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More than 50 percent of young white liberal women have a diagnosed mental health issue.

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2 minutes ago, August1991 said:

And more than 50% of old black men suffer from tooth decay - according to dentists.

Gimme a break.

So nothing intelligent to add.  Also the company that makes trident gum says to leave their dentists alone. :)

I get it that as someone who swings to the left you're a bit disappointed to hear this but it's absolutely accurate. And it's worth having a talk about why people with mental health issues are drawn to the liberal side of politics?

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"Mental Health Issues". The new way to describe bad behaviour or a way to get away with doing bad shit.

"Mental Health Issues" is the past few generations way of not sucking it up, find your solutions ad moving on..

Ya gotta wonder how the people in the thousands of previous years managed.

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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Ya gotta wonder how the people in the thousands of previous years managed.

Well it's not a one-sided issue. There is some justification.

They didn't have atomic bombs.

They didn't have covid, and lockdowns.

They didn't have a massive die-off of the biosphere.

They didn't have people telling them, they have 'gender dysphoria'.

They didn't have Greta Thunberg saying the world's coming to an end in 8 years.

Hell, even I may need to see a shrink...


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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Well it's not a one-sided issue. There is some justification.

They didn't have atomic bombs.

They didn't have covid, and lockdowns.

They didn't have a massive die-off of the biosphere.

They didn't have people telling them, they have 'gender dysphoria'.

They didn't have Greta Thunberg saying the world's coming to an end in 8 years.

Hell, even I may need to see a shrink...


They have had bombs and explosives since the 12th century and many more ways of self destruction.

They had the Justinianic plague in 500AD., Black Death in the1300's, 5 cholera pandemics in mid 1800's and meany more

Die off of the biosphere???  The hole in the ozone is closed.

Gender dysphoria is self described to make up for poor judgment or whatever

You are concerned about another teenage public relations generated phony??

And yes, go see a shrink, to explain your self generated paranoia :) 

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:



Across the whole range liberals have more mental health issues than conservatives. This is according to PEW research.


Explains a lot, doesn't it?

This  claim has been circulating in the comservo-sphere for several years now.  As has been summarized elsewhere on the internet:


The Pew study in question did not determine the prevalence of mental illness in any group.

It asked this question: “Has a doctor or other healthcare provider EVER told you that you have a mental health condition?"

A yes answer means you’re willing to admit to a pollster that a healthcare provider told you at some point in your life that he or she thought you had a mental health condition.

A yes answer does not mean you were ever formally diagnosed with a mental illness (the provider might have been suggesting a referral to mental health fir a possible diagnosis)

A yes answer does not mean you are currently mentally ill (maybe you had a brief bout of depression 5 years prior but have been fine ever since).

A no answer does not mean you’ve never had a mental illness (maybe you have or once had a bout of depression in the past but were unable or unwilling to see a doctor about it, or are unwilling to admit it to a pollster).

On this last point, we also know that social stigma around healthcare topics especially mental health, are MOST prevalent among older, male and conservative demographic groups and lLEAST prevalent among groups that are younger, female and liberal. Therefore so his young AND female AND liberal belongs to all 3 groups who are most likely to:

1) admit to themselves that they might have a mental health issue, whether they actually have one or not

2) speak to a doctor about a potential mental health issue 

3) admit to a stranger that they spoke to a doctor about a potential mental health issue. 

Liberals also tend to have higher educational attainment and greater worries/expectations about the future for themselves and their children than conservative counterparts which adds to stress. Liberal women in particular tend to have more demanding jobs and marry later in life than conservatives so the stress of the “ticking biological clock” for single women or juggling a young family with a upwardly mobile career for married women is more prevalent also. 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

They have had bombs and explosives since the 12th century and many more ways of self destruction.

They had the Justinianic plague in 500AD., Black Death in the1300's, 5 cholera pandemics in mid 1800's and meany more

Die off of the biosphere???  The hole in the ozone is closed.

Gender dysphoria is self described to make up for poor judgment or whatever

You are concerned about another teenage public relations generated phony??

And yes, go see a shrink, to explain your self generated paranoia :) 

Your masterful trolling gained you a plus there. From your protege, I see.   ;) 

Massive die-off, I guess you haven't heard of that one yet. Has not to do with the ozone hole, but you can google it.

People get attacked and die all the time, throughout history, this is true. In fact everyone who was ever born has died so far, no exceptions.

What's different is the ability to annihilate all life on the planet with our modern technology today. 

"Industrial society destroys mind and environment" - Sushil Yada.

Plus the internet, making everyone aware of the problems in the world, and hyping it up to maximize sympathetic response. People stress about problems that aren't even taking place in their own personal sphere. The Thunbergian death cult adds to that and works on that very principle.

Gender etc, you are explaining away those issues, but that is not really the point. People are stressed by them, even though you yourself aren't. The data shows this is skewed towards young people, which validates my point. They do not have a context, so are more easily swayed to respond emotionally to what may, or may not be hype. 

Besides, who says the people of the past didn't suffer from mental breakdown under the stresses they experienced. They just had nobody to turn to, other than perhaps a priest.

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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

"Mental Health Issues". The new way to describe bad behaviour or a way to get away with doing bad shit.

"Mental Health Issues" is the past few generations way of not sucking it up, find your solutions ad moving on..

Ya gotta wonder how the people in the thousands of previous years managed.


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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

This  claim has been circulating in the comservo-sphere for several years now.  As has been summarized elsewhere on the internet:


The Pew study in question did not determine the prevalence of mental illness in any group.

It asked this question: “Has a doctor or other healthcare provider EVER told you that you have a mental health condition?"

A yes answer means you’re willing to admit to a pollster that a healthcare provider told you at some point in your life that he or she thought you had a mental health condition.

A yes answer does not mean you were ever formally diagnosed with a mental illness (the provider might have been suggesting a referral to mental health fir a possible diagnosis)

So your first argument is that if a doctor tells you that you have a mental health condition that this is not a diagnosis.

If a doctor tells you that you have a condition, that is pretty much by definition a diagnosis.  They may want you to see a specialist who can help you choose the best TREATMENT or investigate your diagnosed mental health condition in more detail but if a doctor says "you have a mental health issue' then yes - you've been diagnosed with a mental health issue

And unless you've got evidence to the contrary the 'willing to admit' part would be the same for all respondents.  PEW research is one of the best in the world, they're not 1diots.

Complete and utter fail on your part.


A yes answer does not mean you are currently mentally ill (maybe you had a brief bout of depression 5 years prior but have been fine ever since).



A no answer does not mean you’ve never had a mental illness


Why would the rate be different from one group to another -  and we know AT LEAST this many did have a mental health issue.


On this last point, we also know that social stigma around healthcare topics especially mental health, are MOST prevalent among older, male and conservative demographic groups and lLEAST prevalent among groups that are younger, female and liberal.

No we don't - Show me THAT research.  Where are you seeing a study that proves that?

FURTHER more PEW research is not some fly by night group and would certainly know how to address that one way or another to minimize any effect. ESPECIALLY if it were common knowledge.

UTTER fail again.



Liberals also tend to have higher educational attainment and greater worries/expectations about the future for themselves

ROFLMAO!!! NO they do NOT.  THey might have more formal education but they have NO more worries about the future than anyone else! 

And are you claiming that this is proof they have more mental health issues? Because they're worried and therefore suffer mentally? How would you feel that's HELPING your case?


Sorry Beve - i get that you don't like the research but it's clear as a bell and your arguments completely fell flat on their face.

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44 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Your masterful trolling gained you a plus there. From your protege, I see.   ;) 

Massive die-off, I guess you haven't heard of that one yet. Has not to do with the ozone hole, but you can google it.

People get attacked and die all the time, throughout history, this is true. In fact everyone who was ever born has died so far, no exceptions.

What's different is the ability to annihilate all life on the planet with our modern technology today. 

"Industrial society destroys mind and environment" - Sushil Yada.

Plus the internet, making everyone aware of the problems in the world, and hyping it up to maximize sympathetic response. People stress about problems that aren't even taking place in their own personal sphere. The Thunbergian death cult adds to that and works on that very principle.

Gender etc, you are explaining away those issues, but that is not really the point. People are stressed by them, even though you yourself aren't. The data shows this is skewed towards young people, which validates my point. They do not have a context, so are more easily swayed to respond emotionally to what may, or may not be hype. 

Besides, who says the people of the past didn't suffer from mental breakdown under the stresses they experienced. They just had nobody to turn to, other than perhaps a priest.

No trolling at all. I was very straight forward and sincere in my post. If it hurt your feelings or impressions, so be it. I am entitled to my opinion.  I just responding to someone shooting from the hip.

Are you saying massive die offs are extinction events??  "More than 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth, amounting to over five billion species, are estimated to have died out". What you are trying to defend or say or imply?

The Internet. The source of all truths??? Or your truths?? LOL

I am not explaining away anything, just responding to comments, as absurd as they were posted.

People in the past died of all then known symptoms and issues. You want to claim they had mental health issues, fine. OK.

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2 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

If you have ever done serious data collection and analysis.. you would know that this has holes that you can drive an 18 wheeler right through. 

Says one of our resident lefties :)

Ok - so lets see some other counter research that shows that it's not accurate.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Says one of our resident lefties :)

Ok - so lets see some other counter research that shows that it's not accurate.

Just because someone claims to have been diagnosed with mental illness does not mean that they actually have. Second, you can be diagnosed with bipolar and prescribed meds but not have the diagnosis be done correctly. Counter-research.. if done correctly would take years and would have to have access to personal level data.. which you know is very hard to get. So what is left... educated guesses. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

Just because someone claims to have been diagnosed with mental illness does not mean that they actually have.

That's just about the dumbest thing you've said here.  So now ALL polling is completely useless and inaccurate because 'just because a person says a thing doesn't mean they actually mean it'??    There's no way to address that with sample size or how the questions are crafted?

Just because a person says they'll vote republican doesn't mean they will. BUT - if  you take a big enough sample and follow proper practices you can still get an accurate result.

Don't pretend that just because someone could lie that all surveys are now suddenly inaccurate.


Second, you can be diagnosed with bipolar and prescribed meds but not have the diagnosis be done correctly.

You would still have a mental health issue.  And any rate of error from the doctors would likely be similar across all groups unless you have evidence that there's such a thing as 'conservative only doctors'.  So for the purposes of comparing groups it's irrelevant.



Counter-research.. if done correctly would take years and would have to have access to personal level data.. which you know is very hard to get. So what is left... educated guesses. 

What's left is the research we have - which says that democrats have more mental health issues.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

That's just about the dumbest thing you've said here.  So now ALL polling is completely useless and inaccurate because 'just because a person says a thing doesn't mean they actually mean it'??    There's no way to address that with sample size or how the questions are crafted?

Just because a person says they'll vote republican doesn't mean they will. BUT - if  you take a big enough sample and follow proper practices you can still get an accurate result.

Don't pretend that just because someone could lie that all surveys are now suddenly inaccurate.

You would still have a mental health issue.  And any rate of error from the doctors would likely be similar across all groups unless you have evidence that there's such a thing as 'conservative only doctors'.  So for the purposes of comparing groups it's irrelevant.


What's left is the research we have - which says that democrats have more mental health issues.

let you in on a little secret... folks lie. In my experience, folks lie about their health because it is some badge of honor to say that I have x, y, and z yet still soldier on or whatever schpiel they have. Surveys are notoriously difficult to design because folks lie. To really get the truth.. you need data such as receipts, medical records, etc. Second, doctors and health professionals do not always act with the best intentions. Finally, mental health is not like a cut on your arm which is not open to interpretation. I could say that there is no cut on my arm but the evidence is objective and obvious. 

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52 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

let you in on a little secret... folks lie.

Let me let you in on an even littler secret - Pollsters know that. 

And they manage to make accurate predictions all the time. There's usually a small margin of error but polling and survey data is usually pretty accuate.

And trying to dismiss polling and survey data as inaccurate because 'people lie' is childish. It's a well studied and understood science.

You don't need ANY data such as reciepts and stuff to get the 'real truth'.  That is simply a lie. If it were true then ipsos and nanos and ekos and so on would not exist or have any commercial value.  Having more data might narrow  the margins a small amount but that's about it.To argue that polling companies cannot produce accurate results is beyond laughable.

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3 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I think this is easily explained by Conservatives being less likely to seek help for mental health problems (which is probably also why they are more likely to kill themselves).



So your answer is that its' easily explained by you lying about it and making up some fake data you can't support.

That's some pretty serious mental gymnastics. Man - no wonder you guys wind up with mental health issues :)  

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20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So your answer is that its' easily explained by you lying about it and making up some fake data you can't support.

That's some pretty serious mental gymnastics. Man - no wonder you guys wind up with mental health issues :)  

It's common sense that believers in an ideology that emphasizes rugged individualism, disdains expertise and prizes gun ownership would be less likely to seek professional help for mental health issues and more likely to splatter their brains all over their garage but the data actually backs that up:

Suicide risk linked to rates of gun ownership, political conservatism
Widening gap in death rates between Democrat and Republican in the US
States with high suicide death rate vote much more Republican than Democratic and vice versa.

And this doesn't even account for all the brain geniuses who took horsepaste during covid and ended up drowning in their own fluids lol.

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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

It's common sense that

It's common for you to lie about it.  But present a study backing your story up and we'll go from there.

I would say that it's far MORE sensible that a group of people who regularly twist reality to try to fit to their illogical ideals and then focus their energy on forcing others to agree with them are BOUND to have some mental health issues, and in fact that very way of life would be more likely to appeal to someone with a mental health issue.

And at least i've got some research to back that up :)  




And this doesn't even account for all the brain geniuses who took horsepaste during covid and ended up drowning in their own fluids lol.

That article suggests that gun ownership makes suicide easier - not that gun owners are more suicidal or even that they're conservative. IT's not even a study - someone just drew a chart.

LOLOL - was that the best you could do? Awwwwwwww

But that's bout what i'd expect from someone with a mental health issue :P 

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's common for you to lie about it.  But present a study backing your story up and we'll go from there.

I posted three you dummy.


I would say that it's far MORE sensible that a group of people who regularly twist reality to try to fit to their illogical ideals and then focus their energy on forcing others to agree with them are BOUND to have some mental health issues, and in fact that very way of life would be more likely to appeal to someone with a mental health issue.And at least i've got some research to back that up :)  


No you don't.



That article suggests that gun ownership makes suicide easier - not that gun owners are more suicidal or even that they're conservative. IT's not even a study - someone just drew a chart.

LOLOL - was that the best you could do? Awwwwwwww

But that's bout what i'd expect from someone with a mental health issue  


Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are more than twice as likely as Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents to say they own a gun. Owning a gun is associated with a dramatically elevated risk of suicide (because suicide attempts with a firearm are more likely to be successful). Therefore conservatives are more likely to blow their heads off than liberals/lefties. Now be a good right winger and go eat a bullet.

Edited by Black Dog
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52 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I posted three you dummy.

Nothing you posted backs that up. Posting crap that has nothing in the slightest to do with the subject doesn't count  :P 


No you don't.

Its literally the op article. Proof positive that democrats have more mental health issues. So yep, i do.  :)    but hey - denial is probably just part of your mental health issues.


Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are more than twice as likely as Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents to say they own a gun. Owning a gun is associated with a dramatically elevated risk of suicide (because suicide attempts with a firearm are more likely to be successful). Therefore conservatives are more likely to blow their heads off than liberals/lefties.

THe stats are wrong of course which is why you linked to a webpage that has no cites and isn't research.  But even if it were true that would only argue that republicans are more likely to succeed at suicide, not that they're more or less suicidal.

So dems coudl be just as suicidal or more but they're more incompetent at killing themselves without a gun ;)  it has nothing to do with who has more mental health issues.


Now be a good right winger and go eat a bullet

Awwwww muffin :)  IS being wrong again causing you stress? Are you doing ok? You sound like you're wrestling with some mental health issues there

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17 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Nothing you posted backs that up. Posting crap that has nothing in the slightest to do with the subject doesn't count  :P 

Its literally the op article. Proof positive that democrats have more mental health issues. So yep, i do.  :)    but hey - denial is probably just part of your mental health issues.

That's not what the study says and the fact you think it does just highlights your illiteracy.


THe stats are wrong of course which is why you linked to a webpage that has no cites and isn't research. 

I linked to three different sites dummy.



But even if it were true that would only argue that republicans are more likely to succeed at suicide, not that they're more or less suicidal.


Either way, it's a good thing imo.


So dems coudl be just as suicidal or more but they're more incompetent at killing themselves without a gun ;)  it has nothing to do with who has more mental health issues.

You're too dumb to understand why this is funny or how this scuttles your premise. Let's see if you can figure it out!


Awwwww muffin :)  IS being wrong again causing you stress? Are you doing ok? You sound like you're wrestling with some mental health issues there

Projection. KYS.

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