I've seen it all. 


Baby brain at work here.

That's the one grain of truth from your 15,000 posts. 

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On 5/9/2024 at 1:47 PM, CdnFox said:

Well this is kind of where I was going with that. The idea of a Gaza Strip and West Bank just doesn't work. The Muslim states and the Israeli State need to be completely separate, self-sufficient entities I do not rely on each other out of necessity. I just don't see any solution where Gaza and West Banks exist within Israel that works for any length of time. The Palestinians hate the Israelis too much to be able to coexist when they are forced to interact just for food and water. They need to be somewhere where they are their own country and their own people and don't have to think about or deal with the Israelis at all if they don't want to

I think we move all the Palestinians out of Gaza to the West Bank, then move all the Jews out of the West Bank to Gaza. Then the Palestinians can have their country but ONLY if it's demilitarized and supervised by  reliable outside powers.

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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

The 30000 Palestinians that have been killed since October are victims of collective punishment for something they're not responsible for. Israel and it's allies should be changing the regime in Iran instead.

And how do you imagine they could do that without a lot of Iranian civilians dying?

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

But - doesn't really matter. It was created. That' almost a century ago, too late to stop it now. 

You figured that out all on your own did you?

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So. In october Gaza decided to start a war.  this is the reward they get for all that work 

It started almost a century ago and it'll probably still be going strong long after we're dead and gone.

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yep.  Well - at least it would be if that wasn't a lie.

It's not.

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Gaza chose war and they chose what's happening to them now.

I don't believe it, I said why and posted a link to a corroborating opinion to support it. You just post the same opinion you post in every thread on every topic - consider it  thrown back in your face every single time you use it because we all wanted it almost a century ago. Everyone knew better but we did it anyway.

6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

what are you talking about? We've hired PP, we're going to kick you out of power entirely for probably a generation and we'll undo all your garbage. 

And in the states it looks like they're going with trump again, the anti-biden. 

In europe the reaction is even stronger with seriously right wingers gaining traction. 

Didja think guns were the only way we'd come for you, snowflake :)   Sit tight, we're getting around to you :)  

Sure, like no one's ever heard that before. How come all that 'crackin' down and gettin' tough' last time didn't produce a right wing utopia that lasted a 1000 years?

Edited by eyeball
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Just now, eyeball said:

You figured that out all on your own did you?

Yes - it was pretty easy.  the sad part is you didn't. 


It started almost a century ago and it'll probably still be going strong long after we're dead and gone.

Nope - it started october 7 2023.  Period. On that day Palestinians had a choice - they could live in peace or violence. they chose violence and started the war.

No matter what happened before that - they had a choice. And now they're reaping the rewards of that choice. 

But if your claim WAS that it is now an 'eternal' war stretching backwards and forwards hundreds of years - why do you care who gets killed today? it doesn't matter, they're all going to live in pain and death so let them get blown up, it's just the way things are. Apparently.  



It's not.

It is.  Sorry.


I don't believe it,

You don't choose to believe it because you don't like it to be true. That does not make it true.


I said why and posted a link to a corroborating opinion to support it.

And i showed why that was wrong, and subsequent polls have been pretty clear.

ANd as previously noted after the attack support for hamas went up. 


So sorry kid - your 'beliefs' don't match up with reality. 



you just post the same opinion you post in every thread on every topic - consider it  thrown back in your face every single time you use it because we all wanted it almost a century ago. Everyone knew better but we did it anyway.

The truth is funny like that - it's always the same.  "HOW DARE YOU BE CONSISTANT!!!"  LOL - whereas you change your tune on  most subjects daily, often within the same thread. 

And you don't "throw anything back" - you just keep twisting and turning to try to avoid the simple truth 


Sure, like no one's ever heard that before. How come all that 'crackin' down and gettin' tough' last time didn't produce a right wing utopia that lasted a 1000 years?

It did. For most of that time taxes were affordable and life was pretty good.  Then we got the first trudeau and things went down hill fast, and then we got mulroney and we had to destroy the PC party and rebuild. Which we did and we got harper - and boooooy you should have heard the crying from the left :) 

Then people made a mistake and got in justin. Now an entire generation has learned why you never vote woke. F*ck the drug addicts, F*ck the trans, F*ck dead Palestinians who chose violence. 

So we'll do at least 10 - 15 years without the woke.  And after that we'll see.  One step at a time. 

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17 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Are you stupid? There are two main crossings into Gaza for aid: Rafah and Kerem Shalom. both are cloised and have been for days.

No, not stupid at all. However, you are certainly not being earnest at all. You made a post about an Israeli protest blocking the Mitzpe Ramon entry... and when I made a point about how Israeli forces have routinely broken up those protests to allow aid through... you then pivot to a completely different argument about how the current war effort has temporarily closed the Rafah and Kerem Shalom entry points. You know, because when Hamas is fighting near them and attacking IDF forces near them, it makes it hard for drivers and the UN to coordinate trucks. 

Israel continues to try to reopen them though... 


17 hours ago, Black Dog said:

LOL a guy who takes IDF propaganda at face value has no business critiquing other sources here.

I did not merely critique the source. I clearly critiqued the fact that the source did not provide any evidence to support their claim. So, again, where is the evidence for all these people starving to death? The UN certainly doesn't have any. Do you need me to quote that from the source you provided? Did you even read it?

17 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Baby brain at work here.

Wow, what an intelligent and well-thought-out response. 

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7 minutes ago, User said:

No, not stupid at all. However, you are certainly not being earnest at all. You made a post about an Israeli protest blocking the Mitzpe Ramon entry... and when I made a point about how Israeli forces have routinely broken up those protests to allow aid through... you then pivot to a completely different argument about how the current war effort has temporarily closed the Rafah and Kerem Shalom entry points. You know, because when Hamas is fighting near them and attacking IDF forces near them, it makes it hard for drivers and the UN to coordinate trucks. 

Israel continues to try to reopen them though... 


I did not merely critique the source. I clearly critiqued the fact that the source did not provide any evidence to support their claim. So, again, where is the evidence for all these people starving to death? The UN certainly doesn't have any. Do you need me to quote that from the source you provided? Did you even read it?

Wow, what an intelligent and well-thought-out response. 

The SPCA just called: they said that they've never seen a Black Dog beaten so badly. 

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On 5/9/2024 at 11:48 PM, eyeball said:

The 30000 Palestinians that have been killed since October are victims of collective punishment for something they're not responsible for. Israel and it's allies should be changing the regime in Iran instead.

Your facts are not right, there are 14,000 terrorist killed included in your numbers, and they died fighting or doing terrorist sh*t...So 16,000 civilians have died in this conflict...at least be truthful.

Can you point to the thousands of palestinians that want Hamas out of power, and what they have done to start that process...they are content with the way things are going right now...one would think with Israel getting ready to finish Hamas off, that they would have stood up and done something...but nothing but crickets...


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On 5/10/2024 at 1:23 PM, Black Dog said:

It's certainly not as simple as that though i understand why pro-israel people like to pretend it is.

The UN says there’s ‘full-blown famine’ in northern Gaza.

Israeli activists block Gaza-bound aid trucks

Hard to stand up and fight when you don't have arms or food.

If you think the world has been easy on the Palestinians you are simply not operating in reality.


Nobody is pretending, Palestinians don't want a two state solution, the land they want is now called the state of Israel...what do you think from the river to the sea means...

Nobody cares about famine...there is a conflict ongoing...

UN said on the news that they were having issues finding trucks and drivers...one hand not talking to the other... The border crossing is now in control of Israelis military...and they have nothing to do with the flow of aid trucks...

Should have thought about that before electing a terrorist organization into power...I find it funny becasue Iraq, Afghanistan, sudan almost every other nation that had conflict has managed all had much more poverty than gaza has, and they managed to fight.

I'm not the one cheerleading for a group run by terrorist...

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On 5/10/2024 at 1:31 AM, eyeball said:

Who knows...thousands of them are little kids though. You want to quibble over the rest fly at it.

Fu ck Israel, fu ck Hamas, fu ck everyone's allies too. The whole things a disgrace.

The creation of Israel has been an unmitigated disaster...it is what it is. Everyone needs to deal with it better.

Sounds like a tantrum...did you scream and kick your feet as well...the real question is do you feel better for it...

So i guess you don't have a problem with the creation of the 1/2 dozen or so Muslim countries created by the same organization league of nations now the UN assembly...and some how you picked the jewish state as the problem...and everything else is OK.... 

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Your facts are not right,

Facts matter? Okay. It's a fact that Israel has murdered thousands upon thousands of people who did nothing wrong and didn't deserve it, especially a bunch of little kids.

Even little girls Army Guy, I know how important they are to you.


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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

So i guess you don't have a problem with the creation of the 1/2 dozen or so Muslim countries created by the same organization league of nations now the UN assembly...and some how you picked the jewish state as the problem...and everything else is OK.... 

No I'm not okay with that now that you mention it. Everything that POS organization has done should be reviewed within the scope of a grand slam global reconciliation process that puts history to bed once and for all.

Failing that, I couldn't give a shit if we all go to WW3 next week.

It's what we deserve... Notwithstanding the kids but who gives a shit about them. You? In a pig's eye.

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13 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Facts matter? Okay. It's a fact that Israel has murdered thousands upon thousands of people who did nothing wrong and didn't deserve it, especially a bunch of little kids.


And what year was this?  It's certainly not this year or last. 

The 'fact' is that hamas got them killed using them as meat shields in a war they started. 

Can you point to ONE verified case where an israeli attack was launched specifically with the intent to target children?  No? Not one? Hmmm

You can't talk your way out of this with lies. Sorry.  Pretending a lie is a fact may help you excuse your support for terrorists but it's not going to convince anyone else to support terrorist. 

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Facts matter? Okay. It's a fact that Israel has murdered thousands upon thousands of people who did nothing wrong and didn't deserve it, especially a bunch of little kids.

Even little girls Army Guy, I know how important they are to you.

Here you are again... attacking Israel with your spin on "murder"

Hamas is responsible for the death of their people when they conduct military operations among them. 

You said:
"I'm to busy criticizing the real root causes of the current outbreak of hostilities - Iran, Russia and China."

No, you have and continue to be too busy going after Israel, over and over and over again. 


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14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And what year was this?  It's certainly not this year or last.

If you think the kids killed since October had it coming, the whole world has it coming too, especially you.

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25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No I'm not okay with that now that you mention it. Everything that POS organization has done should be reviewed within the scope of a grand slam global reconciliation process that puts history to bed once and for all.

Would this reconciliation include having the Muslims pull out of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, which they took from force from the Christian Roman empire?

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm after everyone, except the kids.

Fu ck everyone else.

Your position seems to be that you will say anything other than actually directly criticizing Hamas for what they are doing and making excuses for them. When pushed to criticize them, it is the vague F, everyone. 


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14 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Would this reconciliation include having the Muslims pull out of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, which they took from force from the Christian Roman empire?

If I had my way, you'd all have to get your stupid countries off my planet.

But no, everyone has to get over themselves and let it all go.

Otherwise burn it all to the ground.

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13 minutes ago, User said:

Your position seems to be that you will say anything other than actually directly criticizing Hamas.

Fu ck Hamas, they're a bunch of no account terrorists. Hamas deserves to be destroyed. Hamas is a POS that has it coming.

You're position seems to be that only Hamas has it coming and that means you got it coming too.

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