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Canada Falls Out of Top 10 Freest Places On Earth

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

yeah you did. I said assets - you tried to switch it to 'donations."

No, the quote's still there and unedited.  Whether you choose to  misinterpret it again so that you can argue with yourself about another point that was never made is up to you.  🥱

3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Justin and the libs unlawfully activated the emergency act, squashed people's lawful right to protest without due process. seized bank accounts worth millions to discourage people who lawfully supported the protest.  Those are simple facts. 

The legal peril Justin faces is his use of the Emergencies Act, which was reckless, unnecessary and unconstitutional.  Whether or not the protestors should have been removed is not in question. They didn't have the "right" to blockade the Ambassador Bridge, or gridlock Ottawa for weeks, and that is a simple fact, established by Canadian case law.  Even the Justice who ruled against the Liberals specifically stated the protests "reflected an unacceptable breakdown of public order".  

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

No, the quote's still there and unedited.

Yeah. Everyone can see.  And yet ANOTHER example of you attempting desperately to pretend that you didn't mean what you said and english doesn't mean what it does. pathetic

6 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

hether or not the protestors should have been removed is not in question. They didn't have the "right" to blockade the Ambassador Bridge, or gridlock Ottawa for weeks

Says who.  You ?  Did you pass the bar or become a judge when i wasn't looking?  What's the FIRST thing they do at every other protest - they get a court order.   THEN it's not lawful for them to be there.  Did they get a court order? Nope. One girl got one not to honk after a certain time and they stopped.

What justin did was  horribly wrong and your half assed defense of it isn't flying. Period.  This is one of MANY examples of him violating people's rights or removing freedoms. 

And that's why we have a low freedom score. The libs and ndp are very anti-freedom groups

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And that's why we have a low freedom score.

No we still have the same score. All the horrible things that were done to somewhere between 18000 and millions of Canadians were offset by legalizing pot at the beginning of Trudeau's term.

Why...it's almost like he planned that way.


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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yeah. Everyone can see.  And yet ANOTHER example of you attempting desperately to pretend that you didn't mean what you said and english doesn't mean what it does. pathetic

Everyone can see that you're absurdly insisting I argued a bank account isn't an asset.  

2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Says who.  You ?  Did you pass the bar or become a judge when i wasn't looking?  

Says Supreme Court Justice Mosley, in his ruling against the Liberal government: 

"I considered the events that occurred in Ottawa and other locations in January and February 2022 went beyond legitimate protest and reflected an unacceptable breakdown of public order".

2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

What justin did was  horribly wrong and your half assed defense of it isn't flying. Period.  This is one of MANY examples of him violating people's rights or removing freedoms. 

I never said Justin didn't do anything wrong.  In fact I agreed that the Emergencies Act invocation was wrong.  This is just you arguing with yourself again.  🤡

The protestors needed to be removed.  It was right to remove them.  The problem is how they were removed, which was wrong


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46 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Everyone can see that you're absurdly insisting I argued a bank account isn't an asset.  

Says Supreme Court Justice Mosley, in his ruling against the Liberal government: 

"I considered the events that occurred in Ottawa and other locations in January and February 2022 went beyond legitimate protest and reflected an unacceptable breakdown of public order".

I never said Justin didn't do anything wrong.  In fact I agreed that the Emergencies Act invocation was wrong.  This is just you arguing with yourself again.  🤡

The protestors needed to be removed.  It was right to remove them.  The problem is how they were removed, which was wrong


Sure kid.

 i have to ask - when you act like this and you make those insanely stupid comments and try to claim english doesn't mean what it does - do you think that's a good look for you? Like - do you think the conversation is going well for you or the like?

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Maybe you should ask yourself that?  

We were talking about rights to protest, peaceful assembly, and the trucker convoy.  Now you're avoiding that topic, and instead asserting the absolutely "vital" fact that bank accounts can indeed be considered assets, and that I absurdly disputed it.

Did the apparently necessary change in subject come out of a desire to save face, or general confusion?   


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5 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Maybe you should ask yourself that? 

Maybe you should answer the question. You're the one behaving like a child and you've got a long history of it.

And we all know how THIS goes -  you'll have a hissy fit , you'll spend 10 pages insisting black is white while everyone laughs at you, and then you'll start following me around randomly barking like an irate chihuahua because your butthurt.

And when i ask you why you'll complain i post too much, it's too much to read, and then try to claim that somehow my asking about your childish behavior is the same as telling you that you lost.

And all the while you know you're in the wrong. You absolutely said what i said you said. It's right there.

Just like 100 percent - 50 percent is 50 percent. And your own source said the vaccines were more dangerous for young men.  but you made yourself look a fool over it for ages.

You're a very broken person.   You should seriously think about that.

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46 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Maybe you should answer the question. You're the one behaving like a child and you've got a long history of it.

I did answer your question:


You obviously didn't like the answer, and had no response to offer beyond falling back on your default-state of limp jackassing.   

46 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You're a very broken person.   You should seriously think about that.

He says, with his 40th battle-post of the day, and his 14000th of the last 12 months...🤣🤣🤣

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When people discuss Canada now, they don’t say things like, “I love Canada.  I’m so proud of it.  It’s a great country”.  They used to.  Now they say, “Look at Russia or China, it could be a lot worse.”

As long as you don’t say what you really think in front of people you don’t know, Canada has free speech.  lol

If you’re a drug addict, want to kill yourself, or have a late term abortion, you’re freer in Canada than in many countries.

If you have multiple “intersectionalities,” you do better in Canada than many places.

If you want to make really good money and raise your kids with decent values, Canada is second tier.  It’s like a solid 20th to 30th place sort of country.

”You could do a lot worse.”

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10 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

When people discuss Canada now, they don’t say things like, “I love Canada.  I’m so proud of it.  It’s a great country”.  They used to.  Now they say, “Look at Russia or China, it could be a lot worse.”

Give us a break. When you discuss Canada you usually say there's little to no difference between Canada and Russia/China - and Nazi Germany too for added emphasis.

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Wrong question. And you know that.  Still being the little b*tch are ya? Shocking.

It's the only topic-relevant question you asked.  What you're referring to is just a wimpy insult, disguised with a question mark.  🥱 

I can do that too:

Is it utter loneliness or complete failure that you drive you to spend all day, every day, battling on the internet?  Is it both?  

Now what do you have to say about Justice Mosely's assessment of the trucker protest?  Anything?  


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53 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Give us a break. When you discuss Canada you usually say there's little to no difference between Canada and Russia/China - and Nazi Germany too for added emphasis.

No, those are the words you keep putting in other people’s mouths.

You know the cops who got caught on camera roughing up protesters during the the Freedom Convoy?  That’s the moral equivalent of you, Moonbox, and the other sell-outs on here.  👍

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8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You know the cops who got caught on camera roughing up protesters during the the Freedom Convoy?  That’s the moral equivalent of you, Moonbox, and the other sell-outs on here.  👍


Unfortunately for you, incoherent rage, ignorance and intolerance don't get you very far in terms of "morality".  I'm pretty comfortable with where I stand vs you in that regard.  


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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

It's the only topic-relevant question you asked.  What you're referring to is just a wimpy insult, disguised with a question mark.  🥱 

I can do that too:

Is it utter loneliness or complete failure that you drive you to spend all day, every day, battling on the internet?  Is it both?  

Now what do you have to say about Justice Mosely's assessment of the trucker protest?  Anything?  


So i ask a specific question and you avoid it and want to change the channel.

And no there's nothing remotely relevant about a judgement 2 years after the fact - that doesn't make it illegal at the time. A judge saying it's illegal at the time makes it illegal at the time.  Not you or justin or anyone else.

Now - back to the question

Why are you so broken?  Why are you so desperate to defend justin that you're acting irrationally? And i see as predicted you're following me around the site randomly trying to salvage your ego by attacking me and then looking like even more of an !diot.  Can compalints about my post count and claims i told you that you've lost when i didn't be far behind? :)

Sorry to hear you're  butthurt.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

So i ask a specific question and you avoid it and want to change the channel.

This was the question you asked:


You didn't like the answer, because it demonstrated (again) you were cluelessly bullshitting, so now you're doing your regular dumdum routine.  🤣

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25 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

This was the question you asked

Nope.  The question i asked was why are you so broken. Why do you behave the way you do? Why do you say things and then immediately try to backtrack? Why do you follow the same behavior of picking a fight you can't win and then looking like a complete derp and then insisting that english and math aren't english and math and following me around begging for attention and whining about my post count to try to make yourself feel better?

As to the question you "ansewered' the correct answer is nobody.  Nobody said it was illegal or even was asked to rule on it. 

You're pathetic.

SO lets cut to the chase. The feds had no grounds to call the protest illegal, they had no grounds to declare the act, and despite your lies to the contrary they DID seize people's assets to punish them for supporting a protest they didn't agree with and suspended the rights of those people,

And you defend their actions. As usual.

The protesters were 100 percent within their rights and if the city or gov't felt different then they should have gone to court and got an injunction - which they did not.

And your leftist buddies across the board supported that, just as you support them.

And we all know what you'll do next - see you on the other threads where you try to pick up the shattered remains of your credibility and ego.

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8 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Commie, yes.  I think you’re pretty much a commie too.  

There's a little bit of it in everyone I think.  If Kindergartens were more like Klingon military prep schools we could probably do something about that.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Nope.  The question i asked was why are you so broken. Why do you behave the way you do?

Oh okay.  Sorry.  My answer is that...I'm not? 🙃

This is what broken look like:


1 year, 14,200 posts.  That's no job, no prospects, no family, and no hobbies kind of broken.  

1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

The protesters were 100 percent within their rights and if the city or gov't felt different then they should have gone to court and got an injunction - which they did not.

No, they weren't. 

Supreme Court Justice Mosley, in his ruling against the Liberal government: 

"I considered the events that occurred in Ottawa and other locations in January and February 2022 went beyond legitimate protest and reflected an unacceptable breakdown of public order".

That doesn't mean the Emergencies Act was warranted.  Justice Mosley's judgement against the Liberals wasn't that the protestors should have been left alone, it was that it wasn't a national emergency and there were other tools to get rid of them. 

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Oh okay.  Sorry.  My answer is that...I'm not? 🙃

This is what broken look like:


1 year, 14,200 posts.  That's no job, no prospects, no family, and no hobbies kind of broken.  

No, they weren't. 

Supreme Court Justice Mosley, in his ruling against the Liberal government: 

"I considered the events that occurred in Ottawa and other locations in January and February 2022 went beyond legitimate protest and reflected an unacceptable breakdown of public order".

That doesn't mean the Emergencies Act was warranted.  Justice Mosley's judgement against the Liberals wasn't that the protestors should have been left alone, it was that it wasn't a national emergency and there were other tools to get rid of them. 

ROFLMAO -  so your answer is that you're going to lie about it :)

You are very much.  And remember above when i said as proof that you'd be resorting to complaining about how much i post?

If you're going to claim you're not doing something i said you're doing - maybe don't do the very thing i said you were doing


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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

If you're going to claim you're not doing something i said you're doing - maybe don't do the very thing i said you were doing

Did I ever claim I don't copy/paste your post count here?  

There have been plenty of petulant fools like you to grace this forum over the years, but there has definitely never been anyone with less going on in his life than you.  Your post count proves it.  🙃

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