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The Liberals' "Online Harms" bill will crush online dissent to social justice issues

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17 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Spanish people aren't  Europeans now? They really should take your husk off life support, there's no activity in that cranium.

Mexico - where they introduced it- isn't canada now. And wasn't then.  Lets look at what i said

smallpox wasn't introduced to canada by the europeans

Do you own a map or globe? Look up where canada is. Now look up where mexico is.

Small pox travelled up from mexico to canada over time, mostly through first nations tribes interacting with each other.

Spain did not introduce small pox to CANADA.


Like i said - you never miss a chance to make yourself look stupid.

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19 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Spanish people aren't  Europeans now? They really should take your husk off life support, there's no activity in that cranium.

Reading problem? The phrase was Spanish speaking peoples. Lots of non Europeans speak Spanish.

Two swings two misses. Try another sport, maybe full contact knitting.

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Andrew Coyne sets out just how dangerous this new bill can be.

But the new proposal is to set up a whole separate category for crimes motivated by hatred. Well, not just crimes. The new crime would apply not only to offences under the Criminal Code but “any other Act of Parliament.” Got that? It doesn’t matter how obscure or trivial the law: anyone who breaks it for reasons of hate would be guilty of a crime. And the punishment? Once again, up to life imprisonment.
The overkill does not stop there. The bill also proposes to punish people for speech crimes they have not yet committed, but that someone fears they might. Any person, that is, who “fears on reasonable grounds” that someone else will commit an offence under the hate laws can apply to a court to shut them up – or in the words of the legislation, to order “the defendant to enter into a recognizance to keep the peace.”
Enforcement provisions range from having to wear an electronic monitoring device, to house arrest, to time in jail. Again: not for any act they might have committed, or even any act they might be contemplating committing, but for words someone fears they might utter. “Peace bonds” are not unknown in Canadian law, but for speech?
And we haven’t even gotten to the most contentious part of the bill!



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14 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

What in the hell has all this crap about colonization got to do with the freaking online harms bill, you bunch of loons?

"Bunch of loons" is hateful to people who identify as loons.  Please report to the nearest police department for reeducation :)

 And to answer your question the subject came up while discussing the damages done throughout history by people who thought they were being "progressive" and passing "rules" to make society "better" and how it rarely works out well.

The first nations would have been better off if we'd just shown up and done our thing instead of creating residential schools, 'reserve' systems, etc.

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

So how'd they build longhouses, totem poles and fleets of war and transport canoes if they didn't have lumber or tools? Magic?

Read again. Aboriginals had a limited number of tools in 1800.

White man had quite a few hand tools and was able to build houses faster and in larger numbers.  


Edited by blackbird
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13 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Read again. Aboriginals had a limited number of tools in 1800.

White man had quite a few hand tools and was able to build houses faster and in larger numbers.  


And metal. We had metal. Metal really helps :)  Nails are made of metal for example.

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

Well if that benzo-addled crybaby whackjob is your guy it's no wonder you're psychotic.

Whereas your reply clearly shows you're a mentally healthy well adjusted adult right? :P   Looks like Mikey is on the same page :)  

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