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Heterosexual Pride: The great builder of humanity.

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12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nobody has had to make a flag to symbolize that straight people are welcome, because it is always assumed they are.

If there were such a flag, nobody would assume that flying it was pushing someone's values in their face.


Sure they would.  Look at the freak out over such things as "all lives matter" and "it's ok to be white".

If you put out a hetero flag it would instantly be attacked as exclusionary, homophobic and insulting to gays.

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

1. Sure they would.  Look at the freak out over such things as "all lives matter" and "it's ok to be white".

2. If you put out a hetero flag it would instantly be attacked as exclusionary, homophobic and insulting to gays.

1. 2.  Only because these are RESPONSES to calls for inclusion.  On their own they're innocuous or meaningless.

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7 hours ago, herbie said:

Looks like the Klan does.

No never even thought of them, just shot them down like dogs to grab the land. Never had time to think of them as heathen savages.

This bozo sure likes rewriting history if it bolsters his warped outlook.


I'm not the bozo who makes up names like "Native." I"m not the WARPED bozo who has pride for pedophiles.

As far as being hunted down like dogs, gee! You just described pretty much the ENTIRE history of human activity. Humans have always been warlike, all through the centuries. Indians themselves were warlike, some even engaging in cannibalism. The British actually paid Indians per scalp for the lives of colonists during the Revolutionary war. And I don't recall anyone hunting dogs down to slice off the flesh from the top of their heads.

As far as the KLan,  that's YOUR side of the aisle. Democrats created the KKK. During Democrat presidential administrations, the KKK influenced Supreme Court nominations, before the  Republicans finally overturned Jim Crow laws in the Sixties.

Racism is YOUR DANCE, Adolf.

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12 hours ago, taxme said:

It looks to me that they are trying to make it appear so.

I never chose to be straight but I am dam glad and happy that i am straight. Gay people choose to be gay. What guy in his right mind would want to have sex with another man? It's just not normal or natural. My opinion of course. 

Rush LImbaugh accidentally uttered this GENIUS item, back in the day.

If the existence of a queer gene could actually be proven during an amniocentesis test, the queer community would suddenly become the most PRO LIFE ANTI ABORTION force on earth. If the  presence of a queer gene could turn a normal child into a queer, abortions would soar.

(My wife had to undergo amniocentesis because my first cousin fathered a Downs Syndrome Child, so this concept exists.)

When you see queers marching against Planned Parenthood, then you will know that being a queer is definitely genetic.  Right now, the concept of being born queer is nothing more than a stupid lie.

The traditional view is that queers are CREATED by home environment: Weak fathers and overbearing mothers.

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17 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

You think they forgot they have parents?  

The inference here is that they chose to be gay for some reason.  When did you choose to be straight?

Nobody is suggesting a queer chooses that  lifestyle. Traditional wisdom suggests that queers are the product of a  home environment (overbearing mother and a weak father.) As far as choosing to be normal, it's kind of natural. A tree grows straight up by nature. A tiger is a carnivore by nature. Humans are attracted to the opposite sex by nature. It's normal. It  propagates our species.

We're still waiting for the discovery of a queer gene, one in a fetal gene that would create a queer, a lesbian, a pedophile, etc. So far, science has found ZIPPO in that department. We're waiting for the carnival that would ensue, watching queers and pedophiles become PRO LIFE and march against Planned Parenthood.

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14 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Let's be clear... People should never be proud of something that was handed them at birth.. their dna, the wealth of their family they did nothing for that.

"Say It loud I'm black and I'm proud" is the first instance of identity pride, from Mr James Brown.   It's as wonderful as anything he did, arguably more wonderful, but outside of a social context that is response to racism, it makes zero sense.

Within that context, it's a monumental achievement.


We on the right are patiently waiting for ANY evidence of a queer gene, a DNA strand that creates a pedophile.That's going to be a million laughs, as these people


turn into vitriolic  PRO LIFERS, marching against Planned Parenthood.

Just imagine a far left concept like abortion suddenly becoming the beginning of the extinction of pedophiles everywhere.

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On 6/3/2023 at 11:20 PM, herbie said:

Looks like the Klan does.

No never even thought of them, just shot them down like dogs to grab the land. Never had time to think of them as heathen savages.

This bozo sure likes rewriting history if it bolsters his warped outlook.


History (that subject you never bothered to study) is replete with entire civilizations being treated precisely the way American INJUNS were treated. Africa ACTUALLY SOLD ITS OWN PEOPLE INTO SLAVERY AND THAT PRACTICE CONTINUES TODAY.  (I'll say one thing about INJUNS. They refused to allow themselves to be sold into slavery. They fought to the death on the battlefield rather than fetch some honky's coffee.)

The barbarians (Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Huns, etc) ran roughshod over European civilization and radically changed things.


INJUNS haven't been too kind to each other, either.


Long before Columbus, many historians agree that Native American tribes committed atrocities against each other, thirsting for power and land and killing anyone that stood in the way long before any European settler set foot on the continent. Consider the words of Columbus in his journal. Upon arriving at San Salvador, Columbus wrote: “I saw some with scars of wounds upon their bodies … that there came people from the other islands in the neighborhood who endeavored to make prisoners of them, and they defended themselves.”

Consider the Chippewa. In what could be dubbed the original “trail of tears,” they forced the Sioux from their land in present-day Minnesota. In turn, the Sioux massacred the Omaha, the Kiowa, and the Pawnee, lusting for their resources and territory.

What you goose steppers fail to understand (probably because you have bat guano for brains) is the fact that ALL humans are warlike, and history is FULL of human wars. INJUNS were no different. They waged war with each other, committed atrocities, took land. What the blue state reeducation and indoctrination centers (formerly known as public schools) failed to realize is that INJUNS came up against a group of people who were better armed, more intelligent and more ruthless, and they LOST THE BATTLE.

History is  FULL of these examples. Find someone with an education to explain it to you in simple terms. You don't seem to be able to comprehend adult discourse too well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/3/2023 at 9:21 PM, TreeBeard said:

If you didn’t choose to be straight, why would you think gay people chose to be gay?

Gay people when born were not forced to become gay. They just chose to be gay. IMHO, gay men are afraid of women. 

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18 hours ago, taxme said:

Gay people when born were not forced to become gay. They just chose to be gay. IMHO, gay men are afraid of women. 

There are a lot of theories at what makes a man a queer. Some say a boy with an overbearing mother and a weak father will become a queer. (In life, I've actually seen real life examples of that theory being the case.

Some say a fat, ugly and generally swishy boy still has the horniness of his species and cannot find a girl. After a while this swishy boy will seek out sex out of desperation from other swishy boys and he becomes a queer.

Of course, the uneducated, low information goose steppers all say it's a queer gene, and that a baby is queer from birth, but they have produced ZERO evidence of that. (And to bring the uneducated up to speed here, the whole purpose of that very painful AMINOCENTESIS procedure is to screen for extra chromosomes in a fetus, in order to give the mother the option of aborting a liberal...uh....Downs Syndrome child.  Some health insurance groups even require that test in a pregnancy where the mother is over 30.

So far, NONE of the theories have been proven. But this hasn't stopped the goose steppers from fighting to give queers special privileges not afforded to normal people. 

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2 hours ago, reason10 said:

Some say a fat, ugly and generally swishy boy still has the horniness of his species and cannot find a girl. After a while this swishy boy will seek out sex out of desperation from other swishy boys and he becomes a queer.

I think that's just you.  There's a lot of gays that are very 'handsome' by the traditional standards.

The research shows that it's partly genetic and partly environmental - but those factors would be in play long before someone was old enough to even try to get a girl. Most gays are aware of their feelings pretty early on.

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21 hours ago, taxme said:

Gay people when born were not forced to become gay. They just chose to be gay. IMHO, gay men are afraid of women. 

I’ve known many gay men who are absolute girl-magnets. Women get powerfully attracted to gay men all the time.  Most gay men I’ve known get along with women far better than straight men do.

Plus, I’ve known many gay men who work in hair salons, as fashion designers, make-up artists… careers where they not only interact with women continually, but their customers are women.  If I was afraid of women, I’d do construction, or drive a garbage truck.   

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55 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I’ve known many gay men who are absolute girl-magnets. Women get powerfully attracted to gay men all the time.  Most gay men I’ve known get along with women far better than straight men do.

Plus, I’ve known many gay men who work in hair salons, as fashion designers, make-up artists… careers where they not only interact with women continually, but their customers are women.  If I was afraid of women, I’d do construction, or drive a garbage truck.   

If you think people choose which gender they're attracted to, explain how you came to your decision on that and why.

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58 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

If you think people choose which gender they're attracted to, explain how you came to your decision on that and why.

I think there are plenty of closeted men and women who deny their same-sex attraction. Plenty of them are evangelical Christians, many are priests and ministers. 

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33 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I think there are plenty of closeted men and women who deny their same-sex attraction. Plenty of them are evangelical Christians, many are priests and ministers. 

We had a guy on here named Mr Canada years ago, used to brag about videotaping illegal sex acts at Pride for the purpose of bringing to the police.. yeah right. He disappeared around the same time taxme showed up.

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57 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

.. yeah right.

I noticed you were denying that indecent exposures take place on the pride floats. I thought this strange, because I remember it being reported in news some years ago.


Coun. Doug Ford — addressing Mayor Rob Ford's refusal to attend Pride — remarked he does not condone "men running down the street buck naked" during the celebrations. 

Edited by OftenWrong
fixed quote
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Heres a few more. 


Relevant exerpt-

"despite the fact that these events now regularly expose children to male adult nudity and simulated sex acts, something that progressives seem to collectively ignore."

Has a photo-




Some on the left have claimed Ford’s description of Pride as an event where “middle-aged men with pot bellies” run down the street “buck naked” was evidence of homophobia. I’d say that was just an accurate description of what goes on. Disturbingly, more and more parents are bringing young children to watch the parade, exposing them to provocative displays of sexuality.


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26 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I noticed you were denying that indecent exposures take place on the pride floats. I thought this strange, because I remember it being reported in news some years ago.


Coun. Doug Ford — addressing Mayor Rob Ford's refusal to attend Pride — remarked he does not condone "men running down the street buck naked" during the celebrations. 

Well don’t go to a baseball or football or tennis event either.  

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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I noticed you were denying that indecent exposures take place on the pride floats. I thought this strange, because I remember it being reported in news some years ago.


Coun. Doug Ford — addressing Mayor Rob Ford's refusal to attend Pride — remarked he does not condone "men running down the street buck naked" during the celebrations. 

No I was denying the stated purpose of going to Pride to tape guys making out.

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Wrong again. Streakers show up at those events all the time. 

They illegally do and are arrested.  They're not a planned part of the show.  And you could go to tennis and baseball games etc each year for your whole life and never see one, You're lucky if you can go the whole block without seeing it at pride :)

There IS a difference and i do think you'd have to acknowledge that .

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On 6/2/2023 at 5:38 PM, Rebound said:

Straight people don’t feel intimidated about walking down the street holding hands, or getting married. There isn’t an entire political party trying to take away the rights of straight people.  

That's because straight people engage in normal behavior. Homosexuals are not normal, so they run that risk. Not everyone is as enlightened as you lefties think you are. 

There IS however, an entire political party that wants the homosexual agenda realized, and that's the democrat party. This is where we calmly tell ya'll to f*ck off. ;)

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