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Canada going downhill in every major category

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

False.  Crime is up, violent crime including random attacks is WAY up, health care is down.. You are in MORE danger in every way.

You have far less freedom. The state now censors things like the internet, you can be arrested and charged for your opinion far easier than before, and the gov't established it has the right to force you to take medicine you don't want and if you complain they evoke the emergency act and seize your bank account.


You have far less choices.  Gov't regulation and interference has reduced your options in many areas, and not to mention that they are going to remove your choices for things like cars in the near future.


Canadians have fallen from about 7 to about 24 world wide in wealth and quality of life and it's still falling.

If you insist on lying to yourself that everything is fine when it's not, then nothing ever gets fixed and you wind up at the very bottom.


It is very hard to try and reason with some people who are just plain bloody stoopid. How can anyone in their right mind say that all is well in Canada. Some people were just born with very few brain cells to work with. 

In Canada, if anyone says anything that upsets the Marxist globalist dictator in Ottawa, they can shut down your bank and credit card accounts. If that is not communism, well what the hell is it then, eyeball? 

I know that the Marxist globalist dictator in Ottawa is trying hard to implement the globalist CBDC(digital currency)into our banking system. What a great and better way to control ones money then to be able to control what you spend your own money on. Sadly, the CBDC will be rolled out in such a way by our useless and lying politicians and the lying MSM to make it appear as though this will be a great way of doing your banking business. Ha-ha-ha. 

No doubt, loser lefties like eyeball will think that CBDC will be just great for Canadians. Just wait until eyeball says or does something that pizzes off the government. By that time, it will probably be too late. Now you can starve or take some politically correct Marxist training classes to get back in the governments favor. 

With inflation at an all time high, deep in debt to the banksters, housing is a big problem thanks to massive third world immigration, high gas and food prices and after all of that, our dear politicians give themselves a nice hefty raise. 

And eyeball thinks, eh, all is good. Woke the hell up you silly leftist 🤡 of a fool. 👎

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

How could my small electric motor introduce invasive species or spread disease.

Go look up whirling disease.

There are a good number of BC waterways that are currently closed to all types of boats.

What are you doing transporting them around without knowing that?

2 hours ago, blackbird said:

You obviously have no idea.  I thought you were a fisherman and knew something.  Apparently not.

Not only did I commercially fish at sea I was a watershed restoration technician in charge of a 25 man crew that specialized in freshwater salmon habitat.

One of my jobs was capturing the fry, smolts and trout in and around old collapsing logging bridges and culverts before excavators took them out.

You'd probably faint at the pile of paperwork involved with that.

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Go look up whirling disease.

There are a good number of BC waterways that are currently closed to all types of boats.

What are you doing transporting them around without knowing that?

The lake I said they don't allow electric motors on is not closed to boats, swimming and fishing.  It is open to kayaks or any rowboats.  

Don't kayaks, rowboats, and swimmers spread disease or is it just electric motors that spread it?

So you think electric motors spread whirling disease but not rowboats and kayaks?  Any proof of that?



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17 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The lake I said they don't allow electric motors on is not closed to boats, swimming and fishing.  It is open to kayaks or any rowboats.

There must be some reason you're unaware of so try calling local authorities.

Or just follow your Bible's orders, render unto Caesar that which is his and do as you're told.

20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Don't kayaks, rowboats, and swimmers spread disease or is it just electric motors that spread it?

So you think electric motors spread whirling disease but not rowboats and kayaks?  Any proof of that?

The movement of fish, mud, and water can spread whirling disease. It can be transmitted through spores that attach to equipment (used for swimming, paddling, boating, water pumping, fishing), pets, or through infected fish (alive or dead) and fish parts.Feb 20, 2024

https://www2.gov.bc.ca › gov › fish

Whirling Disease - Province of British Columbia - Gov.bc.ca

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

There must be some reason you're unaware of so try calling local authorities.

I"m aware so i'll pipe in - you're out of your goddamned mind.

It's mostly spread by carrying one fish from an infected area to another area. And even then its actually the worms that spread it.

It can be spread by your boat or oars, but it is rare.  If the boat or oars dry in between it'll kill it dead.  That is also true of electric motors which are LESS likely even than boats and oars to carry it.

So as long as you don't go paddle around an infested area and then immediately go to a non infested area you're fine - and if you do whether you have any kind of engine or not is meaningless.

You're just making shit up dude.  There's nothing that sticks to an engine that doesn't also stick to the boat.  FFS.  Lets at least keep it real

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I"m aware so i'll pipe in...

There's nothing that sticks to an engine that doesn't also stick to the boat.

Thanks for reiterating what I just posted Capt Obvious.

In the meantime blackbird is reporting something that conflicts with his understanding of the regulations so he should call the local authorities to straighten himself out.

If he just says fu ck it and does what he wants there'll be no excuse for ignorance if he's caught breaking the law.

As a hard boiled law and order libertarian he'll understand there'll be consequences.

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7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Thanks for reiterating what I just posted Capt Obvious.

In the meantime blackbird is reporting something that conflicts with his understanding of the regulations so he should call the local authorities to straighten himself out.

If he just says fu ck it and does what he wants there'll be no excuse for ignorance if he's caught breaking the law.

As a hard boiled law and order libertarian he'll understand there'll be consequences.

But it's not what you said capt'n bullshit :)   You mentioned it can spread by boat - AFTER suggesting it was the electric engine that spread it.   I pointed out that the electric engine is the LEAST likely way to spread it.

So when you said the use of the electric engine would damage the ecosystem and gave whirling disease as an  example - that was false.

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17 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So when you said the use of the electric engine would damage the ecosystem and gave whirling disease as an  example - that was false.

The movement of fish, mud, and water can spread whirling disease. It can be transmitted through spores that attach to equipment (used for swimming, paddling, boating, water pumping, fishing), pets, or through infected fish (alive or dead) and fish parts.

I bet you also couldn't troll up a fish to save your life.

People who are determined to be as stubborn and pig headed for the sake of whatever motivates them is why we need lots of red tape...for rules, regulations,  enforcement, investigators, charges, penalties etc etc. Oversight especially, with a capital O in many cases.

Imagine someone with the chip against the system you have on your shoulder in charge of effluent control valves in a pulp mill.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

There must be some reason you're unaware of so try calling local authorities.I 

Or just follow your Bible's orders, render unto Caesar that which is his and do as you're told.

I am doing as I'm told.  

35 minutes ago, eyeball said:

As a hard boiled law and order libertarian he'll understand there'll be consequences.

I never said anything about defying the fishing regulations.  I simply pointed out to you the regulations are full of nonsensical prohibitions, which is typical of a Socialist bureaucracy creating unnecessary work for themselves.

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17 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I never said anything about defying the fishing regulations.  I simply pointed out to you the regulations are full of nonsensical prohibitions, which is typical of a Socialist bureaucracy creating unnecessary work for themselves.

Sure if you're saying the issue of invasive species is nonsensical or woke or something you should get some science behind your theory and put it out there.

You know what they say about fame and panties.

12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

B.C. fishing regulations say no trout fishing in a river because some salmon are going up the river in the summer.

Likely endangered salmon enroute to their spawning grounds. How much do you want to bet the river opens up to trout fishing once the salmon run is over?

12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

How much do you want to bet they don't impose such silliness on other rivers around the province. 

Why would they in the case of rivers that don't have endangered salmon passing through them?

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19 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I am doing as I'm told.  

Good for you. We need people like you to simply do as your told when experts weigh in on something you don't understand.

If everyone did that we could probably get by with less bureaucratic red tape.

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34 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The movement of fish, mud, and water can spread whirling disease. It can be transmitted through spores that attach to equipment (used for swimming, paddling, boating, water pumping, fishing), pets, or through infected fish (alive or dead) and fish parts.

You see the word engine, or prop, or the like in there?  No? Me neither.


I bet you also couldn't troll up a fish to save your life.

I  bet i've caught more than you :)   I practically grew up on a boat.


People who are determined to be as stubborn and pig headed for the sake of whatever motivates them is why we need lots of red tape...for rules, regulations,  enforcement, investigators, charges, penalties etc etc. Oversight especially, with a capital O in many cases.

Are you saying you'll stop being that way if we get you some red tape?

It's m0r0ns like that (that's you btw) who love bureaucracy for it's own sake and make false claims about spreading disease to lakes to try to justify it :)

If we don't stop electric motors they'll spread disease!!!!

-Your own evidence says that's not accurate

SOOO?!?!!?  It's people like you who rely on facts that make red tape necessary to force you to do what I think is best!!!

Pfffft.  What a silly claim.

We'll be getting rid of a lot of that shortly. Your leftist woke bullshit has dragged this country down from one of the best in the world to a joke with a plummeting standard of life and no future.


14 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Sure if you're saying the issue of invasive species is nonsensical or woke or something you should get some science behind your theory and put it out there.


Says the guy who thinks its spread by electric engines. 🙄

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, herbie said:

See what I mean about a negative personality affecting your entire outlook? You go out of you're way to prove the obvious isn't picking specific items claiming they represent the whole. Always. In every opportunity.

I am old enough to remember when things worked. Our healthcare system actually worked. Everyone had a family doctor, and there were no long waits at hospitals or for specialists or tests. The streets were safe enough for me to walk through downtown at 1-2AM frequently and never once come across a homeless person or any drug addicts or drunks. Houses were plentiful and could be bought with a reasonable wage. Canada even had a reasonably well-equipped, effective military - more than twice the size it is now. And there weren't the same divisions within our society. Not for the majority of us anyway.  

I am trying to think of any way Canada is better off now than it was back then, with half the population, and failing. Even the natives might well have been better off then. Not saying it was good. But at least, there was far less family breakdown and violence in their communities.

Ignoring some technology improvements all I see is decades of decline since the first Trudeau took power.

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25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Sure if you're saying the issue of invasive species is nonsensical or woke or something you should get some science behind your theory and put it out there.

Again you are twisting what I said.  I never said the issue of invasive species is nonsensical.  Look back on my posts.  You are reading something into it I never said.

I simply pointed out banning electric motors on one lake while allowing row boats and kayaks is nonsensical.  You assumed it has something to do with invasive species.  But I never said that. 

There is no reason for that regulation.  It is just more nonsense probably because somebody living near the lake complained about electric motors although they don't really make any noise.  But it must have irked somebody for some inexplicable reason.  Or maybe some radical environmentalist complained because they complain about everything.

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51 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Again you are twisting what I said.  I never said the issue of invasive species is nonsensical.  Look back on my posts.  You are reading something into it I never said.

You used the word nonsensical to dismiss a regulation you don't even understand the purpose of. That's really nonsensical. 


You assumed it has something to do with invasive species.  But I never said that. 

I was replying to your question about electric motors and informing you they, like any other piece of equipment used in the water can introduce and invasive species.

8 hours ago, blackbird said:

Now why would an electric motor make any difference to anything?

I then provided you with a link to a BC government website where you can search out whirling disease to see for yourself why your little motor can carry invasive pathogens


There is no reason for that regulation.  It is just more nonsense probably because somebody living near the lake complained about electric motors although they don't really make any noise.  But it must have irked somebody for some inexplicable reason.  Or maybe some radical environmentalist complained because they complain about everything.

You followed my advice to call your local authorities for an explanation and this is what they told you?  It sounds like they were just guessing too if they actually said probably or maybe when answering you.

But you haven't called anyone to ask anything have you, you're simply guessing and imagining its because...communism or Satan or something.

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Canada has become the exemplar in the West of the overbearing state. It really makes me reconsider the value of public universal healthcare, but it explains more broadly the ideological tyranny created by a state that attempts to be the solution to all problems, because it erodes human agency and freedom.  Thinking for yourself is construed as harmful and worthy of censorship   That’s what the Online Harm bill and similar legislation is mostly about. The human rights tribunals are more examples of the managerial class attempting to direct how we should think and live with woke nonsense and tax and spend socialist redistribution schemes.


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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

I am old enough to remember when things worked. Our healthcare system actually worked. Everyone had a family doctor, and there were no long waits at hospitals or for specialists or tests. The streets were safe enough for me to walk through downtown at 1-2AM frequently and never once come across a homeless person or any drug addicts or drunks. Houses were plentiful and could be bought with a reasonable wage. Canada even had a reasonably well-equipped, effective military - more than twice the size it is now. And there weren't the same divisions within our society. Not for the majority of us anyway.  

I am trying to think of any way Canada is better off now than it was back then, with half the population, and failing. Even the natives might well have been better off then. Not saying it was good. But at least, there was far less family breakdown and violence in their communities.

Ignoring some technology improvements all I see is decades of decline since the first Trudeau took power.

When were those high watermarks in modern Canadian society?  I think it’s immediately after WW2 under King and St. Laurent; late 60’s during Pearson and early Trudeau Senior; early Mulroney in the 80’s; Chrétien in the late 90’s; and Harper until his last year.  

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, whirling disease is spread by spores.

But you know that too.

Oh i know.  That's why i didn't claim it was spread by electric engines.

You however......

You just make shit up and then you look dumb. You clearly didn't know anything about that before googling desperate to look for something that fit your fictional narrative and you skimped on your 10 second google education.

That is just sad.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

You used the word nonsensical to dismiss a regulation you don't even understand the purpose of. That's really nonsensical. 

I was replying to your question about electric motors and informing you they, like any other piece of equipment used in the water can introduce and invasive species.


I then provided you with a link to a BC government website where you can search out whirling disease to see for yourself why your little motor can carry invasive pathogens

You followed my advice to call your local authorities for an explanation and this is what they told you?  It sounds like they were just guessing too if they actually said probably or maybe when answering you.

But you haven't called anyone to ask anything have you, you're simply guessing and imagining its because...communism or Satan or something.

Yes, it is Satan's Socialism that is the reason.  A Socialist NDP government that wishes to impose controls and regulations on everything just because...well, just because.

You can't fish there because we know better.

You can't use your little electric motor there because it's bad.

You can't use a 15 hp motor in that lake, only less than 10 hp because the Federal government says it's bad for the salmon...  blah blah 

On and on and on it goes

Only a real leftie sucker would swallow all that nonsense.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Only a real leftie sucker would swallow all that nonsense.

If I called the local authorities to clarify the reason for a rule and they said it was because of Satan I'd go to the media.

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