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5 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Exactly. He's in prison for obstruction of official government proceedings. That description dramatically undersells the gravity of what happened that dark day, but the notion that excerpted footage is exculpatory is pure nonsense. 



Regardless of what he was charged with, it's still a mandatory obligation for the prosecution to hand over all the evidence that they have. 

The more serious the crime, the longer the sentence, the more important it is t get it right. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I read about the accusations against Tucker in someone's link, earlier in the thread. Read it for yourself if you'd like to comment.

I never told a single lie about M Brown, and it's weird for you to just make that accusation as a blank statement, without even attempting to describe those 'lies'.

1) It's a fact that there was video of M Brown's violent crime on national TV right on the day he was shot

2) It's a fact that the MSM chose to ignore his crime, which was caught on video that they had access to, and instead chose to go all-in on the "gentle giant' narrative even though they knew it was false.

The media couldn't possibly be any more dishonest than that They essentially chose violent riots over the truth.  


It's not out of nowhere. I'm *watching* you lie about the coverage in post after post. 

1. Is it a fact? Or is it more of your fabrication?  Police didn't release footage of the robbery until 6 days after the shooting. Do you have a very special TV? Or are you not telling the truth?

2. Despite what FOX told you about the MSM, it is definitely NOT a fact that the MSM chose to ignore his alleged crime. For example, what do you think was airing on your 2nd favorite network, CNN, on the day it was released? Why, yes, it was the video of the alleged robbery.

As a fan of fake news, you may not be used to real reporting, but the job is to cover the story as completely as possible. That means reporting on what people said about Brown, what witnesses said, and also what LEO said. That means *reporting* that his family described him as a gentle giant, and that police described him as a robbery suspect. That means *reporting* that witnesses claimed he had his hands up, and that other witnesses eventually came forward to describe him charging Wilson. 

As demonstrated, your factual claims are objectively false. As they underpin your narrative, it should be no surprise that it too is false. No "MSM went all in on" one side of the reporting. And even worse than misrepresenting the facts of the coverage, you attribute to news networks a malicious motive: to foster rioting. Which is ludicrous. Your entire worldview is built on FOX's culture war bullshit. You should unplug from that crap and rejoin reality 


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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Exactly. He's in prison for obstruction of official government proceedings. That description dramatically undersells the gravity of what happened that dark day, but the notion that excerpted footage is exculpatory is pure nonsense. 



He was held without bail even though he killed nobody.

He has a major wrongful arrest suit against the government, as soon as we vote out more of those left wing Nazis.

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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

It's not out of nowhere. I'm *watching* you lie about the coverage in post after post. 

1. Is it a fact? Or is it more of your fabrication?  Police didn't release footage of the robbery until 6 days after the shooting. Do you have a very special TV? Or are you not telling the truth?

2. Despite what FOX told you about the MSM, it is definitely NOT a fact that the MSM chose to ignore his alleged crime. For example, what do you think was airing on your 2nd favorite network, CNN, on the day it was released? Why, yes, it was the video of the alleged robbery.

As a fan of fake news, you may not be used to real reporting, but the job is to cover the story as completely as possible. That means reporting on what people said about Brown, what witnesses said, and also what LEO said. That means *reporting* that his family described him as a gentle giant, and that police described him as a robbery suspect. That means *reporting* that witnesses claimed he had his hands up, and that other witnesses eventually came forward to describe him charging Wilson. 

As demonstrated, your factual claims are objectively false. As they underpin your narrative, it should be no surprise that it too is false. No "MSM went all in on" one side of the reporting. And even worse than misrepresenting the facts of the coverage, you attribute to news networks a malicious motive: to foster rioting. Which is ludicrous. Your entire worldview is built on FOX's culture war bullshit. You should unplug from that crap and rejoin reality 


1) It's a fact. I watched that footage on the day of the robbery on Fox News. Then I witnessed CNN calling Brown a gentle giant for months after that day. 


2) What day do you think it was 'released'? 

As a fan of fake news, you believed that Michal Brown was a gentle giant for the entire duration of the riots. 

Normally I'd say that ignorance is no excuse, but tbh, before M Brown committed that crime I thought that CNN was a news channel myself. 

Honest to God, when news broke in the US I used to tune into CNN instead of watching our Canadian News coverage of it, thinking that it was just news.

Upon initially noticing that CNN was lying about Brown I attributed it shameless profiteering, I had no idea that they were as politically slanted as they are, or that there was a political side to something so sad/unfortunate/tragic. It's just appalling imo.

Soon enough I found out that the Dems' slogan is "never let a good tragedy go to waste". It'd be one thing if they were honest about those tragedies, but the fact is that they instantly start spinning false narratives about anything and everything the second it happens (or doesn't happen).  

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Regardless of what he was charged with, it's still a mandatory obligation for the prosecution to hand over all the evidence that they have. 

The more serious the crime, the longer the sentence, the more important it is t get it right. 

No, it's not a "mandatory obligation" to share all "evidence."  That's simply not true. They must share evidence that is substantive and relevant, or that will be used at trial. And certainly if the footage were exculpatory they would have an obligation to share it. 

The edited Carlson footage is none of those things. I mean seriously, whether you sympathize with Chansley or not, is there any question that he and his cohorts intended to disrupt the certification, and were successful in their attempt? Is footage of him immediately roaming around the Capitol in pursuit of that objective in any way exculpatory? No, of course not. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) It's a fact. I watched that footage on the day of the robbery on Fox News. Then I witnessed CNN calling Brown a gentle giant for months after that day. 


False. You did not watch that footage on the day of the robbery on FOX News. As I stated, that footage wasn't released by police until 6 days after Brown was shot. It could have been a mistake or poor recall on your part, but when the facts are pointed out to you and you continue to repeat a falsehood, you're just plain LYING.

And as for the video description you've screen capped from Google, whoa, where to even begin? It's clear you didn't even bother to watch it. Probably a good idea to know what the hell you're sharing. Go watch.

A. Check the date. It's coming just before the verdict in the Wilson case. It opens and closes with appeals for non-violence. It's Brown's friends and family remembering him as gentle and kind as context to the appeals for non violence: Michael was gentle and he wouldn't want violence. Thoroughly undermining your claim that the MSM lied to incite riots. ?

B. Literally, just 11 seconds in it shows the robbery footage that you keep claiming the MSM ignored. ?



2) What day do you think it was 'released'? 

It was released August 15. Brown was killed August 9. Guess what was the headline story on FOX News on Aug 15?  I suppose you'll claim that FOX scooped itself, by playing the video 6 days before it was released and then promoting it as new evidence on the 15th. 



As a fan of fake news, you believed that Michal Brown was a gentle giant for the entire duration of the riots. 


No, as a person who watched actual news, I tracked every development in that story. That's why I know the facts and can correctly state them and how I knew you were lying about the coverage. 

Edited by Hodad
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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

No, it's not a "mandatory obligation" to share all "evidence."  That's simply not true. They must share evidence that is substantive and relevant, or that will be used at trial. And certainly if the footage were exculpatory they would have an obligation to share it. 

The edited Carlson footage is none of those things. I mean seriously, whether you sympathize with Chansley or not, is there any question that he and his cohorts intended to disrupt the certification, and were successful in their attempt? Is footage of him immediately roaming around the Capitol in pursuit of that objective in any way exculpatory? No, of course not. 

1) Dude, the guy in the video was not a "violent insurrectionist, intent on killing senators or overturning the election".

2) The Demmies clearly said he was.

3) MSM pundits said he should be shot. Does he look like a guy who should be shot to you? 

4) The police in the Senate weren't "desperately fending off a sustained invasion of hundreds of armed people for 3 hours".

5) The guiltiest person in NA right now is Ray Epps, if you're talking about sedition, and he's at Red Lobster right now getting enjoying a free buffet, complements of Nancy Pelosi. 

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Dude, the guy in the video was not a "violent insurrectionist, intent on killing senators or overturning the election".

2) The Demmies clearly said he was.

3) MSM pundits said he should be shot. Does he look like a guy who should be shot to you? 

4) The police in the Senate weren't "desperately fending off a sustained invasion of hundreds of armed people for 3 hours".

5) The guiltiest person in NA right now is Ray Epps, if you're talking about sedition, and he's at Red Lobster right now getting enjoying a free buffet, complements of Nancy Pelosi. 

Well done. You've hit every one of tuckers talking points. Good parrot.

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On 3/11/2023 at 4:52 PM, Hodad said:

You seem to live in some kind of MAGA fantasy land. Babbitt was NOT killed for trespassing. She was a certified loon at the vanguard of a howling mob that was *literally* breaking through barricaded doors to get to the legislators on the other side. Those officers were, again, literally, the last line of defense between our elected officials and the mob. 

It's difficult to imagine a more justified shooting, and indeed multiple investigations determined the that the officer acted appropriately. 

It's a shame when metal health issues and/or extreme stupidity lead to violence and death, but Babbitt absolutely earned her fate and her death may have saved many other lives.

So now you an an unapologetic fascist who cheers on the murder of an unarmed woman who never threatened anyone. 

Of course State bureaucrats will often cover up crimes of the State. That’s what happens in a Police State.

My questions for you:

How many people did the Jan. 6 protesters kill?

Why couldn’t Babbitt have been arrested?

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1 hour ago, Mako said:

So now you an an unapologetic fascist who cheers on the murder of an unarmed woman who never threatened anyone. 

Of course State bureaucrats will often cover up crimes of the State. That’s what happens in a Police State.

My questions for you:

How many people did the Jan. 6 protesters kill?

Why couldn’t Babbitt have been arrested?

She certainly was threatening. And I can’t understand whether you are just extremely foolish or if you’re just playing games.  

The cops were on one side of a barricade, with the US Congress. Babbit and thousands were on the other side of the barricade.  Babbit was smashing through the barricade. How in heavens name do you arrest someone under those circumstances? Saying STOP definitely did not work.  Should they take the barricade down and let the Congress get stormed? No, they could not do that.  

Ashlii knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She was violently storming the US Capitol.  She knew that. She knew that the Congress was down the hall.  She knew the police wanted her to stop and were telling her to stop.  She got killed? Yeah, no kidding! 

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15 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Dude, the guy in the video was not a "violent insurrectionist, intent on killing senators or overturning the election".

2) The Demmies clearly said he was.

3) MSM pundits said he should be shot. Does he look like a guy who should be shot to you? 

4) The police in the Senate weren't "desperately fending off a sustained invasion of hundreds of armed people for 3 hours".

5) The guiltiest person in NA right now is Ray Epps, if you're talking about sedition, and he's at Red Lobster right now getting enjoying a free buffet, complements of Nancy Pelosi. 

1. You are utterly delusional to claim he wasn't there to overturn the election. That's was the explicit goal of the "Stop the steal" nonsense Chansley and other loons were spouting on social media. And the threatening note he left for Pence after they took the chamber is just icing on this crap cake.

2. Because that's exactly why he was there. 

3. Nobody looks like they should be shot when just walking around, but put them in a mob breaking through doors to get to the legislators on the other side and it's a different story. He's simply lucky he wasn't with the Babbitt group. And frankly, he's lucky to be in prison, where a raving loon has access to mental health treatment.

4. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, the police didn't fend off much of anything after the intial breach, until the last line of defense at the babbit shooting. They surrendered the non-essential spaces. But they surely spent those hours trying to get the insurrectionists to leave. 

5. Blah, blah, conspiracy nonsense. Ray Epps, like thousands of others, was crazy enough to believe Fox's lies, but not crazy enough to break into the capitol building. Like the rest of the mob that opted not to enter, he hasn't been prosecuted.  

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1 hour ago, Mako said:

So now you an an unapologetic fascist who cheers on the murder of an unarmed woman who never threatened anyone. 

Of course State bureaucrats will often cover up crimes of the State. That’s what happens in a Police State.

My questions for you:

How many people did the Jan. 6 protesters kill?

Why couldn’t Babbitt have been arrested?

Put yourself on the other side of the barricaded doors, trapped, with little course of retreat, as a howling mob  is breaking through to get to you and tell me you don't feel threatened. It's like a farking zombie movie.

You are simply lying when you say she didn't threaten anyone. 

There are many reasons why it's impractical to arrest someone in the middle of a mob trying to break through the doors, but you'd rather armchair quarterback the situation than listen to anyone who was actually IN the situation--including the Republican legislators the officer was protecting, who were grateful for being saved.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla."They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker's lobby, and that's problematic when you're trying to defend two fronts," Mullin told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an interview Thursday on "Good Morning America."

Mullin said police "showed a lot of restraint" and "did the best they could."


"When they broke the glass in the back, the (police) lieutenant that was there, him and I already had multiple conversations prior to this, and he didn't have a choice at that time," Mullin said. "The mob was going to come through the door, there was a lot of members and staff that were in danger at the time.


"That young lady's family's lives changed and his (the officer's) life also changed," Mullin said. "But what also happened is that mob that was trying to go through that door, they left. And his actions will may be judged in a lot of different ways moving forward, but his actions I believe saved people's lives even more. Unfortunately, it did take one though."


Pretty easy for you to be brave from the comfort of your keyboard years later. Sure, you know better than the people who lived through it. ?


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3 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Then you don't blame yourself..... Excellent!

TBH everyone is ignorant to some extent all the time. In order to not be a little bit ignorant you'd have to do far more research than the avg poster here does.

The wilful ignorance of leftards is what's troublesome. I.e., when you're presented with information multiple times but choose to not know it. 

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

She certainly was threatening. And I can’t understand whether you are just extremely foolish or if you’re just playing games.  

The cops were on one side of a barricade, with the US Congress. Babbit and thousands were on the other side of the barricade.  Babbit was smashing through the barricade. How in heavens name do you arrest someone under those circumstances? Saying STOP definitely did not work.  Should they take the barricade down and let the Congress get stormed? No, they could not do that.  

Ashlii knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She was violently storming the US Capitol.  She knew that. She knew that the Congress was down the hall.  She knew the police wanted her to stop and were telling her to stop.  She got killed? Yeah, no kidding! 

You put zip ties on them. It takes a few seconds.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Put yourself on the other side of the barricaded doors, trapped, with little course of retreat, as a howling mob  is breaking through to get to you and tell me you don't feel threatened. It's like a farking zombie movie.

You are simply lying when you say she didn't threaten anyone. 

There are many reasons why it's impractical to arrest someone in the middle of a mob trying to break through the doors, but you'd rather armchair quarterback the situation than listen to anyone who was actually IN the situation--including the Republican legislators the officer was protecting, who were grateful for being saved.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla."They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker's lobby, and that's problematic when you're trying to defend two fronts," Mullin told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in an interview Thursday on "Good Morning America."

Mullin said police "showed a lot of restraint" and "did the best they could."


"When they broke the glass in the back, the (police) lieutenant that was there, him and I already had multiple conversations prior to this, and he didn't have a choice at that time," Mullin said. "The mob was going to come through the door, there was a lot of members and staff that were in danger at the time.


"That young lady's family's lives changed and his (the officer's) life also changed," Mullin said. "But what also happened is that mob that was trying to go through that door, they left. And his actions will may be judged in a lot of different ways moving forward, but his actions I believe saved people's lives even more. Unfortunately, it did take one though."


Pretty easy for you to be brave from the comfort of your keyboard years later. Sure, you know better than the people who lived through it. ?


You can’t be this dumb.

You are terrified by this small woman who never threatened anyone. What kind of coward are you? Please tell me what words she used to threaten someone. Please tell me what weapons she brandished.

One of the burly cops standing nearby could have easily arrested her.

Cowards like you always seem to be the ones who love authoritarian thugs.

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2 minutes ago, Mako said:

You can’t be this dumb.

You are terrified by this small woman who never threatened anyone. What kind of coward are you? Please tell me what words she used to threaten someone. Please tell me what weapons she brandished.

One of the burly cops standing nearby could have easily arrested her.

Cowards like you always seem to be the ones who love authoritarian thugs.

The weapon she brandished was the ANGRY MOB set to follow her through the door THEY BROKE DOWN. Duh.

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Tucker Carlson Airs Edited Footage Showing Fyre Festival Was Huge Success LMAO


Tucker Carlson stirred controversy by broadcasting edited video that seemed to show that the Fyre Festival was a phenomenal success.

Introducing the footage, the Fox News host told his audience, “For years we’ve been told that the Fyre Festival was a fiasco of monumental proportions. The video you’re about to see tells a different story.”

The video that followed, which seemed crudely edited at times, appeared to show a gigantic, appreciative crowd cheering the performances of Beyoncé, Metallica, Paul McCartney, and Kanye West, among other artists.

Some viewers, however, questioned the authenticity of one section of the video, which showed a performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner” by Jimi Hendrix.

Carlson responded to those viewers on the air. “Some of you have asked, ‘Isn’t Jimi Hendrix dead?’ ” he said. “All I can say is that’s what certain people want you to believe.”  


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6 minutes ago, Mako said:

You can’t be this dumb.

You are terrified by this small woman who never threatened anyone. What kind of coward are you? Please tell me what words she used to threaten someone. Please tell me what weapons she brandished.

One of the burly cops standing nearby could have easily arrested her.

Cowards like you always seem to be the ones who love authoritarian thugs.

Another Internet tough guy, second guessing the professional LEOs, the witnesses on site and multiple investigations. 

When those being chased by the mob have retreated as far as they can, they have a right and a duty to defend themselves and those in their protection. When one is part of a mob besieging our elected officials the first one through the barricade gets shot. And the next one gets shot. And every one after gets shot. Until they stop attacking.

Not a threat. Jeebus. WTF do you propose the mob intended to do with our legislators once they got to them? Were they breaking through barricades to bring them cupcakes? 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

TBH everyone is ignorant to some extent all the time. In order to not be a little bit ignorant you'd have to do far more research than the avg poster here does.

The wilful ignorance of leftards is what's troublesome. I.e., when you're presented with information multiple times but choose to not know it. 

Projection. Next...

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