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For Those of you Thought That Nazis Were From The "Conservative Religious Right"...

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

Comparing someone getting banned on facebook (when there are thousands of other outlets) to 1933 Germany when there were 2 or 3 outlets at most is comical.. Wow... the comedian strikes again. I am a realist who does not buy into hyperbole.. unlike you. 

Not "someone" being banned. Tens of thousands of people being banned. Also shadow-banned, where they think that they posted something but no one else can see it.

Also, the NYPost was banned for telling the truth, just one month before a federal election. That's worse than the FBI's crimes during the witch hunt.  

Contrast that with the dems' blatantly false narratives never being banned at all

If you were in Nazi Germany in 1935, I guarantee that you'd be waving a swastika around. You can't question anything.... you're the ultimate stooge. 

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37 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

So by your logic.. no need to read the article when you can simply read the headline and blast away.

No, that would be a stupid conclusion to reach. Nothing i said  suggests that would have anything to do with my logic. Or any logic

My experience is that people who read a book or have strong knowledge of it's subject don't just simply tell others to read it when discussing the topic, they have a natural desire to share their knowledge rather than just say "go read it yourself if you want to know'. I mean - if that's your only contribution why even bring it up.  Which calls into question whether you read it at all, or iif you did if you read it so long ago you've forgotten the contents.

Either that or for whatever reason you've decided to be a bit of a petulent brat today. "I've read the book!"  " ok, what's it say?" " Why should i tell YOU - you go read it, i'm too cooooool to tell you".  Like.... wow.

None of that has anything to do with the headline of an article :)  So it would not be reasonable to say that your conclusion was based on 'my logic'.

40 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I must be living the movie, "idiocracy".. next thing you will say is "Ow my Balls".

A) - i havne't seen the movie but you kind of have been acting like a lead character for the title in the last little bit :)  You've been cranky as hell of late.

b)  - for the last time, will you PLEASE stop thinking about my balls.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Not "someone" being banned. Tens of thousands of people being banned. Also shadow-banned, where they think that they posted something but no one else can see it.

Also, the NYPost was banned for telling the truth, just one month before a federal election. That's worse than the FBI's crimes during the witch hunt.  

Contrast that with the dems' blatantly false narratives never being banned at all

If you were in Nazi Germany in 1935, I guarantee that you'd be waving a swastika around. You can't question anything.... you're the ultimate stooge. 

Actually.. the opposite. I question everything and assume from the start that politicians are lying and their supporters are too zealous to ever have the ability to step back and see something for what it really it is... as opposed to what it should be. 

Sorry but the two consequences are not even close in severity. Being banned from facebook is nowhere near as punitive as to what they did in 1933 Germany. Today.. you are banned on facebook and you simply move on to one of thousands of other outlets. 

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23 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Actually.. the opposite. I question everything and assume from the start that politicians are lying and their supporters are too zealous to ever have the ability to step back and see something for what it really it is... as opposed to what it should be. 

Sorry but the two consequences are not even close in severity. Being banned from facebook is nowhere near as punitive as to what they did in 1933 Germany. Today.. you are banned on facebook and you simply move on to one of thousands of other outlets. 

Stop dodging and weaselling.

You remember pretending that the Nazis would have banned social media. I merely said that they would do exactly what the Dems do: they would just take control of it.

Do you remember the big, bloody row when Elon was taking over Twitter? It was gonna be the end of days.

Leftards are still slamming Twitter, there's a thread on P 1 in this forum dedicated to defaming Twitter. That's ONLY there because leftards can't handle a social media platform that isn't controlled by the Dems and TNI. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Not "someone" being banned. Tens of thousands of people being banned. Also shadow-banned, where they think that they posted something but no one else can see it.

Also, the NYPost was banned for telling the truth, just one month before a federal election. That's worse than the FBI's crimes during the witch hunt.  

Contrast that with the dems' blatantly false narratives never being banned at all

If you were in Nazi Germany in 1935, I guarantee that you'd be waving a swastika around. You can't question anything.... you're the ultimate stooge. 

As it happens one if the has s I was stationed at was in Germany in a town called Sohren about twenty six kilometers south  of Traben- Trarbach on the Moselle river. I lived off base as many did to get to know the real people, not what one reads about in books written by people who have a grudge or motive for their bias not in keeping with the actual truth.  My landlord and his brother both owned stores in the town and so did a number of other neighbors, both had served in the Kriegsmarine , i.e. the Nazi Germany navy aboard a famous cruiser the  Prinz Eugen.  As my uncles had all served, as did my father in WWII in various services but predominantly the Navy I asked them more than the normal curiousity seeker would have and we spent hours talking evenings that I wasn't deployed elsewhere. Of course the Nazis were still a sore subject in the 1970's and yet, as you likely would have also, I drew him, then his more conservative brother out on their feelings one day about living under the Nazis.  Both brothers reacted with great disgust. Aloys , my landlord took me to a pile of farmers manure and compost over 30 feet high on the outskirts of town in a totally barren field except for the ruins of a house. " That was where our local Nazi and his friends lived and died, and there ( pointing to the huge pile) is where they are buried, upside down with all their limbs broken". He and his brother, like much of their farming community hated the Nazi's, " but if you said anything, like our burgermeister did when they first arrived waving their flags in everyone's faces, they stood you in the street and shot you and your whole family. We are asked this by every American who comes to.live in the rooms we rent,  we were as glad as the Belgians when you.liberated them."   

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7 hours ago, Rebound said:

Remember this: Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have stated that they will only approve funding for Israel only if the IRS budget is cut $14 billion. 

Not tax cuts for you, or for me. Only for the ultra ultra rich. 

This is true, it was in Forbes recently and also alluded to ( not so nicely) in the Wall Street Journal. Its what Trump did the first year he was in office, the same thing Reagan did also..cater to the ultra rich and screw everyone else, the same policy Trumps co conspirators continue to demand in Congress today. 

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21 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

As it happens one if the has s I was stationed at was in Germany in a town called Sohren about twenty six kilometers south  of Traben- Trarbach on the Moselle river. I lived off base as many did to get to know the real people, not what one reads about in books written by people who have a grudge or motive for their bias not in keeping with the actual truth.  My landlord and his brother both owned stores in the town and so did a number of other neighbors, both had served in the Kriegsmarine , i.e. the Nazi Germany navy aboard a famous cruiser the  Prinz Eugen.  As my uncles had all served, as did my father in WWII in various services but predominantly the Navy I asked them more than the normal curiousity seeker would have and we spent hours talking evenings that I wasn't deployed elsewhere. Of course the Nazis were still a sore subject in the 1970's and yet, as you likely would have also, I drew him, then his more conservative brother out on their feelings one day about living under the Nazis.  Both brothers reacted with great disgust. Aloys , my landlord took me to a pile of farmers manure and compost over 30 feet high on the outskirts of town in a totally barren field except for the ruins of a house. " That was where our local Nazi and his friends lived and died, and there ( pointing to the huge pile) is where they are buried, upside down with all their limbs broken". He and his brother, like much of their farming community hated the Nazi's, " but if you said anything, like our burgermeister did when they first arrived waving their flags in everyone's faces, they stood you in the street and shot you and your whole family. We are asked this by every American who comes to.live in the rooms we rent,  we were as glad as the Belgians when you.liberated them."   

I feel like that was a lot of words to say " i won't deny what you said is true"

Edited by CdnFox
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5 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

The US is not a true comp for early to mid-30's Germany either. It is laughable that you discount the different levels of technology. The reason that Hitler had such control over the media is that there was far fewer outlets. Wait.. no way. Oh... and the motivation behind doing so were 100% different from anything that you think that CNN does. Your obsession with CNN is both sad and comical. You have watched more CNN in the past month than I have my entire life.

"Funny" enough, one of Hitler's greatest tactics was undermining the media but calling it, essentially, "fake news." 

Scapegoating and alienating groups of people like immigrants and the elite.

Undermining the entire legitimacy of the republic.

Attempting a coup--and running for election afterward.

Decrying globalism while staging a populist takeover of conservative politics.

All part of his vision to Make Germany Great Again!


And, of course, his most devoted followers believed they were supporting a savior rather than a monster. Hm...


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4 minutes ago, Hodad said:

"Funny" enough, one of Hitler's greatest tactics was undermining the media but calling it, essentially, "fake news."


That is a blatant lie.  Hitler controlled the media and the message and people were expected to believe it.

Hitler moved quickly to censor opponents and take control of all the media and use it for propaganda


He didn't say 'fake news' in the slightest. 

Gee - misusing the media to spread a false narrative... now which party does that remind me of?

Sigh. Lefties always have to lie to try to make a point.

Edited by CdnFox
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I don't agree with the OP.

But Democrats used to be the center.  Now the center has crept so far left over the last 10 years that the Democrats are now made of a lot of socially leftist types.  Bill Maher, a centrist and typical 90's/2000's Democrat now looks conservative by comparison.  The party of Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama has transformed, as has the party of Chretien and Martin.

And much of the rightwing in America has crept further right, and a lot of the establishment GOP now look closer to center-right.

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10 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I don't agree with the OP.

But Democrats used to be the center.  Now the center has crept so far left over the last 10 years that the Democrats are now made of a lot of socially leftist types.  Bill Maher, a centrist and typical 90's/2000's Democrat now looks conservative by comparison.  The party of Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama has transformed, as has the party of Chretien and Martin.

And much of the rightwing in America has crept further right, and a lot of the establishment GOP now look closer to center-right.

Please name the industry which the Democrats intend to nationalize. Since that’s what Socialism is. 

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The levels of technology are meaningless, it's the level of control you exert on them that counts.

The Dems had global social media outlets banning people for talking about the BSL4 lab in Wuhan.

The Dems had those same media outlets ban the NYPost for an article about Hunter's laptop that was known to be 100% true. 

People get cancelled all the time for running afoul of the Dems and their narratives. SCJs have been doxxed because they upset the Dems. Making death threats against the POTUS was cool when there was a GOP president. The FBI ran a 3-yr smear campaign against the result of the 2016 election and then criminalized discussion of 2020 election integrity. 

Shit is crazy, but it tickles your fancy so you're ok with little things like FBI crimes. You're the spitting image of a 1935 Nazi flag-waver. 

IF you watch the Frontline episode about Musk's takeover of Twitter, you'll discover how WRONG ^this is.

Employees at Twitter all say they were enforcing Twitter rules and never did ANYTHING due to demands from "Dems."

Your problem is believing the FOS LIES version.

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Not "someone" being banned. Tens of thousands of people being banned. Also shadow-banned, where they think that they posted something but no one else can see it.

Also, the NYPost was banned for telling the truth, just one month before a federal election. That's worse than the FBI's crimes during the witch hunt.  

Contrast that with the dems' blatantly false narratives never being banned at all

If you were in Nazi Germany in 1935, I guarantee that you'd be waving a swastika around. You can't question anything.... you're the ultimate stooge. 

Where is your PROOF of "Tens of thousands of people being banned"?

I highly doubt you have ANY, just based on your track record here.

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11 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

As it happens one if the has s I was stationed at was in Germany in a town called Sohren about twenty six kilometers south  of Traben- Trarbach on the Moselle river. I lived off base as many did to get to know the real people, not what one reads about in books written by people who have a grudge or motive for their bias not in keeping with the actual truth.  My landlord and his brother both owned stores in the town and so did a number of other neighbors, both had served in the Kriegsmarine , i.e. the Nazi Germany navy aboard a famous cruiser the  Prinz Eugen.  As my uncles had all served, as did my father in WWII in various services but predominantly the Navy I asked them more than the normal curiousity seeker would have and we spent hours talking evenings that I wasn't deployed elsewhere. Of course the Nazis were still a sore subject in the 1970's and yet, as you likely would have also, I drew him, then his more conservative brother out on their feelings one day about living under the Nazis.  Both brothers reacted with great disgust. Aloys , my landlord took me to a pile of farmers manure and compost over 30 feet high on the outskirts of town in a totally barren field except for the ruins of a house. " That was where our local Nazi and his friends lived and died, and there ( pointing to the huge pile) is where they are buried, upside down with all their limbs broken". He and his brother, like much of their farming community hated the Nazi's, " but if you said anything, like our burgermeister did when they first arrived waving their flags in everyone's faces, they stood you in the street and shot you and your whole family. We are asked this by every American who comes to.live in the rooms we rent,  we were as glad as the Belgians when you.liberated them."   

That is an interesting story, thank you for that.

It's nice to hear about Germans who managed to keep their heads while others around them were buying into the Nazi hatred.

The fact remains though, a lot of people obviously followed the Nazis through the early stages of creeping towards fascism, and there are a lot of people on this site who don't understand the dangers of the Dems having such high-handed control over the MSM, social media, DAs, the FBI, etc.

I'm quite familiar with the story of the Prinz Eugen, it was with the ship that was the Bismarck when it confronted the Hood and the Prince of Wales. 

The German navy was quite a good place for non-Nazis. Adm. Raeder kept Jews on his ships throughout the war (I don't know if they were practicing Jews or just people born to Jewish families) and the Kriegsmarine never adopted the Nazi salute. 

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10 hours ago, Rebound said:

Please name the industry which the Democrats intend to nationalize. Since that’s what Socialism is. 

No, that's a very common misconception. Socialism comes in many shapes and sizes and many of the models do include a heavily regulated market economy.


Saying there's just one type of socialism is like saying there's just one religion :) 

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11 hours ago, Hodad said:

"Funny" enough, one of Hitler's greatest tactics was undermining the media but calling it, essentially, "fake news." 

Scapegoating and alienating groups of people like immigrants and the elite.

Undermining the entire legitimacy of the republic.

Attempting a coup--and running for election afterward.

Decrying globalism while staging a populist takeover of conservative politics.

All part of his vision to Make Germany Great Again!


And, of course, his most devoted followers believed they were supporting a savior rather than a monster. Hm...


Hitler had different motivations than Trump and MAGA types for undermining the legitimacy of the republic. Part of the story that always gets left out conveniently is that Germany was not unified until 1866. Only 50 years before WWI. Before that it was a series of independent, isolated duchies that were only loosely connected. This was what Hitler wanted to revert back to. Militarily, they would unite and dominate but on a day to day existence, they would live simple, quaint, but isolated lives. Technology, modern academia, and increased economic fortunes were not only to be feared but they were wrong. They were to be avoided and hated because it only acted as a distraction for the main goal... Germany's dominance and Aryans leading the way. 

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

That is a blatant lie.  Hitler controlled the media and the message and people were expected to believe it.

Hitler moved quickly to censor opponents and take control of all the media and use it for propaganda


He didn't say 'fake news' in the slightest. 

Gee - misusing the media to spread a false narrative... now which party does that remind me of?

Sigh. Lefties always have to lie to try to make a point.

He thinks lying is normal, and has no shame. 

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45 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Hitler had different motivations than Trump and MAGA types for undermining the legitimacy of the republic. Part of the story that always gets left out conveniently is that Germany was not unified until 1866. Only 50 years before WWI. Before that it was a series of independent, isolated duchies that were only loosely connected. This was what Hitler wanted to revert back to. Militarily, they would unite and dominate but on a day to day existence, they would live simple, quaint, but isolated lives. Technology, modern academia, and increased economic fortunes were not only to be feared but they were wrong. They were to be avoided and hated because it only acted as a distraction for the main goal... Germany's dominance and Aryans leading the way. 

While in general they had different motivations, I'd say the motivation for undermining the legitimacy of the republic is the same: to prime an audience for a consolidation of power in service of "restoration."  The tried-and-true tactics that are strikingly similar. And the effect of those tactics on their cultish followers. 

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19 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Hitler had different motivations than Trump and MAGA types for undermining the legitimacy of the republic. 

Trump and MAGA types aren't motivated to undermine the legitimacy of the republic lol. Stop referring to CNN talking points as facts, child.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Trump and MAGA types aren't motivated to undermine the legitimacy of the republic lol. Stop referring to CNN talking points as facts, child.

If you want me to take you seriously.. stop defaulting to your tried and tested CNN garbage. You do realize that I replied to someone who used that verbage... Oh wait.. you are too zealous to ever be aware of such details. 

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16 minutes ago, Hodad said:

While in general they had different motivations, I'd say the motivation for undermining the legitimacy of the republic is the same: to prime an audience for a consolidation of power in service of "restoration."  The tried-and-true tactics that are strikingly similar. And the effect of those tactics on their cultish followers. 

The OP is trying to paint this picture where modern America is going to end up in a situation similar to, if not exactly the same, as WWII era Germany. Supposedly, the game plan is the same. Well.. if you read Mein Kempf and Zweites Buch (both written by Hitler), it is clear that the end goal could not be more different than anything the modern American liberal espouses. 

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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

He thinks lying is normal, and has no shame. 

I have some of you useless trolls on ignore, but thanks for showing me that particular bit of idiocy. You people are the weirdest blend of ignorance and confidence. OF COURSE Hitler undermined the press as a way of controlling the narrative. Jeebus. Read a book. Go to school. Something.

Lügenpresse = "lying press" = "fake news"

The whole point of the "fake news" campaign was to undermine the free press and establish Trump and his cronies as the sole source of "truth." Also the unironic name of his personal media platform. 

Your unhinged rants about the press make it pretty clear that the tactic had great effect on you. It's never quite clear whether you'd be better fitted for a brown shirt or a straight jacket. 


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18 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

If you want me to take you seriously..

Who says I want to be taken seriously by you? I think you're an 1d10t.


stop defaulting to your tried and tested CNN garbage. You do realize that I replied to someone who used that verbage... Oh wait.. you are too zealous to ever be aware of such details. 

There you go again, alluding to something from your imagination as if it's fact. Is this gonna be your common theme today?

Yesterday your thing was converting everything to binary, and responding to your own straw-man arguments...

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Who says I want to be taken seriously by you? I think you're an 1d10t.

There you go again, alluding to something from your imagination as if it's fact. Is this gonna be your common theme today?

Yesterday your thing was converting everything to binary, and responding to your own straw-man arguments...

There is no imagination.. You.. yes you, of your own volition wrote the bit about CNN. Do you deny this? Or did your doppelganger do this?

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