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Trudeau's friend says Trudeau is a wonderful man and there's no need for inquiries

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Men who built a country. The one who pretends to serve but then turns his back when the real work starts is the coward, sycophant crony and traitor.

Sounds like you couldn't hack it and sold out. Sorry to hear you were too weak.  The rest of us will do the real work of building a nation. You snuggle in behind your excuses and try not to tremble.

I hacked it for 16 years, to include as an infantry instructor at the Royal Canadian Regiment Battleschool

I've earned my retirement, I don't owe anything to the country at this point

I remain loyal to the King, which is all that is required by the Constitution Act in Canada

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8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I hacked it for 16 years, to include as an infantry instructor at the Royal Canadian Regiment Battleschool

Wow. 16 whole years. None of us have lived that long.

8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I've earned my retirement, I don't owe anything to the country at this point

Doesn't sound like you earned crap.  And it doesn't sound like you did anything for the country. You sold what services you had to offer and are now hiding under a rock.

8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I remain loyal to the King, which is all that is required by the Constitution Act in Canada

I call bullshit. i don't think you're loyal to anything but your pension. You're weak.

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Wow. 16 whole years. None of us have lived that long.

Doesn't sound like you earned crap.  And it doesn't sound like you did anything for the country. You sold what services you had to offer and are now hiding under a rock.

I call bullshit. i don't think you're loyal to anything but your pension. You're weak.

I've done my duty to Canada, 16 years in the infantry is plenty more than most Canadians ever do

I don't receive a pension, I don't get any money paid from the government

I am not hiding,

I am simply carrying on with my life after completion of my contract of unlimited liability to the Crown

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Many service men and women, feel the same way as Dougie does, including me for many different reasons, betrayed by Canada, and it's Government and it's citizens for the conditions the military is in right now, and how we treated our vets after going to combat for this nation...

If it was not the government Nickle and diming our benefits, it was the bean counters, god forbid those in the military got anything special or different than the average Canadian. Today a lot of those benefits are long gone...the old saying and recruitment phrase "there is no life like it. rings true even today"...

There is not one job out in civy street that can compare to the hardships suffered, be it in training or actual combat . Not saying it is all bad, but it does have more than it's share of bad days. 

It is hard to remain loyal to an institution and nation that continues to treat you like a bag of hammers..

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12 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Many service men and women, feel the same way as Dougie does, including me for many different reasons, betrayed by Canada, and it's Government and it's citizens for the conditions the military is in right now, and how we treated our vets after going to combat for this nation...

If it was not the government Nickle and diming our benefits, it was the bean counters, god forbid those in the military got anything special or different than the average Canadian. Today a lot of those benefits are long gone...the old saying and recruitment phrase "there is no life like it. rings true even today"...

There is not one job out in civy street that can compare to the hardships suffered, be it in training or actual combat . Not saying it is all bad, but it does have more than it's share of bad days. 

It is hard to remain loyal to an institution and nation that continues to treat you like a bag of hammers..

we are only bound by our oaths to the Commander-in-Chief

we can only be judged by our peers

we only answer to the fallen

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The China loving David Johnson and his lifelong fascination with China.

The unreported and unarguably pertinent facts to take into account involve Johnston’s own half-century of participation in Beijing’s strategy to draw Canada into its orbit of influence, and his own personal and ongoing association with figures deeply compromised by their collaboration with Chinese government institutions and by their own vested interest in the catastrophe of the Canada-China collaborations that were spun into high gear after the Trudeau Liberals came to power in 2015.

In the 1980s Johnston was laying the foundations of the Canada-China universities exchange program. Later, as president of the University of Waterloo, he oversaw the establishment of the Confucius Institute, a scandal-shredded arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda and espionage operations in western countries. Widely known in Chinese establishment circles by his nickname “Jiangshan,” Johnston was awarded an honorary doctorate by Nanjing University in 2012, by which time he’d already made more than a dozen visits to China.


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35 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Many service men and women, feel the same way as Dougie does, including me for many different reasons, betrayed by Canada, and it's Government and it's citizens for the conditions the military is in right now, and how we treated our vets after going to combat for this nation...

If it was not the government Nickle and diming our benefits, it was the bean counters, god forbid those in the military got anything special or different than the average Canadian. Today a lot of those benefits are long gone...the old saying and recruitment phrase "there is no life like it. rings true even today"...

There is not one job out in civy street that can compare to the hardships suffered, be it in training or actual combat . Not saying it is all bad, but it does have more than it's share of bad days. 

It is hard to remain loyal to an institution and nation that continues to treat you like a bag of hammers..

well here's my take.

If you feel the gov't is doing bad things to vets then organize a group and get out there and get the public on your side. It's not like there isn't positive sentiment towards vets.  Work with the political parties - work with the  media - do the things that every advocacy group has to do and force change, You'd get a lot of support - hell I"D support that.

Are you REALLY telling me that transgender people can organize enough to pull this off in Canada but our MILITARY SOLDIERS find it too much?  I have a difficult time believing that women and gays can stand up for their rights but that's just too much effort for trained fighting men.

In the end we have the gov'ts we  have because people don't get involved.

You're going to tell me you served your country when the MOST IMPORTANT task to do isn't getting done?

And bad news -  the gov't screws almost EVERYBODY.  Ask the first nations how they feel. Ask westerners for that matter - i remember when it used to cost more to ship goods east than west to protect eastern farmers and industry. Ask albertans about the NEP. Tonnes of families wound up on OUR doorstep because they lost everything in their home province. Fortunately bc took them in and had work for them.  But it's not like we had a lot to go around.

How do you think gun owners feel about how 'fairly' we're treated right now.

So with all respect, and understanding i have no beef with you per se - GROW  A GODDAMN PAIR AND HELP DO SOMETHING TO FIX THINGS.

And someone who comes here day after day to whine about how he hates this country that provides for him  while he cowers and refuses to do anything ..  sorry, that man is no man at all. And certainly not a Canadian. How can any man have respect for someone like that when all they've done is chosen to lay down and die when their country and fellow military need them?

If there's a problem - we fix it. THat's what real Canadians do.

Edited by CdnFox
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20 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

we are only bound by our oaths to the Commander-in-Chief

we can only be judged by our peers

we only answer to the fallen

Cower in the corner little boy - the men are talking about how to address our country's problems. It doesn't concern the likes of you.

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20 hours ago, CdnFox said:

well here's my take.

If you feel the gov't is doing bad things to vets then organize a group and get out there and get the public on your side. It's not like there isn't positive sentiment towards vets.  Work with the political parties - work with the  media - do the things that every advocacy group has to do and force change, You'd get a lot of support - hell I"D support that.

Are you REALLY telling me that transgender people can organize enough to pull this off in Canada but our MILITARY SOLDIERS find it too much?  I have a difficult time believing that women and gays can stand up for their rights but that's just too much effort for trained fighting men.

In the end we have the gov'ts we  have because people don't get involved.

You're going to tell me you served your country when the MOST IMPORTANT task to do isn't getting done?

And bad news -  the gov't screws almost EVERYBODY.  Ask the first nations how they feel. Ask westerners for that matter - i remember when it used to cost more to ship goods east than west to protect eastern farmers and industry. Ask albertans about the NEP. Tonnes of families wound up on OUR doorstep because they lost everything in their home province. Fortunately bc took them in and had work for them.  But it's not like we had a lot to go around.

How do you think gun owners feel about how 'fairly' we're treated right now.

So with all respect, and understanding i have no beef with you per se - GROW  A GODDAMN PAIR AND HELP DO SOMETHING TO FIX THINGS.

And someone who comes here day after day to whine about how he hates this country that provides for him  while he cowers and refuses to do anything ..  sorry, that man is no man at all. And certainly not a Canadian. How can any man have respect for someone like that when all they've done is chosen to lay down and die when their country and fellow military need them?

If there's a problem - we fix it. THat's what real Canadians do.

There are already plenty of veterans groups out there that are doing exactly what you prescribe, it just happens their is a lot more gay people in this country than soldiers. The bottom line is this that politicians are not interested in vets they do not make up a large voting block, there is no gain in it, as for regular Canadians they are not interested, either to busy or don't give a fu**...This issue is not just days old this has been going on for decades, media has covered it, and the response from Canadians is crickets. which for many vets comes in loud and clear... bend over and grab your ankles were not done yet...

That is not the culture of our soldiers for our entire careers we have been told to suck it the fu** up, it has gotten us no where and after this issue been aired dozens of times each and every year, across all modes of media. It has come to this help is not coming...nobody cares... 

You think some hardships Canadians have suffered equates to what the average soldier suffers you should think again. and i do feel for most Canadians and what they put up with from all levels of government. Don't tell me it is my fight, the vets have already fought Canada's battles and what has it gotten us... nothing, the entire country has turned their back, Vets are not on the priority list of things to worry about. What is going to take for Canadians to take some action, blockades of rail roads, highways, ports or i can just imigine how that would go...

One can only get pissed all over so many times then develops the same hatred they get feed day after day....I have said this many times, if this country went to war once again, i would answer the call , but not for the country or those within it, but for comrades in arms, and the Regiment, those that have already shared the same bond built over years of hardships...and some people have a problem with that, like you do with Dougies statements, but when your treated like shit, by that very nation and it's citizens, could you really expect another reaction? 

I've and a lot vets have already done more for this country than what it truly deserves, and i don't see why we need to stand up once more and fix problems not of our creation. When Canadians have known about these issues for decades and have sat on the side lines and watched... maybe it is time for you guys to stand up for once and fix this, instead of once again relying on vets to risk more.  

If that makes me less of a man, or soldier, or Canadian, so be it, it is but one persons opinion... we have fought our battles, and are spent, more like disgusted that now we have to fight for rights we should already have...or already earned by a wide margin. We lay down becasue the fight is not worth the effort any more, for the results already  achieved...

Canadians don't fix jack shit... almost every institution in this country is broken, what have we fixed so far...what have you fixed so far... instead we are over joyed by other social programs that bring very little to out lives....Nothing more than distractions... Canadians do nothing but grin and bear it, it is what we do.... they live in their own worlds and rarely look at the big picture or others and their problems... Justin may not be the only guy who has brought Canada to it's knees, but he sure is doing a great job finishing others bad work... and Canadians have put him in office 3 times...It is not to fix anything, Canadians like things fuc*ed up or like you said we would have fixed it a long time ago... 

Not so long ago Canadians would have done just that fix things, today not so much...our standards are much lower than they use to be. 

Many see Dougie has broken, i see him as a comrade in arms, a man worth my time and more, i have never met dougie, in person, but he has passed and excelled in the same regiment as i.  And anyone that could do that has earned my respect, and someone i would have no issues fighting along side of. 


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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

 and excelled

I wouldn't say excelled, just a pass

every day when I woke up in G-101

I knew I would have to push myself beyond my Militia limits

just to meet the standard

just to walk through the doors of Y-101, and be accepted as another face in the ranks

no greater honour nor privilege

that I was accepted into an RCR family, dating the daughter of an RCR Sergeant, that made all the difference

the village of Petawawa took me in, made me one of their own, a home away from home


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Just now, Army Guy said:

There are already plenty of veterans groups out there that are doing exactly what you prescribe, it just happens their is a lot more gay people in this country than soldiers.

There's certainly more soldiers than trans. And the soldiers have families.

Just now, Army Guy said:

The bottom line is this that politicians are not interested in vets they do not make up a large voting block, there is no gain in it, as for regular Canadians they are not interested, either to busy or don't give a fu**...This issue is not just days old this has been going on for decades, media has covered it, and the response from Canadians is crickets.

So fix it. Sorry - but that's what every group has to do.

i'm hearing a lot of excuses as to why you'll fail. As a soldier - is that normally how you tackle challenges?

Just now, Army Guy said:


That is not the culture of our soldiers for our entire careers we have been told to suck it the fu** up, it has gotten us no where and after this issue been aired dozens of times each and every year, across all modes of media. It has come to this help is not coming...nobody cares... 

So quit with the pity party and get out there and make people care. Polling does show when people realize there's an issue with vets they respond positively to the vets. But i can't remember the last time i heard about a vet advocacy group. Or a soldier's advocacy. Last i remember anything was a decade or so ago when we were asked to chip in for boots and stuff on a firearms forum for deployed soldiers and many did

Just now, Army Guy said:

You think some hardships Canadians have suffered equates to what the average soldier suffers you should think again.

Well based on how much i see the 'average' person fighting for their rights i'm going ot have to disagee. If you did, you'd be more inclined to fight for your rights. 

The rest of your post is the same stuff. There's no solution, we're all doomed, there's no point in trying, canada is terrible blah blah.

I get that you're in pain. I get you don't like how our miserable gov'ts have treated you over the years. I get that you think your pain is somehow more than the guy i talked to the other day who's wife died because they have no er in their small town any more due to gov't eff ups and budget cuts, including trudeau and including the shortages caused by firing all the unvaxxed.   HE was pretty broken up, i'm not sure what you went through that's worse but whatever.

But at the end of the day if you feel that way then take action.  Organize - BECOME a political force. Gun owners had to do that when they were attacked, there's a tiny population of trans people and look how they've done etc etc -  get an org together and have it do a lot of public things and sign on people (doesn't have to be military) and tell political parties their candidates will get a pass or fail from that org, Get some newsies drunk and on your side - it's not hard. Get in the papers lots.

I mean if you need a 'step by step' i can help you no problem.

But if you want to come here and tell me how horrible my country is and how you think the country is worth nothing  and how you'd sell it out for the king and all that good stuff?  Sorry - that's beyond broken. Just get the feck out if you think that this country has no redeeming qualities or 'doesn't exist' as dougie says,

He is broken. And apparently proud of it and thinks we're all scum for not being  broken with him.  And no, that's not ok,  And you're NEVER going to sell how terrible it is that canada wasn't nice to you while you're backstabbing and slagging it, that's for sure

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

I wouldn't say excelled, just a pass

every day when I woke up in G-101

I knew I would have to push myself beyond my Militia limits

just to meet the standard

just to walk through the doors of Y-101, and be accepted as another face in the ranks

no greater honour nor privilege

that I was accepted into an RCR family, dating the daughter of an RCR Sergeant, that made all the difference

the village of Petawawa took me in, made me one of their own, a home away from home


I said excelled as not everyone gets chosen to train new Royals in the art of being an infanteer to become what is the worlds finest Infantry Regiment in the world. They don't pick soldiers that just made the standard, instructors are groomed and well above the standard. You earned that excelled, nobody gave it to you... 

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

I said excelled as not everyone gets chosen to train new Royals in the art of being an infanteer to become what is the worlds finest Infantry Regiment in the world. They don't pick soldiers that just made the standard, instructors are groomed and well above the standard. You earned that excelled, nobody gave it to you... 

coming from you, that means the world to me

VRI -  Pro Patria

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16 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There's certainly more soldiers than trans. And the soldiers have families.

So fix it. Sorry - but that's what every group has to do.

i'm hearing a lot of excuses as to why you'll fail. As a soldier - is that normally how you tackle challenges?

So quit with the pity party and get out there and make people care. Polling does show when people realize there's an issue with vets they respond positively to the vets. But i can't remember the last time i heard about a vet advocacy group. Or a soldier's advocacy. Last i remember anything was a decade or so ago when we were asked to chip in for boots and stuff on a firearms forum for deployed soldiers and many did

Well based on how much i see the 'average' person fighting for their rights i'm going ot have to disagee. If you did, you'd be more inclined to fight for your rights. 

The rest of your post is the same stuff. There's no solution, we're all doomed, there's no point in trying, canada is terrible blah blah.

I get that you're in pain. I get you don't like how our miserable gov'ts have treated you over the years. I get that you think your pain is somehow more than the guy i talked to the other day who's wife died because they have no er in their small town any more due to gov't eff ups and budget cuts, including trudeau and including the shortages caused by firing all the unvaxxed.   HE was pretty broken up, i'm not sure what you went through that's worse but whatever.

But at the end of the day if you feel that way then take action.  Organize - BECOME a political force. Gun owners had to do that when they were attacked, there's a tiny population of trans people and look how they've done etc etc -  get an org together and have it do a lot of public things and sign on people (doesn't have to be military) and tell political parties their candidates will get a pass or fail from that org, Get some newsies drunk and on your side - it's not hard. Get in the papers lots.

I mean if you need a 'step by step' i can help you no problem.

But if you want to come here and tell me how horrible my country is and how you think the country is worth nothing  and how you'd sell it out for the king and all that good stuff?  Sorry - that's beyond broken. Just get the feck out if you think that this country has no redeeming qualities or 'doesn't exist' as dougie says,

He is broken. And apparently proud of it and thinks we're all scum for not being  broken with him.  And no, that's not ok,  And you're NEVER going to sell how terrible it is that canada wasn't nice to you while you're backstabbing and slagging it, that's for sure

Sorry, but in todays Canada there is well over 1 million Gay people, not counting all the other sub categories of the LGBTQ community, they have a massive effective lobby group. and todays woke culture it is fashionable to support this group.   

Canada's LGBTQ population now 1 million — but hate crimes are rising too: Statistics Canada | CBC News

While today there is less than 1/2 million vets...

1.0 Demographics - Facts and Figures - Veterans Affairs Canada

This issue is not a challenge that is going to be fixed, by veterans or all of their groups, Canadians are NOT interested in fixing it or setting it as something they would like to fix.... That takes public opinion, and tax dollars, regardless of how much lobbing or protesting goes on, and until that changes this will be the norm. Some problems are just beyond your control, mission impossible...

I'm not looking for a pity party, far from it, just telling it as it is, if it comes across that way thats not the message, that message is Canadians have let their vets down, along with everyone else that serves...it is not a vets and military problem to fix it is Canadians...and if they don't give a rats a$$, then why should i care what they think, is it some unwritten law that says i have to remain a loyal Canadian despite everything that happens...I served this nation for 35 years, I've watched young men die, or get grossly maimed, and i handled that as part of the job...I've done things to others in combat, and i'm still working through that, again part of the job, what i was not prepared for was for our nation to turn it's back on soldiers when they needed them the most...

Like getting help for the injuries... no work mans comp here, just a once in a life time time pay out if you qualify ... I've seen soldiers having to go to the hospital every year so the doctor can ensure their legs did not grow back in order to keep their government benefits like in home care, etc,  I've also seen the government refuse to help soldiers in need of benefits, like treatment for PTSD, or other injuries, i've been to over 30 funerals of soldiers that i served with, becasue they could not get the help they needed, and took the other way out... even more have had their lives destroyed by drugs and booze, failed marriages, famlies torn apart, reduced to a life of crime to support their habits, incarcerator for these problems. .......I've also seen men and women die becasue of our equipment was built by the cheapest bidder, All of these things Canadians have been bombarded with in the media, lobby groups, every Canadian who says they have not heard of these problems are lairs... and yet despite all of that no change, and there is no change on the horizon. Soldiers have lost faith in Canadians. 

And despite all of this, and all the groups that are out there trying to help, changes are still ongoing and come only when enough soldiers have died...or Canadians step up... and thats not very often... 

I'm not selling my country out for anyone, Nor am i going to hide behind not pledging allegiance to Canada but rather the Queen...my message is that Canada has not stood up for it's soldiers...and should not be surprised when it's own soldiers do not think very highly of them... and for them just to say get the feck out i don't like your opinions, ... why because we do not hold the same opinions as the ROC...for me thats chicken shit...i earned my place here, first by birth right, then by service, and by sacrifice... thats a little more than the average Canadian has done...i think dougie and all the others have earned their opinions, good or bad. you don't have to like them, but it does not make him or me any less Canadian than any others. 

As far as me back stabbing Canada, or slagging her...this is not a one way street, this has been decades in the making, being a soldier is a thankless endeavor, most know this before joining...there was i time i truly believed in our flag and our nation....that all changed once we we put in harms way with poor equipment or stupid policies, and i watched young men/ women die becasue we were to cheap to buy life saving equipment, and only when enough soldiers had died did they make an attempt at buying the good stuff...and when we got home, with broken minds and bodies, they were tossed to the streets, told to fend for themselves...And Canadians knew all of it...and watched...

For me personally my life is returning back to normal, I'm one of the lucky ones...many are not as lucky...


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6 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

How do you factor in that he was Harper’s selection for GG?  Just ignore it for the sake of your narrative?

Harper didn't have a personal relationship with the guy - there would be no bias serving harper.

And harper certainly didn't ask him to oversee a hyper sensitive investigation where there was an existing relationshipl

See? That was easy wasn't it.

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2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Sorry, but in todays Canada there is well over 1 million Gay people, not counting all the other sub categories of the LGBTQ community, they have a massive effective lobby group. and todays woke culture it is fashionable to support this group.   

Sure - they werne't that many when they started tho.  They won most of their rights when they were a quarter of that.

And how many milltary people are there - both serving and retired?  And how many of them have families  who care about them?

That's just the start.

The trans people are kicking ass these days and there's ony 75,000 of them. What's your excuse there?


2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

This issue is not a challenge that is going to be fixed, by veterans or all of their groups, Canadians are NOT interested in fixing it


Well if you're not, and you're obviously not, then why the hell would anyone else be?

I guess you'll have to sit and wait for someone else to come along and fix your problems for you. But - that'd be your choice. Not canadas.

Failures always have reasons why they fail, often before they fail. Winners never think about it. It's too bad you can't muster the same moral fibre and back bone as the gays and trans. Say what you like, those kids have balls.  (even when they say they don't. )

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9 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Sorry, but in todays Canada there is well over 1 million Gay people,


Oh and uhhhh - there's almost half a million vetrans in Canada


It'd be about a half million even with serving members.

And that doesn't include police, reserves and other subgroups.

If our forefathers fought the nazis the way your fighting today we'd all be speaking german.

If they fought the way the trans do  the russians would be speaking english

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13 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

How do you factor in that he was Harper’s selection for GG?  Just ignore it for the sake of your narrative?

Does anyone recall the Airbus affair?  Harper picked Johnston to write the terms of reference for the inquiry investigating Mulroney.  Johnston had reported to Mulroney when he was Prime Minister.  

Sounds more like Johnston has been a lifelong PC….  if he has a political affiliation.  

Not that I agree with his findings, but the characterization as him being a lifelong Liberal stooge is laughable.  

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4 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Does anyone recall the Airbus affair?  Harper picked Johnston to lead the inquiry investigating Mulroney.  Johnston had reported to Mulroney when he was Prime Minister.  


There was an ethics committee hearing  and then harper tapped Oliphant to investigate

In April and May 2009, the next episode ensued as the Oliphant Commission inquiry began. Chaired by Mr. Justice Jeffrey Oliphant, Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba, it was specifically mandated to focus on the dealings between Schreiber and Mulroney.



So harper investigated  more than one way and neither of them involved Johnston.

If you're going to lie at least do it about something that can't be proven wrong in 2 seconds.

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On 5/23/2023 at 6:30 PM, CdnFox said:

This is really beyond insane. The fact that the public is not up in arms over this and demanding trudeau's head is just horrific.

Slow boiling of a beer & hockey happy sleepy Joe to well-done authoritarian condition. Massive third world immigration greatly facilitates the process. Not long now.

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12 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

How do you factor in that he was Harper’s selection for GG?  Just ignore it for the sake of your narrative?

It was a different time and the world still seemed to believe playing up to China, bringing then into the WTO and other international organizations and helping them improve their economy through capitalism would turn them into a more friendly and more humane country. They were clearly wrong. I think just about everyone acknowledges that today. Plus it was a purely ceremonial position.

Edited by I am Groot
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12 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Does anyone recall the Airbus affair?  Harper picked Johnston to lead the inquiry investigating Mulroney.  Johnston had reported to Mulroney when he was Prime Minister.  

Sounds more like Johnston has been a lifelong PC….  if he has a political affiliation.  

Not that I agree with his findings, but the characterization as him being a lifelong Liberal stooge is laughable.  

He's a lifelong member of the Laurentian Elites, and apparently good at finding no more and no less than is requested by those who appoint him to inquiries. 

Now that this has been confirmed I suspect no one will ever appoint him to another, though. His credibility is shot.

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh and uhhhh - there's almost half a million vetrans in Canada


It'd be about a half million even with serving members.

And no one gives a shit about them. The Liberals dismiss them as conservative voters. The Conservative party dismisses them as people unlikely to ever vote Liberal anyway.

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22 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

It was a different time

True.  He was also the pick of a Conservative PM.  Harper wouldn’t have picked a Liberal hack to tie his shoes.   

24 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Plus it was a purely ceremonial position.

You think Harper would pick a Liberal for GG?  LOL

 Harper picked Johnston to set up the inquiry investigating Mulroney.  


25 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Laurentian Elites

The goalposts shift….

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