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First action of the Kevin McCarthy House: Defund the IRS

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14 hours ago, reason10 said:

I said the WORKING poor. FoxNews reported that these newly hired goons would be going after Venmo accounts, meaning tipped employees. These aren't exactly Fortune 500 types. They're just working stiffs whose tips pay the electric bills. And your NAZI president has decided to go after them.

Your NAzi Democrats will not go after the rich, mostly because the rich control them and pull their strings. Your Gestapo IRS as usual goes after the lowly schuck who can't afford a tax attorney.

This is despicable and the Republican Congress was right to vote to slash this terrorism fund.

Very sad that Joe is going after single moms. 

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1 minute ago, I am Groot said:

I hate to break it to you, chump, but FOX news is full of shit. I'm also not a fan of the Democrats, not an American, and find this kind of froth-at-the-mouth posting style to be stuck halfway between amusing and sad. Like, what's wrong with you? Have you sought aid from mental health resources?

The fact that I watch Fox (LIKE MOST OF AMERICA) has very little to do with my state of mental health. I know you don't LIKE Fox News because it is not THE VIEW and it actually allows some opinions in there you don't like (UNLIKE THE NAZI MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA sources you agree with, like CNN, MSNBC, THE VIEW).

FoxNews is the highest rated news source in the world. It has the best journalists and give the public balanced reporting, WITH BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE getting equal time.

I know that offends your goose stepping nature of giving ANY time to someone who disagrees with you, but the ADULTS here think it's important.

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2 minutes ago, reason10 said:

The fact that I watch Fox (LIKE MOST OF AMERICA) has very little to do with my state of mental health. I know you don't LIKE Fox News because it is not THE VIEW and it actually allows some opinions in there you don't like (UNLIKE THE NAZI MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA sources you agree with, like CNN, MSNBC, THE VIEW).

FoxNews is the highest rated news source in the world. It has the best journalists and give the public balanced reporting, WITH BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE getting equal time.

I know that offends your goose stepping nature of giving ANY time to someone who disagrees with you, but the ADULTS here think it's important.

Dude, this reads like a cliche of some sister humping backwoods American ignoramus with a grade three education. I picture you all sweaty in a half open checked short sleeve shirt with a dirty baseball cap and two days of stubble stomping around and pointing his finger at everyone while you yell at the clouds.

I don't care if you post crazy rants but frankly, the only people you're going to convince with that sort of attitude are fellow crazies.

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2 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Dude, this reads like a cliche of some sister humping backwoods American ignoramus with a grade three education. I picture you all sweaty in a half open checked short sleeve shirt with a dirty baseball cap and two days of stubble stomping around and pointing his finger at everyone while you yell at the clouds.

I don't care if you post crazy rants but frankly, the only people you're going to convince with that sort of attitude are fellow crazies.

Of course you do. That's why you get sucked in to lefty conspiracy theories all the time and then double down when you are proven to be unintelligent. 

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12 minutes ago, reason10 said:

The fact that I watch Fox (LIKE MOST OF AMERICA) has very little to do with my state of mental health. I know you don't LIKE Fox News because it is not THE VIEW and it actually allows some opinions in there you don't like (UNLIKE THE NAZI MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA sources you agree with, like CNN, MSNBC, THE VIEW).

FoxNews is the highest rated news source in the world. It has the best journalists and give the public balanced reporting, WITH BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE getting equal time.

I know that offends your goose stepping nature of giving ANY time to someone who disagrees with you, but the ADULTS here think it's important.

What offends a libbie is when someone questions the great priests of leftdom

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4 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Have you tried Yoga? Maybe you can take a yoga class, this way you get to socialise with some liberals. I heard it helps to exchange ideas with the opposite camp. Try it in a reasonable matter, not like like a Neanderthal, it will help the anger. 

How is putting a bunch of ignorant goose steppers in their place a matter of anger? I'm not angry when I present truth to the imbeciles here, any more than I'd be angry to a fifth grade class when I present their teacher's lesson plan to them. The fact that I seem to be a superior intellect to the left wingers here isn't a matter of emotions. It's just the way things are. I'm right and the liberals here are wrong.

And they don't seem to have any problem with the insults and namecalling they throw at me.

Oh, and there isn't time in my life for yoga classes. I work two jobs (two jobs that I really like.) You could say this forum is my yoga class, except there are no cute honeys in stretch pants on mats next to me.

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10 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Dude, this reads like a cliche of some sister humping backwoods American ignoramus with a grade three education. I picture you all sweaty in a half open checked short sleeve shirt with a dirty baseball cap and two days of stubble stomping around and pointing his finger at everyone while you yell at the clouds.

I don't care if you post crazy rants but frankly, the only people you're going to convince with that sort of attitude are fellow crazies.

Excuse me, but Ilhan Omar (from YOUR goose stepping side of the aisle) MARRIED HER BROTHER in order to skirt American immigration laws, and you Nazis in Minnesota voted for her anyway. As far as sister humping in America, YOUR side of the aisle seems to have a patent on that. The towel heads that made deals with Barak Obama also like to marry ten year olds and execute homosexuals by throwing them off tall buildings.

You goose steppers have ZERO room to talk, when it comes to screwed up practices.

I picture you as a middle school kid who can't control himself in class, who wears disruptive BLM tee shirts and $400 Nikes (even though he never has a pencil and has to borrow one) and whose cretin parents go ballistic when he gets an F on a test.

I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. If you think this is that kind of place, you are SERIOUSLY delusional and need to seek professional help. This place is merely a toilet where people from both side of the aisle get to come and vomit their beliefs and be the ass holes they don't dare try being in public. If you think this place is any more important than that, you have a serious problem.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

Excuse me, but Ilhan Omar (from YOUR goose stepping side of the aisle) MARRIED HER BROTHER in order to skirt American immigration laws, and you Nazis in Minnesota voted for her anyway. As far as sister humping in America, YOUR side of the aisle seems to have a patent on that. The towel heads that made deals with Barak Obama also like to marry ten year olds and execute homosexuals by throwing them off tall buildings.

You goose steppers have ZERO room to talk, when it comes to screwed up practices.



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Arrogance is a "sin" that we all suffer from, but you took it to a whole different level. 

I suggest you talk to someone because when it comes to being "right" , you can't really assess oneself. That is insanity and fanaticism.

It might be a sin if I were truly arrogant here. Thing is, the level of intelligence from the goose stepping left wingers like you is so low that a Downs Syndrome adult could feel superior here. It's not so much that I'm smarter; it's just that you goose steppers are so stupid and uneducated.

As far as being right, I'm right on the facts. I prove that in every debate, mostly with superior logic but occasionally with backup from reliable (read NON LIBERAL) sources.

Even "God" had more humility in your Bible if you are a Christian and admitted mistakes. 

Something about inferior minds: They tend to want to bring up The Bible and religion when they lose arguments and run out of ideas. Typical. And you wonder why everybody says liberals are so ignorant and stupid.

when confronted with data, you say: the charts are made up and we should believe you. 

So far, I have not been confronted with data, just OPINIONS some other air heads believe would look more official on a chart. Any imbecile can create a chart.  That's very easy to do.

I'm just another hack here, putting in opinions like everybody else. It's not hard to be smarter than all the liberals here. Most Florida third graders are smarter.

You goose steppers just THINK you're special. And your hero ADOLF made THESE children feel special as well.



Just because you all repeat the same lies and stupid statements doesn't make you special.

You're not. You're not even intelligent.




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On 1/10/2023 at 7:09 AM, reason10 said:

Looks like this group



may have to do with a little less funding.


House votes to rescind billions in funding to the IRS in first major majority action with McCarthy as speaker

The House of Representatives voted to rescind more than $70 billion in funding to the Internal Revenue Service on Monday night, fulfilling newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's promise to prevent the agency from hiring tens of thousands of new agents and conducting new audits on Americans. 

The bill — dubbed the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act and sponsored by Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., and Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif. — passed the House of Representatives, 221-210.

The legislation will roll back the billions of dollars of funding for the IRS approved in the Inflation Reduction Act last year but leaves in place funding for customer service and improvements to IT services.

Looks like small businesses and the lowest income earners get a reprieve from the Unelected Joe Gestapo.


Fantastic idea. 

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3 hours ago, reason10 said:

Arrogance is a "sin" that we all suffer from, but you took it to a whole different level. 

Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
'Cause I get better lookin' each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
But I'm doin' the best that I can!

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9 hours ago, Contrarian said:

I wonder what goes through your pea that you call brain? 

Do you honestly think when you type like a mental deranged escapee, when you make stuff up, when people try to reason with you by providing you documentation, people really care about the non-sense insults that you type? You yell, swear, and call people names in return.

Basic programming and boring. 

You go to bed thinking you win arguments? I hope you come to your senses, also the Bible argument, I don't think you understood it, you are a having an anger fit now and can't concentrate. 

This must be a pilot project out of Florida in which they bring a computer to someone inside a facility to continue advertising the name of "Florida Man". 

Google "Florida man" and you will understand. 

When you grow a brain, I'll take you seriously. So far, you're just a liar who throws tantrums when you lose arguments.

I don't make anything up.  Unlike you shee ite for brains goose steppers, I provide reliable sources for my view.s

Just crawl back under your rock, KKKomrade.

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On 1/10/2023 at 9:16 AM, Rebound said:

How does this help the Federal government achieve a balanced budget? 

Since Biden took office, has his administration been anywhere close to balancing the budget?

Trump added debt, and Biden is also adding a lot of debt. So where does this sudden concern for balancing the budget come from?

Those 87000 more IRS agents were meant to go after the average working stiffs. If you will recall, many of them would apparently be armed as well.

IRS seeks armed accountants ready for ‘deadly force’ | Washington Examiner

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6 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Aside from basic programming (Neanderthal language) and arrogance at a God level, someone seems in between taught you reverse psychology.

You know this IRS thing, I probably agree more with the Republican establishment on this one. I have the Randanian mind on more than a few occasions = ) like Paul Ryan, might be a defect.

The problem is when internet loud mouths like you get in the middle of this message, and makes up fake titles, puts a propaganda picture to start, then I start thinking twice.

Either you are so far gone that you don't understand how much damage you are doing to the message overall or maybe you are a volunteer for the Democratic party to write non-sense and therefore turn people away from the Republicans.

You are not a republican, in my opinion, just a disenfranchised person that could not keep up with the changes around him and turned to ugly populism to rant.

Look forward to read some ideas when you are done with the subhuman language.?

You are delusional. If you somehow think this place is important enough to warrant EITHER political party sending over operatives, then you indeed do not have even a second grade educational level.

By the way, there is no such thing as Randanian. You might ask someone with an education who Ayn Rand was (some refer to her as the mother of the libertarian movement.) Some might refer to her politics as Randian. Frankly when she was alive she was an embarrassment to her friends and followers and inner circle. She was very impatient and very intolerant of views different from hers. (Some say Ludwig Von Mises was the same way. Find someone with an education to explain to you the existence of economist Ludwig Von Mises. There's a LOT of catching up you have to do to get to the level of educated adult.)

The 80s Libertarians campaigned on getting rid of the income tax entirely and having government funding SOLELY by free donations, or maybe a national lottery. In order to pay for government, their plan was also to complete abolish the welfare state (which is 70 percent of the budget) and bring most of the military home from overseas. They would have replaced all embassy personnel everywhere with fax machines. They were also into open borders and legalization of all drugs. (Yeah, and that was the semi rational Andre Marrou/Ron Paul faction. Today, they're even nuttier.)

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4 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Since Biden took office, has his administration been anywhere close to balancing the budget?

Trump added debt, and Biden is also adding a lot of debt. So where does this sudden concern for balancing the budget come from?

Those 87000 more IRS agents were meant to go after the average working stiffs. If you will recall, many of them would apparently be armed as well.

IRS seeks armed accountants ready for ‘deadly force’ | Washington Examiner

The FACT IS, when Republicans controlled the House and Senate, discretionary spending did not increase at all. Democrats have EXPLODED that budget.

Of course, ENTITLEMENTS is 75 percent of the budget and it is on automatic increase every year.

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20 hours ago, Contrarian said:

I wonder what goes through your pea that you call brain? 

Do you honestly think when you type like a mental deranged escapee, when you make stuff up, when people try to reason with you by providing you documentation, people really care about the non-sense insults that you type? You yell, swear, and call people names in return.

Basic programming and boring. 

You go to bed thinking you win arguments? I hope you come to your senses, also the Bible argument, I don't think you understood it, you are a having an anger fit now and can't concentrate. 

This must be a pilot project out of Florida in which they bring a computer to someone inside a facility to continue advertising the name of "Florida Man". 

Google "Florida man" and you will understand. 


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18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
When you're perfect in every way
I can't wait to look in the mirror
'Cause I get better lookin' each day
To know me is to love me
I must be a hell of a man
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble
But I'm doin' the best that I can!

So you memorized some lyrics for Karaoke NIght.


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On the one hand, it seems irresponsible to say you want to balance the Federal budget, but you don’t want to fund tax collection.  

On the other hand, the CBO said that this defunding will cost $117 billion over 10 years. It doesn’t make sense to spend $8 billion a year to collect just $11.7 billion.  Something seems askew in that.  

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

On the one hand, it seems irresponsible to say you want to balance the Federal budget, but you don’t want to fund tax collection.  

On the other hand, the CBO said that this defunding will cost $117 billion over 10 years. It doesn’t make sense to spend $8 billion a year to collect just $11.7 billion.  Something seems askew in that.  

The UNELECTED JOE CBO is about as accurate as THE VIEW when it comes to factual reporting. Unelected Joe has no idea what he's signing these days. He's kowtowing to the extreme Nazi left of his  party and pretty much signing whatever they put in front of him. He has been an empty suit even before becoming Barak's water boy.


The last time the federal budget was balanced was in 1969, during the Nixon administration and during the VIETNAM WAR, when Defense was the largest item on the budget.

ENTITLEMENTS make up 75 percent of the federal budget. (To bring your small mind up to speed, the federal budget is made up of two items; Discretionary spending (where the taxpayers get value for their money: roads, defense, bridges, government salaries, etc) and Entitlement (where money is transferred from those who earn it to those who do not)

The last time the Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, discretionary spending did not go up a single penny. It EXPLODED during the Obama and Unelected Joe regimes.

Spending $80 billion to hire a bunch of jack booted thugs to go after low income earners is about as Fascist as it gets.

Defunding these goons saves the taxpayers $80 BILLION. Wanna save more? Elect Republicans. Every Republican tax cuts quadruples revenues to the Treasury.

It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY who spends in deficit. ALL deficits are the result of Democrat programs.

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Only fanatics can not laugh at comedy or satire. Do you honestly think I believe someone pays you? 

I've heard that MOe RONIC line about political parties paying people to post at two bit joints like this for probably longer than you've been alive. When someone makes a statement like that, after I've heard it thousands of times, I just assume the person saying it has the brains of frozen yogurt.

Rand, Randian, Randanian, her theories did help me at one point, I was attracted first by her distaste for both fascism and communism, but at the end, she ended up dying recieving Social Security payments.

Did she practice what she preached in terms of economics?

As I've mentioned many times before, Rand's own supporters and admirers were very often embarrassed by her actions. The woman had the morals of a mink, breaking up marriages whenever she felt she was entitled to the married swinging dick. I'm pretty sure liberals should LOVE Rand because she was extremely PRO ABORTION in a way that would make Hitlary proud.

The ONLY rational part of Ayn Rand was her novels and her philosophical writings. Not sure if she ever received a Sosha Curity check or not. There are no links to that fact, one way or another.

Until then maybe you find the link to show me where it says Florida is over California in academia? or admit you are wrong?

A few things add to that evidence pile. There are ZERO schools in Florida (or school districts) who claim that certain kinds of math are RACIST, because they are allegedly too complicated for blacks. That by itself would pretty much condemn California's entire education landscape.

ZERO schools in Florida have outlawed the word "Field" because they claim it was racist. Another intellectual and educational advantage Florida has over California.

The "Anti Woke Act" basically reads like it was written by Dr. King himself.


Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill (HB) 7, to give businesses, employees, children and families tools to stand up against discrimination and woke indoctrination. The bill includes provisions to prevent discriminatory instruction in the workplace and in public schools and defines individual freedoms based on the fundamental truth that all individuals are equal before the law and have inalienable rights. This legislation is the first of its kind in the nation to take on both corporate wokeness and Critical Race Theory in schools in one act. Read more here.

“No one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “In Florida, we will not let the far-left woke agenda take over our schools and workplaces. There is no place for indoctrination or discrimination in Florida.”

If you can  provide a link to California passing a similar bill that eradicates this kind of racism, I'm all ears. Right now, most of what comes out of that shithole state is the exact opposite.

California has the highest taxes and the largest budget deficits (along with the largest welfare state in America). Businesses are LEAVING that state because of it's toxic business environment.

Florida on the other hand has the best economy in the country. This state has NO state income tax and our budget is balanced BY LAW. (These days, our budget is in surplus, something you WON'T see in high tax blue states.) I would say electing such a responsible class of politicians to do the people's work so efficiently is a sign of a superior educated electorate here.

Businesses are FLOCKING here, as are new residents, (something us small town Floridians aren't too pleased about.)





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2 hours ago, reason10 said:

The UNELECTED JOE CBO is about as accurate as THE VIEW when it comes to factual reporting. Unelected Joe has no idea what he's signing these days. He's kowtowing to the extreme Nazi left of his  party and pretty much signing whatever they put in front of him. He has been an empty suit even before becoming Barak's water boy.


The last time the federal budget was balanced was in 1969, during the Nixon administration and during the VIETNAM WAR, when Defense was the largest item on the budget.

ENTITLEMENTS make up 75 percent of the federal budget. (To bring your small mind up to speed, the federal budget is made up of two items; Discretionary spending (where the taxpayers get value for their money: roads, defense, bridges, government salaries, etc) and Entitlement (where money is transferred from those who earn it to those who do not)

The last time the Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, discretionary spending did not go up a single penny. It EXPLODED during the Obama and Unelected Joe regimes.

Spending $80 billion to hire a bunch of jack booted thugs to go after low income earners is about as Fascist as it gets.

Defunding these goons saves the taxpayers $80 BILLION. Wanna save more? Elect Republicans. Every Republican tax cuts quadruples revenues to the Treasury.

It is the DEMOCRAT PARTY who spends in deficit. ALL deficits are the result of Democrat programs.

Man oh man. 
The “Biden CBO”? 
What does the ‘C’ in CBO stand for?


And, by the way, the last time the Federal budget was balanced was during the Clinton Presidency, and the two branches of Federal spending are Discretionary Spending and Non-Discretionary Spending. Non-Discretionary spending compresses more than entitlements; for example, it also includes interest payments on the Federal Debt.

Edited by Rebound
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