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God Bless Bishop Strickland: America’s Bishop


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9 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Catholic priests used to do a lot more exorcisms in the past than they do now.  Why do you think that is?  And should increasing exorcism use be something that Catholics strive for?  You know…  you can’t just change the church!  

The church changes all the time to keep pace with what we learn in society.  Oh….  those seizures aren’t demons, but a medical issue?  Well, maybe we won’t do exorcisms when someone is having seizures anymore.

Shallow knowledge of exorcism 

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Modern humans have been around for 200,000 years, and before that archaic humans (Neanderthals) appeared about 400,000 years ago.Religion became part of the human experience sometime during the Neanderthal period. So, in those hundreds of thousands of years, there have likely been thousands of religious faiths. The followers of each of those faiths knew that theirs was the one true faith. Out of all those religions, who are we to decide which is "the True Faith." 

I still don't know what Bishop Strickland's issue is. I have no clue what Athenaeus is. Not even Google knows. Zeitgeist seems reluctant to enlighten those of us who are not of the Roman persuasion. My sense of his Holiness is he is attempting to bring the Catholic faith closer to the teachings of Christ and tossing aside some of the teachings of a group of neolithic  shepherds. The Roman Church changes very slowly. It took centuries to pardon Galileo and admit he was right and the doctrine he questioned was wrong.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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15 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

What is wrong with that?

Apparently, it’s not a Catholic thing to do.  

15 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Maybe Bishop Strickland should have been more concerned with the child abusers in the church.

I would argue that the pope should too.  And until they do, the Catholic Church should be deemed a criminal organization and be forbidden from operating in Canada.  

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I love Catholics and 55 years ago, when I was a Catholic, I had a priest who stayed at our house on weekends when he came to the village for mass.  Once he brought the Bishop who also stay at our house overnight and ate with us.

But when I heard the real gospel in 1980 over the radio from the preaching of the Free Presbyterian Church, God opened my eyes and by his grace, He converted me to Jesus Christ.  The progam was called Let The Bible Speak.  You can Google it I think and watch gospel messages on the internet.

But Catholics need to be warned they are following a false religion.

This is from:   Catholics Admit Sinfully Worshipping Statues! (jesus-is-savior.com)   To see the whole article click on the link given here.


Catholics Admit Sinfully Worshipping Statues!

By David J. Stewart

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God..." —Exodus 20:4,5

The following article is quoted from the Pacific Daily News, originally published on January 16, 2008:

diego_statue.jpgTumon honors San Vitores
By David Mercado | For Central Weekly

The Blessed Diego de San Vitores Church in Tumon was filled with the presence of dozens of devotees as they celebrated the annual village fiesta Saturday.

A Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Anthony Apuron, signaled the opening of this celebration with a veneration of the statue of Blessed Diego. Filled with silence, the people commemorated their saint through prayer...

Jessie Carbullido, also a confirmation student, was enlightened by the spirituality of the celebration. [emphasis added]

Did you read that? ... "VENERATION OF THE STATUE"!!!  In the photo above, Archbishop Anthony Apuron venerates the statue of Blessed Diego during the Tumon fiesta Mass.  Oh, how blinded are the eyes of Catholics!  They openly admit to venerating (i.e., worshipping statues) which is a violation of the 2nd Commandment (see Exodus 20:4,5).  Idolatry!  I'm tired of meeting Catholics who defend their false religion, by claiming that they "don't" worship statues.  Well, here it is in plain incontrovertible view.  The Bible, including the Catholic Douay Bible, condemns idol worship.

I scanned the newspaper clipping below from the January 14th, 2008, Pacific Daily News:

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I love Catholic people, which is why I expose the manmade religion of Catholicism that keeps them in spiritual bondage.  In the article I quoted to you earlier, we read that "Jessie Carbullido, also a confirmation student, was enlightened by the spirituality of the celebration."  Jessie may have been enlightened by the "spirituality of the celebration"; but was it Biblical enlightenment?  The term "spirituality" can be a dangerous term if it's not rooted in the Word of God.  We hear much about "spirituality" from the heathen world today, including from unsaved New Agers like Oprah Winfrey, demonic psychics like James Van Praagh and John Edward, and from apostate, feminist, lesbian, abortionist women preachers like Carter Heyward.  Spirituality is demonic Jessie if it's not based upon the Bible. 

Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion.  Jesus said in Mark 7:9,13... "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."  How much clearer could the Word of God be?  We read in Romans 10:3,4 concerning the Catholic Church... "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth."  Salvation is not found in ANY religion; but rather, in a Person—The precious Lord Jesus Christ!  unquote

But to him that worketh nott, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.his faith is counted for righteousness." —Romans 4:5

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!

Catholics Admit Sinfully Worshipping Statues! (jesus-is-savior.com)



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On 11/28/2023 at 8:25 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

What is wrong with that? Maybe Bishop Strickland should have been more concerned with the child abusers in the church. He sounds like he wants to return to the days of Bruno Giordano.

It’s entirely the opposite.  Strickland was an important voice for holding bad clergy to account. I realize that this is all too inside baseball for most of the posters on this site.  You need to look at the history of what’s unfolded. Pope Francis has just taken away the apartment and salary from Bishop Burke, a highly respected American bishop whom Pope Benedict 16 had given tremendous responsibilities. Pope Francis has not given a reason for the dismissal.

I would agree that if you’re someone who thinks that all charge is progress, you might think that what’s happening in the Vatican is some kind of positive reform.  However, the Church is supposed to adhere to essential core doctrine which is unchanging.  Otherwise there was no way to salvation for anyone who lived in the past, as the Church “had it wrong” until today.  It reflects the same presentism or woke mind virus that decries our country as settler colonial and therefore invalid because it wasn’t correct by the fleeting standards of a today that will soon become the ignorant and passé yesterday.  Anyway, much more can be said on this and it’s easy to anticipate the responses of the shallow and uneducated. The point of canonical books of wisdom established over thousands of years, sometimes predating any current religions, is that they speak truths. They are records of great human trials. Adherents to the Church and all Christians believe that there were prophets and actual incarnation of God, which established our parables, fundamental Church teachings, and in many respects, the values underpinning our culture, nation, and Common Law, but again, these are big topics that go beyond the scope of this thread. If you don’t believe in some or any of this, that’s your prerogative. These are matters of faith.

I would simply say that there’s a massive fissure in the Church, especially between the American bishops and Rome.  Pope Francis has deplatformed highly respected bishops without explanation other than the fact that they issued dubia or questions in accordance with Canon Law. It raises questions about vindictiveness. It undermines the narrative of unity and inclusion, which is of course the dominant virtue both for this papacy and in secular society today.


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On 11/17/2023 at 4:42 PM, TreeBeard said:

What I don’t get is how @Zeitgeist determined that the Pope is bad and wasn’t sent by God to make these changes to the church?  

The Pope is supposed to be infallible and speak the word of God.  So how does one tell when that isn’t happening any longer?  When one disagrees?

What changes? Maybe the "changes" are meant to separate the wheat from the chaff as Scripture described. 

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