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Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

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14 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

  I think the article is too partisan to be of any value.  

Exactly.  It's more culture war "blame the other side" glurge.

The author founded a university named after himself that claims Gender Change is dangerous and disputes Climate Change.  My conclusion is that leftists are unhappy because they live in reality.

Of course 'leftist' in this context is also just contemporary bafflegab.  Reagan is a raging leftist by the current framework...

Edited by Michael Hardner
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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

Spoken like a true victim, on both counts: 

Nope. I take responsibility for my choice of parents. LMAO

1 hour ago, Deluge said:

"My life is inherently difficult and tragic and it's YOUR fault!!!". LOL

My life IS NOT "inherently difficult and tragic," because I have white privilege and have NOT been persecuted. Duh

1 hour ago, Deluge said:

"I chose less than optimal parents because I am perfect and they are nowhere near perfect". DOUBLE LOL!!! 

AKA, you cannot read without putting on your PARTISAN SPIN glasses. LMAO

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12 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Exactly.  It's more culture war "blame the other side" glurge.

The author founded a university named after himself that claims Gender Change is dangerous and disputes Climate Change.  My conclusion is that leftists are unhappy because they live in reality.

Of course 'leftist' in this context is also just contemporary bafflegab.  Reagan is a raging leftist by the current framework...

What makes you unhappy, Mike, and why does it make you unhappy?

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1 minute ago, robosmith said:

1. Nope. I take responsibility for my choice of parents. LMAO

2. My life IS NOT "inherently difficult and tragic," because I have white privilege and have NOT been persecuted. Duh

3. AKA, you cannot read without putting on your PARTISAN SPIN glasses. LMAO

1. But there's zero room for personal responsibility because constant persecution takes up all the space.

2. Not only do you avoid personal accountability, but you're saddled with white guilt. Good Lord. lol

3. I'm partial to the truth. You should try it some time. ;)

6 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Take off your PARTISAN SPIN glasses IF you really want to see REALITY.

Now go to your mirror and say that again. ;)

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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

One of the most important differences between the right and the left...

Has actually been nearly entirely forgotten.

The initial cleavage at the time of the French Revolution was between supporters of absolute monarchy (the Right) and those who wished to limit the king's authority (the Left).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left–right_political_spectrum#:~:text=The initial cleavage at the,was between monarchists and republicans.

Sure, the differences and perceptions have changed over time but have they really become completely reversed - via an absorption of projection or a pivot from previously held values?  Maybe, but I still think the most implicit values the original meanings are imbued with remain as well as the intent and nature of those who hold them.

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34 minutes ago, Deluge said:

1. But there's zero room for personal responsibility because constant persecution takes up all the space.

2. Not only do you avoid personal accountability, but you're saddled with white guilt. Good Lord. lol

3. I'm partial to the truth. You should try it some time. ;)

Now go to your mirror and say that again. ;)

Take your crystal ball in for repairs cause it as cracked up as you are.

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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

This is a very good point.

For Conservatives it's about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For leftists, it's about "what can I do to take control of these people?"

Precisely.  That's why they are authoritarian by and large by default. You need the power of the state to force people to make the right choice.

Whereas basically a conservative only gets mad when the leftists try to use the power of the state to tell them what to think or do.

Most modern psychologies note that controlling your OWN life and focusing on that is a key component to being satisfied and content and fulfilled in life.  And that is the OPPOSITE of what the left is all about these days.

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Has actually been nearly entirely forgotten.

The initial cleavage at the time of the French Revolution was between supporters of absolute monarchy (the Right) and those who wished to limit the king's authority (the Left).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left–right_political_spectrum#:~:text=The initial cleavage at the,was between monarchists and republicans.

Sure, the differences and perceptions have changed over time but have they really become completely reversed - via an absorption of projection or a pivot from previously held values?  Maybe, but I still think the most implicit values the original meanings are imbued with remain as well as the intent and nature of those who hold them.

That doesn't explain why leftists are unhappy today

The article is accurate. Left-wingers use the idea of persecution to get what they want, and their fingers are ALWAYS pointed at Conservatives, specifically white conservative Christian males. 

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3 hours ago, Deluge said:

An older article, but an interesting AND informative one, nonetheless. 

"One of the most important differences between the right and the left—one that greatly helps to explain their differences—is the difference between unhappy liberals and unhappy conservatives.

Unhappy conservatives generally believe they are unhappy because life is inherently difficult and tragic, and because they have made some unwise decisions in life.

But unhappy liberals generally believe they are unhappy because they have been persecuted."


Works cited:

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25 minutes ago, Deluge said:

That doesn't explain why leftists are unhappy today

Oh, the same reasons everyone is mostly.

I was commenting on the differences, starting with the original one.

I'm a generally pretty happy individual myself. I love my job, I'm relatively healthy, not stressed out by family or finances...

I'm a little pissed off at how increasingly stupid politics is becoming, especially the partisanship, but who isn't these days? I'm pretty unhappy about the never ending failure to do anything about climate change but I'm....adapting.

Edited by eyeball
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1 minute ago, Deluge said:

I see you've lapsed, BD. Please tell me that you're not back in Tenderloin. 

I could be gooned out on every kind of illicit drug there is and still be more coherent than someone unironically posting Dennis Prager articles.

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

I could be gooned out on every kind of illicit drug there is and still be more coherent than someone unironically posting Dennis Prager articles.

You're right about you being "gooned out" that's for damn sure. lol

Point out Prager's errors in that article. 

Don't be a douche, let's talk about it. ;)

1 minute ago, robosmith said:

Oh, that's right. I forgot the best you can do is GUESS.

My guesswork ALWAYS beats the sh*t out of your "sources", roboshill; please remember that. 

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1 minute ago, Deluge said:

You're right about you being "gooned out" that's for damn sure. lol

Point out Prager's errors in that article. 

Don't be a douche, let's talk about it. ;)

How about the entire premise?



Unhappy conservatives generally believe they are unhappy because life is inherently difficult and tragic, and because they have made some unwise decisions in life.

But unhappy liberals generally believe they are unhappy because they have been persecuted.


There's no actual evidence offered here, no poll no data, nothing. So why the hell should we believe any of what he says from that point on?

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

How about the entire premise?

There's no actual evidence offered here, no poll no data, nothing. So why the hell should we believe any of what he says from that point on?

Let's start with Pew Research. Talk about what you see in that article:


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16 minutes ago, Deluge said:

That doesn't say anything about political orientation or personal happiness, nor does the existence of such profound gaps  in perceptions of racial equality between blacks and whites, particularly in certain scenarios like interacting with police, support Prager's view that the dumb black people are just being indoctrinated into thinking things are worse than they are.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Exactly.  It's more culture war "blame the other side" glurge.

The author founded a university named after himself that claims Gender Change is dangerous and disputes Climate Change.  My conclusion is that leftists are unhappy because they live in reality.

Of course 'leftist' in this context is also just contemporary bafflegab.  Reagan is a raging leftist by the current framework...

The article is not nearly comprehensive enough nor does it actually measure this supposed unhappiness. To say one is more than the other.. you need to quantify it. 

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3 hours ago, Deluge said:

That's a good way to put it. Lack of self-awareness abounds under tents like that, sort of like how lack of self-awareness abounds in places like below: 


What a sandbox. I'd kill myself if I had to sit through that whole meeting. 

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15 hours ago, Black Dog said:

That doesn't say anything about political orientation or personal happiness, nor does the existence of such profound gaps  in perceptions of racial equality between blacks and whites, particularly in certain scenarios like interacting with police, support Prager's view that the dumb black people are just being indoctrinated into thinking things are worse than they are.

90% of black Americans vote Democrat. That means at least 90% of that chart feels they are being persecuted in our legal system. Unless you're trying to tell me that those being arrested own up to their mistakes and think their court convictions are justified. Are you trying to tell me that those people own up to their mistakes and think their convictions are justified? 

Prager is correct. Leftists complain about persecution rather than take responsibility for their own actions. It's why their fingers are ALWAYS pointed at other people - usually conservative straight white males. 

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16 hours ago, eyeball said:

Oh, the same reasons everyone is mostly.

I was commenting on the differences, starting with the original one.

I'm a generally pretty happy individual myself. I love my job, I'm relatively healthy, not stressed out by family or finances...

I'm a little pissed off at how increasingly stupid politics is becoming, especially the partisanship, but who isn't these days? I'm pretty unhappy about the never ending failure to do anything about climate change but I'm....adapting.

History has found no place with today's left. You crazy bastards have shattered all semblances of history. There's a whole new level of unhinged that rules your side of the fence now. 

I could possibly buy the idea that you are at least slightly happy, but you are a leftist, and that means you hate Trump and the MAGA movement in addition to being supportive of all the woke bullshit being peddled today - you're just not as fanatical as people like roboradical. 

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19 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Works cited:

Do you feel like we need a study to know whether the following is true or not:


For example, the more left-wing the woman, the more she will attribute her unhappiness to American society’s “patriarchy,” “sexism,” and “misogyny.” She therefore considers herself oppressed—and believing one is oppressed makes happiness all but impossible.

Likewise, the more left-wing the black, the more he or she will attribute his or her unhappiness to racism. And how is a black person living in a racist white country supposed to be happy?

When was the last time you heard a conservative woman bemoaning the patriarchy or misogyny? 

When was the last time you saw a leftist female get in front of a microphone and not b1tch about those things?

I can't watch a TV show, movie, or a female comedian without at least one diatribe about it. Hillary's whole election campaign was based on whining about those "issues". 

Then those same crakhos will unironically say that wearing a hijab is a display of a woman's courage, as if they don't know that women get beaten up - or much worse - by members of their own immediate family and strangers alike, for not wearing it. 


I'll admit that the picture of the pipe was pretty funny in that context, I'll probably steal that at one point, but it fell flat in that instance because the need for proof of those statements was non-existent.

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