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Trump (and Republicans): end Constitution

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3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

It's just like you to believe that an assumption is proof viable enough to be substantiated in a court of law.  


Edited by CrakHoBarbie
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3 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

It's just like you to believe that an assumption is proof viable enough to be substantiated in a court of law.  


Fine...let's all watch the pending primetime congressional investigations...and find out.

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On 12/5/2022 at 1:16 AM, myata said:

This is not about Biden, much more is at stake. Clearly partisanship in this case takes precedence over the matter of importance to the entire society. Constitution is not about who will win and which party will rule. It's about democracy. By failing to protect it every time, from any threat or attack regardless of other considerations and conveniences we allow it to be eroded. It's already done, here.

And the next time someone will try to make another step. This is how it played out, no guarantees or assurances. Only the past, or the future?

A Republic Is a Foster Government

The ruling class's Constitution empowers a tiny clique of snobs who smugly believe they have the right to make all political decisions for the rest of us.  They think of us as orphan children who need to be parented by people with superior knowledge, experience, and maturity. 

They, like the "Founding Fathers," believe that democracy is "mob rule" and "tyranny of the majority."  Their Constitution ("We, the superior Born to Rule people at the Constitutional Convention") is an anti-democratic manifesto putting the nation in the crushing grip of a closed bi-partisan oligarchy.

Electing does not mean voting.  It is a forced choice to give up our right to self-determination on the important issues to a pre-owned politician.  Representation is a re-presentation of all previous elitist tyrannies, mostly entitled by birth and not at all by worth.

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On 12/13/2022 at 11:07 AM, CrakHoBarbie said:

If you cannot prove your assumed fraud swayed the election, then youve got a handful of shite. What you need is evidence viable enough to be substantiated in a court of law. And that you do not have..... Jesus

The Democrats Demographic Demolition Derby


The whole debate is an irrelevant distraction because the republic-worshiping Republicans don't dare say that the electorate itself is a fraud.  A free people would have had the right to vote, in a national referendum, on who else here can vote and who can immigrate here and become a voter.  

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On 12/13/2022 at 12:07 PM, CrakHoBarbie said:

If you cannot prove your assumed fraud swayed the election, then youve got a handful of shite. What you need is evidence viable enough to be substantiated in a court of law. And that you do not have..... Jesus

Listen to you.

You just keep saying "I know that they cheated, but you can't prove it changed te course of the election".

You completely accept that the Dems are election cheaters. Thanks.

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On 12/13/2022 at 11:54 PM, BeaverFever said:

an absolute lie.

You should preface all your posts with that disclaimer.


Henry personally led the remediation and forensics analysis of the DNC server after being warned of a breach in late April 2016;

1) Henry is the guy on the planet who knows the answer.


his work was paid for by the DNC, which refused to turn over its server to the FBI.

Geez, why not? You know it has to be bad if even their own lackeys in the FBI can't see it.


Asked for the date when alleged Russian hackers stole data from the DNC server, Henry testified that CrowdStrike did not in fact know if such a theft occurred at all: "We did not have concrete evidence that the data was exfiltrated [moved electronically] from the DNC, but we have indicators that it was exfiltrated," Henry said.


Crowdstrike did not know

Did not know.

You lose.


Henry reiterated his claim on multiple occasions: 

  • "There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left."

Set up by a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the IT dept no doubt.

  • "There’s not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There's circumstantial evidence but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated."
  • "There is circumstantial evidence that that data was exfiltrated off the network. … We didn't have a sensor in place that saw data leave. We said that the data left based on the circumstantial evidence. That was the conclusion that we made."
  • "Sir, I was just trying to be factually accurate, that we didn't see the data leave, but we believe it left, based on what we saw."
  • Asked directly if he could "unequivocally say" whether "it was or was not exfiltrated out of DNC," Henry told the committee: "I can't say based on that." 

Try not to get too sweaty now....


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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Listen to you.

You just keep saying "I know that they cheated, but you can't prove it changed te course of the election".

You completely accept that the Dems are election cheaters. Thanks.


We know that there were very small and isolated cases of voter fraud on the part of both Republican and Democrat voters, but these few dozen votes didn’t nearly sway the outcome of even a single precinct. 

To repeat: The small amount of fraud that occurred was equally Republican and Democrat. 

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43 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Listen to you.

You just keep saying "I know that they cheated, but you can't prove it changed te course of the election".

You completely accept that the Dems are election cheaters. Thanks.

I said "assumed fraud".... So now your purposefully misreading my posts in a feeble attempt at giving your "assumptions" validity.... Stupid boy.

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On 12/14/2022 at 12:13 AM, BeaverFever said:

You’re wasting your breath. The beliefs of the Deplorables are not based on any consideration of “evidence”.  @WestCanMan  started his own “election fraud” hysteria thread within hours of Trumps loss, long before any of this Hunter Biden Twitter nonsense or any other bogus wrongdoing claims were available for him to have considered. He worships Trump and that is all there is to it.  TWO YEARS LATER AND STILL HAVING ZERO EVIDENCE hasn’t swayed him. It is the way of the crazed zealot. A fee years from now you might find him on a street corner, beard down to his knees, screaming at the clouds about the conspiracy. 


You cn cry to each other, but you can't dent that the Dems and their FBI lackeys are constantly getting caught cheating on elections.

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On 12/15/2022 at 11:37 AM, Rebound said:

False.We know that there were very small and isolated cases of voter fraud on the part of both Republican and Democrat voters,


We know that there were several actual instances of election cheating by the Dems and the FBI, they even committed actual crimes. 

The FBI actually had to plead guilty to a crime in which they cheated on an election. That's pretty bad.

You don't have any examples of Trump/Republicans or any law enforcement agencies cheating to help influence the outcome of an election in their favour. You have some thoroughly discredited allegations and that's it. 

The Dems are KNOWN cheaters, on multiple occasions.

Ths topic begings and ends with "The Dems and their FBI lackeys are known election cheaters & criminals, and their grand accusations against the GOP have always been proven false."


but these few dozen votes didn’t nearly sway the outcome of even a single precinct. 

So your opinion is that the Dems are election cheaters/criminals but no one proved that their cheating changed the course of an election. 

That's nothing to be proud of. 


To repeat: The small amount of fraud that occurred was equally Republican and Democrat. 

To repeat: ^that^ is one of your many lies. 

The simple fact of the matter is that the Dems and their FBI lackeys are court-documented election cheaters/criminals. If you need proof, just ask me, and I will provide the cites again. 

The GOP have been wrongly accused by those same criminals. You don't have a cite showing that Trump or any high-ranking GOPers committed and election crimes. 

Go fly a kite Rebound. 

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On 12/15/2022 at 11:21 AM, WestCanMan said:

You should preface all your posts with that disclaimer.

1) Henry is the guy on the planet who knows the answer.

Geez, why not? You know it has to be bad if even their own lackeys in the FBI can't see it.

Crowdstrike did not know

Did not know.

You lose.

Set up by a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the IT dept no doubt.

Try not to get too sweaty now....


1) Hey. dum-dum:  You’re probably not even aware that you’re pulling the old bait and switch again. As usual you’re so lost and confused in your MAGA fever swamp you don’t realize when you’re mixing up 2 different things.

To recap: in your first post you LIED and said he didn’t know DNC Was as HACKED when in fact he precisely and unmistakably said they were Hacked and that they saw and recognized 2 known Russian military intelligence hackers active on the network in real time.

Now in your rebuttal you’re quoting a section where he said he couldn’t positively confirm that said hackers exfiltrated the emails in question. Even an ignorant high school dropout like you should be able to understand those are 2 completely different things right dum-dum ?  I honestly can’t tell whether you’re legitimately confused on these 2 completely different points or if you’re deliberately trying to confuse others.  


2) Secondly:  even though he testified he did not witness the data being exfiltrated by the Russians he stated that in his expert opinion there is enough evidence for him to believe that is the case. It may come as shock to simpletons like yourself but not a single judge or jury has ever witnessed a criminal actually committing the crime their accused of. They make their determination based on review of the evidence. 

3) So is Hillary hiding info from the FBI or collaborating with them?  Please get your story straight. You’re trying to tell it both ways. 

4) Hilarious that you you demand an insurmountable amount of evidence to prove Russia hacked Hillary but then you put out this absolute ZERO EVIDENCE claim that a Bernie supporter did it without leaving a trace and suddenly evidence doesn’t matter you just know it’s true based on your gut instinct and that should be good enough for anyone. You’re such a hypocrite . 

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On 12/16/2022 at 11:56 AM, WestCanMan said:

You cn cry to each other, but you can't dent that the Dems and their FBI lackeys are constantly getting caught cheating on elections.

Yeah the pointless FBI investigation into Hillary’s emails cost her the 2016 election but go ahead and believe the lies from your criminal cult leader Trump and the murderous dictator Putin

Edited by BeaverFever
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On 12/18/2022 at 12:58 PM, BeaverFever said:

1) Hey. dum-dum:  

Hey dumbass, when he was compelled to tell the truth under oath he confessed that he doesn't have any proof at all that the server was actually hacked. I provided that cite for you.

The server was most likely not hacked, but you are just lying (as usual) when you say it was hacked. 

You're the last Russian collusion holdout on earth. I feel like you live on a desert island with an old Japanese fighter pilot, and you guys jump out from behind bushes and try to bayonet Americans and GOP voters.

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On 12/18/2022 at 1:08 PM, BeaverFever said:

Yeah the pointless FBI investigation into Hillary’s emails cost her the 2016 election but go ahead and believe the lies from your criminal cult leader Trump and the murderous dictator Putin

Stop making excuses for Hillary.

She's a revolting human in general, a criminal, a sleazebag, a massive liar, and she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

The main reason that she lost is that she has an even bigger mouth than Trump. When she said that Trump voters all fit into the "basket of deplorables" the election was over. No one has ever done more to fight against the opposition's voter apathy than Hillary did in 2016.

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Hey dumbass, when he was compelled to tell the truth under oath he confessed that he doesn't have any proof at all that the server was actually hacked.

Absolutely False 


21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I provided that cite for you.

No you didn’t that’s why I made fun of you for being so dumb. You don’t even understand what you posted. Do not not know what “hacked” means?


21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The server was most likely not hacked, but you are just lying (as usual) when you say it was hacked. 

Absolutely false. You don’t understand the words you are copy-pasting. 

20 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

She's a revolting human in general, a criminal, a sleazebag, a massive liar, and she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Sounds like Trump to me. 

20 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The main reason that she lost is that she has an even bigger mouth than Trump. When she said that Trump voters all fit into the "basket of deplorables" the election was over.

LMAO False!!!  The Deplorables are deplorable and they were always going to turn out for Trump  

She was leading right up until Comey’s public announcement the day before the election that they had “new evidence” and were reopening the email investigation into her, which ended up being a big nothingburger.  That plus the existing voter apathy for Hillary given that she was just an uninteresting boring generic establishment candidate nobody could really get excited about were enough to sink her. 


21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're the last Russian collusion holdout on earth.

So says the guy whose entire existence is based on literally dozens of baseless incoherent conspiracy nonsense:

9/11 was an inside job!  

Climate Change is a Hoax!

Mainstream Media conspiracy!

Obama’s birth certificate!


Hillary’s emails!

Hunter Biden!


COVID Vaccines!

Stolen 2020 Election!  

Ukrainian Biolabs!

^partial list only.

You’re a straight up kook

Edited by BeaverFever
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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Absolutely False 

You're right. Basically everything that you say is absolutely false, collusion boy.

The fact is that the person who had his hands on the server said that he didn't have definitive proof that it was hacked.

As soon as the DNC jobbed Bernie, the info on their server was leaked to wikileaks, and Assange himself said that the info came from a leak, not a hack.

Do you think that there's not a single Berne supporter with access to the DNC servers? 

Literally everything points to a leak. No one who had access to the server or the leaked emails said that the emails were hacked.

Do you know who is saying that the emails were hacked? The people who cheated on the election. Literally no one else on earth is saying that the info was leaked aside from the known cheaters, and their useful idjits


No you didn’t that’s why I made fun of you for being so dumb. You don’t even understand what you posted. Do not not know what “hacked” means?

You never make fun of anyone, you just continually prove how stupid you are. 

Info from the servers was leaked. The server was most likely not hacked. That's absolutely correct, you're just so dumb that you don't speak English properly. 

1) Hacked means that someone who does not have authority to access the information, and wasn't given a password, managed to find a way in and do what they wanted. 

2) Lots of people have access to those servers. When those people use their own access to the servers to extract info from there it's not a hack. 


Absolutely false. You don’t understand the words you are copy-pasting. 

Grow up.



LMAO False!!!  The Deplorables are deplorable and they were always going to turn out for Trump  


You're such a child lol. Your one redeeming quality is that your posts are good for a laugh.



So says the guy whose entire existence is based on literally dozens of baseless incoherent conspiracy nonsense:

9/11 was an inside job!  

Climate Change is a Hoax!

Mainstream Media conspiracy!

Obama’s birth certificate!


Hillary’s emails!

Hunter Biden!


COVID Vaccines!

Stolen 2020 Election!  

Ukrainian Biolabs!

^partial list only.

You’re a straight up kook


You posted a bunch of topics that I posted about, oh my gosh! Is that supposed to be proof of something? 

FYI you just say stupid things about all of those topics, I wouldn't even reference them if I was you. 

1) You're too stupid to understand the things I post about, so stop putting your own idjitotic spin on them

2) Everything I ever said here was true, and you've never been able to prove otherwise. You're just a tired old liar who's given up on ever telling the truth. You're dedicated to spreading BS and propaganda. You're repugnant.

3) You're the collusion boy who spent 3 years lying your face off here, now you're busy trying to say that people don't get to determine whether or not they're Nazis lol. 

4) I find it funny that you want to whine about every topic I post about, yet you've never said a peep about the vaccines. Aren't you supposed to be a good little useful idjit and prattle off some pro-vax, pro-mandate nonsense when people post "MISINFORMATION!!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!!" about the Pflacebo? 

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