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Termites release more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans

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For the EnviroNazis who STILL somehow think human activity can change the climate of an entire fcking planet.


Termites emit ten times more CO2 than humans. Should we cap-and-tax them?

During the 20th century, the earth warmed 0.6 degree Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit), but that warming has been wiped out in a single year with a drop of 0.63 degree C. (1.13 F.) in 2007. A single year does not constitute a trend reversal, but the magnitude of that temperature drop — equal to 100 years of warming — is noteworthy. Of course, it can also be argued that a mere 0.6 degree warming in a century is so tiny it should never have been considered a cause for alarm in the first place. But then how could the idea of global warming be sold to the public? In any case, global cooling has been evident for more than a single year. Global temperature has declined since 1998. 

Meanwhile, atmospheric carbon dioxide has gone in the other direction, increasing 15–20%. This divergence casts doubt on the validity of the greenhouse hypothesis, but that hasn’t discouraged the global warming advocates. They have long been ignoring far greater evidence that the basic assumption of greenhouse warming from increases in carbon dioxide is false.

Manmade emissions of carbon dioxide were not significant before worldwide industrialization began in the 1940s. They have increased steadily since. Over 80% of the 20th century’s carbon dioxide increase occurred after 1940 — but most of the century’s temperature increase occurred before 1940! From 1940 until the mid-1970s, the climate also failed to behave according to the greenhouse hypothesis, as carbon dioxide was strongly increasing while global temperatures cooled. This cooling led to countless scare stories in the media about a new ice age commencing.

In the last 1.6 million years there have been 63 alternations between warm and cold climates, and no indication that any of them were caused by changes in carbon dioxide levels. A recent study of a much longer period (600 million years) shows — without exception — that temperature changes precede changes in carbon dioxide levels, not the other way around. As the earth warms, the oceans yield more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, because warmer water cannot hold as much carbon dioxide as colder water.

The public has been led to believe that increased carbon dioxide from human activities is causing a greenhouse effect that is heating the planet. But carbon dioxide comprises only 0.035% of our atmosphere and is a very weak greenhouse gas. Although it is widely blamed for greenhouse warming, it is not the only greenhouse gas, or even the most important. Water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas and accounts for at least 95% of any greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide accounts for only about 3%, with the remainder due to methane and several other gases.

Not only is carbon dioxide’s total greenhouse effect puny, mankind’s contribution to it is minuscule. The overwhelming majority (97%) of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere comes from nature, not from man. Volcanoes, swamps, rice paddies, fallen leaves, and even insects and bacteria produce carbon dioxide, as well as methane. According to the journal Science (Nov. 5, 1982), termites alone emit ten times more carbon dioxide than all the factories and automobiles in the world.

I don't know how the scientists have compiled THIS little tidbit (since one of the mor0ns here tried to claim CO2 was lesser or greater during the time of the dinosaurs) but here are the facts.

During the time of the dinosaurs, the carbon dioxide levels were 300–500% greater than today. Five hundred million years ago, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 15–20 times what it is today. Yet the catastrophic water-vapor amplification of carbon dioxide warming never occurred.

Today we’re told catastrophic warming will result if carbon dioxide doubles. But during the Ordovician Period, the carbon dioxide level was 12 times what it is today, and the earth was in an Ice Age.



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Fake News, as usual. 



Psst: Just cause somebody says something on the Internet, that doesn’t mean it’s true. Your article has zero citations for the claims it makes.  IOW, it’s all made up, 100% manure. 

Edited by Rebound
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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

There is an entire college industry of partially reporting things to make it look like climate change  isn't real.  I used to know all of these like the back of my hand, but I have to admit this was a new one for me. Good luck

I've not heard the phrase "college industry" before.

I have heard about "cottage industry," is that similar?

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53 minutes ago, herbie said:

Termites release more CO2 than human activities do? I call bullshit on that one as anyone with half a brain would.

Perhaps more CO2 than human breathing does... that's about it.

It is BULLSHIT. Termites release CO2 from the wood they consume. The source of that CO2 is the atmosphere from which it was absorbed when the tree grew.

Biological sources of CO2 are ALL RECYCLED continually.

Fossil fuel CO2 has been in the ground for millions of years, and unlike biological sources, it actually increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere where it stays for hundreds of years.

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56 minutes ago, herbie said:

Termites release more CO2 than human activities do? I call bullshit on that one as anyone with half a brain would.

Perhaps more CO2 than human breathing does... that's about it.

Don't fall into the trap of playing expert as they do. Find an actual expert who can explain what this means.

Somebody quoted a fact out of context, implying that there was some information missed when scientists studied global warming.

Find an expert thread on the topic.

Just now, robosmith said:

It is BULLSHIT. Termites release CO2 from the wood they consume. The source of that CO2 is the atmosphere from which it was absorbed when the tree grew.

Biological sources of CO2 are ALL RECYCLED continually.

Fossil fuel CO2 has been in the ground for millions of years, and unlike biological sources, it actually increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere where it stays for hundreds of years.

Oh right actually I have read this before it makes sense.

They are part of the natural carbon cycle... Still better to find a reference for the information other than post it yourself.

Traps are everywhere

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Your article has zero citations for the claims it makes.  IOW, it’s all made up, 100% manure. 

Whom should he quote? Fauci? The FBI? Al Gore? Hillary Clinton? 50+ former members of the intel community? CNN? CTV? CBC? The CDC? The WHO? "Science" itself [my favourite leftist 'source' ?]?

Guess why I have zero citations from all of the information sources that you value....

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

There is an entire college industry of partially reporting things to make it look like climate change  isn't real.  I used to know all of these like the back of my hand, but I have to admit this was a new one for me. Good luck

There is an entire college industry of shrieking alarmist reactions to minute weather events, making things up, and falsely referring to "scientific consensus" to make it look like climate change is real.

Still, it doesn't hurt to take precautions to save yourself in the event of one of herbie's global-warming-induced floodfires. 

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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Whom should he quote? Fauci? The FBI? Al Gore? Hillary Clinton? 50+ former members of the intel community? CNN? CTV? CBC? The CDC? The WHO? "Science" itself [my favourite leftist 'source' ?]?

Guess why I have zero citations from all of the information sources that you value....

Because none of the sources which conform to journalistic ethical standards back YOUR CLAIMS. 

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Fake News, as usual. 



Psst: Just cause somebody says something on the Internet, that doesn’t mean it’s true. Your article has zero citations for the claims it makes.  IOW, it’s all made up, 100% manure. 

TBH, r10's article just says "CO2 emitted by automobiles and factories", so it doesn't include coal-fired plants, NGas plants, ships, planes, NGas heating in households, farting cows, human breath, etc...

If termites create 1/10th the greenhouse gases of all humans that means that they contribute over 6x as much as all Canadians and Canadian businesses/housesholds combined. Makes me think I need a car with more horsepower.


I wonder if woodchucks are equally detrimental to the environment?

Hmmmm. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if we put a carbon tax on wood?

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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

TBH, r10's article just says "CO2 emitted by automobiles and factories", so it doesn't include coal-fired plants, NGas plants, ships, planes, NGas heating in households, farting cows, human breath, etc...

If termites create 1/10th the greenhouse gases of all humans that means that they contribute over 6x as much as all Canadians and Canadian businesses/housesholds combined. Makes me think I need a car with more horsepower.


I wonder if woodchucks are equally detrimental to the environment?

Hmmmm. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if we put a carbon tax on wood?

Termites DON'T "create" CO2, they release it from the WOOD they consume. 

Bet you don't even know how it got in the wood. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

TBH, r10's article just says "CO2 emitted by automobiles and factories", so it doesn't include coal-fired plants, NGas plants, ships, planes, NGas heating in households, farting cows, human breath, etc...

If termites create 1/10th the greenhouse gases of all humans that means that they contribute over 6x as much as all Canadians and Canadian businesses/housesholds combined. Makes me think I need a car with more horsepower.


I wonder if woodchucks are equally detrimental to the environment?

Hmmmm. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if we put a carbon tax on wood?

Every Canadian I’ve ever met is very decent, well informed and intelligent. 

Then again, you and I have never met. 

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15 hours ago, Rebound said:

Fake News, as usual. 



Psst: Just cause somebody says something on the Internet, that doesn’t mean it’s true. Your article has zero citationsfor the claims it makes.  IOW, it’s all made up, 100% manure. 

Fact Check? Seriously? Are you just plain RETARDED?

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Fossil fuel CO2 has been in the ground for millions of years, and unlike biological sources, it actually increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere where it stays for hundreds of years.

First of all, fossil fuel DIDNT EVEN EXIST until humans found a way to use it to replace horses for transportation. The term FOSSIL FUEL didn't even exist. Back then it was just a dark substance found in liquid form in a few acres or in solid form to be mined from caves. Before the internal combustion engine was created, coal and oil contributed NOTHING to the atmosphere.

Even NOW with coal and oil use at an all time high (INCLUDING COAL AND OIL USE IN THE COUNTRY OF CHINA, WHICH YOU GOOSE STEPPERS APPARENTLY WANT TO GIVE A  PASS ON THE CAP AND TAX SCHEMES) termites STILL put more CO2 into the atmosphere than ALL human activity combined.

And ALL atmospheric CO2 is less than a percentage point for ALL greenhouse gasses. We could TRIPLE the release of CO2 into the atmosphere and it STILL would be less than a  percentage point of all greenhouse gasses.

Those are the numbers and the facts. If you are going to CONTINUE to stupidly try to suggest that a tiny fraction of a natural substance will somehow change the global climate, be prepared to be ridiculed and called stupid. It's what you are.

'Right now, the climate is not changing. It probably will not change in the next hundred years, but if it does HUMANS have zero to say about it. You goose steppers tried to suggest the earth would warm so much that the poles would melt and Florida would be under water by now. Hate to disappoint you little Adolfs, but our coastline looks pretty much the same as it did BEFORE Algore made his ridiculous claims. You cannot spin this.

You have LOST this argument.  Move on.



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13 hours ago, robosmith said:

Termites DON'T "create" CO2, they release it from the WOOD they consume. 

Bet you don't even know how it got in the wood. 

Are you STUPID? This isn't about creating CO2 or not.  It's about the SOURCES of CO2 into the atmosphere. You have LOST this argument based on the facts.

1. Termites cause more CO2 to go into the atmosphere than human activity

2. CO2 is a FRACTION of a percentage point of the greenhouse gasses. 95 percent of those gasses is water vapor. Gee! Maybe that's because AROUND SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE IS WATER.

3. During the Ice Age, concentrations of CO2 were much greater than today. And the earth did not warm.


You can't spin it. If you try, you only look dumber.

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The Ice Age myth.  Note that the page is backed up by published studies in the links.


CO2 in the atmosphere causes warming.  This is the greenhouse effect and can be reproduced in a lab.  Humans are pumping high levels of CO2 into the atmosphere, and those levels correlate to temperature increases.

There is no other reasonable explanation for the warming at the moment.

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CO2 in the atmosphere causes warming.  This is the greenhouse effect and can be reproduced in a lab.  Humans are pumping high levels of CO2 into the atmosphere, and those levels correlate to temperature increases.

There is no other reasonable explanation for the warming at the moment.

The whole reason the Chicken LIttles farted out the CLIMATE CHANGE myth was because the earth DIDN'T warm up when Algore said it would and Florida was NOT submerged when Algore said it would be. So fund raising for global warming tried up and the EnviroNAZIS needed something else. Climate change sounds ominous ONLY to people too stupid to read a science book. These are the facts.

1. Termites release more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans. I proved that with a reliable source.

2. CO2 is less than a FRACTION of all greenhouse gasses. 95 percent of all greenhouse gasses is WATER.

3. THE SUN causes warming.  That's why the surface of the moon is incredibly hot when the sun's rays touch it. Greenhouse gasses trap the heat and make the earth livable for animal and plant life. Without greenhouse gasses, the earth's surface would be the same as the moon. If the trapped heat is a little too much for your delicate tastes, I'm afraid there is no such thing as a global THERMOSTAT. The greenhouse effect is TOTALLY NATURAL and has been that way for thousands of years. Human activity has less effect than TERMITES.

4. If you are trying to suggest that less than a FRACTION of all greenhouse gasses is somehow going to warm the planet (which hasn't happened as predicted)  or change global climate, I PRAY you are not a school math teacher. That would be dangerous. You REALLY haven't done the math here.

5. And you're not being honest with us. CHINA is the biggest polluter and the LARGEST user of fossil fuels on the planet and NONE of you EnviroNazis have made ANY mention about going after China for that.

LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP went after China a lot more effectively, concerning trade laws.


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36 minutes ago, reason10 said:

CO2 in the atmosphere causes warming.  This is the greenhouse effect and can be reproduced in a lab.  Humans are pumping high levels of CO2 into the atmosphere, and those levels correlate to temperature increases.

There is no other reasonable explanation for the warming at the moment.

The whole reason the Chicken LIttles farted out the CLIMATE CHANGE myth was because the earth DIDN'T warm up when Algore said it would and Florida was NOT submerged when Algore said it would be. So fund raising for global warming tried up and the EnviroNAZIS needed something else. Climate change sounds ominous ONLY to people too stupid to read a science book. These are the facts.

1. Termites release more CO2 into the atmosphere than humans. I proved that with a reliable source.

2. CO2 is less than a FRACTION of all greenhouse gasses. 95 percent of all greenhouse gasses is WATER.

3. THE SUN causes warming.  That's why the surface of the moon is incredibly hot when the sun's rays touch it. Greenhouse gasses trap the heat and make the earth livable for animal and plant life. Without greenhouse gasses, the earth's surface would be the same as the moon. If the trapped heat is a little too much for your delicate tastes, I'm afraid there is no such thing as a global THERMOSTAT. The greenhouse effect is TOTALLY NATURAL and has been that way for thousands of years. Human activity has less effect than TERMITES.

4. If you are trying to suggest that less than a FRACTION of all greenhouse gasses is somehow going to warm the planet (which hasn't happened as predicted)  or change global climate, I PRAY you are not a school math teacher. That would be dangerous. You REALLY haven't done the math here.

5. And you're not being honest with us. CHINA is the biggest polluter and the LARGEST user of fossil fuels on the planet and NONE of you EnviroNazis have made ANY mention about going after China for that.

LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP went after China a lot more effectively, concerning trade laws.


The fuel cost of renewable energy is zero. 

The world runs on energy. Factories need energy, and it’s incredibly expensive. When a technology pollutes less, it’s more efficient: It is turning fuel into energy instead of waste.  That’s why it’s superior. Either the US and Canada become the masters of this technology, or else we’ll buy it from someone else.

Imagine if the USA owned the critical technology and manufacturing to be the worldwide leader in manufacturing industrial scale solar panels and wind turbines. We would become a mass exporter again. China would replace their coal plants with our wind turbines because they’re cheaper than mining coal and burning it.  That is how we can compete with China. 

Already, many states and nations are rapidly moving to wind and solar power, because it’s highly reliable and far less expensive.  Fifty percent of the electricity generated in Iowa.  Thirty percent of Texas’.

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The fuel cost of renewable energy is zero.

The tools to create the highly INEFFICIENT wind and solar energy are VERY EXPENSIVE. More expensive than the tools used to create energy from fossil fuels, when one figures cost versus kilowatt hour. The cost of FOSSIL FUELS is ZERO for the raw materials. It costs money to mine them, pump them from the ground, refine them, etc.

The world runs on energy. Factories need energy, and it’s incredibly expensive. When a technology pollutes less, it’s more efficient: It is turning fuel into energy instead of waste.  That’s why it’s superior. Either the US and Canada become the masters of this technology, or else we’ll buy it from someone else.

It's like you never got past the second grade and somehow believe in  unicorns and fairy princesses. Where are you getting the myth that polluting sources are less efficient than today's wind and solar sources? Oil energy lasts as long as there is oil to fuel the power plants. Wind energy only lasts when there is wind. Solar ONLY when the sun is out and there are no clouds. If you are comparing that to coal, natural gas, oil or nuclear power, you SERIOUSLY need to brush up on basic math.

Imagine if the USA owned the critical technology and manufacturing to be the worldwide leader in manufacturing industrial scale solar panels and wind turbines.

This is why nobody takes you liberals seriously. Everything with you is IMAGINE, without actually THINKING about how to bring that about. In the REAL world (where people like me get up and go to work an actual JOB) wind and solar power are in other parts of the planet besides the United States, so obtaining a monopoly on the sales of that equipment is about as possible as Unelected Joe winning a second term when he didn't win the first one.

We would become a mass exporter again. China would replace their coal plants with our wind turbines because they’re cheaper than mining coal and burning it.  That is how we can compete with China. 

Perhaps in 200 years. But not today. (Ironically, it was LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP who made America an exporter of oil, until the unelected Pedophile shut down all oil production.) Right now wind and solar are both more expensive and less efficient. You cannot power a small town with a wind farm the size of Kansas, much less large cities.

Already, many states and nations are rapidly moving to wind and solar power, because it’s highly reliable and far less expensive.  Fifty percent of the electricity generated in Iowa.  Thirty percent of Texas’.

Only in your fairy tale head. To bring your dumb ass up to speed, (since you mentioned Texas)


Wind power in Texas, a portion of total energy in Texas, consists of over 150 wind farms, which together have a total nameplate capacity of over 30,000 MW (as of 2020).[1][2] If Texas were a country, it would rank fifth in the world:[1] The installed wind capacity in Texas exceeds installed wind capacity in all countries but China, the United States, Germany and India. Texas produces the most wind power of any U.S. state.[1][3] According to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), wind power accounted for at least 15.7% of the electricity generated in Texas during 2017, as wind was 17.4% of electricity generated in ERCOT, which manages 90% of Texas's power.[4][5] ERCOT set a new wind output record of nearly 19.7 GW at 7:19 pm Central Standard Time on Monday, January 21, 2019.[6]

To summarize, Texas has more wind capacity than CHINA and this accounts for FIFTEEN PERCENT of all of that state's power. The rest of it, EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT is fossil fuel. Texas could not power the little town of Beaumont with ALL it's wind farms, much less Houston, Dallas or Austin.

So China ALREADY has a ton of wind farms, and it STILL relies on coal, probably because coal is more consistent and a LOT more efficient. And somehow, RAISING TAXES on the middle class will somehow cause China to want to give up 85 percent of its electricity sources and buy more wind equipment from the United States?

I started to say PLEASE TELL US YOU AREN'T IN CHARGE OF ANYTHING IMPORTANT, but your ENTITLEMENT attitude kinda gives it away what you do with most of your time. And it ISN'T producing anything.







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5 hours ago, reason10 said:

Are you STUPID? This isn't about creating CO2 or not. 

Then WHY did you state termites "create" CO2 when that's WRONG?

5 hours ago, reason10 said:


It's about the SOURCES of CO2 into the atmosphere. You have LOST this argument based on the facts.

1. Termites cause more CO2 to go into the atmosphere than human activity

The FACT is that CO2 WAS ABSORBED from the atmosphere when the TREE GREW. Net ZERO. Duh.

5 hours ago, reason10 said:

2. CO2 is a FRACTION of a percentage point of the greenhouse gasses. 95 percent of those gasses is water vapor. Gee! Maybe that's because AROUND SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE EARTH'S SURFACE IS WATER.

Water vapor continually CONDENSES and RAINS. AKA it does NOT stay in the atmosphere for centuries like CO2.

5 hours ago, reason10 said:

3. During the Ice Age, concentrations of CO2 were much greater than today. And the earth did not warm.


You can't spin it. If you try, you only look dumber.

Of course, the Earth warmed. THE PROOF IS we're NOT in an ICE AGE anymore. Duh.

IT IS the immutable LAWS of PHYSICS that you don't understand.


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