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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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On 11/23/2023 at 8:47 PM, CdnFox said:

This from the guy who demands as many pics of burnt babies and raped women as he can get :)   I'm afraid you're in no position to make that statement :) 

And seeing as you approve of it you might as well enjoy it.  

This coming from a guy who spreads dis and misinformation about babies being burned alive by Hamas. This buffoon can't even PM any pictures of burnt babies. Come on, loser? Are you still enjoying watching gentile innocent women and children being slaughtered by that pampered pooch shitty little country called Israel? Do you like gentile people at all or are you just a anti-gentile? Just asking? ?

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On 11/26/2023 at 9:47 AM, ExFlyer said:

Interesting to note though is that there are support Palestine and Palestinian rallys and demonstrations around the world and no or very few small support for Israel rallys.

Not picking sides, just making observational comment

Those are good observations that the Jews here need to answer to, if they dare to do so? Good job. ?

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On 11/24/2023 at 1:36 AM, betsy said:

The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks.


He later gave his life to Christ and wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas. Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.




As one member here wrote, why are there way more demonstrations and rallies around the world for the Palestinian people and not for Israel? Care to comment on that, old Betsy girl? ?

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

So how do you explain the largest protests Israelis have ever held against their government in the history of Israel under Netanyahu?

On Saturday, protest organisers said as many as 500,000 demonstrators took to the streets across Israel for the 10th consecutive week, in what the Haaretz newspaper called "the largest demonstration in the country's history".


Driven by palestine :) 

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Anytime that i can pizz you off a pos like you does make my day. More lies and bullshit. Where am i attacking Jews?

Do you have ANY idea how desperate that makes you look?

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On 11/24/2023 at 4:36 AM, betsy said:

The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks.


He later gave his life to Christ and wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas. Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.




The family of Osama bin Laden denounced Dad so they could move to Canada and collect welfare.

Maybe Sheik Hassan Yousef did not tell his kid he would not inherit any money or power so the kid left? LOL

Every organization, group, revolution has it's dissenters. Sooner or later all leaders lose their followers.

Edited by ExFlyer
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1 hour ago, taxme said:

This coming from a guy who spreads dis and misinformation about babies being burned alive by Hamas. This buffoon can't even PM any pictures of burnt babies.

ROFLAMO -  you realize with every post you just dig yourself deeper into the 'stupid' hole you've created for yourself :) Do you honestly not realize what a scumball and 1diot you make yourself look like? Or are you intending to be the comic relief, I honestly can't tell anymore  :)  

59 minutes ago, taxme said:

As one member here wrote, why are there way more demonstrations and rallies around the world for the Palestinian people and not for Israel? Care to comment on that, old Betsy girl? ?

As one member here replied, because the palestinians are a violent unlawful people who will attack jews in large groups and the jews know it and don't want any part of it.

Side note - it's also that the jews don't want anything. They're winning and don't need a ceasefire to reorganize.  So what would they demonstrate for?

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44 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, that's not what was in the report I posted. Try again.

Prove it's wrong then.

You've done little but post misinformation and disinformation since your buddies killed those israeli civilians.

Jews around the world know what happens to them if they're out in visible group. Palestinians will kill them. Just as they chose to kill about 1400 of them without warning in Israel.  Just as they've shot up israeli schools and just as they've attacked politicians that aren't actively siding with them against israel.

They're kind of scummy people  like that.  Very nazi-esqe.  What's arabic for 'brown shirt'?

Gaza launched an unprovoked attack on civillian targets with no warning or declaration.  Israel has declared war,, given gaza a chance to surrender, advised them well in advance of their attacks that they would be coming and done what it can to minimize civillian casualties while they wipe out hamas and their military facilities, most of whom hide in the civvie population including using ambulances for troop transport and most of which are deliberately placed under hospitals and schools and the like.

And good riddance to them. And however many civillians they choose to take with them on their way to cash in on those 40 virigins with Allah will just serve as a reminder as to what kind of sick freakshows they are and hopefully the survivors will think twice before supporting that kind of ideology in the future.

IN short - hopefully they're smarter than you.

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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Driven by palestine :) 

Do you have ANY idea how desperate that makes you look?

You are the one that appears to be quite desperate here. Again, where have i ever said that i am attacking Jews, which of course you and i know that you cannot produce anything. Just more lies coming from you. Your emotional behaviour here is making you look pretty stupid. Just saying. ?

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11 minutes ago, taxme said:

You are the one that appears to be quite desperate here.

LOL - well i'm sure you wish that was the case :P  i think the comments show otherwise.



Again, where have i ever said that i am attacking Jews, which of course you and i know that you cannot produce anything. Just more lies coming from you. Your emotional behaviour here is making you look pretty stupid. Just saying. ?

Well first off i didn't even  claim you're attacking jews in that quote - i'm afraid your paranoid brain is working overtime :)

But i notice almost all your comments about the war do in fact attack the jews and their actions pretty much exclusively. Especially in light of the free ride you give hamas.  For you it's like this -  Israel? Definitely committing war crimes i can't really prove.  Hamas - how do we KNOW they killed civillians, we weren't there!!!

By applying two radically different standards to the evidence you make your bias and feelings quite well known.  THe fact that all other posters commenting on it notice you're very anti jew should have been a wake up call that you were tipping your hand.

So to answer your  weirdly random question - pretty much everywhere.

Edited by CdnFox
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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLAMO -  you realize with every post you just dig yourself deeper into the 'stupid' hole you've created for yourself :) Do you honestly not realize what a scumball and 1diot you make yourself look like? Or are you intending to be the comic relief, I honestly can't tell anymore  :)  

As one member here replied, because the palestinians are a violent unlawful people who will attack jews in large groups and the jews know it and don't want any part of it.

Side note - it's also that the jews don't want anything. They're winning and don't need a ceasefire to reorganize.  So what would they demonstrate for?

I am not denying the burning of babies. All i am asking you is for you to produce some photos for me. It's that simple, stupid. Send them to my PM box. Why do you also appear to keep digging yourself into a deeper hole here? Honestly, i do not think that you know anything at all other than to appear as though you are the scumbag here. ?

It's not the Palestinian people that are a violent unlawful people. It is Hamas that is creating all the problems for Israel. Just like it is not the ordinary Jew in Israel that is doing all the bombing of Gaza. It is the Jewish zionist government that is doing all the bombing of Gaza. 

Side note: As one member wrote here, it is the ordinary Jews that are demonstrating against the Israeli government, which for some n/k reason, the MSM never seems to want to show those demonstrations on TV. Why is that, uhmm? 

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On 11/27/2023 at 11:29 AM, MikhailinNorthBay said:

What's the point of placing a group on the domestic terror list if people can publicly support them? By the way the proud bo##***izzzz are on the same list as Hamas and isis and al quaeda. 



Guess which group the government would Crack down on if they had a rally?


Not hamas as we see.

The Proud Boys would be the ones that the government would crack down on because they do not kiss the Israeli lobby arse hole. How can the Proud Boys be seen as a terrorist group is beyond me. They are just a bunch of patriotic Americans that the Jewish lobby despises. No patriotic white group is allowed to be proud of their love for their America.

And that is the truth. ?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I am not denying the burning of babies.

But you did. However, if i'm mistaken and you accept that the babies were burned then there's no need for pictures is there. If you don't accept that then that's pretty much what denial actually is.


It's not the Palestinian people that are a violent unlawful people. It is Hamas that is creating all the problems for Israel

That does not appear to be true.  For years the people have supported Hamas's actions, Hamas has constantly terrorized israel and the people have not spoken against them, and currently there's palestinian demonstrations all over the world and NONE of them are calling for hamas to surrender or to be held to account. So you appear to be very wrong there.


Side note: As one member wrote here, it is the ordinary Jews that are demonstrating against the Israeli government, which for some n/k reason, the MSM never seems to want to show those demonstrations on TV. Why is that, uhmm? 

As near as i can tell ,the stories are largely bullshit.  I can't find any verified sources of these 'huge mobs' of jewish demonstrators in israel.  So once again  you're grasping at straws trying ot validate your negative views of the jews.

Hamas started this war, and the israelis are going to finish it.  The majority of people polled seem to feel that the israeli response is perfectly fine or actually too little.

Agian - don't want to get bombed - don't attack israel. 

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

But you did. However, if i'm mistaken and you accept that the babies were burned then there's no need for pictures is there. If you don't accept that then that's pretty much what denial actually is.

That does not appear to be true.  For years the people have supported Hamas's actions, Hamas has constantly terrorized israel and the people have not spoken against them, and currently there's palestinian demonstrations all over the world and NONE of them are calling for hamas to surrender or to be held to account. So you appear to be very wrong there.

As near as i can tell ,the stories are largely bullshit.  I can't find any verified sources of these 'huge mobs' of jewish demonstrators in israel.  So once again  you're grasping at straws trying ot validate your negative views of the jews.

Hamas started this war, and the israelis are going to finish it.  The majority of people polled seem to feel that the israeli response is perfectly fine or actually too little.

Agian - don't want to get bombed - don't attack israel. 

You are still trying to spread dis and misinformation about me but you never can prove or show anything asked of you. You really need to STFU because you keep making yourself look like an Israeli zionist suck alright. ?

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

You are still trying to spread dis and misinformation about me but you never can prove or show anything asked of you.

ROFLMAO - so, your answer to my post saying I coudln't find any verification of YOUR made up data is to claim i'm making up data.  Rather than providing proof of your own data :)

Tell me you're a lying simp for the terrorists without telling me :)   ROFLMAO!!!!

Kid - if you think anyone reading YOUR posts is going to think to themselves "Man - that's the side i want to be on, taxme is Seeewww Smmrt!!!!!" , then i'm afraid you need to prepare for disappointment :)

You're like this weird spinning toy top of nonsense that just whirls around making no sense and no point other than 'jews bad terrorists good m'kay?"  and anyone who disagrees is a zionist :)



You really need to STFU because you keep making yourself look like an Israeli zionist suck alright. 


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On 11/28/2023 at 10:58 AM, CdnFox said:

LOL - well i'm sure you wish that was the case :P  i think the comments show otherwise.


Well first off i didn't even  claim you're attacking jews in that quote - i'm afraid your paranoid brain is working overtime :)

But i notice almost all your comments about the war do in fact attack the jews and their actions pretty much exclusively. Especially in light of the free ride you give hamas.  For you it's like this -  Israel? Definitely committing war crimes i can't really prove.  Hamas - how do we KNOW they killed civillians, we weren't there!!!

By applying two radically different standards to the evidence you make your bias and feelings quite well known.  THe fact that all other posters commenting on it notice you're very anti jew should have been a wake up call that you were tipping your hand.

So to answer your  weirdly random question - pretty much everywhere.

Why do you keep repeating the same old shit every day ad nauseam? You really are one sick and pathetic zionist anti-gentile screwball. So, why don't you just take my friendly advice and STFU. When all you can do here is repeat but never show any facts really does show me that the best part of you did drip down your old mans legs. Drip-drip-drip. ?

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42 minutes ago, taxme said:

Why do you keep repeating the same old shit every day ad nauseam?

Well first off i've never really said any of that before sooo  -  maybe it's just the echo in your empty head that makes you think you hear it more? :)

And if I do repeat myself its because that's the way truth works.  It's the same today and tomorrow and yesterday.  So yeah.



You really are one sick and pathetic zionist anti-gentile screwball.

Yawn.  You're not at elementary recess for heaven's sake, if you're going to bother with insults can't you do better than that? I swear i always feel like i'm taking your lunch money when we argue.



So, why don't you just take my friendly advice and STFU.

Because as we previously established you're an 1diot.  Why would i listen to an 1diot?



When all you can do here is repeat but never show any facts really does show me that the best part of you did drip down your old mans legs. Drip-drip-drip. ?

Dude you have some weird sexual fantasies :)   Is that how you grew up, thinking of your dad's penis dripping? That get you turned on now does it? Along with pictures of dead bodies?

And you say I"M the sick one :) LOL!!!!!

So far you're a jew hater, a necrophiliac, and a 'daddy-lover'.   I hope you're not like this in the real world, you're going to wind up arrested.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Well first off i've never really said any of that before sooo  -  maybe it's just the echo in your empty head that makes you think you hear it more? :)

And if I do repeat myself its because that's the way truth works.  It's the same today and tomorrow and yesterday.  So yeah.


Yawn.  You're not at elementary recess for heaven's sake, if you're going to bother with insults can't you do better than that? I swear i always feel like i'm taking your lunch money when we argue.


Because as we previously established you're an 1diot.  Why would i listen to an 1diot?


Dude you have some weird sexual fantasies :)   Is that how you grew up, thinking of your dad's penis dripping? That get you turned on now does it? Along with pictures of dead bodies?

And you say I"M the sick one :) LOL!!!!!

So far you're a jew hater, a necrophiliac, and a 'daddy-lover'.   I hope you're not like this in the real world, you're going to wind up arrested.

Drip-drip-drip. ?

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